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On 3/29/2022 at 9:51 AM, Tripredacus said:

Those converter boxes are worthless now in many areas, including my own. As they were from the 2010s they do not support ATSC 3.0 which some operators have changed to. Even my primary HD TV cannot get most channels anymore because of this change so you have to buy a new OTA receiver (or new TV I suppose) to be able to receive them.

No...I don't think that's right. As a user of two converter boxes I'm getting more channels (via ATSC 1) than ever these days. I do not know of a market where any channels have been cut to ATSC 3 only yet. In fact there is a mandatory 5 year period where they literally cannot make the switch, and i think that timeline might be subject to extension.

ATSC 3 is still very much in its infancy and isn't replacing ATSC1 any time soon. Back around when the ATSC 3 network launched in my area, several channels got "moved around" on the RF band to make room. I think even two logical channels even moved. So you definitely need to rescan your channels if you haven't done so yet. It is *possible* that the new RF location for some channels may not be able to be received as well by your antenna, depending on what it is.

ATSC 3 is so early on still... it's NOT required to be broadcast, and its still, admittedly a bit shortsightedly, NOT required to be supported by new TVs.

Edited by i430VX
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Speaking of "broadcasts" - I have a curiosity question.

I don't watch football and refer to the Super Bowl as the "Tidy Bowl".  And when the "wardrobe malfunction" was the talk-of-the-town several years back, it only took me mere seconds to see it was INTENTIONAL, that it was PLANNED.

I mention it because that PLANNED incident altered broadcast television - all "live" broadcasts MUST be on a DELAY to give the broadcaster time to react to mishaps (planned or otherwise).

I have even LESS interest in "Oscars" and "Grammys" type of useless-to-me-TV.  But all of us that watch the news are well aware of Will Smith and Chris Rock "slapgate".


My question is this - the "live" broadcast MUST, by FCC Regulation, be on a DELAY, so why did the broadcaster not use that mandated delay and "cut to commercial" ???

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22 hours ago, i430VX said:

ATSC 3 is still very much in its infancy and isn't replacing ATSC1 any time soon. Back around when the ATSC 3 network launched in my area, several channels got "moved around" on the RF band to make room. I think even two logical channels even moved. So you definitely need to rescan your channels if you haven't done so yet. It is *possible* that the new RF location for some channels may not be able to be received as well by your antenna, depending on what it is.

Finding exact info is kind of tricky but I know this. Almost a year ago is when the big stations switched to ATSC 3 in my area. When that happened, the CBS and NBC affiliated stations can only be picked up by the ATSC 3 tuner I bought for my upstairs TV. My downstairs TV can't get those channels anymore and they are not found when doing a rescan. Maybe I have my numbers off, maybe that TV only has ATSC 1 and those stations changed to 2 and not 3.

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ATSC 2 is not in use, at all.

I'd be interested to know what market you're in. Because, as someone who's followed ATSC3 from the start I know of zero markets where ATSC1 has been shut off, and cannot find even so much as plans to do so, anywhere. (Except Jamaica, but obviously that's not in the US)


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On 3/30/2022 at 5:27 PM, XPerceniol said:

Yeah, and the weather is getting nice and the very last thing I want is another thing to keep me inside, I'm pale as a ghost and need exercise and sun (Natural Vit D)

It's been raining here all day, so this song should be fitting.

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22 hours ago, i430VX said:

ATSC 2 is not in use, at all.

I'd be interested to know what market you're in. Because, as someone who's followed ATSC3 from the start I know of zero markets where ATSC1 has been shut off, and cannot find even so much as plans to do so, anywhere. (Except Jamaica, but obviously that's not in the US)


It is perhaps not a situation where ATSC 1 has been turned off (I read it hasn't) rather that the broadcasters like to move things around to different transmitters and share channels with others, and it is perhaps these particular channels that I can't get had their ATSC 1 source moved to a transmitter I don't get good reception from.

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Oh yes! That certainly happens sometimes. The "shuffling" here did cause one of the "big three" stations here to become slightly harder to get for me (though yes, i still get it), so that's entirely possible that the ATSC1 could be out of range because it moved to another tower.

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TV's back. Silly me, it actually is smart TV... It still doesn't like the Wi-Fi here. Tried WPS PIN option and that doesn't work neither, just times out. Seeing the network is as far as it gets. Oh well...perhaps I'd be more inclined to look into it if the TV was mine and mine alone.

There's some old digital receiver in the basement that can be connected to TV via SCART cable. We used that in the past since it was given by default then, later it was realized there's an option to have a card that's inserted into a TV with digital receiver, so the extra box and remote isn't needed then.

Edited by UCyborg
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re forum shutting down: really? really??  when?  ... but ... I've only just joined this forum today.  Hello everyone !

re petrol price increase: I have a solution, walk.  I've just sold my car and invested in a good rucksack and a pair of good walking shoes.  I have found a scenic route to the supermarket.  A long walk but it's very enjoyable listening to music.  A best decision ever.  Now I don't have to worry about petrol or car maintenance either. Highly recommended.

re utility bills: that's a different story.  I'm not sure if we could survive without electricity.  I have stopped using a hair dryer, that's no problem.  I have not turned on the heating, you get used to the cold (just layers of clothing).  Someone mentioned some survival skills in harsh conditions?  Please enlighten me.

re war: I just don't get it (is it worth it?), wouldn't it be nicer to have peace for everyone ... can't they just find a compromise?

re today: no rain but nothing went right today.  I come here for some good advice and some therapy.  The Windows 10 installation failed miserably and the new mini circular saw won't play nice ... hope for a better day tomorrow.

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12 hours ago, xpw10 said:

re forum shutting down: really? really??  when?

Presumably when donations stop flowing in.

12 hours ago, xpw10 said:

Hello everyone !


12 hours ago, xpw10 said:

re petrol price increase: I have a solution, walk.

That's not feasible for long distances unless you're Alex Mercer.

12 hours ago, xpw10 said:

re war: I just don't get it (is it worth it?), wouldn't it be nicer to have peace for everyone ... can't they just find a compromise?

According to the long history of bloodsheds, not with life in general. Extinction of all life is the only thing that would lead to true peace. At least whatever chaos would still remain in the universe wouldn't be experienced by conscious beings. But life always finds the way, doesn't it?

12 hours ago, xpw10 said:

I come here for some good advice and some therapy.

Well I come here for laughs. IT is way overrated.

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2 hours ago, UCyborg said:

IT is way overrated.


I have OFTEN wanted to present the Boss (and HR!) with a lengthy "presentation" of the pros and cons of IT and a data-driven analysis of how IT has COST the company in WASTED downtime and man-hours by "having" an IT Department!

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Saw on the news that few days ago, an older couple has made it from Ukraine, Mariupol to Slovenia, Novo mesto, where their daughter lives. They left everything behind, only their SUV remained, in which they travelled about 2700 km. Luckily, they made it unharmed, their car - Hyundai Tucson - is all shot up.

https://www.24ur.com/novice/slovenija/prekrasen-avto-resil-naju-je-pred-smrtjo.html (Google Translate is OKish for text, except few small bits).

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On 4/2/2022 at 4:08 PM, xpw10 said:

re petrol price increase: I have a solution, walk.  I've just sold my car and invested in a good rucksack and a pair of good walking shoes.  I have found a scenic route to the supermarket.  A long walk but it's very enjoyable listening to music.  A best decision ever.  Now I don't have to worry about petrol or car maintenance either. Highly recommended.

Just for fun I decided to calculate how long my commute would be if I walked instead of drove 12 miles. It would take 4 hours to walk that, but I suspect it could be shorter. And that's one way, so an 8 hour commute of just walking. Not really so much of an easy solution in my case.

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Love the way you think!

And while I am a "conservationist" (I don't "hug trees" but I have a strong dislike towards "wasteful" habits that most folks don't even see as "habits"), I have a different take.

I only live 0.7 miles from work.  No traffic lights between me and the office, just one 4-way stop sign.  One tank of gas in my SUV will get me a MINIMUM of one month, I have been known to stretch ONE tank of gas out for THREE MONTHS.

I rollerblade to work, I ride bike to work, but seldom do I "walk" to work.

My first year at this job, I peddled bike basically 80% of the time or so.  If it wasn't raining, I peddled the bike to and from work.

It ended up COSTING me in the long run.

The tires on the SUV "dry-rotted", small cracks where it looked like the treads were going to fly off.  I was informed it was BECAUSE the truck didn't get driven but once a week or so!

The battery needed replaced because it could not start the vehicle in the colder winter.  I was informed it was BECAUSE the truck didn't get driven but once a week or so!

So in my case, it is far FAR better cost-wise to DRIVE TO WORK but I live so close that I get a MINIMUM of ONE MONTH on ONE tank of gas.

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