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My Browser Builds (Part 2)

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1 hour ago, j7n said:

What is the best extension currently working with Palemoon 28 for blocking advertisements? I want an easy access to the url filter list to amend it, and the least load on the processor. Something like the Opera browser. I am currently using a DNS server, but I want to block some very heavy scripts.

ublock origin for pale moon is a good choice

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New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.7.win32-git-20201121-ffb32e0-uxp-a89597b5d-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.7.win64-git-20201121-ffb32e0-uxp-a89597b5d-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

IA32 Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.7.win32-git-20201121-ffb32e0-uxp-a89597b5d-xpmod-ia32.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.2a1.win32-git-20201121-86b6cb4c2-uxp-a89597b5d-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.2a1.win64-git-20201121-86b6cb4c2-uxp-a89597b5d-xpmod.7z

Official UXP changes since my last build:
- Issue #1280 - Follow-up: Get rid of HPKP pinning mode. (5ef801fdc)
- Issue #1391 - Disable DOM Filesystem/dirpicker APIs by default. (5262e01a4)
- Issue #1682 - Remove vibrator DOM interface and support code. (13f505539)
- [libjar] Fix inflation logic. (870fd86e1)
- Issue #1683 - Update Brotli lib to 1.0.9 (d86f49ba5)
- Issue #1683 - Update libjar module. (2d8013526)
- [packager] Optimize archive accesses. (6d2e301d9)
- [toolkit] Add optimized UI code format option (511ac54ca)
- Revert "[toolkit] Add optimized UI code format option" (8aa935553)
- Issue #1684 - Remove global UA override preference and supporting code. (18df01eb5)
- Revert "Issue #1684 - Remove global UA override preference and supporting code." (3abb8e28a)
- [UA] Change default compatibility mode version to 68.0 (6bc5748b0)
- Issue #1667 - Part 1: Define _pthread_self if it is not already defined in jemalloc (b6d909ad1)
- Issue #1667 - Part 2: Add MacOS 11.0 Big Sur widget compatibility This involves refactoring the vibrancy and OpenGL/Pixel rendering changes contained in the following Mozilla meta bugs: 1496823 and 1491445 Also add Big Sur to the features tests and update popup menu look and feel based on Mozilla bug 1656301. (fa5aba4c0)
- Issue #251 - Move chrome packaging options to ac configure (ecb827c5c)
- Merge pull request 'Get rid of HPKP pinning mode leftovers' (#1680) from adesh/UXP:cleanup-hpkp-pinning-mode into master (241f06bc5)
- Issue #1667 - Part 3: Fix OpenGL load and runtime issues on Big Sur This fix is included in NSPR 4.27 and Mozilla bug 1652330. Also put a main thread check in the cocoa draw callback. (2f3cf3c8c)
- Issue #1686 - Align a keybinding definition with the others (85dc118aa)
- [gfx][Skia] Hold mutex while accessing shared SkImage data. (31a64578e)
- [xpcom] Fix GetWindowsFolder storage (bd061ac04)
- [parser] Make the refcount of nsHtml5OwningUTF16Buffer atomic. (4782e8dfa)
- [xpcom] Don't use realloc for shrinking nsTArrays when allowRealloc is false. (887fface5)
- Merge pull request 'Resolve various issues on Big Sur' (#1685) from dbsoft/UXP:master into master (577148710)
- [http] Use a copy of nsHttpConnectionInfo. (1864bbec2)
- [dom] Remove attributes from descendants when setting sanitized style. (eefaee906)
- [sfnt] Fix heap buffer overflow. (76d62cfc3)
- Merge pull request 'Align a keybinding definition with the others' (#1687) from vannilla/UXP:align-key-definition into master (074d19477)
- [webrtc] Only init WebRtcAec callbacks once (a89597b5d)

No official Basilisk changes since my last build.

Official Pale-Moon changes since my last build:
- Back-end branch pointer up date (Unstable 2020-11-02) (75097f19e)
- Back-end branch pointer update (Unstable 2020-11-14) (07d3f0a17)
- Update back-end branch pointer and leverage libjar improvements. (86b6cb4c2)

My changes since my last build:
- skipped Pale-Moon changes about libjar for better compatibility on hacking around for users

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New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20201121-355db4de-uxp-a89597b5d-xpmod.7z
BNavigator Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20201121-355db4de-uxp-a89597b5d-xpmod.7z

source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/tree/custom-older

* Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15.


New build of HBL-UXP for XP!

Test binary:
IceDove-UXP(mail) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/icedove.win32-20201121-id-eed0566-uxp-a89597b5d-xpmod.7z
IceApe-UXP(suite) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/iceape.win32-20201121-id-eed0566-ia-41157bf-uxp-a89597b5d-xpmod.7z

source repo (excluding UXP):

for UXP changes please see above.

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New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20201121-fa350a3b2-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20201121-fa350a3b2-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20201121-fa350a3b2-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win64-git-20201121-fa350a3b2-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1164391 - record an address within the instruction. r=luke (b55506f22)
 - Bug 1172638 - guard a test case. r=bbouvier (7e372b400)
 - Bug 1155176 - correct return types for atomics. r=luke (16ddf75f0)
 - Bug 1172517 - track sharedness in global. r=luke (2b8a664e7)
 - pointer style (9f9af957c)
 - Bug 1142668: Fix int32x4 to float32x4 conversion in asm.js; r=luke (79867d66f)
 - Bug 1155211 - SIMD: Rename lane mutators - with -> replaceLane. r=bbouvier (ea7f5e3f1)
 - Bug 1181318 - Eliminate duplicate mRefCnt members in nsRunnable subclasses. r=ehsan (abb9c7d3d)
 - Bug 1176406 - IonMonkey: Poor type refinement of element access results during inlininig (873686ca4)
 - Bug 1157624: Odin: split parsing/validation from codegen; r=luke (bf20abaf8)
 - Bug 1164042 - Log weak map entries in DumpHeapComplete. r=terrence (f9be8e243)
 - Bug 1167795 - Share the root and child tracing code in DumpHeapComplete; r=mccr8 (0a946f546)
 - Bug 1168103 - "Execution cannot reach the expression "?unknown?" inside this statement in jsfriendapi.cpp". r=evilpies (906b8e714)
 - Bug 1168103 - Convert tabs to spaces. r=me (5cf8a2b07)
 - Bug 1169692 - Use virtual dispatch in WeakMapTracer instead of function pointers; r=sfink, r=mccr8 (0ce57cae9)
 - Bug 1135993 - Remove js::IsInNonStrictPropertySet. r=jorendorff (bf2bee8c7)
 - Bug 1164815 - Use an enum to define GlobalObject slot constants r=luke (21e53a9bb)
 - Bug 1124291 - added ToInt8 and ToInt16. r=Waldo (350f2ece9)
 - Bug 1124291 - SIMD (interpreter): Implemented int8x16 and int16x8 on a CLOSED TREE. r=bbouvier (8055710fb)
 - Bug 1165654 - Cleanup how libjpeg-turbo assembly build variables are set. r=mshal (e32f6db51)
 - Bug 1155211: Part 3.0 - Implement SIMD[type].extractLane; p=flomerz;bbouvier; r=h4writer (ca61952ba)
 - Bug 1127932 - IonMonkey: Inline SIMD.float32x4.add/sub/mul calls; r=bbouvier (0472a833c)
 - Bug 1112158 - Optimize MSimdUnbox with GVN. r=bbouvier (b89048669)
 - Bug 1136189 - SIMD: inline SIMD constructors with missing arguments. r=bbouvier (e5cdc380f)
 - revert some PM changes for escaped expressions (b20b2a292)
 - Bug 1147817 - Part 1: Add RegExpInitialize. r=till (b00f0a12b)
 - revert some changes, update closer to gecko code (74b20a236)
 - Bug 1147817 - Part 2: Use IsRegExp in RegExp constructor. r=till (ffb568ffb)
 - Bug 1124456 - Check channel's contentPolicyType to see if it is XMLHttpRequest. r=vporof (b4e4d4aaf)
 - Bug 1150697 - Add IP address to the Network Monitor domain tooltip. r=bgrins (ec37b3505)
 - Bug 1150697 - Fix confusing messages in Network Monitor tests. r=bgrins (40987b29c)
 - Bug 764958 - Show cached network requests in the net monitor. r=jsantell (1507a9c7e)
 - add as of Get rid of JSOP_{GET,CALL}UPVAR and simplify code greatly (592202) (29e91f1bc)
 - Bug 1155900 - Make destructuring right-hand-side expressions that correspond to left-hand-side object patterns pass the RequireObjectCoercible gauntlet before any properties are destructured out of them. r=shu (3a93c0aa6)
 - Bug 1131043 - Part 2: Implement Map[@@species] and Set[@@species] getter. r=evilpie (07bd91ec1)
 - Bug 1063946 SIMD: Group tests in logical units - typed objects; r=bbouvier (43f4b18ee)
 - Bug 1063946 SIMD: Group tests in logical units - unary operations; r=bbouvier (b30903604)
 - Bug 1063946 SIMD: Group tests in logical units - binary operations; r=bbouvier (469f31c8c)
 - Bug 1124291 - SIMD (interpreter): Added test cases for int8x16 and inBug 1124291 - SIMD (interpreter): Added test cases for int8x16 and in (e2d35c44b)
 - Bug 1156365 - IonMonkey MIPS: Fix build failure on MIPS; rename Registers::code() to Registers::Encoding(). r=rankov (7fc1252e9)
 - pointer style (385d63410)
 - Bug 1181151 - Fix Registers::GetName typedef issue with clang. r=rankov (fc11c5a13)
 - Bug 1163168 - Prettify IonAssemblerBuffer.h. r=dougc (33f0e1430)
 - Bug 1165793 - Add executableCopy() back for MIPS. r=sstangl (5b44df890)
 - Bug 1139299 - Fix align stack in Simulator-mips::call. r=rankov, r=nbp (d4e45e869)
 - Bug 1140821 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix profiler enter frame calculating. r=nbp (69c16c5d6)
 - Bug 1144005 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix encode break instruction. r=rankov (02bb1a736)
 - Bug 1147424 - IonMonkey MIPS: Fix build failures on MIPS caused by recent updates (MacroAssemblerMIPS::ma_b). r=rankov (757605049)
 - Bug 1147908 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix UDiv and UMod for double and merge them. r=rankov (6de529261)
 - adapted Bug 1136799 - SIMD (interpreter): Fix order of operations of ReciprocalSqrt. r=bbouvier, a=me (2290b4e19)
 - Bug 1150836 - SIMD (interpreter): change order of operations of ReciprocalSqrtApproximation. r=bbouvier (35a3354b5)
 - Bug 1153602 - SIMD (interpreter): Added more test cases for ReciprocalSqrtApproximation. r=Waldo (aaedd70d6)
 - Bug 1148494: SimdUnbox shouldn't be removed; r=sunfish (c120c51a7)
 - pointer style (5f3ce20ca)
 - Bug 1061909: Add breakdown argument to Debugger.Memory.prototype.takeCensus, covering all existing count types. r=fitzgen (3503e969b)
 - Bug 1061909: Add documentation for Debugger.Memory.prototype.takeCensus's 'breakdown' parameter. r=fitzgen (1cd40cc94)
 - Bug 1061909: Define a testing function to introduce easily traceable objects. r=fitzgen (f6e09a60b)
 - Bug 1061909: Arrange for trees of census counts to be traced by the GC. r=fitzgen (13c7fb169)
 - Bug 1061909: Implement 'allocationStack' breakdown for Debugger.Memory.prototype.takeCensus. r=fitzgen (c7cb27fe6)
 - Bug 1061909 followup: Add missing 'override' keyword to count() methods in DebuggerMemory.cpp. rs=ehsan (059b6b9eb)
 - Bug 1060567: Debugger.Memory.prototype.takeCensus: provide byte counts on request. r=fitzgen (b6a0f1bef)
 - Bug 1169639 - Make intrinsicsHolder-accesses fallible, now that it's possible to access it without having previously gone through intrinsics-object creation code to ensure its existence. r=shu (3fe01f933)
 - Bug 1159469 - Add public jsapi ES6 Set convenience functions; r=jorendorff (ca74a2a09)
 - Bug 1159469 - Add ForEach C++ public function for ES6 Maps/Sets; r=jorendorff (19f28135a)
 - fix parenthesis and redundant new lines (63618bc8a)
 - Bug 1151333: Reserve enough stack space for SIMD shuffles; r=sunfish (100f2fbc8)
 - Bug 1159469 - Add public jsapi ES6 Map delete method; r=jorendorff (b1db40c51)
 - Bug 1159469 - Make sure public jsapi Map/Set calls deal with compartments/proxies; r=bz r=jorendorff (69bf75c49)
 - Bug 1159469 - Add get function to JSJitCallArguments; r=jorendorff (583cec75a)
 - Bug 1173722: Part 1 - Capitalize all the SIMD types names; r=nbp (70c68229f) (bcff8a12b)
- import changes from tenfourfox:
 - #631: M1607762 M1654620 (7a7bba46e)
 - #631: update TLDs, HSTS (ececaa972) (cb69b0a14)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - pointer style (34e9d556e)
 - Bug 1175466 - Allocate arguments objects in the nursery. r=terrence (14e7d019d)
 - Bug 1175511 - Use template objects for arguments object allocation. r=bhackett (09c43e10e)
 - Bug 1169250 - Zero-initialize all function object members r=jandem (55e6c44d7)
 - Bug 987514, part 3 - Make every global have a (usually empty) Reflect object; rename JS_InitReflect -> JS_InitReflectParse. r=Waldo. (f7beebe35)
 - Bug 987514, part 4 - Implement most of the standard Reflect methods. r=Waldo. (0ee01d6da)
 - Bug 1160665 - Use the same implementation for both internal and external barriers; r=jonco (5291b100f)
 - Bug 1175511 - Use template objects for arguments object allocation. r=bhackett (980240980)
 - Bug 1170182 - Remove dead functions from js/src. r=jorendorff (2f6130fa2)
 - Bug 1167468: Assert that JSObjects and their metadata are always in the same compartment. r=fitzgen (dc780d455)
 - Bug 1172138 - Call PR_LogInit before profiler_init. r=froydnj (bd23dafce)
 - re-add WebM NesteggReporter (b22381367)
 - Bug 1159507 - make allocation times consistent with timeline; r=fitzgen,mccr8 (3a9c8e3dc)
 - Bug 1174906 - Add a mozilla::Variant<T1, T2, ...> template class; r=Waldo (7c12bcf74)
 - Bug 1068988 - Part 1: Add byte size to the allocation log; r=shu (4cbbbd8db)
 - Bug 1068988 - Part 2: Add a test for byte sizes in the allocations log; r=shu (aa7d187db)
 - Bug 1068988 - Part 3: Document the size property in the allocations log; r=shu (fa774e0bd)
 - Bug 1068988 - Part 4: Fix object-pending-metadata root marking; r=shu (89961c6ee)
 - Bug 1155211: Part 3.1 - Update tests for extractLane; r=h4writer (e8d0da406)
 - Bug 1155211: Part 3.2 - Remove lanes getters; r=nbp (840230594)
 - Bug 1155211: Part 3.3 - New tests; r=h4writer (9e8a8a456)
 - Bug 1174850 - Remove the explicitly relocatable store buffers; r=jonco (02bc4962b)
 - Bug 1165843 - Don't fire the pre-barrier in HeapPtr destructor r=terrence (d6277ed50)
 - pointer style (5c58f858d)
 - Bug 1175642 - Fix the interface that RelocatablePtr uses to interact with the StoreBuffer; r=jonco (30c4c1b47)
 - Bug 1165054 - Add API to clear postbarrier callbacks and use it when CPOW tables are destroyed r=terrence (e8d62c559)
 - Bug 1131285 - Propagate checkTypeSet flag correctly, r=jandem. (2baae056d)
 - re-shufflemethods due to bad patching (5bb9a0ae5)
 - Bug 977805 followup - Fix some issues with IonCache::reset reprotection. r=luke (11bcad882)
 - Bug 1180854 - Record and expose Ion IC stub optimization info to Jit Coach. r=shu (fa00fd728)
 - Bug 1179264 - Only assert markedness of sampled scripts in JitcodeMap during finalization. (r=terrence) (e9639d963)
 - Bug 1173764 - Enable LAllocation/LUse serialization in optimized builds. r=bhackett (a10398167)
 - Bug 1173764 - Disable JitSpew argument computation in optimizied builds. r=bhackett (54d0f0b5e)
 - cleanup spaces and pointer style (d79dba082)
 - Bug 1175761 - Avoid using types in the nursery during optimization tracking, r=shu. (739174bd3)
 - Bug 1176511 - Minor GC when tracking types as a better bandaid. (r=terrence) (3913d0b0d)
 - Bug 1182730 - Mark the JitcodeGlobalTable unconditionally when minor collecting. (r=terrence) (86ace1dcd)
 - Bug 1182730 - Followup: only mark the JitcodeGlobalMap when profiling is on. (r=djvj) (be105dff4)
 - Bug 1187512 - Fix accumulated unified bustage in SpiderMonkey; r=jonco (8a663452f)
 - Bug 1155211: Rename bitselect into selectBits; r=nbp (b644a0731)
 - Bug 1155211: Remove selectBits on Float types; r=nbp (588ffbc3e)
 - Bug 1175494 - comprehensive atomics tests for asm.js. r=luke (1ef4b9c1d)
 - Bug 1141986 - Atomics.exchange on integer elements -- asm.js parts. r=bbouvier (d7eeba2b4)
 - Bug 1183308 - Fix ARM64 bustage from Bug 1141986. r=efaust (8915a33ac)
 - real part of previous partial Bug 1038839 - Use type information for alias analysis. r=jandem (98f3ac4f9)
 - Bug 1148375 - Ignore unhandled Elements. r=jandem (a74a4954e)
 - Bug 1180990 - Add checks for nursery objects when building MIR. r=jandem (55117882e)
 - Bug 1180049 - Add OOM check in MNewArray constructor. r=bhackett (95dca3f7d)
 - Bug 1186271: IonMonkey: Honor truncated flag during folding of binary operations, r=nbp (34d66ad0b)
 - Bug 1173869: IonMonkey - Cleanup of some dead code in MBinaryArithInstruction::infer, r=jandem (4d42ac15a)
 - Bug 1193112: IonMonkey - Let the float32 optimization work with Float32, r=bbouvier (fae4514b6) (202db2bd0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1169850 - Handle PNK_EXPORT_DEFAULT in BytecodeEmitter::emitTree. r=shu (edbc57112)
 - Bug 1185413 - Include BaselineIC.h in SharedIC.cpp. r=nbp (1dd1905d6)
 - Bug 1169947 - Set the state back to NOTHING after the OnPanEnd is received. r=botond (fef416407)
 - Bug 1141986 - Atomics.exchange, stubs for ARM64 and MIPS. r=sstangl, r=rankov (374ddd8be)
 - Bug 1141986 - introduce a TruncateToInt32 policy. r=h4writer (ae30122b5)
 - Bug 1275204 - protobuf: Sync sparc64 pre-processor defines from upstream. r=fitzgen (112f75dbc) (fa350a3b2)

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New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 2d158c2a3..fa350a3b2:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1164391 - record an address within the instruction. r=luke (b55506f22)
 - Bug 1172638 - guard a test case. r=bbouvier (7e372b400)
 - Bug 1155176 - correct return types for atomics. r=luke (16ddf75f0)
 - Bug 1172517 - track sharedness in global. r=luke (2b8a664e7)
 - pointer style (9f9af957c)
 - Bug 1142668: Fix int32x4 to float32x4 conversion in asm.js; r=luke (79867d66f)
 - Bug 1155211 - SIMD: Rename lane mutators - with -> replaceLane. r=bbouvier (ea7f5e3f1)
 - Bug 1181318 - Eliminate duplicate mRefCnt members in nsRunnable subclasses. r=ehsan (abb9c7d3d)
 - Bug 1176406 - IonMonkey: Poor type refinement of element access results during inlininig (873686ca4)
 - Bug 1157624: Odin: split parsing/validation from codegen; r=luke (bf20abaf8)
 - Bug 1164042 - Log weak map entries in DumpHeapComplete. r=terrence (f9be8e243)
 - Bug 1167795 - Share the root and child tracing code in DumpHeapComplete; r=mccr8 (0a946f546)
 - Bug 1168103 - "Execution cannot reach the expression "?unknown?" inside this statement in jsfriendapi.cpp". r=evilpies (906b8e714)
 - Bug 1168103 - Convert tabs to spaces. r=me (5cf8a2b07)
 - Bug 1169692 - Use virtual dispatch in WeakMapTracer instead of function pointers; r=sfink, r=mccr8 (0ce57cae9)
 - Bug 1135993 - Remove js::IsInNonStrictPropertySet. r=jorendorff (bf2bee8c7)
 - Bug 1164815 - Use an enum to define GlobalObject slot constants r=luke (21e53a9bb)
 - Bug 1124291 - added ToInt8 and ToInt16. r=Waldo (350f2ece9)
 - Bug 1124291 - SIMD (interpreter): Implemented int8x16 and int16x8 on a CLOSED TREE. r=bbouvier (8055710fb)
 - Bug 1165654 - Cleanup how libjpeg-turbo assembly build variables are set. r=mshal (e32f6db51)
 - Bug 1155211: Part 3.0 - Implement SIMD[type].extractLane; p=flomerz;bbouvier; r=h4writer (ca61952ba)
 - Bug 1127932 - IonMonkey: Inline SIMD.float32x4.add/sub/mul calls; r=bbouvier (0472a833c)
 - Bug 1112158 - Optimize MSimdUnbox with GVN. r=bbouvier (b89048669)
 - Bug 1136189 - SIMD: inline SIMD constructors with missing arguments. r=bbouvier (e5cdc380f)
 - revert some PM changes for escaped expressions (b20b2a292)
 - Bug 1147817 - Part 1: Add RegExpInitialize. r=till (b00f0a12b)
 - revert some changes, update closer to gecko code (74b20a236)
 - Bug 1147817 - Part 2: Use IsRegExp in RegExp constructor. r=till (ffb568ffb)
 - Bug 1124456 - Check channel's contentPolicyType to see if it is XMLHttpRequest. r=vporof (b4e4d4aaf)
 - Bug 1150697 - Add IP address to the Network Monitor domain tooltip. r=bgrins (ec37b3505)
 - Bug 1150697 - Fix confusing messages in Network Monitor tests. r=bgrins (40987b29c)
 - Bug 764958 - Show cached network requests in the net monitor. r=jsantell (1507a9c7e)
 - add as of Get rid of JSOP_{GET,CALL}UPVAR and simplify code greatly (592202) (29e91f1bc)
 - Bug 1155900 - Make destructuring right-hand-side expressions that correspond to left-hand-side object patterns pass the RequireObjectCoercible gauntlet before any properties are destructured out of them. r=shu (3a93c0aa6)
 - Bug 1131043 - Part 2: Implement Map[@@species] and Set[@@species] getter. r=evilpie (07bd91ec1)
 - Bug 1063946 SIMD: Group tests in logical units - typed objects; r=bbouvier (43f4b18ee)
 - Bug 1063946 SIMD: Group tests in logical units - unary operations; r=bbouvier (b30903604)
 - Bug 1063946 SIMD: Group tests in logical units - binary operations; r=bbouvier (469f31c8c)
 - Bug 1124291 - SIMD (interpreter): Added test cases for int8x16 and inBug 1124291 - SIMD (interpreter): Added test cases for int8x16 and in (e2d35c44b)
 - Bug 1156365 - IonMonkey MIPS: Fix build failure on MIPS; rename Registers::code() to Registers::Encoding(). r=rankov (7fc1252e9)
 - pointer style (385d63410)
 - Bug 1181151 - Fix Registers::GetName typedef issue with clang. r=rankov (fc11c5a13)
 - Bug 1163168 - Prettify IonAssemblerBuffer.h. r=dougc (33f0e1430)
 - Bug 1165793 - Add executableCopy() back for MIPS. r=sstangl (5b44df890)
 - Bug 1139299 - Fix align stack in Simulator-mips::call. r=rankov, r=nbp (d4e45e869)
 - Bug 1140821 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix profiler enter frame calculating. r=nbp (69c16c5d6)
 - Bug 1144005 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix encode break instruction. r=rankov (02bb1a736)
 - Bug 1147424 - IonMonkey MIPS: Fix build failures on MIPS caused by recent updates (MacroAssemblerMIPS::ma_b). r=rankov (757605049)
 - Bug 1147908 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix UDiv and UMod for double and merge them. r=rankov (6de529261)
 - adapted Bug 1136799 - SIMD (interpreter): Fix order of operations of ReciprocalSqrt. r=bbouvier, a=me (2290b4e19)
 - Bug 1150836 - SIMD (interpreter): change order of operations of ReciprocalSqrtApproximation. r=bbouvier (35a3354b5)
 - Bug 1153602 - SIMD (interpreter): Added more test cases for ReciprocalSqrtApproximation. r=Waldo (aaedd70d6)
 - Bug 1148494: SimdUnbox shouldn't be removed; r=sunfish (c120c51a7)
 - pointer style (5f3ce20ca)
 - Bug 1061909: Add breakdown argument to Debugger.Memory.prototype.takeCensus, covering all existing count types. r=fitzgen (3503e969b)
 - Bug 1061909: Add documentation for Debugger.Memory.prototype.takeCensus's 'breakdown' parameter. r=fitzgen (1cd40cc94)
 - Bug 1061909: Define a testing function to introduce easily traceable objects. r=fitzgen (f6e09a60b)
 - Bug 1061909: Arrange for trees of census counts to be traced by the GC. r=fitzgen (13c7fb169)
 - Bug 1061909: Implement 'allocationStack' breakdown for Debugger.Memory.prototype.takeCensus. r=fitzgen (c7cb27fe6)
 - Bug 1061909 followup: Add missing 'override' keyword to count() methods in DebuggerMemory.cpp. rs=ehsan (059b6b9eb)
 - Bug 1060567: Debugger.Memory.prototype.takeCensus: provide byte counts on request. r=fitzgen (b6a0f1bef)
 - Bug 1169639 - Make intrinsicsHolder-accesses fallible, now that it's possible to access it without having previously gone through intrinsics-object creation code to ensure its existence. r=shu (3fe01f933)
 - Bug 1159469 - Add public jsapi ES6 Set convenience functions; r=jorendorff (ca74a2a09)
 - Bug 1159469 - Add ForEach C++ public function for ES6 Maps/Sets; r=jorendorff (19f28135a)
 - fix parenthesis and redundant new lines (63618bc8a)
 - Bug 1151333: Reserve enough stack space for SIMD shuffles; r=sunfish (100f2fbc8)
 - Bug 1159469 - Add public jsapi ES6 Map delete method; r=jorendorff (b1db40c51)
 - Bug 1159469 - Make sure public jsapi Map/Set calls deal with compartments/proxies; r=bz r=jorendorff (69bf75c49)
 - Bug 1159469 - Add get function to JSJitCallArguments; r=jorendorff (583cec75a)
 - Bug 1173722: Part 1 - Capitalize all the SIMD types names; r=nbp (70c68229f) (bcff8a12b)
- import changes from tenfourfox:
 - #631: M1607762 M1654620 (7a7bba46e)
 - #631: update TLDs, HSTS (ececaa972) (cb69b0a14)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - pointer style (34e9d556e)
 - Bug 1175466 - Allocate arguments objects in the nursery. r=terrence (14e7d019d)
 - Bug 1175511 - Use template objects for arguments object allocation. r=bhackett (09c43e10e)
 - Bug 1169250 - Zero-initialize all function object members r=jandem (55e6c44d7)
 - Bug 987514, part 3 - Make every global have a (usually empty) Reflect object; rename JS_InitReflect -> JS_InitReflectParse. r=Waldo. (f7beebe35)
 - Bug 987514, part 4 - Implement most of the standard Reflect methods. r=Waldo. (0ee01d6da)
 - Bug 1160665 - Use the same implementation for both internal and external barriers; r=jonco (5291b100f)
 - Bug 1175511 - Use template objects for arguments object allocation. r=bhackett (980240980)
 - Bug 1170182 - Remove dead functions from js/src. r=jorendorff (2f6130fa2)
 - Bug 1167468: Assert that JSObjects and their metadata are always in the same compartment. r=fitzgen (dc780d455)
 - Bug 1172138 - Call PR_LogInit before profiler_init. r=froydnj (bd23dafce)
 - re-add WebM NesteggReporter (b22381367)
 - Bug 1159507 - make allocation times consistent with timeline; r=fitzgen,mccr8 (3a9c8e3dc)
 - Bug 1174906 - Add a mozilla::Variant<T1, T2, ...> template class; r=Waldo (7c12bcf74)
 - Bug 1068988 - Part 1: Add byte size to the allocation log; r=shu (4cbbbd8db)
 - Bug 1068988 - Part 2: Add a test for byte sizes in the allocations log; r=shu (aa7d187db)
 - Bug 1068988 - Part 3: Document the size property in the allocations log; r=shu (fa774e0bd)
 - Bug 1068988 - Part 4: Fix object-pending-metadata root marking; r=shu (89961c6ee)
 - Bug 1155211: Part 3.1 - Update tests for extractLane; r=h4writer (e8d0da406)
 - Bug 1155211: Part 3.2 - Remove lanes getters; r=nbp (840230594)
 - Bug 1155211: Part 3.3 - New tests; r=h4writer (9e8a8a456)
 - Bug 1174850 - Remove the explicitly relocatable store buffers; r=jonco (02bc4962b)
 - Bug 1165843 - Don't fire the pre-barrier in HeapPtr destructor r=terrence (d6277ed50)
 - pointer style (5c58f858d)
 - Bug 1175642 - Fix the interface that RelocatablePtr uses to interact with the StoreBuffer; r=jonco (30c4c1b47)
 - Bug 1165054 - Add API to clear postbarrier callbacks and use it when CPOW tables are destroyed r=terrence (e8d62c559)
 - Bug 1131285 - Propagate checkTypeSet flag correctly, r=jandem. (2baae056d)
 - re-shufflemethods due to bad patching (5bb9a0ae5)
 - Bug 977805 followup - Fix some issues with IonCache::reset reprotection. r=luke (11bcad882)
 - Bug 1180854 - Record and expose Ion IC stub optimization info to Jit Coach. r=shu (fa00fd728)
 - Bug 1179264 - Only assert markedness of sampled scripts in JitcodeMap during finalization. (r=terrence) (e9639d963)
 - Bug 1173764 - Enable LAllocation/LUse serialization in optimized builds. r=bhackett (a10398167)
 - Bug 1173764 - Disable JitSpew argument computation in optimizied builds. r=bhackett (54d0f0b5e)
 - cleanup spaces and pointer style (d79dba082)
 - Bug 1175761 - Avoid using types in the nursery during optimization tracking, r=shu. (739174bd3)
 - Bug 1176511 - Minor GC when tracking types as a better bandaid. (r=terrence) (3913d0b0d)
 - Bug 1182730 - Mark the JitcodeGlobalTable unconditionally when minor collecting. (r=terrence) (86ace1dcd)
 - Bug 1182730 - Followup: only mark the JitcodeGlobalMap when profiling is on. (r=djvj) (be105dff4)
 - Bug 1187512 - Fix accumulated unified bustage in SpiderMonkey; r=jonco (8a663452f)
 - Bug 1155211: Rename bitselect into selectBits; r=nbp (b644a0731)
 - Bug 1155211: Remove selectBits on Float types; r=nbp (588ffbc3e)
 - Bug 1175494 - comprehensive atomics tests for asm.js. r=luke (1ef4b9c1d)
 - Bug 1141986 - Atomics.exchange on integer elements -- asm.js parts. r=bbouvier (d7eeba2b4)
 - Bug 1183308 - Fix ARM64 bustage from Bug 1141986. r=efaust (8915a33ac)
 - real part of previous partial Bug 1038839 - Use type information for alias analysis. r=jandem (98f3ac4f9)
 - Bug 1148375 - Ignore unhandled Elements. r=jandem (a74a4954e)
 - Bug 1180990 - Add checks for nursery objects when building MIR. r=jandem (55117882e)
 - Bug 1180049 - Add OOM check in MNewArray constructor. r=bhackett (95dca3f7d)
 - Bug 1186271: IonMonkey: Honor truncated flag during folding of binary operations, r=nbp (34d66ad0b)
 - Bug 1173869: IonMonkey - Cleanup of some dead code in MBinaryArithInstruction::infer, r=jandem (4d42ac15a)
 - Bug 1193112: IonMonkey - Let the float32 optimization work with Float32, r=bbouvier (fae4514b6) (202db2bd0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1169850 - Handle PNK_EXPORT_DEFAULT in BytecodeEmitter::emitTree. r=shu (edbc57112)
 - Bug 1185413 - Include BaselineIC.h in SharedIC.cpp. r=nbp (1dd1905d6)
 - Bug 1169947 - Set the state back to NOTHING after the OnPanEnd is received. r=botond (fef416407)
 - Bug 1141986 - Atomics.exchange, stubs for ARM64 and MIPS. r=sstangl, r=rankov (374ddd8be)
 - Bug 1141986 - introduce a TruncateToInt32 policy. r=h4writer (ae30122b5)
 - Bug 1275204 - protobuf: Sync sparc64 pre-processor defines from upstream. r=fitzgen (112f75dbc) (fa350a3b2)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

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New build of Firefox 45ESR:

Test binary:
SSE https://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.30-20201121-9310bd65f-win32-sse.7z
IA32 https://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.30-20201121-9310bd65f-win32-ia32.7z

repo: https://github.com/roytam1/mozilla45esr

Changes since my last build:
- import changes from tenfourfox:
 - #612 (from OlgaTPark/14) M1250987 M1309358 M1394399 (06bbc2e34)
 - #612 (from OlgaTPark/14) additional fixes (53381bf93)
 - minor fix for menu icon scaling (thanks @OlgaTPark again) (1d72924e6)
 - disable tile pings to Mozilla, since we don't use them anyway (f8a8156e8)
 - OlgaTPark's 1.25x change and PDF.js fonts tweak (7a010018d)
 - fix glitch with reader mode menu on inappropriate start page (bc7189521)
 - #631: M1607762 M1654620 (7a7bba46e)
 - #631: update TLDs, HSTS (ececaa972) (9310bd65f)

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Thanks, uBlock0_1.16.4.26.firefox-legacy.xpi works well, and I can add items to a list without restart. The main reason I am looking into this is to attempt to trim down youtube. Is there a way, via extension or filter, to stop loading any videos at all? I want to browse and see comments, but watch exclusively with SMPlayer. With the old site I had managed to hide the video window entirely and browsing was quite fast.

Setting /media.autoplay.enabled/ in New Moon gets me partway there, but the site still loads a few static advertisements and texts about being unable to load the video. Sorry for the offtopic.

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j7n said:
> Is there a way, via extension or filter, to stop loading any videos at all?
> I want to browse and see comments, but watch > exclusively with SMPlayer

Try if that old global blocking pref works for you, for html5 audio+video?
permissions.default.media = 1/2/3 (1=allow, 2=block, 3=only same domain)

Must be created manually on aboutconfig.
And may not work in all browsers, perhaps abolished in youngest engines, but not sure.
Site-exceptions are possible, same handling as for images, internally stored in permissions.sqlite (except if changed meanwhile, no idea)

There exist a bunch more global blocking prefs "permissions.default.xxxx prefs" since old times (incl. very handy "subdocument" for iframes), but Mozilla kept hiding those, and it's hard to find anything on the web about it.
In the past the "object" pref was also handy to block globally all Flash-videos, but not just this, it also blocks (or blocked?) plugin-stuff of all other sorts too, incl pdf etc:
permissions.default.object= 1/2/3
But overall media/video/plugin prefs have grown into a vast jungle, and all influencing each other too, it's rather a lottery now.

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2 hours ago, j7n said:

Is there a way, via extension or filter, to stop loading any videos at all? I want to browse and see comments, but watch exclusively with SMPlayer. With the old site I had managed to hide the video window entirely and browsing was quite fast.

Setting /media.autoplay.enabled/ in New Moon gets me partway there, but the site still loads a few static advertisements and texts about being unable to load the video.

You mean specifically for YouTube?

I use YouTube Lazy Load .

Work well here. :)


I see:  Warning! Only old YouTube design is supported at the moment.

I have protected the "PREF" cookie (which also stores the autoplay toggle) from deletion when the browser closes, with the help of the CookieKeeper extension.

(from the classic Add-Ons Archive; caa:addon/cookiekeeper)


Edited by nicolaasjan
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new ArcticFox win32 test build is uploaded: http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/arcticfox-27.11.0.win32-git-20201121.7z

too many commits to be listed, even github can't show all of them. https://github.com/rmottola/Arctic-Fox/compare/a2adb9c100d462fcda892f112be278f82df36b11...112f75dbc913ad1052931b17df0617bcad06d5c6

Edited by roytam1
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17 hours ago, roytam1 said:

ublock origin for pale moon is a good choice

I couldn't agree more. Now then, whenever I try to import a filter list I get the following message :

The address wasn't understood

Palemoon doesn't know how to open this address because the protocol ( abp ) isn't associated with any program.

you might need to install other software to open this address.

try again

Same thing happens with official palemoon.

Any Ideas on that ?



PS. It involves lists that I already had imported without any problems then removed them plus a couple of new ones.

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4 hours ago, roytam1 said:

ALL settings in about:permissions is broken.

"Most" of them were fixed in NM27 but they still remain broken in ArcticFox.

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17 hours ago, Tangy said:

... whenever I try to import a filter list, I get the following message :


The address wasn't understood

Palemoon doesn't know how to open this address because the protocol ( abp ) isn't associated with any program.

you might need to install other software to open this address.

try again

Same thing happens with official Pale Moon.

Any Ideas on that ?

PS. It involves lists that I already had imported without any problems, then removed them, plus a couple of new ones.

@Tangy : If the issue you're experiencing happens on the very popular https://filterlists.com/ site,
then that site had a recent revamp/redesign (default dark theme), which might have contributed to the issue... :dubbio:

I conducted some short tests with New Moon 28 + uBO-legacy, here's what I found:
When loading a selected list's own page, e.g.


then, when clicking the "Subscribe" blue button/bar in the right sidebar, try to avoid clicking directly on the literal word, rather aim at an empty spot within that button; then, hopefully, the "add-to-custom-filterlists" dialog will pop-up:


Take care... :)

Edited by VistaLover
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