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No MSFN forums with Opera Presto engine


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Is there hope to use the Presto engine of Opera again to visit that board? Since one week, I get only a blue screen with a short text "ipsfocus42-november1". It would be a great pity, because my favorite OS is ME. Latest version 12.18 on XP is also affected.

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21 hours ago, schwups said:

Is there hope to use the Presto engine of Opera again to visit that board? Since one week, I get only a blue screen with a short text "ipsfocus42-november1". It would be a great pity, because my favorite OS is ME. Latest version 12.18 on XP is also affected.

My guess is that it is a "lost cause". :(

If possible at all, I would suggest however that instead of the stupid empty blue screen there could be the possibility to have a message like:



Oh, oh, it seems you are using a very old browser, although this board has large sections and a number, possibly the majority, of its members dedicated to using and supporting older OS's and browsers we are doomed to have the latest version of the board software for vague security reasons.

Unfortunately the developers of the board software decided that you are a moron, using an outdated browser, and as such you  are prevented from accessing the board unless you will update to a new, smart and recent OS and browser.


And the word for today is:


in the meanings #2 and #3,


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View->Style->Manage Modes...
Uncheck Page style sheet
Page should appear, but without any formatting.

Using Opera 10.63, I saved the complete webpage as type .mht (mime-encoded html, like an email with attachments). The string "html{content:'ipsfocus42-november1';}" is from file:

Modified: Thursday, November 09, 2017 3:40:02 AM
Size: 179 KB

If xper can't fix the file, perhaps we can craft a custom style sheet and have Opera apply it to the site.

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Yes you just have to change your browser's user agent. It doesn't always work tho, because some websites will then use tricks or methods specifically for that other type of device, and any such tricks obviously won't work on the wrong browser. It is worth a shot tho!

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I too find it offputting the board software hardly works on anything not modern. Seriously, IPS4 is ridiculously bloated, it hardly works using XP with 1 GB RAM on an Intel Atom... just tons of fancy JS and AJAX everywhere causes the site to severely lag.

SMF would be a much more suitable forum software for this specific use case of a forum, 2.x will work with IE6 just fine lmao.

Edited by pinkmoon89
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17 hours ago, pinkmoon89 said:

SMF would be a much more suitable forum software for this specific use case of a forum, 2.x will work with IE6 just fine lmao.

SMF is a fine forum for a site just starting out. It is too-bareboned on its own and it is kind of a pain to deal with on the admin/mod side.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I too still use Opera 12.x, as I was on 12.16 for the longest time, until the 12.18 build came out last year.  At least thankfully the Opera guys were still messing with 12.x to give us a new (and probably the last, finally) build of 12.18 when they were working on new Opera versions in parallel.     So yes, there is "irony" at MSFN when this forum can't even be seen on all "old" browser versions when the majority of the forum content is about "old" Windows versions.

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  • 1 month later...

1. devs didn't "mess to bring old opera", they just issued a patched version to fix certificate problems
2. you can try hex-edit opera.dll and change user agent string, see if that helps, just make sure there are equal bytes used as in original

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