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Windows 10 - Deeper Impressions


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7 hours ago, Tripredacus said:

After having some real-world time put in on Windows 10 finally, I have decided that I will use it on my next work computer. I would prefer Enterprise 10586, even if it doesn't appear there is an LTSB of that build.

My only complaint about the Cortana/search box is that you need to click into the field twice before you can type in it.

Will you try to mitigate the issues with Windows 10, or will you live with them?


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7 hours ago, NoelC said:

They call it an "agreement" because presumably in some past iteration you agreed to agree in the future with whatever their lawyers agreed with management to include, however disagreeable it may be to life on Earth.

Hollywood needs to make a movie where the laws get changed to provide an open season on Marketers and Lawyers for a day each year.  It'd be a blockbuster, and besides, the poor zombies have been hammered to death.


It's not the same idea, but one of my favorite movies is a fairly obscure one titled Interstate 60. One of the parts of this quirky film takes place in a town where lawyering has taken over completely and everyone is suing, or threatening to sue, everyone else. Illustrates the consequences of having too much of a good (?!) thing.


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13 hours ago, jaclaz said:

Well, this statement is however accurate ;):

Though it does sounds to me more like a menace than anything else ...


Anybody know of an alternative to Start Menu Search that looks for search terms within files? The utility that the writer mentions there searches only for the names of files and folders.

Of course, one can always resort to Classic Shell. For as long as Microsoft allows it, anyway.


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There's also FileLocator Lite (free) and FileSearchEX (paid). The latter is a clone of the Windows 2000/classic XP Search UI once the dawg is disabled (Shameless plug: I helped a little bit with FileSearchEX's testing and UX feedback).

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So today's the day...

  • Will Microsoft disable the Windows 10 nagware?
  • Will every Windows 7/8.1 machine mysteriously "upgrade" in the span of the next 24 hours?
  • Will a paywall be installed on top of the existing nagware?
  • Will MS cave and extend the "upgrade" offer?

Only time will tell.

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26 minutes ago, rn10950 said:

So today's the day...

  1. Will Microsoft disable the Windows 10 nagware?
  2. Will every Windows 7/8.1 machine mysteriously "upgrade" in the span of the next 24 hours?
  3. Will a paywall be installed on top of the existing nagware?
  4. Will MS cave and extend the "upgrade" offer?

Only time will tell.

  1. No, not right away.  It will enter guilt trip mode for a time before it is removed.
  2. No way (especially on those opted out with OptOut10).  :D
  3. Hadn't thought of that.  Currently, it doesn't look like it (it just says that the free upgrade offer has expired), but who knows in the next couple days.  Don't give them any ideas!
  4. Nope, though I have the feeling there may still be ways to slip some in for free.

There.  I just made a few predictions.  Now let's see what actually happens!

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17 hours ago, xpclient said:

Malware alert: Bob 10 Anniversary Downgrade Pro edition is now behaving like malware and AUTO downloading and auto installing random promoted apps from the Store because they SECRETLY changed some policy settings to make them exclusive to Enterprise and Education editions: http://winaero.com/blog/microsoft-locks-some-group-policy-options-to-enterprise-editions-in-windows-10-anniversary-update/ Oh well, I only test this crap because it can be forced some day and I want to be prepared. Back to 8.1 with Classic Shell.

Woah. And this (together with unkillable Cortana) is coming AFTER the terror of GWX comes to an end, and despite Windows 10 not reaching it's one billion goal.

Imagine that! One would think they would go this ultra-agressive after reaching their goals at least and having everyone in the basket - but they are moving into full cyber-bully activity now.

Imagine their behavior if they will really reach the one-billion goal! Holy heck! This will be literal cyber-terrorism on the users. You just have to avoid Windows 10. There is no any other way around it. The signs are clear.

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8 hours ago, JorgeA said:

Will you try to mitigate the issues with Windows 10, or will you live with them?


I'm sure that I will be changing things, but not quite sure what exactly. I will be surely be looking at the threads people have made here regarding disabling or removing certain things.

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16 hours ago, NoelC said:

... Hollywood needs to make a movie where the laws get changed to provide an open season on Marketers and Lawyers for a day each year ...

^ I second this motion. :w00t:

(Sorry for multiple posts but this forum's interface is just unusable).

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16 hours ago, vinifera said:

lol check out Prism chart from snowden
MS was 1st large company that agreed to it in 2006/07

(sorry for word) but they are whores

Yup. They've been one of the biggest contributors to the surveillance state. Not only are they busy entangling their customers in "telemetry" and tracking, but they also helped New York City create its camera network.


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10 hours ago, xpclient said:

There's also FileLocator Lite (free) and FileSearchEX (paid). The latter is a clone of the Windows 2000/classic XP Search UI once the dawg is disabled (Shameless plug: I helped a little bit with FileSearchEX's testing and UX feedback).

Thanks @xpclient and @dencorso for the tips. I'll look into the alternatives you suggested.


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