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The MSFN café - A Penny for Your Thoughts

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Mercy me, it is actually May :unsure: Stuck inside for too long and sometimes you lose track and days blend into each-other. Ugh. 


Think February likes March?

No, but April May :huh:

Posted (edited)


9 Scary Fish to Haunt Your Dreams


I Feel bad, guys, for all my mistakes today (typing / grammar / stuttering repeat wording), but I won't correct them so as to be (always) genuine here. I'm just me. Honestly, I'm struggling pretty badly today with just about everything and bedtime can't come a moment too soon for me. Tomorrows a new day. I'll be fine so worry not. Think I'll be offline for a while and focus on recovering this week.

Take care.

Edited by XPerceniol
On 4/30/2022 at 2:31 PM, xpw10 said:


Haaa ... that is just wrong on so many levels :D



57 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

The weather is getting nice ... so we've opened up the patio outdoor section to all. Enjoy your weekend everyone :)


Nice coffee over there, and thanks! :)

Posted (edited)
On 5/2/2022 at 6:45 PM, XPerceniol said:

Mercy me, it is actually May :unsure: Stuck inside for too long and sometimes you lose track and days blend into each-other. Ugh.

Too much monotony can do that.

I got the letter from the financial board few days ago that I owe the neighboring municipality 40€ for "speeding" fine, which I already paid in time in January, so then half-price applied. I wrote an email to the municipality, attaching payment confirmation document and they apologized, saying the list of transactions for the day when the transaction was made was missing.

Holy moly, with all the computers in place, LOL! :lol:

Late edit: About the "speeding"; to clarify, I'm not some maniac overconfident in his driving abilities, I was merely entering...is it the settlement?...can't find the right word...a town or village doesn't seem fitting neither...and there was apparently a hidden radar at the beginning where my speed was apparently 58 km/h.

The limit is 50 km/h. I tend to slow down gradually and use engine alone as a brake when deemed safe to do so. Also, the road was bloody empty! Guess if I'd let go of the gas pedal about 2 seconds earlier, I'd made it there within the limit. :P

Edited by UCyborg

We have the worst of all worlds: everything that should be centralized is decentralized (dating) and everything that should be decentralized is centralized (banking).

Posted (edited)

It Friday the 13th and I don't usually leave the house as I fear something bad will happen. I wish I were kidding, but oh well. Good movies to watch. I did get out yesterday after being in the house (put on your seat-belt) for almost 2 weeks and its just get very weird.  I'm discovering that I totally fine being removed from society and toxic people and this silly game people play jumping through hoops to please others and from the little I see, people are not genuine anymore. To be honest ... the world seems quit fake now to me. Robots. I'm an outsider and my dearly departed father used to tell me that was fine.

Still not sleeping well and sometimes I wake up confused and takes times to pull myself out of it.

Anyways ... hope everyone is doing better this Friday :)

Edited by XPerceniol
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

I did get out yesterday after being in the house (put on your seat-belt) for almost 2 weeks and its just get very weird.

So you went out and encountered people? It seems they're everywhere these days. The first serious COVID lockdown here, oh that was bloody amazing, no cars, no people besides an odd pedestrian and an odd patrol guy hanging around, peace and quiet. Seems that was something that happens once in a lifetime and never again.

5 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

I'm discovering that I totally fine being removed from society and toxic people and this silly game people play jumping through hoops to please others and from the little I see, people are not genuine anymore. To be honest ... the world seems quit fake now to me.

There's always been at least slight feeling of disconnect from society here. Wasn't it always like this that most people strive for acceptance from others? I personally started noticing these patterns in elementary school. One of those things for instance, smoking. It was (still is?) literally seen by some kids as adult thing to do, like you have to smoke to be more mature. What the heck?

And another thing, very last day of elementary school, went out with two guys I used to be friends with. Somehow they got their hands on the beer. OK, whatever, Slovenians are traditonally a bunch of drunks so kids already do it... At some point conversation went into direction of the things we'll do in the future, I think. There's really only this one part I still remember about conversation that day. The question came up for everyone to answer, at what age we'll have sex.

Errr, how am I supposed to know? But you had to answer and that answer wasn't valid. So I blurted out an age slightly after 18, I picked 21. And they laughed. As you might have guessed, their answer was 18.

I found this whole thing from their side even more ignorant in later years as I got more aware of the possibilities and the way people can be. What if the person is asexual?

5 hours ago, XPerceniol said:


Yup, just follow the script. I'd probably be a hypocrite if I said I don't do some of the things "they" do, but I don't tend to orient exclusively on what others do.

Edited by UCyborg
Some wording

Thank you for popping into the café and thank you for the reply - I'll be sure to reply at another time when I can better answer your posting.

Overall not too bad today and I did get outside for a short walk in the sun (no people) and I enjoyed it (the trees, the birds) ... important as they (unlike people) never let us down.

Enjoy your weekend everyone :)

Posted (edited)
On 5/13/2022 at 1:11 PM, UCyborg said:

Yup, just follow the script. I'd probably be a hypocrite if I said I don't do some of the things "they" do, but I don't tend to orient exclusively on what others do.

Sorry for the late reply my friend ... just getting back up today.

Not necessarily a hypocrite - we should in all likelihood *survive* in this jungle better by learning to become a chameleon (during times for basic survival) . Ya know, as they say - "when in Rome" - that doesn't make you any less genuine, but sometimes we need to go with the flow and change could happen along the way instead of becoming stuck by trying to be steadfast or rigidity (or rigidness).

Sorry If I make little sense.

Hope everyone is enjoying this week.

Edited by XPerceniol
Posted (edited)

Ok: Mister Blobfish is going to step away from the keyboard.

EDIT: Dressed and heading outside for a nice walk. Wait ... I don't have feet and I'm already in water, so just keep swimming; always.



Edited by XPerceniol
Posted (edited)

More than likely, I'll be staying in this forum (mainly this thread) or such threads that are general discussion in nature going forward here. I don't want to be a hindrance rather than help or promote derailing of threads when this is a tech forum. To my knowledge posting in this sub-forum  [the-msfn-café] does NOT increase your post count. I'll occasionally post in threads pertaining to the browsers I use here or if I have something helpful to add, post feedback or ask a question, myself.

I'm just grateful to part of MSFN and hope we stay active and thriving - It can't be easy to keep this place up an running.

TY for putting up with me here ;)


Edited by XPerceniol

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