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Aero Glass for Win8.1+ 1.4.1


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Just a quick description - DWM is running in a isolated process and thus it does not have access to user session. For this reason, you cannot have user-dependent settings etc. So, when user logs in, DWM process asks aerohost process (which has highest privileges) for read privilege into HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM. Aerohost creates shared handle and return it back to DWM. Maybe, this is the reason why it is logged in event viewer. This handle is deleted when user logs out.

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Thanks for the explanation.  I suspect you're right on in identifying the reason.  That you delete it upon logout is most likely why I don't get a corruption message during logon, but only when MalwareBytes AntiMalware runs while I'm logged-in.


Would you consider implementing a workaround to create a situation where the HKCU handle is not requested and held by your DWM software?  Say, for example, if a flag were found set in the HKLM section that instructs Aero Glass to "use system-wide settings on this system ONLY".  I would prefer that, as I don't have multiple user accounts that need different Aero Glass setups.



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i have a weird blinking issue on the calendar and some modern window,

do you have any idea how to fix that ?

Unfortunately not now. It seems to randomly happen when glass region is being rendered under modern application.

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i have a weird blinking issue on the calendar and some modern window,

do you have any idea how to fix that ?



Flickering in fullscreen Start Menu looked very similar to the one in this screenshot.

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I have the same issue from above ( the blinking ) and it seems to be caused in my case by 8gadgetpack.


The blinking is related to the analog clock widget, more preciselly the "seconds hand" moving ( you have the hour, minutes and seconds hands )


Hope it helps

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i have a weird blinking issue on the calendar and some modern window,

do you have any idea how to fix that ?

Unfortunately not now. It seems to randomly happen when glass region is being rendered under modern application.



Thanks for the info and for your work :)




i have a weird blinking issue on the calendar and some modern window,

do you have any idea how to fix that ?

Fix video card driver



I could not get the image by screenshot it could be related to video driver, but i can not test an other version of my nvidia driver as i am stuck on v332.21 because of some compatibility with PAE hack on windows 10 x32 version...


By the way this tune of aeroglass http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/174470-on-windows-10-is-there-a-way-to-get-rid-of-the-clear-borders-here/?p=1110724

reduced the flickering... it still happen but it's less annoying

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I set up a virtual machine to test out Glass8 for Windows 10, but when I enable the 8RP theme atlas, I'm getting the same glitch as I did when running the equivalent theme on Windows 8.1 - the top row of pixels on the minimize/restore/exit buttons is incorrectly colored, but only when the window is maximized. Is anyone else seeing this problem (depending on your color scheme, you may need to use the magnifier to see it better)? If so, is it fixable?


Windows 8RP Atlas glitch on Windows 10:



For reference, here's a magnified screenshot of the glitch on Windows 8.1:



For even further reference, here's an actual screenshot from Windows 8 Release Preview showing how it is supposed to look:


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