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As I recall the Aero Glass for Win 8+ licensing has always been tied to the disk drive(s).


On 5/13/2017 at 11:54 AM, mikedigitize said:

As I understands it, this neon thing is only app associated and will only show at windows uwp apps, soo....

For now, yeah. But there is no saying that they cant implement this for the entire OS at some point. It would be awfully inconsistent to keep flat colors on some windows and fluent on apps. That would be silly. Even Microsoft Edge is going to get the fluent design soon. I would hope Microsoft would not be that dumb...plus File Explorer is getting a UWP app too which who knows? That could be the thing to replace the file explorer we've all been used to for decades.

3 hours ago, raiden89 said:

It would be awfully inconsistent to keep flat colors on some windows and fluent on apps. That would be silly.

Yepp, it would. Today in 1703 I have some red color set to harmonize with wallpapir. Then open msft wether app; Boom total chock all blue!! Thats for silly..

On 15/05/2017 at 4:09 AM, gitit20 said:

Yes I know it is not that big of a deal but I have to wait 30 days for that key to completely expire then redo it. I did not change my motherboard CPU or anything like that just got a larger hard drive and ghosted my OS to the new drive. I remember some place reading minor HW changes should not trigger that, like if you added more ram or swapped out video cards only if the core components get changed such as the motherboard or CPU. The funny thing is I have done this same thing before and it didn't do this. I switched from a 500gb Seagate to a 1tb SSD on my ultrabook and all was fine. On my one media center PC, an HDD swap triggered this.

That why it a good idea to buy another key to use it as a spare.

Posted (edited)

Ok this is getting really old I just plugged in a darn USB drive and it now says my key is invalid again I have been very patient with this but I am at my wits end Why does it keep doing this I have no more keys to use and I am not wanting to pay for the program again until it's fixed properly. this happened on my notebook and he would not tell me why other than it should not have, I asked him why and he simply said I don't want to get into it now.  why is it doing it this time here is my debug log... NOTHING I mean NOTHING has changed other than plugging in a USB thumb drive... Can you fix my key to make it work again? and why do we have to wait for 30 days to regen a key... 

Edited to be less assholelistic:(  I am just upset I have to deal with this all the time. I am a power user and change out stuff quite a bit I am just frustrated that the keys keep popping on me. I also would like to see updates to be released faster as well. But that being said I understand it's a one or two man show and MS likes to change s*** all the time. Can someone PLEASE tell me why I am having so many problems with this. 


Edited by gitit20

Is aeroglass 1.5.3 not compatible with windwos 10 RedStone 2!? When will we have a new version? We're missing your personal touch! ...

The Classic Menu Version, be show! Startlisback 2.0.9 ... For us we only found a flaw! When we put the menu in the classic W10 RedStone 2 standard ... The button for accessing other menu styles is faulty! It does not release for programming, the classic on alternate keys!

I miss the time when the <windows> key was free for user programming! It was more practical and efficient!

Another note is in the buttons ... They do not stay in the chosen option when changing the default of the Start Menu !?

We hope news, fans like me, we guard ancionsamnete! For the return of the areroglass and the final conclusion of the Startlisbak.

Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Edivan Baptista said:

Is aeroglass 1.5.3 not compatible with windwos 10 RedStone 2!? When will we have a new version?

Your guess is as good as mine.  It's been over six weeks since the Creators Update has been available and at least 3 weeks since Bigmuscle said 'very soon' in another thread to the availability of a version compatible with rs2.  I know from Noel who has received an experimental version that BM has worked on this and more or less had a version that worked well.  Why he has not distributed anything to his donors or the public is, again, anybody's guess.  I hope all is well with him and that he's not in any predicament that prevents him from doing his work.  I suppose we have no choice but to wait for a version or for some news regarding BM.

Edited by genecooper

The new version of AeroGlass is taking forever! The ideal is to make a separate version for Windows 10 Redstone 2! And insulate the former!

Releases at least the beta! Success in the project!


Hopefully he's just really busy IRL and will return to the project once things clear up. But you never know.


The installer appears to install official version The other executable is unofficial. Without symbols, it can work with bugs; when it loads, frame color is reset, caption text is surrounded by two lines at top and bottom and obviously all under-the-hood improvements from later versions are missing. That's just for regular Win32 applications.

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, UCyborg said:

The installer appears to install official version The other executable is unofficial. Without symbols, it can work with bugs; when it loads, frame color is reset, caption text is surrounded by two lines at top and bottom and obviously all under-the-hood improvements from later versions are missing. That's just for regular Win32 applications.

Any way to get symbols or will they automatically download when available?  Running 15063.332.

Edited by genecooper
On 5/26/2017 at 2:52 PM, Edivan Baptista said:

How nice! A light in the tunnel bottom! Only need to adjust the incompatibility! Congratulations show! We are waiting!

Link: Aero Glass 8+ 1.4 (Windows 10 RS2)

Um yeah I wouldn't trust that.


The future points to great changes! The promise of the Windows 10 Project neon! Which will leverage after the month of October, brings a new phyllozo of translucent aeroglass!

To the boys, who unveiled the alternate aeroglass, For Windows 8 and 8.1 and 10! We were very grateful for the effort, which resulted in a promising future for Windows. The 10 Neon version!

In case, still hear or hear to continue the project, everything leads to believe that this nincho or breach, is coming to an end! And that maybe ... If creativity does not evolve, for this alternative version, we only have this year to enjoy!

Anyway! Congratulations to the boys, enterprising and audacious aeroglass for Windows 8.1 and 10!

Below link, with the new proposal of Windows Neon! Starting in 2018:


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