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The MSFN café - A Penny for Your Thoughts


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15 hours ago, Dixel said:

1 - Any information to back this up ?

I just have my doubts, that's all. That being said, the attempts by Western leaders to influence pro-Western sentiment in Ukraine could back that up. Hindsight being 20/20, what John J. Mearsheimer said (that the West should have promoted Ukraine into becoming a neutral economic power that wouldn't have been seen as a threat to either Russian or Western interests) now seems like it would have been the wiser move.

15 hours ago, Dixel said:

Let's begin with removing of the US citizenship for his daughter . Just search for Lavrov's daughter and you will see Lavrov’s daughter does not even speak Russian.

I just looked that up ... huh. If that's true, well, I guess we'll know if things get really serious if Lavrov's daughter returns to Russia to be with her father. Then again, how much authority would someone like Lavrov have in deciding whether or not Russia launches nukes? It seems Putin has ultimate launch authority according to the FAS, and I don't know if anyone could override him if he decides it's nuking time. I also don't know if Putin would care about sparing someone like Lavrov's daughter if he really felt like things got to that point.

15 hours ago, Dixel said:

As for your self-made cages , just dig a deep shelter in your garden and place your items in a wooden box with several rounds of copper foil around it and ground with a piece of a big wire (1-2mm thickness) connected to a big metallic object (a piece of railway track , old metallic bath tub would do fine) which you would also have to hide under a thick layer of soil. This will prevent electrostatic discharges that came off of the blast.

That'd work, I suppose, for someone who has access to a garden or a yard ... Part of my predicament, I'm stuck in the San Francisco Bay Area renting out bedrooms. Suffice to say, no landlord would let me go that far.

And really, unless I can get out of here I think I'd have very low chances of surviving a nuclear exchange. I've noticed a lot of homes out here don't have brick construction, including where I'm at now. Given the observed overpressure effects on buildings I'd expect any such home to be completely destroyed, or at least ruined to a point that it would offer zero protection from fallout. And I'm well within the blast radius of that.

15 hours ago, Dixel said:

Your Titan (black ? Sorry , I forgot) will survive. Would be good to remove the thermal pads and the paste and store the cooler apart (!) from the main board. The main board should be wrapped in aluminum foil , but don't scratch the chip !!! Place something soft on it. 

Also good advice for long-term storage (I have a TITAN X Maxwell, not the TITAN Black) but my concern was mainly about ensuring that I'd have working electronics on hand after an EMP event. In the event of a nuclear war, even if I lived somewhere that wouldn't be in a blast radius or fallout zone, there wouldn't be enough time to prepare once the nukes fly. For example, the example of submarine-launched nukes right off the coast of an enemy country, you'd have maybe fifteen minutes ... definitely not the time to disassemble a computer. And an EMP attack would likely be the first thing that happens anyway, before anyone realizes s***'s truly hit the fan.

That being said, this would be a good idea in the event of a coronal mass ejection. We can see those coming at least a day or two in advance and the NOAA has a Space Weather Prediction Center that keeps an eye on this sort of thing. If we knew we were about to get hit by something that would wreck electronics there'd be enough time to disassemble a computer and store it in something EMP shielded.

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If things escalate, might be just time to end it, IDK. Don't know how due to survival instinct though. :}

Guess it's over anyway if you die from the nuke, but if not, being a refugee, having to fight...to hell with that! I've not much to live for as it is. Basically...


They've said something on TV about things getting increasingly bad for Russia, especially if the war keeps going...whatever that means.

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And then there was silence.

On 3/3/2022 at 12:50 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I've personally always been an "advocate" for $5 per gallon gas prices

You're welcome in where I'm from. Gas prices haven been increasing steadily and if my math is right (not at home with gallons), they're already above your proposal. Another rise is on schedule tomorrow. Back in late February I paid 65,18€ for 45,55 liters of 95 octane gas.

And, a topping on the cake, some gas stations are predicted to run out of diesel soon. At least that's what I heard in the news intro on one of the TV channels. Does your SUV run on diesel?

Right now, I'm going to temporarily forget that the world is terrible and...try to distract myself with something more pleasant I suppose.

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2 hours ago, UCyborg said:

...Right now, I'm going to temporarily forget that the world is terrible and...try to distract myself with something more pleasant I suppose.

Yeah ... been rough for everyone, know that. 

Sorry I've been missing, I just haven't been doing well at all. I don't think anything will ever be the same again. I don't know. Don't know. 

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I have not spoken in cafe for while after moped lost control in this thread (means something went out of hand), but seems things calmed down. Today when I logged in I noticed this.


Well I always said all things need to come to end but did not expect this :no:. I wanted to donate but issue is that I do not have credit card or any banking card with enabled support for online transactions since where I live all is done with cash or wire transfer based on IBAN numbers. I also wont have anyone who credit card or paypal to borrow to do it. I asked if that would have been possible way do donate since MSFN last year but I never got any answer. Still I am willing to donate to MSFN if I just got way.

Well if this is actually end this board been great and I felt to be part of community here, people with same type of ideologies. I met many great people here. There likely will never be community like this again. People from around globe, many are interested keeping older systems alive, actually helpful answers etc.

If this is farewell I let this song be my goodbye to board


translation to that song is here: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/kaunis-luoksesi-kaipuu-my-longing-you-beautiful.html



Edited by Mr.Scienceman2000
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Woke up to that as well. I'm lucky to have been a member of this forum. I Learned a lot from good people and I will always be grateful to those that worked hard to keep this forum going and contributed; I'm sure its a full-time job to run a forum nowadays.

Well ... if "soon" is right around the corner and we vanish, then see ya all in the next life.

Wishing everyone the best :hello:

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23 hours ago, UCyborg said:

You're welcome in where I'm from. Gas prices haven been increasing steadily and if my math is right (not at home with gallons), they're already above your proposal. Another rise is on schedule tomorrow. Back in late February I paid 65,18€ for 45,55 liters of 95 octane gas.

Precisely my point.  We here in the States are SPOILED ROTTEN BRATS when it comes to gasoline prices.
We tend to drive the MOST and make dozens of WASTEFUL trips instead of planning our trips for "efficient conservation".
Yet we tend to pay the LEAST for gasoline compared to other countries.


23 hours ago, UCyborg said:

Does your SUV run on diesel?

Nope.  Here in the US, diesel is more regulated than standard fuel due to trucking industry (I've always been told this, I've never researched it).  It was only 5 or so years ago where diesel was never higher than standard as far as price per gallon.  People used to always buy cheap diesel cars when global oil prices were high and gas prices were high as a result.  Then ethanol mandates hit the scene and now standard always costs much less than diesel.

But my main point is that it doesn't matter if you drive an SUV, a jet plain, a Prius, or a moped/scooter, it is the DISTANCE that you travel and NOT the "mpg" of your vehicle!

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
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10 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

Well ... if "soon" is right around the corner and we vanish, then see ya all in the next life.

Wishing everyone the best :hello:

Ditto to all  :hello:

Truly a unique place here and I've only been here a little over two years, where does all the time go.

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47 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

But my main point is that it doesn't matter if you drive an SUV, a jet plain, a Prius, or a moped/scooter, it is the DISTANCE that you travel and NOT the "mpg" of your vehicle!

I agree on this. Also driving style matters. Sure it is nice to rev engine into redline but it is far from economical and redlining engine too long will wear it quicker. Some take off on traffic lights like they would be on drag racing and got near hit by those few time. On town I try keep RPM under 3100 and on highway once on speed can make it under 2000RPM if 6 gear manual, but if I need to accelerate I am not scared to rev up.

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2 hours ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

Some take off on traffic lights like they would be on drag racing and got near hit by those few time.

Same here.
I've even had folks follow me into a parking lot to "say their piece".
I just calmly reply, "Green means Go.  Green does not mean Gun It."
You have to be careful, they clearly have "road rage" if they followed you into a parking lot.
So it's in the "delivery" that I can get them to CHUCKLE and admit that Green means Go.

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
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5 hours ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

I have not spoken in cafe for while after moped lost control in this thread (means something went out of hand), but seems things calmed down. Today when I logged in I noticed this.


Well I always said all things need to come to end but did not expect this :no:. I wanted to donate but issue is that I do not have credit card or any banking card with enabled support for online transactions since where I live all is done with cash or wire transfer based on IBAN numbers. I also wont have anyone who credit card or paypal to borrow to do it. I asked if that would have been possible way do donate since MSFN last year but I never got any answer. Still I am willing to donate to MSFN if I just got way.

Well if this is actually end this board been great and I felt to be part of community here, people with same type of ideologies. I met many great people here. There likely will never be community like this again. People from around globe, many are interested keeping older systems alive, actually helpful answers etc.

If this is farewell I let this song be my goodbye to board


translation to that song is here: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/kaunis-luoksesi-kaipuu-my-longing-you-beautiful.html

This is a very sad moment I have ever seen, because MSFN was such a great place for me to stay in. :(

4 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

Woke up to that as well. I'm lucky to have been a member of this forum. I Learned a lot from good people and I will always be grateful to those that worked hard to keep this forum going and contributed; I'm sure its a full-time job to run a forum nowadays.

Well ... if "soon" is right around the corner and we vanish, then see ya all in the next life.

Wishing everyone the best :hello:

+1, and I wish you the best too, haven't seen you on MSFN in a while. I hope things are going well for you.

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1 hour ago, mina7601 said:

This is a very sad moment I have ever seen, because MSFN was such a great place for me to stay in. :(

it is sad but like we say in finland "älä jää tuleen makaamaan" (dont stay laying on fire) which means that on backlash dont cry over it too long rather try to go on. I have lost lot during my life, friends, communities etc. all been painful but I survived still. You are still young so you got long life to go. There will be another board/community.

If this board wont come back I hope you all the best in life. Live long and prosper!

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