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Official - Windows 10 Worst Crap Ever!


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You can be certain any systems running some version of XP are running on hardware purchased over a decade ago.

And the fact that the computers are old and running old OS gives you a clue about how much they invest on something new. No instead they hold onto what they have and resist upgrading until there is no other option. I'm aware of one company that has an active "bounty" on specific types of motherboards with VESA slots on them because they are stuck in that type of rut of continuing the use of the old tech because making things work with modern hardware is either prohibitively expensive or time consuming.

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Just had contact with Medion computers who are a part of Lenovo...

My customer has been experiencing all sorts of problems with power button not working properly...computer not having the right drivers etc...

Because I am in Sweden when I search for Medion this link comes up...if I go down the page it has a "Looking for drivers, program software, manuals etc"...if I enter the MSN number for her computer 30030073 the response is...


Here you can find all downloads for your product


Dear user,
Windows 10 makes it easy to find the latest software, firmware updates and new hardware drivers. It detects most devices automatically and installs the necessary drivers, software and firmware updates when you're connected to the Internet, this keeps your computer up to date. Therefore we do not offer driver updates for download at this point.

Detailed instructions on how to update the device drivers of your computer and how to check whether a device driver has been updated successfully can be found in a corresponding FAQ in the MEDION Community.


Handbuch MEDION AKOYA E1530x/E1540x Notebook Serie

Version: Deutsch


Manual MEDION AKOYA E1530x/E1540x Notebook

Version: English


Technische Angaben EU Verordnung 617/2013 System MEDION E15301
Guidelines EU Commission Regulation 617/2013
System MEDION E15301



So there are manuals for the computer but at this time they don't have drivers... they rely on Microsoft to fix everything...go figure....

Last time I will even consider recommending their computers...Lenovo I haven't a problem with - but this is a joke....Microsoft fixing things?!!!!!!! Microsoft couldn't punch their way out of a paper bag!!



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It seems like it may be a trend going forward. That company is not relying on Microsoft doing the drivers, MS doesn't do that. Instead the ODM is pushing the correct drivers to Windows Update only.

I am working with a product from Intel that has been frustrating me for some time. Where with both Windows 10 and Windows 11, there are drivers for it you can get from Intel or the update catalog, but they do not work in the OS manually. Only the drivers installed from Windows Update work. So for products that are not specifically aimed at Enterprise channel, appliances or Server OS, drivers may more and more only appear on Windows Update.

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On 4/5/2022 at 3:50 PM, Tripredacus said:

It seems like it may be a trend going forward. That company is not relying on Microsoft doing the drivers, MS doesn't do that. Instead the ODM is pushing the correct drivers to Windows Update only.

I am working with a product from Intel that has been frustrating me for some time. Where with both Windows 10 and Windows 11, there are drivers for it you can get from Intel or the update catalog, but they do not work in the OS manually. Only the drivers installed from Windows Update work. So for products that are not specifically aimed at Enterprise channel, appliances or Server OS, drivers may more and more only appear on Windows Update.

Thanks for the update....you live and learn...



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  • 7 months later...
On 3/8/2022 at 8:54 AM, Jody Thornton said:

My girlfriend has a Dell XPS 8500 desktop.  She has pulled it out of storage, and it's running Windows 10 (Build 1511).  I tried to update past that, but I've learned it's not supported.  In fact, she should be shocked the Windows 10 was able to be upgraded to in the first place.

Saddens me a little, since her system works wonderfully, but she'd be in fact better (security-wise) with Windows 8.1.  I know some folks have been able to fresh install Windows 10 (Build 1809) or even higher, from media onto this same system, offline.  However, I really don't want to fresh install on a system that's fully working to her liking.

Which brings me to this;  if we leave her on 1511, and keep Google Chrome and Office 360 applications up to date, will she be REASONABLY safe?  She doesn't really game, or go to risky sistes.  I'm just pondering ideas.


Now this is odd.  Somewhere around April of this year, Windows 10 on her Dell XPS 8500 was able to upgrade to 21H2.  I only learned because of an update that was alerted to her about the feature update to 22H2 being available.  We updated it, and she's now currently updated.  What ???  How did this system suddenly become "compatible" with Windows 10 past Build 1511?

Edited by Jody Thornton
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I hate how I need to hover my mouse pointer over the scrolling bar in order to make it appear! At first I couldn't figure out how to scroll the page. And half the time, the arrow and page down keys don't work. I thought they mastered that in Windows 3.1, but I guess I was mistaken... It's never too late to regress! It's a non-productive interface to say the least. And the original poster's point about it being designed for a phone screen I think is right, why else is everything so shrunken and tiny, but for to save space on the screen.

I remember using the internet on the school computer in, say, 1992 or 1993, with Windows 3.1 -- back then only school had the internet. It was more fu n, more productive, and better designed. Everything now is crappier. The actual machine doesn't "feel" any faster doing mundane tasks. The Windows 3.1 File Manager was superior to whatever half-baked junk is on here now. The only difference between now and then, is the ability to view videos and other high speed graphic related things. Otherwise, just taking care of NORMAL stuff like email, editing a picture, email, wasn't that much worse than now. Even Microsoft Word 6.0 was better than any word processor nowadays.

Windows 10 sucks, and so does most of the internet now. Search engines were better back then, because you actually used them. Now, what's the point?


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On 11/23/2022 at 11:04 AM, ZortMcGort11 said:

I hate how I need to hover my mouse pointer over the scrolling bar in order to make it appear!

I thought that was Win11 thing. At least it isn't in Win10 20H2. Haven't ran any of the later versions though.

On 11/19/2022 at 9:36 PM, Jody Thornton said:

Now this is odd.  Somewhere around April of this year, Windows 10 on her Dell XPS 8500 was able to upgrade to 21H2.  I only learned because of an update that was alerted to her about the feature update to 22H2 being available.  We updated it, and she's now currently updated.  What ???  How did this system suddenly become "compatible" with Windows 10 past Build 1511?

I wouldn't consider 10 years old hardware being compatible odd. Wouldn't "incompatible" versions work with fresh install if you had the right drivers at hand?

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19 hours ago, UCyborg said:

I wouldn't consider 10 years old hardware being compatible odd. Wouldn't "incompatible" versions work with fresh install if you had the right drivers at hand?

No but before April, there were no available updates, and her system could NOT be upgraded past Build 1511.  So she was effectively stuck there - well that is until her system DID update.  There were no extra drivers to obtain when she maxed out at 1511.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I gotta say, it stinks most Windows XP computers don't hold USB 3.0 support. All Microsoft and manufacturers need to do is add hardware support for XP on newer hardware and everyone will be happy. File transfers on my modded Windows 10 PC run extremely quickly...my Intel Core Duo 2 XP laptop takes about 3 hours for about the same size file transfer.

My biggest pet peeve here is how overly bloated programs are nowadays too. Because the tools used to write them are so bloated now, the software that comes from it is also bloated. Like, we don't need to have 16gb of ram and an i9 to play MP3's, watch downloaded videos, use a word processor, or browse the web. Literally, a computer from 20 years ago can do all these tasks.


Edited by FantasyAcquiesce
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windows 10 has definitely gone down an interesting path (and by interesting I mean bad) and windows 11 on top of that just made it worse the best options now would be linux or keep running an older windows version (I don't like macs very much)

Edited by legacyfan
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14 hours ago, legacyfan said:

windows 10 has definitely gone down an interesting path (and by interesting I mean bad) and windows 11 on top of that just made it worse the best options now would be linux or keep running an older windows version (I don't like macs very much)

Macs have a lot of pros and cons. For pros, the OS is extremely simple and intuitive to understand and the new Apple Silicon Macs are beasts in battery life and performance, however cons are that Macs are expensive, proprietary (as in you can't upgrade the hardware or install your own OS on them now) and you're basically subject to what Apple wants to do with your computer.

Still, I'm considering for my next computer buying a used M1/M2 MBP/Air and just using that. I use Linux on my laptop however battery life is virtually non-existent, and it requires a lot of extra tweaks to keep it running smooth. 

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  • 3 months later...

Just a little update.....been a while.....:huh:

I never thought I would be singing Microsoft's praises - but I have to say that the customers that have upgraded to Windows 11 ...most of them have downgraded to Windows 10 because of driver issues etc....

Of course most computers now come with Windows 11 as standard - so it is harder to find computers with Windows 10....

I warn my customers to be ever vigilant about their computers wanting to upgrade to Windows 11....few have missed the signs and had problems....hence the "most of them have downgraded to Windows 10....."

Windows 11 getting stuck in a loop after an update is quite common....so, even if I could upgrade this computer (according to Microsoft) I wouldn't do it...Windows 10 is more stable.....god that hurt to write......:buehehe:

When looking back at some of the comments here over the years since I started this thread.....a lot of those people would be happier with Linux....:cheerleader:

I still love Debian and will keep supporting Linux as the best choice for a stable computer....the community is fantastic....

BUT....don't get me wrong :ph34r: there is fantastic support here on this forum and I am truly grateful for the times you guys have got me out of the ****!

I can't claim that Windows 10 is the worst crap ever anymore....I think Windows 11 has taken over big time!!




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windows 10 is definitely good but after awhile of using windows 11 it definitely is more usable then 10 (and way more stable) compaired to it even with the few annoying features in it its easy to configure to your needs

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