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5 hours ago, msfntor said:

Doesn't work sadly, doesn't change user-Agent...look with the check links below...

But this one work in DcBrowser: Random User-Agent Offered by: dev4ever  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/random-user-agent/einpaelgookohagofgnnkcfjbkkgepnp?hl=en - but no GUI window...could you make it fully compatible with DcBrowser so that I can see GUI window, please?..

Check with: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_nav_useragent.asp  then  https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_nav_useragent  and/or http://www.speed-battle.com/speedtest_e.php


Is there an easy way to change manually user Agent in DcBrowser, please?

Try to run the browser with the --user-agent="" flag used in a shortcut --> https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/run-chromium-with-flags

For example, this one should make you spoof Chromium 95 under Windows 10 x64:

--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36"

You can get more Chromium UAs here --> https://developers.whatismybrowser.com/useragents/explore/software_name/chrome/

Posted (edited)
On 11/15/2021 at 12:46 AM, Humming Owl said:

Go to "Control Panel > Fonts" and, drag and drop this file. If it says that you have that font already installed, uninstall it and install this one (the name will be something like "SimSun").

It should change the interface font to the "Impact" font.


Tried that, it seems to be a Courier looking font still. Unsure if maybe my XP which is enabled to display Chinse East Asian characters has any conflict with the modification version of 360 EE you have made. 

Just curious to why do you name the font as Impact#1, but it is actually SimSun OpenType. The one that you recommended to uninstall if theres a conflict, it is SimSum TrueType (TTF). Is your modification scripted to call for Impact#1 file name? or maybe it doesnt matter at all what a font's filename is. I wonder what happens if I remove all SimSun and its variants from my font lib.

Another discovery I have noted (unrelated to font) is that in Ver. 12, there's always a CPU spike when the toolbar's download icon (the downward arrow) is clicked to display the popup list of current downloads. CPU spike stops once the popup is closed, but otherwise the spike is indefinite. Thing seems normal on Ver. 13.

Edited by drainer
1 hour ago, drainer said:

Tried that, it seems to be a Courier looking font still. Unsure if maybe my XP which is enabled to display Chinse East Asian characters has any conflict with the modification version of 360 EE you have made. 

If I install that font, the browser's interface font changes to the Impact one, maybe you have more SimSun font types on your font folder?


2 hours ago, drainer said:

Just curious to why do you name the font as Impact#1, but it is actually SimSun OpenType. The one that you recommended to uninstall if theres a conflict, it is SimSum TrueType (TTF). Is your modification scripted to call for Impact#1 file name? or maybe it doesnt matter at all what a font's filename is.

I actually didn't think different font file formats could be an issue. The program I used is ttx. I used the program to get the specific ID of the font that the browser is asking for (SimSun) and put that ID inside a different font (Impact) to make the browser loads that specific font. The filename doesn't matter, the program just defaults the output name to the original font name plus a "#1". 

2 hours ago, drainer said:

I wonder what happens if I remove all SimSun and its variants from my font lib.

Try that and also try restarting the computer.

2 hours ago, drainer said:

Another discovery I have noted (unrelated to font) is that in Ver. 12, there's always a CPU spike when the toolbar's download icon (the downward arrow) is clicked to display the popup list of current downloads. CPU spike stops once the popup is closed, but otherwise the spike is indefinite. Thing seems normal on Ver. 13.

Thanks for the info. I will check that later.


On 11/26/2021 at 3:03 AM, Humming Owl said:

Added v9, v11, v12 and v13 in Chinese (I left all the original Chinese intact and translated the new tab and the new incognito tab).

I hope you like it @hidao, share it with your friends if possible :)

As always, report errors if needed. They may be fixable.


Thank you for your efforts,I used it and find you have forgot the zh-cn.pak(the Locales folder),It causes the browser to always be detected as English

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, hidao said:

Thank you for your efforts,I used it and find you have forgot the zh-cn.pak(the Locales folder),It causes the browser to always be detected as English

That "en-us.pak" is the "zh-cn.pak" renamed, so the browser should be on Chinese. Can you send a screenshot of the issue? 


Edited by Humming Owl
7 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

That "en-us.pak" is the "zh-cn.pak" renamed, so the browser should be on Chinese. Can you send a screenshot of the issue? 



You can cliked this url to test,you will find the language is En-US

Or you can add some extensions like Adblock Plus and so on,if you open the option of ABP,the languge is English

If you keep the zh-cn.pak file,these all displayed Chinese

I don’t know if my description is proper,sorry about that and my bad english


Info for Humming Owl (only tested v11)  --

Unsure if this is all that the OP requires or not and I cannot test fully as I cannot get the Asian Language Pack to install in an XP VM.

If I change "accept_languages": "en-US,en" to "accept_languages": "zh-ch,zh,en-US,en" in the Preferences file (the ,zh, part is an outright guess) [and unsure where a hard-coded equivalant is located], then I get this at https://passer-by.com/browser/  --


1 hour ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Info for Humming Owl (only tested v11)  --

Unsure if this is all that the OP requires or not and I cannot test fully as I cannot get the Asian Language Pack to install in an XP VM.

If I change "accept_languages": "en-US,en" to "accept_languages": "zh-ch,zh,en-US,en" in the Preferences file (the ,zh, part is an outright guess) [and unsure where a hard-coded equivalant is located], then I get this at https://passer-by.com/browser/  --


I have not edit the Preferences and the other file

If not have zh-cn.pak





Or keep the zh-cn.pak






This .gho file is a windows XP image of chinese language by someone mod(move many functions and files,so it's soo little)you can use this .gho by symentec ghost to your vm in WinPE,and you can test the 360 EE in the windows of chinese language,hope it can be help you

14 hours ago, hidao said:


You can cliked this url to test,you will find the language is En-US

Or you can add some extensions like Adblock Plus and so on,if you open the option of ABP,the languge is English

If you keep the zh-cn.pak file,these all displayed Chinese

I don’t know if my description is proper,sorry about that and my bad english

I get what you are trying to say. The extension is supposed to display in Chinese instead of English. Don't worry about the English, at first I wasn't very good at it :)

Is this the behavior you want?


13 hours ago, hidao said:

By the way,I found that I use the "Set the 360 EE is the default browser" function is  invalid

Yes, I deleted the files that made that option work, as they weren't files that come with an standard Ungoogled Chromium build.

7 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Unsure if this is all that the OP requires or not and I cannot test fully as I cannot get the Asian Language Pack to install in an XP VM.

I installed a SimSun font on XP and in Win7 (I don't remember if it was actually this one), and the Chinese characters displayed immediately after.

7 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

If I change "accept_languages": "en-US,en" to "accept_languages": "zh-ch,zh,en-US,en" in the Preferences file (the ,zh, part is an outright guess) [and unsure where a hard-coded equivalant is located], then I get this at https://passer-by.com/browser/  --

Thanks for the info. But apparently the name of the language PAK file determines the language of some stuff of the browser by itself, for example the language displayed in the Adblock Plus extension.



I think the Preference file's accept_languages file also needs changed.  There are portions that seem to go by language pak file name.  But I seem to see just as many portions that go by accept_languages.  Not sure how these are passed on to the visited website.  It just seems that both are required for best language compatibility.

"It all looks Greek to me."

27 minutes ago, Humming Owl said:

as they weren't files that come with an standard Ungoogled Chromium build.

FYI - I would not refer to your builds as Ungoogled because the Chrome Web Store feature needs broken to be truly in-step with standard Ungoogled Chromium.


Finding the real, TRUE User Agent (and checking UA extensions if they work or not..) - this is done through JavaScript using the navigator.useragent property which returns the value of the user-agent header sent by the browser to the server.

To detect the TRUE user agent sent by your browser, use these test tools:


SPEED-BATTLE: http://www.speed-battle.com/speedtest_e.php

Try it Yourself: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_nav_useragent.asp  -then Tryit Editor: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_nav_useragent

BrowserSpy.dk: http://browserspy.dk/useragent.php

passer-by.com: https://passer-by.com/browser/ (thanks, hidao!)

intoli.com blog: https://intoli.com/blog/making-chrome-headless-undetectable/chrome-headless-test.html 

alanwood.net: http://www.alanwood.net/demos/browser-identification.html

javatpoint.com: https://www.javatpoint.com/oprweb/test.jsp?filename=jsnavigator

jeffersonscher.com: https://jeffersonscher.com/res/jstest.php - navigator.userAgent see TRUE UA Data from JavaScript Browser Tests section.


Thank you!

8 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

I get what you are trying to say. The extension is supposed to display in Chinese instead of English. Don't worry about the English, at first I wasn't very good at it :)

Is this the behavior you want?


Yes, I deleted the files that made that option work, as they weren't files that come with an standard Ungoogled Chromium build.

I installed a SimSun font on XP and in Win7 (I don't remember if it was actually this one), and the Chinese characters displayed immediately after.

Thanks for the info. But apparently the name of the language PAK file determines the language of some stuff of the browser by itself, for example the language displayed in the Adblock Plus extension.


Your understanding is correct,thank you,but I still want to know how to set the 360EE is the default browser

And I've found another BUG for a long time,the taskmgr  statistics are inaccurate,but does not affect to use


10 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

FYI - I would not refer to your builds as Ungoogled because the Chrome Web Store feature needs broken to be truly in-step with standard Ungoogled Chromium.

Ungoogled is the term used by the normal people to refer to the custom Chromium build Ungoogled Chromium. I follow as far as possible the most basic file structure for the browser to work, based on the file structure of an Ungoogled Chromium build I use and some very simple URL breaks, nothing else. I don't know what those developers do to their build but I think it is way much more than only breaking the Chrome Web Store function and those simple URL breaks.

2 hours ago, hidao said:

Your understanding is correct,thank you,but I still want to know how to set the 360EE is the default browser

You can try using this program, it is called "DefaultBrowser" and it only works for XP (use the "For other browsers" section and select the path of the "360chrome.exe" file).

Original page --> http://web.archive.org/web/20170713070943/http://www.winhelponline.com/xp/defaultbrowser.htm

Download Link --> https://www.mediafire.com/file/lqrmazdh2fvrrrq/dbrowser_1_8.zip/file


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