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Everything posted by mikedigitize

  1. Really?
  2. I run a laptop for specific for acad and other construction prograqm and the are in win 10240 all happy
  3. Happy Holidays to U All
  4. Happy Holidays to U All
  5. Good luck with that one, Bookie! (we all know whats happens six months later in your customers shop)...
  6. win1903 is soon out of the box, but still not consist in colouring layout; have a look at this sample, taken from Neowin site: Is it dark or light or colourful?
  7. Well.. I got same delay here and there, starting apps and come back from sleep etc. It has some way to go before I change my Mint. But it's nice looking; U cant take away from them...
  8. Have U had a look on deepin; the Chinese linux dist, build on debian, if I don't mistake....
  9. I did the same but with the difference I recommend MacOS to people in my age, for a hazel free computing... btw, Linux Mint is a very good substitute for windows...
  10. Just want to see if forum is alive...
  11. Happy New Year, all!
  12. Happy Christmas Bigmuscle And All of U users seen on those pages, here at MSFN
  13. okey....
  14. Perhaps because U have "C:\Programy\AeroGlass\..." It should be "C:\AeroGlass\..."
  15. A bit like potus, those days....
  16. Yeah, U can't win them all....
  17. This can't end well... (onMSFT)
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