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Posted (edited)

I wonder what change made the search bar on https://learn.microsoft.com/ appear correctly in newer UXP browsers with Palefill extension, something in UXP or the extension? One small thing that renders correctly now on newer UXP browsers, but not Chrome 86. Actually, not the search bar, just the magnifying glass icon is misplaced. Not sure abut other parts, will have to check with more recent Chromium for comparison.

About WebRTC, if I remember correctly, I'd like to add that it made it to Basilisk/Serpent as it was considered newer/experimental application at the time that resembled Firefox with Australis interface, which happened to have the feature. I believe some work must be done on the GUI side to properly support it (permission settings). Maybe it would make it to Pale Moon if its implementation in the current state was useful practically, or would the users also vote no? :dubbio:

Edited by UCyborg

4 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

There is an about:permissions page.  But no setting for microphone.  NM28 is probably "supposed to" popup a little dialog box when a website requests mic access but it does not (my reference page is Google Voice).

I don't know if you've already answered this ... but when you do go to about:permissions I presume the changes should be make in your prefs.

user_pref("permissions.default.camera", 2); (default 0)
user_pref("permissions.default.desktop-notification", 2); (default 0)
user_pref("permissions.default.geo", 2); (default 0)
user_pref("permissions.default.microphone", 2); (default 0)
user_pref("permissions.default.xr", 2);
user_pref("permissions.delegation.enabled", false);

I've been carrying around the last 2 prefs and I don't even what they are supposedly doing or not doing. I reset them and they are gone.


Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

I don't know if you've already answered this ... but when you do go to about:permissions I presume the changes should be make in your prefs.

user_pref("permissions.default.camera", 2); (default 0)
user_pref("permissions.default.desktop-notification", 2); (default 0)
user_pref("permissions.default.geo", 2); (default 0)
user_pref("permissions.default.microphone", 2); (default 0)
user_pref("permissions.default.xr", 2);
user_pref("permissions.delegation.enabled", false);

I've been carrying around the last 2 prefs and I don't even what they are supposedly doing or not doing. I reset them and they are gone.


Oops ... I mean my settings are reflecting that I'm blocking: the Camera, Notifications, Locations, and Microphone. Although, I only have external microphones and no camera anymore anyway and the location is only for maps (so I'm told) .

Edited by XPerceniol
11 hours ago, VistaLover said:

Don't make decisions based on sheer enthusiasm ;) ... That was just ONE long-standing UXP shortcoming that was fixed... Chromium 86 is years ahead in JS features in demand by the recent "web"... :(

11 hours ago, VistaLover said:

I'd stay with 360EEv13.5 myself (especially if WebRTC is a "must") ...


2 hours ago, Alex654 said:

What is it? :)

: Web Components/Custom Elements ;) :



(most of this was implemented in Firefox [Quantum] 63 (/ Chromium 53), partial implementations were behind a disabled "about:config" pref in earlier Fx versions...) .

22 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

There is an about:permissions page.  But, no setting for microphone.  NM28 is probably "supposed to" popup a little dialog box when a website requests mic access but it does not (my reference page is Google Voice).

Serpent 52 lacks an "about:permissions" "internal" page... However, once on a specific URL, you can access a mic/camera permission setting via "context menu -> View Page Info -> Permissions" tab: 


Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, UCyborg said:

Anyway, I tried libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll from seamonkey-2.53.14.en-US.win32.zip (Windows 7+ compatible browser) with latest 32-bit Serpent 52 on Vista and the browser did not crash anymore on Shadertoy! :D

... Sadly, when I repeated that experiment here (Vista SP2 32-bit), I got this:


Edit: DW reports issues with St52's "mozglue.dll" file:


Edited by VistaLover
DW screengrab added

This looks wrong, St52's mozglue.dll definitely does have free and moz_xmalloc functions. :crazy:

That said, I delete VC runtime DLLs from application folder, so all api*.dllmsvcp140.dll, ucrtbase.dll, vcomp140.dll and vcruntime140.dll, also both D3DCompiler_*.dll since I have all of those in system System32/SysWOW64 folders. Then dependentlibs.list file must be modified to not list any of those, I actually delete everything except the "xul.dll" line since the OS resolves other dependencies anyway.

I actually have Visual C++ 2022 Redist version 14.32.31326 from 1st half of previous year installed, it was installed from whatever version of this pack was current then.


I feel dumb asking this, but with the amount of browsers builds... I lost the track...

Which is the browser, with the most most "up-to-date"/compatible engine with sites, and that has support, or is compatible, with Windows SP2 (aka Service Pack 2)?

The point is that since long ago I use NewMoon 28... but I don't see updates to the engine with always the same messages at the blog:

"No official Pale-Moon changes picked since my last build.

No official Basilisk changes picked since my last build."


So... that's it, which is the latest browser for XP SP2?


New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20230121-3219d2d-uxp-cad030d6c-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win64-git-20230121-3219d2d-uxp-cad030d6c-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

IA32 Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20230121-3219d2d-uxp-cad030d6c-xpmod-ia32.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20230121-d849524bd-uxp-cad030d6c-xpmod.7z
Win32 IA32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20230121-d849524bd-uxp-cad030d6c-xpmod-ia32.7z
Win32 SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20230121-d849524bd-uxp-cad030d6c-xpmod-sse.7z
Win64 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win64-git-20230121-d849524bd-uxp-cad030d6c-xpmod.7z

Official UXP changes picked since my last build:
- [network] Avoid queue manipulation inside a loop (525b4e188)
- [gtk widget] Use text/uri-list for file drag&drop. (4381425b2)
- No issue - factor out some frame iterator helper functions. (549389d32)
- [DOM] Add some null checks for PerformanceWorkers (d8756a58d)
- [devtools] Improve Copy as cURL (7764640b0)
- [DOM] Make nsHTMLContentSerializer handle noscript depending on the scripting enabled state of the document. (f080f2e97)

No official Pale-Moon changes picked since my last build.

No official Basilisk changes picked since my last build.

Update Notice:
- You may delete file named icudt58l.dat inside program folder when updating from old releases.

* Notice: From now on, UXP rev will point to `custom` branch of my UXP repo instead of MCP UXP repo, while "official UXP changes" shows only `tracking` branch changes.


New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20230121-485bba73-uxp-cad030d6c-xpmod.7z
BNavigator Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20230121-485bba73-uxp-cad030d6c-xpmod.7z

source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/tree/custom

* Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15.


New build of HBL-UXP for XP!

Test binary:
IceDove-UXP(mail) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/icedove.win32-20230121-id-656ea98-uxp-cad030d6c-xpmod.7z
IceApe-UXP(suite) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/iceape.win32-20230121-id-656ea98-ia-93af9a0-uxp-cad030d6c-xpmod.7z

source repo (excluding UXP):

for UXP changes please see above.


New build of post-deprecated Serpent/moebius for XP!
* Notice: This repo will not be built on regular schedule, and changes are experimental as usual.
** Current moebius patch level should be on par with 52.9, but some security patches can not be applied/ported due to source milestone differences between versions.

Test binary:
Win32 http://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk55-win32-git-20230121-59297b6be-xpmod.7z
Win64 http://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk55-win64-git-20230121-59297b6be-xpmod.7z

repo: https://github.com/roytam1/basilisk55

Repo changes:
- import from UXP: [network] Avoid queue manipulation inside a loop (525b4e18) (5e0bc8c3e)
- import from UXP: [gtk widget] Use text/uri-list for file drag&drop. (4381425b) (52083dd97)
- import from UXP: No issue - factor out some frame iterator helper functions. (549389d3) (390b17426)
- import from UXP: [DOM] Add some null checks for PerformanceWorkers (d8756a58) (aad5a8d97)
- ported from UXP: [devtools] Improve Copy as cURL (7764640b) (3b470271e)
- import from UXP: [DOM] Make nsHTMLContentSerializer handle noscript depending on the scripting enabled state of the document. (f080f2e9) (59297b6be)


New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20230121-f579c98b65-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20230121-f579c98b65-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20230121-f579c98b65-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win64-git-20230121-f579c98b65-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1207649: Prepare |BluetoothAddress| for general use throughout Bluetooth code, r=brsun (12c9761458)
 - Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth Core backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=brsun (0ca8bca611)
 - Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth GATT backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=joliu (baf3aabc35)
 - Bug 1202386: Output clear Bluetooth IPC errors, r=shuang (805c1b886d)
 - Bug 1204497: Interpret AVRCP remote features as bitmask, r=shuang (858bfc85f0)
 - Bug 1207649: Remove obsolete string/address conversion from Bluetooth backend, r=brsun (18fc742a39)
 - Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothAclState| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (452a5d8c4c)
 - Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothPinCode| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (98d5c8489b)
 - Bug 1186331: Check for \0 when parsing Bluetooth device names, r=btian (a4559805f7)
 - Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothRemoteName| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (427212ca62)
 - Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothServiceName| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (088cb2544e)
 - Bug 1211948: Add interface class for Setup module to Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (4e1163d509)
 - Bug 1203821 - [01] Add utility functions to convert big/little endianness and revise BluetoothPbapManager accordingly, r=shuang (34bcf3a373)
 - Bug 1212729 - Handle illegal PBAP virtual folders path properly. r=btian (eaf1f9092b)
 - Bug 1212725 - Convert relative paths of PBAP PullvCardListing to absolute path. r=btian (d2862cd8ac)
 - Bug 1203821 - [02] Notify gaia of PBAP request with one integrated function, f=jaliu, r=shuang (c2e875b0f7)
 - Bug 1215525: Update |BluetoothUuid| structure with c'tors and helper methods, r=brsun (44697b02d6)
 - Bug 1221326 - use Endian.h more widely in bluetooth code; r=btian (94217af081)
 - Bug 1166675 - Implement GetMessagesListing function, r=btian (e743afc62e)
 - Bug 1166679 - Implement GetMessage function, r=btian (bf6c108a69)
 - Bug 1186836 - Implement SetMessageStatus function, r=btian (2e163d29fd)
 - Bug 1195710 - [MAP]Implement PushMessage function, r=btian (0efcf6dd0e)
 - Bug 1166647 - Implement MAP bMessage class, r=btian (90ed64f17e)
 - Bug 1184017 - [MAP] Dispatch events to MAP event handlers, r=btian, sr=mrbkap (32289cee15)
 - Bug 1168298 - Support OBEX authentication procedure, r=shuang, r=mrbkap (24c07354f6)
 - fix misspatch (f173366d27)
 - Bug 1208492 - Handle MAP replies from Gaia and pass the results to BluetoothMapSmsManager, r=btian (1230cd8558)
 - Bug 1216195 - use mozilla/Endian.h facilities in bluetooth code; r=btian (be77bb24a0)
 - Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth A2DP backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=shuang (30b71ac118)
 - Bug 1202060: Store Bluetooth profile controller while (dis-)connecting AVRCP, r=shuang (0247a6db65)
 - Bug 1204497: Complete AVRCP connect/disconnect from separate runnables, r=shuang (800a85b6dc)
 - Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth Socket backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=brsun (05c10fe2e0)
 - Bug 1189315 - Add daemon interface for HFP WBS callback. r=tzimmermann (d60a8014d4)
 - Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth Handsfree backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=brsun (770e2a5ec2)
 - Bug 1215525: Replace strings with Bluetooth addresses and UUIDs in Bluetooth mid-layer, r=brsun (e9409a5f08)
 - Bug 1211769 - [MAP] Pack MAP replies to OBEX response packets, r=btain, sr=mrbkap (cbd72a044d)
 - Bug 1226063 - take advantage of UniquePtr in BluetoothMapSmsManager::SendMasObexData; r=btian (80ea6465e8)
 - Bug 1217339 - Fix illegal format of folder-listing object, r=btian (47739df63a)
 - Bug 1221547 - part 1 - enable UnixSocketRawData to take ownership of a passed-in-buffer; r=tzimmerman (6971f7d47d)
 - Bug 1207011 - Send Bluetooth OBEX End-of-Body header individually to improve the compatibility with other devices. r=btian (91164179a7)
 - Bug 1221547 - part 2 - copy less data for file transfers over bluetooth; r=btian (5f87b8e38e)
 - Bug 1203821 - [03] Restore missing bug 1212729 change, r=shuang (d0f384e58f)
 - Bug 1218295 - Convert the relative path of PullvCardEntry to absolute path if PBAP request isn't using X-BT-UID. r=btian (6d88b2aa02)
 - Bug 1221898 - Fix PBAP memory leakage, r=brsun (47735ba5b8)
 - Bug 1224109 - [PBAP] Return early if OBEX authentication password is empty, r=shuang (dd2eab446b) (35abf9a4e9)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1225941 - Add a method for getting the set of nodes immediately dominated by another node; r=sfink (d1507ec58f) (9ce925bf38)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1196391, part 3 - Make argument count assertions fatal in js::ExpandErrorArgumentsVA(). r=Waldo (8233c0afac)
 - minor cleanup (1da0b2c3e9)
 - Bug 1191765: Make Debugger.Object.prototype.getScript properly recognize functions without scripts. r=fitzgen (3e2753577f)
 - Bug 1165807 - display WeakSet and WeakMap contents in console; r=bz,fitzgen (d8f70d8e6a)
 - Bug 1226024 - Expose the root of the dominator tree to JavaScript; r=bz,sfink x # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (1949832288)
 - Bug 1220702 - Part 1: Replace callback() and newNode() with variadic templates. What could go wrong? r=Waldo. (80e1b40871)
 - Bug 1220702 - Part 2: Fix the .method property of certain FunctionDeclaration nodes. r=Waldo. (47f244a6e0)
 - Bug 1220702 - Part 3: Distinguish ES6 generators from legacy generators in Reflect.parse() output. r=Waldo. (362bb8ea4b)
 - bit of Bug 1180017 - Fix up the badly-horked backout and re-land. (f4f92ff88c)
 - Bug 1155303 - Add telemetry for async DeferredFinalize max pause. r=smaug (3ddc7b8856)
 - Bug 1174796 - Make sure ReleaseNow releases everything. r=smaug (5065aa1f52)
 - Bug 1191918 - Remove printf debugging r=me (48e95e425e)
 - update some tests (26ae4a8050)
 - Bug 1218643 - correct a DOM test. r=smaug " (75c6302bbb)
 - space (26dfeca131)
 - Bug 1166805 part 1 - refactor common tests for whether an animated list mirrors the base version of the list into methods. r=dholbert (e538b90e00)
 - Bug 1166805 part 2 - Call SetCapacity before calling DOMSVGXXXList::MaybeInsertNullInAnimValListAt, to prevent fallible InsertElementAt calls from failing r=dholbert (918397681f)
 - Bug 1092125 - Part 1 - Add non-scaling-stroke support to nsSVGPathGeometryElement::GetGeometryBounds (except line). r=jwatt (19ee6f9517)
 - Bug 1092125 - part 2 - add non-scaling-stroke support to SVGLineElement::GetGeometryBounds. r=jwatt (2c84b88ff1)
 - Bug 1140080 - ensure we only create stop frames for gradients. r=dholbert (636db91975)
 - Bug 1182496 - Don't create frames for SVG <text> descendants with failing conditional processing attributes. r=dholbert (4e976c1587)
 - Bug 1149542 - Part 3: Crashtest. r=dholbert (cde5ca0f57)
 - Bug 1209525 - Protect GetGeometryBounds from a singular non-scaling-stroke transform. r=longsonr (2cd1f2e0a4)
 - Bug 325427 - Add crashtest. (98ab5e6907)
 - Bug 803562 - force -moz-appearance: none on foreignObject elements. r=dbaron (0ba37f76ad)
 - Bug 950324 - Add crashtest. (6e2f7bc4c2)
 - Bug 1178159 - Ignore stroke-linecap:"square" on circle and ellipse. r=longsonr (42f4a9a71c)
 - Bug 1187770 - work around draw targets that don't display zero-length lines. r=longsonr (a612616ecb)
 - Bug 1222812 - add a null check in case there is no old style. r=dholbert (6a883edea2)
 - Bug 958160 - Compute bounds in transformed space instead of user space in GetCoveredRegion. r=longsonr (d020a10c56)
 - Bug 1224061: Followup to fix b2g bustage r=me CLOSED TREE (1dc2693955)
 - Bug 1173573 - Fix possible crash initializing sessionstorage. r=honzab (c6c77ccf7d)
 - Bug 536509 - Update localStorage to use common StorageAllowedForWindow logic, r=ehsan (825ee71ff3)
 - Bug 606655 - delete cookies UI option AskMeEveryTime and its related comments and tests. r=mak (828dfe54a5)
 - Bug 1194052 - Append to redirectchain before asyncopen() is called (r=sicking,mayhemer) (bb051ceb94)
 - Bug 1145503 - TP exceptions added while in Private Browsing mode persist beyond the Private Browsing session. r=ehsan Import url-classifier and private browsing modules. (4492b2de09)
 - Bug 1138979 - Pref to turn TP on when in Private Browsing mode. r=mmc , r=ehsan (5078eaa914)
 - Bug 1168635 - Extend nsITLSServerSocket to customize cipher suites. r=keeler (185a551640)
 - Bug 1165423 - WebRTC Fix DTLS handshake by expanding UDP buffer. r=rjesup (1f207e03ee)
 - Bug 1219939 - make nsTemporaryFileInputStream nsISeekableStream, r=jduell (f2a5ddfbf2)
 - Bug 1125816 - Parse FTP directory listings of Windows CE and WEC7 FTP Server r=jduell (4137b29d21)
 - Bug 1171016 - Initialize the linelen variable at its declaration in ParseFTPList.cpp. r=mcmanus (2a3960897d)
 - Bug 1197313 - remove PR_snprintf calls in netwerk/; r=froydnj (005da76d31)
 - Bug 1219910 - make gSocketThread a relaxed atomic variable; r=mcmanus (620d299605)
 - Bug 1222867 - part 1 - return already_AddRefed from WebSocketEventService::CreateFrameIfNeeded; r=mcmanus (0eee829a08)
 - Bug 1222867 - part 2 - be smarter about transferring ownership of WebSocketFrame; r=mcmanus (4a9fd71798)
 - Bug 1211001 - constant ASSERTION: nsITimer->SetDelay() called when the one-shot timer is not set up, r=mcmanus (451c903cbe)
 - Bug 1130822 - properly decode arbitrarily aligned data for non-tier1 platforms. r=mcmanus (bcb99913dc)
 - Bug 1204731 - telemetry for peer h2 goaway r=hurley (d6748682b4)
 - Bug 1205810 - telemetry for local h2 goaway code r=hurley (e142625588)
 - bug 1194818 - h2 header priority handling r=hurley (51766fff44)
 - bug 1194820 - h2 push promise padding handling r=hurley (560ee1f480)
 - bug 1208114 - fix h2 connect tunnels r=hurley (d17f920c31)
 - Bug 1213060 (part 1) - Properly handle discarding padding in Http2Session::OnWriteSegment. r=mcmanus (2cce4ac006)
 - Bug 1213060 (part 2) - Re-add state assertion in Http2Session::OnWriteSegment. r=mcmanus (6b1c030780)
 - fix build (39845819f6)
 - Bug 1214076 - allow TokenServerClient errors to be JSON.stringify'd. r=rnewman (ab6085fa97)
 - Bug 1220007 P1 Allow ConsoleReportCollectors to flush to another collector. r=bz (a97b2c5a57)
 - Bug 1220007 P2 Make InterceptedChannel's collect logs locally and only flush to nsIChannel on main thread r=bz (85b77c5a44)
 - Bug 867407 - Fix cloning of file URIs with search query strings (r=sworkman) (da6fd51c15)
 - Bug 1220728 Clear pending exceptions if string conversion fails in SWintercept error handling. r=bz (b188c34862)
 - Bug 1147913 - Change NS_SOCKETTRANSPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID to NS_STREAMTRANSPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID in RespondWithHandler::ResolvedCallback. r=ehsan (5b443e88ab)
 - fix namespace (562ed51caa)
 - Bug 1206060 - Show pinning status at about:cache. r=michal (75ed53663f)
 - Bug 1032254 - Generic way to pin reasource in the HTTP cache, r=michal (eeb860f8e3)
 - Bug 1211504. Remove unused member from RefLayer. (fab6bae915) (b808ffac2d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1222226 - Don't return eRestyleResult_StopWithStyleChange if the old style context is shared. r=dbaron (ad682c717e)
 - Bug 1222745 - Restore eRestyleResult_StopWithStyleChange optimization for shared style contexts by comparing rule nodes for inherited style data changes. r=dbaron (766bb79aac)
 - Bug 1032613 part 1: Promote FrameMaintainsOverflow to be a public nsIFrame method, & implement it using HasAllStateBits. r=dbaron (b3c44e7ba6)
 - Bug 1032613 part 2: Make RestyleManager::AddSubtreeToOverflowTracker skip frames that don't maintain overflow areas. r=dbaron (7519ac2937)
 - Bug 1165918 - Qt widget port does not compile anymore. r=rojkov (583700d86a)
 - Bug 1224403 (part 12) - Remove WidgetToScreenOffsetUntyped(). r=kats. (742aa54a28)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 1) - Tweak typed/untyped versions of Get{,Client,Screen}Bounds(). r=kats. (65e7bf71fa)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 2) - Replace GetNaturalBoundsUntyped() with GetNaturalBounds(). r=kats. (21159528de)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 3) - Replace GetClientOffsetUntyped() with GetClientOffset(). r=kats. (fa06021002)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 4) - Make GetClientSize() return a LayoutDeviceIntSize. r=kats. (f10d7bce64)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 5) - Avoid excessive mozilla:: prefixes in nsIWidget and its subclasses. r=kats. (1d05c2e783)
 - Bug 1170061 - ClearOnShutdown for hwcomposer, r=sotaro (5acab07299)
 - Bug 1194034 - Remove unused GonkDisplayJB::StopBootAnim() in GonkDisplayJB. r=mwu (50d2cb93d6)
 - Bug 1221446 - Add virtual display support to GonkDisplayJB r=mwu (d1c64f5c62)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 6) - Change nsScreenGonk::m{Virtual,Natural}Bounds to LayoutDevcieIntRect. r=kats. (8e44f87785)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 7) - Make GetScaledScreenBounds() return a CSSIntRect. r=kats. (76de754cae)
 - Bug 1224790 - Use SetFakeModal instead of SetModal for non-modal window opened by modal window. r=smaug, mstange (051fe46311) (2234923354)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1195755: Don't assert recursion depth sanity on Mac, because there is none. r=me (e25096acc1)
 - Bug 1217940 - remove BindingUtils.h from CycleCollectedJSRuntime.cpp; r=mccr8 (012fad0b80)
 - Bug 1118285 - The browser.newtab.url preference is abused and should be removed. (ca573649c6)
 - Bug 1209591 - allow loadURI consumers to expose whether an error page was immediately loaded as result of an error, r=smaug,mak (c033d86f07)
 - Bug 1167132 - Part 14: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (NetStats). r=ethan (87acc048cc)
 - Bug 1167132 - Part 15: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (NetworkInterfaceList). r=echen (a2a96e481e)
 - Bug 1205240 - Add JSON Validation code in order to prevent invalid file. r=seanlin (8c7261ba8c)
 - Bug 1215429 - Add import statement in order to access file object in chrome code of TVSimulatorService. r=seanlin (5ba9e78581)
 - Bug 1217093 - Remove for-each from dom/. r=smaug (5af3efbd62)
 - var-let (576b2489ec)
 - Bug 1183440 - Replaces Promise.defer() with the Promise constructor in push tests. r=kitcambridge (16dfaa59b3)
 - Bug 1191453 - Drop subscriptions for a site when the user revokes push permissions. r=mt,MattN (5edd10e5ad)
 - Bug 1159641, Part 1 - Skip the permission check in `pushManager.getSubscription()`. r=mt (d399c496d7)
 - Bug 1159641, Part 2 - Use tasks in the Push permissions test. r=mt (132484c355)
 - Bug 1206302 - Use DOMException for Push errors. r=mt (5a675714fa)
 - Bug 1193365 - Disable push debug. r=kitcambridge (1dc20e69b0)
 - Bug 1219063, Part 1 - Use transactions for updating Push subscription permissions. r=mt (8c28453942)
 - Bug 1219063, Part 2 - Remove obsolete "push" permission. r=mt (84a36931cd)
 - Bug 1217065 - Unconditionally ack incoming updates. r=dragana,benbangert (e0bfa4454f)
 - Bug 1212593 - Fix PushService behavior when we are switching between push servers. r=kcambridge (0afa39e743)
 - Bug 1206163 - Retry failed register requests on reconnect. r=dragana (6ed1258b15)
 - Bug 1218591 - Reset the WebSocket retry counter when the server replies. r=dragana (64e800db60)
 - Bug 1210943 - Drop subscriptions unconditionally if the UAID changes. r=benbangert (52f538a7de)
 - Bug 1214366 - Part 1: Don't preprocess PushServiceWebSocket.jsm. r=kitcambridge (a78b9fc838)
 - Bug 1214366 - Part 3: Use getLastVisited equivalent in PushService.jsm. r=kitcambridge,rnewman (bc7004ad32)
 - Bug 1210896, Part 1 - Use Console.jsm to log Push errors. r=mt (04335cc37f)
 - Bug 1216683 - For the WebSocket version unregister should return true even if we are offline. r=kitcambridge (0f6e397a03)
 - Bug 1210896, Part 2 - Use JS errors to reject internal Push promises. r=mt (3546b2f7c8)
 - Bug 1223481 - Use the "potentially trustworthy origin" helper to validate Push server URLs. r=dragana (0c21f551f3)
 - Bug 1223202 - Only send subscription change events if the Push permission is granted. r=mt (afeaf0dceb)
 - Bug 1201128 - Don't send channel IDs in the Push handshake. r=nsm (dbbadb5c16)
 - var-let (a35cb6aeca)
 - Bug 1210211 - Part 1: Delay updating push quota. r=kitcambridge (53f5735ff0)
 - Bug 1210211 - Part 2: Notify Push service of visible notifications. r=baku (9182bcb7d1)
 - Bug 1170115 - Use clear-origin-data to remove Push records. r=allstars.chh (47f1070bab)
 - Bug 1211418 - Part 1: Ensure Data Consistency after Collision of SMS Segment. r=echen. (f2d5221984)
 - Bug 1211418 - Part 2: Add Test Coverage for the Collision of SMS Segment. r=echen. (06f7ba7308)
 - Bug 1159132 - Part 1: Use dun apn only when config ro.tethering.dun_required is set. r=echen (bbb4fd2798)
 - Bug 1159132 - Part 2: Set ro.tethering.dun_required when running dun test case. r=echen (11fe9344be)
 - Bug 1187262 - Let the flag 'Services.io.offline' reference the state of tethering. r=jjong (ee22fd9358)
 - Bug 1148671 - ipv6 and dual stack support on Lollipop. r=hchang (a9f7dc570e)
 - Bug 1173671 - just warn if we fail to remove old default routes. r=echen (b4ab24da9f)
 - Bug 1175817 - [NetworkManager] remove old default routes explicitly. r=echen,smaug (3f9a0b98ab)
 - Bug 1174998 - Part 1: add setMtu() support in NetworkService. r=echen,smaug (9621036470)
 - Bug 1174998 - Part 2: Set MTU for connected network interfaces. r=echen (397c898942)
 - Bug 1197667 - [NetworkManager] Part 1: add missing implementation for 'allNetworkInfo'. r=echen (a49fd3498b)
 - Bug 1197667 - [NetworkManager] Part 2: add test case for 'allNetworkInfo'. r=echen (942a52b0d4)
 - Bug 1057091 - Add USB tethring command supporting IPv6 outgoing interface. r=hchang (9210eb5a1d)
 - Bug 1177236 - Usage alert doesn't work when tethering is enabled. r=ethan (4bdd8ae226)
 - Bug 1168938 - Memory safety bug in NetworkUtils::postTetherInterfaceList. r=fabrice (97485ac95c)
 - Bug 1138757 - Part 1: Fix the logic of checking invalid port in CDMA WAP Push. r=echen (68dac00e52)
 - Bug 1138757 - Part 2: Add Test Coverage for CDMA Wap Push. r=echen (9d54278aa9)
 - Bug 1209891 - Do Not Reply Read-Report if a MMS Message Was Marked from Unread to Read Multiple Times. r=echen (421550db06)
 - var-let (2ed380bb64)
 - bug 1175005: performance regression. backout_f081c464c1e2 (28e1ee74b9)
 - Bug 1207665 - Block Intel GMA 3150 for d3d11/d2d on all drivers. (bug 1207665 part 1, r=jrmuizel). r=jrmuizel (bb8eac6fa8)
 - Bug 1188105: Parse bad driver versions. r=botond (8c856cac36)
 - Bug 1075089 - Move popup menu frame offset to LookAndFeel and fix default offset for OS X. r=Enn (e1f7d0c418)
 - Bug 1134385. Delete main thread assertion in CompositorVsyncDispatcher. r=kats (0945e91185)
 - some profiler stuff (d3d68abdad)
 - Bug 1156283 - Avoid shutdown observer race when shutting down gfx on Mac. r=roc (f66195546b) (f579c98b65)


New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1207649: Prepare |BluetoothAddress| for general use throughout Bluetooth code, r=brsun (12c9761458)
 - Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth Core backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=brsun (0ca8bca611)
 - Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth GATT backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=joliu (baf3aabc35)
 - Bug 1202386: Output clear Bluetooth IPC errors, r=shuang (805c1b886d)
 - Bug 1204497: Interpret AVRCP remote features as bitmask, r=shuang (858bfc85f0)
 - Bug 1207649: Remove obsolete string/address conversion from Bluetooth backend, r=brsun (18fc742a39)
 - Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothAclState| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (452a5d8c4c)
 - Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothPinCode| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (98d5c8489b)
 - Bug 1186331: Check for \0 when parsing Bluetooth device names, r=btian (a4559805f7)
 - Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothRemoteName| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (427212ca62)
 - Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothServiceName| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (088cb2544e)
 - Bug 1211948: Add interface class for Setup module to Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (4e1163d509)
 - Bug 1203821 - [01] Add utility functions to convert big/little endianness and revise BluetoothPbapManager accordingly, r=shuang (34bcf3a373)
 - Bug 1212729 - Handle illegal PBAP virtual folders path properly. r=btian (eaf1f9092b)
 - Bug 1212725 - Convert relative paths of PBAP PullvCardListing to absolute path. r=btian (d2862cd8ac)
 - Bug 1203821 - [02] Notify gaia of PBAP request with one integrated function, f=jaliu, r=shuang (c2e875b0f7)
 - Bug 1215525: Update |BluetoothUuid| structure with c'tors and helper methods, r=brsun (44697b02d6)
 - Bug 1221326 - use Endian.h more widely in bluetooth code; r=btian (94217af081)
 - Bug 1166675 - Implement GetMessagesListing function, r=btian (e743afc62e)
 - Bug 1166679 - Implement GetMessage function, r=btian (bf6c108a69)
 - Bug 1186836 - Implement SetMessageStatus function, r=btian (2e163d29fd)
 - Bug 1195710 - [MAP]Implement PushMessage function, r=btian (0efcf6dd0e)
 - Bug 1166647 - Implement MAP bMessage class, r=btian (90ed64f17e)
 - Bug 1184017 - [MAP] Dispatch events to MAP event handlers, r=btian, sr=mrbkap (32289cee15)
 - Bug 1168298 - Support OBEX authentication procedure, r=shuang, r=mrbkap (24c07354f6)
 - fix misspatch (f173366d27)
 - Bug 1208492 - Handle MAP replies from Gaia and pass the results to BluetoothMapSmsManager, r=btian (1230cd8558)
 - Bug 1216195 - use mozilla/Endian.h facilities in bluetooth code; r=btian (be77bb24a0)
 - Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth A2DP backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=shuang (30b71ac118)
 - Bug 1202060: Store Bluetooth profile controller while (dis-)connecting AVRCP, r=shuang (0247a6db65)
 - Bug 1204497: Complete AVRCP connect/disconnect from separate runnables, r=shuang (800a85b6dc)
 - Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth Socket backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=brsun (05c10fe2e0)
 - Bug 1189315 - Add daemon interface for HFP WBS callback. r=tzimmermann (d60a8014d4)
 - Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth Handsfree backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=brsun (770e2a5ec2)
 - Bug 1215525: Replace strings with Bluetooth addresses and UUIDs in Bluetooth mid-layer, r=brsun (e9409a5f08)
 - Bug 1211769 - [MAP] Pack MAP replies to OBEX response packets, r=btain, sr=mrbkap (cbd72a044d)
 - Bug 1226063 - take advantage of UniquePtr in BluetoothMapSmsManager::SendMasObexData; r=btian (80ea6465e8)
 - Bug 1217339 - Fix illegal format of folder-listing object, r=btian (47739df63a)
 - Bug 1221547 - part 1 - enable UnixSocketRawData to take ownership of a passed-in-buffer; r=tzimmerman (6971f7d47d)
 - Bug 1207011 - Send Bluetooth OBEX End-of-Body header individually to improve the compatibility with other devices. r=btian (91164179a7)
 - Bug 1221547 - part 2 - copy less data for file transfers over bluetooth; r=btian (5f87b8e38e)
 - Bug 1203821 - [03] Restore missing bug 1212729 change, r=shuang (d0f384e58f)
 - Bug 1218295 - Convert the relative path of PullvCardEntry to absolute path if PBAP request isn't using X-BT-UID. r=btian (6d88b2aa02)
 - Bug 1221898 - Fix PBAP memory leakage, r=brsun (47735ba5b8)
 - Bug 1224109 - [PBAP] Return early if OBEX authentication password is empty, r=shuang (dd2eab446b) (35abf9a4e9)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1225941 - Add a method for getting the set of nodes immediately dominated by another node; r=sfink (d1507ec58f) (9ce925bf38)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1196391, part 3 - Make argument count assertions fatal in js::ExpandErrorArgumentsVA(). r=Waldo (8233c0afac)
 - minor cleanup (1da0b2c3e9)
 - Bug 1191765: Make Debugger.Object.prototype.getScript properly recognize functions without scripts. r=fitzgen (3e2753577f)
 - Bug 1165807 - display WeakSet and WeakMap contents in console; r=bz,fitzgen (d8f70d8e6a)
 - Bug 1226024 - Expose the root of the dominator tree to JavaScript; r=bz,sfink x # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (1949832288)
 - Bug 1220702 - Part 1: Replace callback() and newNode() with variadic templates. What could go wrong? r=Waldo. (80e1b40871)
 - Bug 1220702 - Part 2: Fix the .method property of certain FunctionDeclaration nodes. r=Waldo. (47f244a6e0)
 - Bug 1220702 - Part 3: Distinguish ES6 generators from legacy generators in Reflect.parse() output. r=Waldo. (362bb8ea4b)
 - bit of Bug 1180017 - Fix up the badly-horked backout and re-land. (f4f92ff88c)
 - Bug 1155303 - Add telemetry for async DeferredFinalize max pause. r=smaug (3ddc7b8856)
 - Bug 1174796 - Make sure ReleaseNow releases everything. r=smaug (5065aa1f52)
 - Bug 1191918 - Remove printf debugging r=me (48e95e425e)
 - update some tests (26ae4a8050)
 - Bug 1218643 - correct a DOM test. r=smaug " (75c6302bbb)
 - space (26dfeca131)
 - Bug 1166805 part 1 - refactor common tests for whether an animated list mirrors the base version of the list into methods. r=dholbert (e538b90e00)
 - Bug 1166805 part 2 - Call SetCapacity before calling DOMSVGXXXList::MaybeInsertNullInAnimValListAt, to prevent fallible InsertElementAt calls from failing r=dholbert (918397681f)
 - Bug 1092125 - Part 1 - Add non-scaling-stroke support to nsSVGPathGeometryElement::GetGeometryBounds (except line). r=jwatt (19ee6f9517)
 - Bug 1092125 - part 2 - add non-scaling-stroke support to SVGLineElement::GetGeometryBounds. r=jwatt (2c84b88ff1)
 - Bug 1140080 - ensure we only create stop frames for gradients. r=dholbert (636db91975)
 - Bug 1182496 - Don't create frames for SVG <text> descendants with failing conditional processing attributes. r=dholbert (4e976c1587)
 - Bug 1149542 - Part 3: Crashtest. r=dholbert (cde5ca0f57)
 - Bug 1209525 - Protect GetGeometryBounds from a singular non-scaling-stroke transform. r=longsonr (2cd1f2e0a4)
 - Bug 325427 - Add crashtest. (98ab5e6907)
 - Bug 803562 - force -moz-appearance: none on foreignObject elements. r=dbaron (0ba37f76ad)
 - Bug 950324 - Add crashtest. (6e2f7bc4c2)
 - Bug 1178159 - Ignore stroke-linecap:"square" on circle and ellipse. r=longsonr (42f4a9a71c)
 - Bug 1187770 - work around draw targets that don't display zero-length lines. r=longsonr (a612616ecb)
 - Bug 1222812 - add a null check in case there is no old style. r=dholbert (6a883edea2)
 - Bug 958160 - Compute bounds in transformed space instead of user space in GetCoveredRegion. r=longsonr (d020a10c56)
 - Bug 1224061: Followup to fix b2g bustage r=me CLOSED TREE (1dc2693955)
 - Bug 1173573 - Fix possible crash initializing sessionstorage. r=honzab (c6c77ccf7d)
 - Bug 536509 - Update localStorage to use common StorageAllowedForWindow logic, r=ehsan (825ee71ff3)
 - Bug 606655 - delete cookies UI option AskMeEveryTime and its related comments and tests. r=mak (828dfe54a5)
 - Bug 1194052 - Append to redirectchain before asyncopen() is called (r=sicking,mayhemer) (bb051ceb94)
 - Bug 1145503 - TP exceptions added while in Private Browsing mode persist beyond the Private Browsing session. r=ehsan Import url-classifier and private browsing modules. (4492b2de09)
 - Bug 1138979 - Pref to turn TP on when in Private Browsing mode. r=mmc , r=ehsan (5078eaa914)
 - Bug 1168635 - Extend nsITLSServerSocket to customize cipher suites. r=keeler (185a551640)
 - Bug 1165423 - WebRTC Fix DTLS handshake by expanding UDP buffer. r=rjesup (1f207e03ee)
 - Bug 1219939 - make nsTemporaryFileInputStream nsISeekableStream, r=jduell (f2a5ddfbf2)
 - Bug 1125816 - Parse FTP directory listings of Windows CE and WEC7 FTP Server r=jduell (4137b29d21)
 - Bug 1171016 - Initialize the linelen variable at its declaration in ParseFTPList.cpp. r=mcmanus (2a3960897d)
 - Bug 1197313 - remove PR_snprintf calls in netwerk/; r=froydnj (005da76d31)
 - Bug 1219910 - make gSocketThread a relaxed atomic variable; r=mcmanus (620d299605)
 - Bug 1222867 - part 1 - return already_AddRefed from WebSocketEventService::CreateFrameIfNeeded; r=mcmanus (0eee829a08)
 - Bug 1222867 - part 2 - be smarter about transferring ownership of WebSocketFrame; r=mcmanus (4a9fd71798)
 - Bug 1211001 - constant ASSERTION: nsITimer->SetDelay() called when the one-shot timer is not set up, r=mcmanus (451c903cbe)
 - Bug 1130822 - properly decode arbitrarily aligned data for non-tier1 platforms. r=mcmanus (bcb99913dc)
 - Bug 1204731 - telemetry for peer h2 goaway r=hurley (d6748682b4)
 - Bug 1205810 - telemetry for local h2 goaway code r=hurley (e142625588)
 - bug 1194818 - h2 header priority handling r=hurley (51766fff44)
 - bug 1194820 - h2 push promise padding handling r=hurley (560ee1f480)
 - bug 1208114 - fix h2 connect tunnels r=hurley (d17f920c31)
 - Bug 1213060 (part 1) - Properly handle discarding padding in Http2Session::OnWriteSegment. r=mcmanus (2cce4ac006)
 - Bug 1213060 (part 2) - Re-add state assertion in Http2Session::OnWriteSegment. r=mcmanus (6b1c030780)
 - fix build (39845819f6)
 - Bug 1214076 - allow TokenServerClient errors to be JSON.stringify'd. r=rnewman (ab6085fa97)
 - Bug 1220007 P1 Allow ConsoleReportCollectors to flush to another collector. r=bz (a97b2c5a57)
 - Bug 1220007 P2 Make InterceptedChannel's collect logs locally and only flush to nsIChannel on main thread r=bz (85b77c5a44)
 - Bug 867407 - Fix cloning of file URIs with search query strings (r=sworkman) (da6fd51c15)
 - Bug 1220728 Clear pending exceptions if string conversion fails in SWintercept error handling. r=bz (b188c34862)
 - Bug 1147913 - Change NS_SOCKETTRANSPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID to NS_STREAMTRANSPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID in RespondWithHandler::ResolvedCallback. r=ehsan (5b443e88ab)
 - fix namespace (562ed51caa)
 - Bug 1206060 - Show pinning status at about:cache. r=michal (75ed53663f)
 - Bug 1032254 - Generic way to pin reasource in the HTTP cache, r=michal (eeb860f8e3)
 - Bug 1211504. Remove unused member from RefLayer. (fab6bae915) (b808ffac2d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1222226 - Don't return eRestyleResult_StopWithStyleChange if the old style context is shared. r=dbaron (ad682c717e)
 - Bug 1222745 - Restore eRestyleResult_StopWithStyleChange optimization for shared style contexts by comparing rule nodes for inherited style data changes. r=dbaron (766bb79aac)
 - Bug 1032613 part 1: Promote FrameMaintainsOverflow to be a public nsIFrame method, & implement it using HasAllStateBits. r=dbaron (b3c44e7ba6)
 - Bug 1032613 part 2: Make RestyleManager::AddSubtreeToOverflowTracker skip frames that don't maintain overflow areas. r=dbaron (7519ac2937)
 - Bug 1165918 - Qt widget port does not compile anymore. r=rojkov (583700d86a)
 - Bug 1224403 (part 12) - Remove WidgetToScreenOffsetUntyped(). r=kats. (742aa54a28)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 1) - Tweak typed/untyped versions of Get{,Client,Screen}Bounds(). r=kats. (65e7bf71fa)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 2) - Replace GetNaturalBoundsUntyped() with GetNaturalBounds(). r=kats. (21159528de)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 3) - Replace GetClientOffsetUntyped() with GetClientOffset(). r=kats. (fa06021002)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 4) - Make GetClientSize() return a LayoutDeviceIntSize. r=kats. (f10d7bce64)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 5) - Avoid excessive mozilla:: prefixes in nsIWidget and its subclasses. r=kats. (1d05c2e783)
 - Bug 1170061 - ClearOnShutdown for hwcomposer, r=sotaro (5acab07299)
 - Bug 1194034 - Remove unused GonkDisplayJB::StopBootAnim() in GonkDisplayJB. r=mwu (50d2cb93d6)
 - Bug 1221446 - Add virtual display support to GonkDisplayJB r=mwu (d1c64f5c62)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 6) - Change nsScreenGonk::m{Virtual,Natural}Bounds to LayoutDevcieIntRect. r=kats. (8e44f87785)
 - Bug 1224482 (part 7) - Make GetScaledScreenBounds() return a CSSIntRect. r=kats. (76de754cae)
 - Bug 1224790 - Use SetFakeModal instead of SetModal for non-modal window opened by modal window. r=smaug, mstange (051fe46311) (2234923354)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1195755: Don't assert recursion depth sanity on Mac, because there is none. r=me (e25096acc1)
 - Bug 1217940 - remove BindingUtils.h from CycleCollectedJSRuntime.cpp; r=mccr8 (012fad0b80)
 - Bug 1118285 - The browser.newtab.url preference is abused and should be removed. (ca573649c6)
 - Bug 1209591 - allow loadURI consumers to expose whether an error page was immediately loaded as result of an error, r=smaug,mak (c033d86f07)
 - Bug 1167132 - Part 14: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (NetStats). r=ethan (87acc048cc)
 - Bug 1167132 - Part 15: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (NetworkInterfaceList). r=echen (a2a96e481e)
 - Bug 1205240 - Add JSON Validation code in order to prevent invalid file. r=seanlin (8c7261ba8c)
 - Bug 1215429 - Add import statement in order to access file object in chrome code of TVSimulatorService. r=seanlin (5ba9e78581)
 - Bug 1217093 - Remove for-each from dom/. r=smaug (5af3efbd62)
 - var-let (576b2489ec)
 - Bug 1183440 - Replaces Promise.defer() with the Promise constructor in push tests. r=kitcambridge (16dfaa59b3)
 - Bug 1191453 - Drop subscriptions for a site when the user revokes push permissions. r=mt,MattN (5edd10e5ad)
 - Bug 1159641, Part 1 - Skip the permission check in `pushManager.getSubscription()`. r=mt (d399c496d7)
 - Bug 1159641, Part 2 - Use tasks in the Push permissions test. r=mt (132484c355)
 - Bug 1206302 - Use DOMException for Push errors. r=mt (5a675714fa)
 - Bug 1193365 - Disable push debug. r=kitcambridge (1dc20e69b0)
 - Bug 1219063, Part 1 - Use transactions for updating Push subscription permissions. r=mt (8c28453942)
 - Bug 1219063, Part 2 - Remove obsolete "push" permission. r=mt (84a36931cd)
 - Bug 1217065 - Unconditionally ack incoming updates. r=dragana,benbangert (e0bfa4454f)
 - Bug 1212593 - Fix PushService behavior when we are switching between push servers. r=kcambridge (0afa39e743)
 - Bug 1206163 - Retry failed register requests on reconnect. r=dragana (6ed1258b15)
 - Bug 1218591 - Reset the WebSocket retry counter when the server replies. r=dragana (64e800db60)
 - Bug 1210943 - Drop subscriptions unconditionally if the UAID changes. r=benbangert (52f538a7de)
 - Bug 1214366 - Part 1: Don't preprocess PushServiceWebSocket.jsm. r=kitcambridge (a78b9fc838)
 - Bug 1214366 - Part 3: Use getLastVisited equivalent in PushService.jsm. r=kitcambridge,rnewman (bc7004ad32)
 - Bug 1210896, Part 1 - Use Console.jsm to log Push errors. r=mt (04335cc37f)
 - Bug 1216683 - For the WebSocket version unregister should return true even if we are offline. r=kitcambridge (0f6e397a03)
 - Bug 1210896, Part 2 - Use JS errors to reject internal Push promises. r=mt (3546b2f7c8)
 - Bug 1223481 - Use the "potentially trustworthy origin" helper to validate Push server URLs. r=dragana (0c21f551f3)
 - Bug 1223202 - Only send subscription change events if the Push permission is granted. r=mt (afeaf0dceb)
 - Bug 1201128 - Don't send channel IDs in the Push handshake. r=nsm (dbbadb5c16)
 - var-let (a35cb6aeca)
 - Bug 1210211 - Part 1: Delay updating push quota. r=kitcambridge (53f5735ff0)
 - Bug 1210211 - Part 2: Notify Push service of visible notifications. r=baku (9182bcb7d1)
 - Bug 1170115 - Use clear-origin-data to remove Push records. r=allstars.chh (47f1070bab)
 - Bug 1211418 - Part 1: Ensure Data Consistency after Collision of SMS Segment. r=echen. (f2d5221984)
 - Bug 1211418 - Part 2: Add Test Coverage for the Collision of SMS Segment. r=echen. (06f7ba7308)
 - Bug 1159132 - Part 1: Use dun apn only when config ro.tethering.dun_required is set. r=echen (bbb4fd2798)
 - Bug 1159132 - Part 2: Set ro.tethering.dun_required when running dun test case. r=echen (11fe9344be)
 - Bug 1187262 - Let the flag 'Services.io.offline' reference the state of tethering. r=jjong (ee22fd9358)
 - Bug 1148671 - ipv6 and dual stack support on Lollipop. r=hchang (a9f7dc570e)
 - Bug 1173671 - just warn if we fail to remove old default routes. r=echen (b4ab24da9f)
 - Bug 1175817 - [NetworkManager] remove old default routes explicitly. r=echen,smaug (3f9a0b98ab)
 - Bug 1174998 - Part 1: add setMtu() support in NetworkService. r=echen,smaug (9621036470)
 - Bug 1174998 - Part 2: Set MTU for connected network interfaces. r=echen (397c898942)
 - Bug 1197667 - [NetworkManager] Part 1: add missing implementation for 'allNetworkInfo'. r=echen (a49fd3498b)
 - Bug 1197667 - [NetworkManager] Part 2: add test case for 'allNetworkInfo'. r=echen (942a52b0d4)
 - Bug 1057091 - Add USB tethring command supporting IPv6 outgoing interface. r=hchang (9210eb5a1d)
 - Bug 1177236 - Usage alert doesn't work when tethering is enabled. r=ethan (4bdd8ae226)
 - Bug 1168938 - Memory safety bug in NetworkUtils::postTetherInterfaceList. r=fabrice (97485ac95c)
 - Bug 1138757 - Part 1: Fix the logic of checking invalid port in CDMA WAP Push. r=echen (68dac00e52)
 - Bug 1138757 - Part 2: Add Test Coverage for CDMA Wap Push. r=echen (9d54278aa9)
 - Bug 1209891 - Do Not Reply Read-Report if a MMS Message Was Marked from Unread to Read Multiple Times. r=echen (421550db06)
 - var-let (2ed380bb64)
 - bug 1175005: performance regression. backout_f081c464c1e2 (28e1ee74b9)
 - Bug 1207665 - Block Intel GMA 3150 for d3d11/d2d on all drivers. (bug 1207665 part 1, r=jrmuizel). r=jrmuizel (bb8eac6fa8)
 - Bug 1188105: Parse bad driver versions. r=botond (8c856cac36)
 - Bug 1075089 - Move popup menu frame offset to LookAndFeel and fix default offset for OS X. r=Enn (e1f7d0c418)
 - Bug 1134385. Delete main thread assertion in CompositorVsyncDispatcher. r=kats (0945e91185)
 - some profiler stuff (d3d68abdad)
 - Bug 1156283 - Avoid shutdown observer race when shutting down gfx on Mac. r=roc (f66195546b) (f579c98b65)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

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