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aero glass for version 1803

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The server lost the data, ie, these things happen.

But it is incomprehensible that this subject has been forgotten with ....

Where are we ? new on the project? Is it abandoned? or am I wrong forum?

something does not work

sorry for this random translation



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No idea, sorry.  He has it available as an "at your own risk" experimental version so I would think it's logical to think that he's working on it &  it should go mainstream soon.  

After all 1803 is only just now being officially pushed out by Microsoft.

I never risk the experimental builds myself, so I can't say how it works, if it works.

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2 hours ago, pipalou50 said:

do you have any idea for this deafening silence that envelops w10 build 1803 ?   :wacko:

People either accepted the way Windows 10 looks by default and don't care anymore or are sticking with older Windows versions. Aero Glass forum used to be very alive in the Windows 8.x days.

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5 hours ago, UCyborg said:

People either accepted the way Windows 10 looks by default and don't care anymore or are sticking with older Windows versions. Aero Glass forum used to be very alive in the Windows 8.x days.

so, let's wait and see .. in 8.x days  :zzz:


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20 minutes ago, Blonk said:

The experimental build was last updated on Jun 17, so is clearly still in active development. Many thanks to BigMuscle.

thank you and thank you to Bigmuscle ..  :w00t:

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***Updated 09/29/2018 for OS Build 17134.320***

You may need to obtain a file known as 'dwmcore.pdb' in order for Aero Glass to work on Windows 10 v1803.

In the past, this file was included in offline symbol installers which were usually published by Microsoft when a major update to Windows 10 was released.

Unfortunately, they no longer do this, but fear not, for I MAY (or may not) have a 'fix' for you.


Note: I assume that you already have an older version of AeroGlass already installed on your PC before you try this.  And also, I assume you know how to temporarily disable it via Task Scheduler.

1) Copy and paste ONE of the following links (pertaining to your build of Windows 10) into your internet browser:

Windows 10 (OS Build 17134.112): http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols/dwmcore.pdb/BB4E76032DC0CEA58D46D391A2B4C9101/dwmcore.pdb

Windows 10 (OS Build 17134.137): http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols/dwmcore.pdb/D1149747277D9F7BA3C1C34E145203531/dwmcore.pdb

Windows 10 (OS Build 17134.285): http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols/dwmcore.pdb/7E2FFBA889DA4A0EEEC178DF672CE1B81/dwmcore.pdb

Windows 10 (OS Build 17134.320): http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols/dwmcore.pdb/599E1538C2CCF8ECE275EE95CC1EE9C31/dwmcore.pdb

2) Doing so should cause a file with a very long sequence of characters - with a BLOB extension - to be downloaded to your PC.

3) Rename the file to 'dwmcore.pdb' (obviously without the quotes).

4) Now, open your file explorer and head over to your AeroGlass folder, which, should typically be located in C:\AeroGlass and then browse to C:\AeroGlass\symbols\dwmcore.pdb\.

5) Once there, create a new folder and make sure to name it as follows:

Windows 10 (OS Build 17134.112): BB4E76032DC0CEA58D46D391A2B4C9101

Windows 10 (OS Build 17134.137): D1149747277D9F7BA3C1C34E145203531

Windows 10 (OS Build 17134.285): 7E2FFBA889DA4A0EEEC178DF672CE1B81

Windows 10 (OS Build 17134.320): 599E1538C2CCF8ECE275EE95CC1EE9C31

6) Open the new folder you just created and copy + paste the BLOB file which you renamed to 'dwmcore.pdb' back in step 3.

7) Now try to run the newest DEBUG build of AeroGlass released on 06/17/2018 (make sure the 'DWMGlass.dll' is copy + pasted in C:\AeroGlass).


I don't usually write tutorials, therefore, I apologize if it appears that way.

I'll be around to try and help best I can if you have further questions.

*** Thank you to BigMuscle for his exceptional work on continuing to make Aero Glass possible on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.  I shall donate to the cause again later this week.  Thanks again BigMuscle! ***


Lastly, if anyone is interested in looking, I have attached a screenshot of one of my laptop's work in progress theme running Windows 10 v1803 + AeroGlass.

BigMuscle clearly hasn't abandoned his work.  Microsoft is making it a pain in the a** for him to keep up with their slew of changes.


Edited by sbkw1983
Reason for edit: Too legit to quit?
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2 minutes ago, sbkw1983 said:

You may need to obtain a file known as 'dwmcore.pdb' in order for Aero Glass to work on Windows 10 v1803.

The new experimental AG version released yesterday doesn't need any symbol files, at least until the next cumulative update for Windows 10.

The huge memory leaks from the previous experimental build appear to be gone. :)

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6 minutes ago, UCyborg said:

The new experimental AG version released yesterday doesn't need any symbol files, at least until the next cumulative update for Windows 10.

The huge memory leaks from the previous experimental build appear to be gone. :)


That's good to know, thanks :-)

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16 hours ago, sbkw1983 said:

You may need to obtain a file known as 'dwmcore.pdb' in order for Aero Glass to work on Windows 10 v1803.

In the past, this file was included in offline symbol installers which were usually published by Microsoft when a major update to Windows 10 was released.

Unfortunately, they no longer do this, but fear not, for I MAY (or may not) have a 'fix' for you.


Note: I assume that you already have an older version of AeroGlass already installed on your PC before you try this.  And also, I assume you know how to temporarily disable it via Task Scheduler.

1) Copy and paste the following link into your internet browser:


2) Doing so should cause a file with a very long sequence of characters - with a BLOB extension - to be downloaded to your PC.

3) Rename the file to 'dwmcore.pdb' (obviously without the quotes).

4) Now, open your file explorer and head over to your AeroGlass folder, which, should typically be located in C:\AeroGlass and then browse to C:\AeroGlass\symbols\dwmcore.pdb\.

5) Once there, create a new folder and make sure to name it as follows: 'BB4E76032DC0CEA58D46D391A2B4C9101'

6) Open the new folder you just created and copy + paste the BLOB file which you renamed to 'dwmcore.pdb' back in step 3.

7) Now try to run the newest DEBUG build of AeroGlass released on 06/17/2018 (make sure the 'DWMGlass.dll' is copy + pasted in C:\AeroGlass).


I don't usually write tutorials, therefore, I apologize if it appears that way.

I'll be around to try and help best I can if you have further questions.

*** Thank you to BigMuscle for his exceptional work on continuing to make Aero Glass possible on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.  I shall donate to the cause again later this week.  Thanks again BigMuscle! ***


Lastly, if anyone is interested in looking, I have attached a screenshot of one of my laptop's work in progress theme running Windows 10 v1803 + AeroGlass.

BigMuscle clearly hasn't abandoned his work.  Microsoft is making it a pain in the a** for him to keep up with their slew of changes.


thank you,

unwanted window of dwm.exe and impossible to remove it and this morning, no transparency ..  :puke:

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