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Windows 10 - Deeper Impressions


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55 minutes ago, dencorso said:

Nah... that's too easy (after all, for you, it must be super-pro obscure)... try this one as an example (it must work, and must, of course, represent full-blown over-engineering)! :yes:

Well, no.

It must be proposed as a Linux distro suitable to people wanting to switch from Windows ... with a suitable GUI and all.


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15 hours ago, cdoublejj said:

so far i've had excellent compatibility with 10 regarding late 90s games that normally require patching and modding with windows 7. games like fallout 1 and 2 or diablo 1 and 2 all working out of the box, or even need for speed 3 which does require patching for anything after 98. it seems to take up less ram than 7 and even run a little bit faster.

It's good to hear reports like that.  Thank you for posting it.  I don't doubt that the fun stuff works fairly well.

It's pretty clear Microsoft wants to win the hearts and minds of frivolous users.  Supporting the other stuff is probably too stressful.

With Win 8 the "support serious computing" parts started to unravel.  With 10 they're all but gone.  That in itself would be no problem, as people (especially around here) have gotten pretty good at bringing them back.  The trouble with that is that it takes more than a few months.


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3 hours ago, jaclaz said:

Well, no. It must be proposed as a Linux distro suitable to people wanting to switch from Windows ... with a suitable GUI and all.

Well, IMHO PC-BSD fits the bill perfectly, although it's a FreeBSD (viz: not Linux) distro. And that's plenty obscure, besides fully functional, too! :angel


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3 hours ago, NoelC said:

Yeah, sorry, I forgot to post it before...



Point 12, Warranties



But wait, I thought you (M$) said power words like 'better, improved, and secure' in the advertising blurb.

In fact I'd suggest that it would be impossible to add a new UI frame work, built on top of an old UI- that didn't introduce more exploitable errors.

And before BS is called- didn't they say desktop Gadgets were now highly dangerous and to treat with caution?.. Why should I expect the new version of Solitaire is more secure than the old one?, Or that someone could undo countless hours of productivity by hacking the xbox live scores and send me back to the stone age?!

Just remember- even if/when a party proves something has a security flaw, the masterminds will proudly wave their certificates and say "Does not"

Like this example from Intel: http://semiaccurate.com/2016/01/20/intel-puts-out-secure-cpus-based-on-insecurity/


“We have certificates that show we are secure from multiple vendors“, was the answer. “But you are not”, I replied, “It has been cracked many times so how can you claim it is secure? What am I missing?”. “We have certificates that show we are secure from multiple vendors”

It reminds me of that old joke about the farmer and the bull. "Your badge! Show him your badge!"



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ExtremeTalk: Does anyone actually love Windows?


When Microsoft announced Windows 10 back in January 2015, Satya Nadella described the operating system’s goal as follows:

“We want to move from people needing Windows, to choosing Windows, to loving Windows,” he said. “That is our goal.”


I’m going to move to Windows 10 anyway, because I want access to DirectX 12. But speaking strictly for myself, Mr. Nadella, no, I don’t love Windows 10. In fact, I trust it less than I trust any previous iteration of the operating system.

Windows 10 uses unique advertising IDs and far more user tracking than any previous Microsoft operating system. It may not be nearly as compromised as Android, but I don’t use Android for anything I care about. With Windows 10, Microsoft took certain controls and information away from users and it hasn’t given them back in the intervening 12 months. I’ve seen testbeds reboot in the middle of benchmark runs because the OS decided it had to download and install updates RIGHT NOW rather than checking to see if the system was actually idle.

As of this writing, I plan to install Windows 10, update the OS, and then disable Windows Update. I’ll re-enable it periodically to patch things up, then turn it off again. I’m still considering whether or not its worth blocking its telemetry gathering via a hardware firewall configuration, not because I think Microsoft is scanning my hard drive and uploading the contents to the NSA, but because I’m still angry that Redmond decided mandatory access to any information about my system was the price I had to pay to use its software. I’d have paid for the tracking-free version, if they’d bothered to make one that came in a Home or Pro SKU.

Well said. :thumbup


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8 hours ago, NoelC said:

Yeah, sorry, I forgot to post it before...



Thanks, Noel. Here's one "interesting" thing in the change list (#6):


In the Xbox Live and Microsoft Studios Games and Applications section, we’ve clarified that, if allowed by your Xbox privacy settings, Microsoft can publish your name, gamertag, gamerpic, motto, avatar, and games that you’ve played in communications to people on your Xbox friends list. We’ve added that for any device that can connect to Xbox Services, we may automatically check your version of Xbox console software or the Xbox App software and download Xbox console or Xbox App software updates or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Xbox Services, using unauthorized Xbox games or Xbox apps, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices with an Xbox console.

[emphasis added]

Reminds me of the intro to the old TV show The Outer Limits:


"We are in control, do not try to adjust your set modify your hardware..."


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11 hours ago, dencorso said:

Well, IMHO PC-BSD fits the bill perfectly, although it's a FreeBSD (viz: not Linux) distro. And that's plenty obscure, besides fully functional, too! :angel


It does :), though not as obscure as you may think, I would guess that PC-BSD users talk little about the OS because they are busy using it to do some real work (to be fair some only play "Enemy of the State" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120660/ in their Faraday cage [1]) , unlike someone else ... ;)


[1] A not so veiled reference to some "extremists" for secrecy and security that do permeate the BSD world (generally) and  - though to a lesser extent - also the PC-BSD one.


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13 hours ago, JorgeA said:

Altogether too many people claiming to be technical are praising Win 10 in the comments of that article.

Have you ever noticed that when reality doesn't match apparent public opinion, a lot of people question reality?  Even otherwise smart people, because they care altogether too much about what other people think of them.  It's not fashionable to dissent.  It's not fashionable to describe how things really are.

Just remember that people who don't have your best interests at heart define what's fashionable.  Recall the film "The Devil Wears Prada"?  I'll bet you found it amusing.  I did.  Did you also realize that the picture sought - and succeeded - to "normalize" the concept that the arbitrary definition of what's fashionable is good at its heart?

In short:  It's not about what you do any more, but what you say.  Consider it a side effect of the information age.  One that could bring us all down.

The world may well be doomed to a "Demolition Man" future, but there really won't be any hyper-capable people that can just be thawed out and brought back.  The only ones will be those who, for whatever reason, keep their feet on the Earth while others are floating around with their heads up their clouds.


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6 hours ago, NoelC said:

... It's not fashionable to dissent.  It's not fashionable to describe how things really are ... ... The world may well be doomed to a "Demolition Man" future ...

For the benefit of those uninitiated in this gem of dystopian sci-fi:



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8 hours ago, TELVM said:

For the benefit of those uninitiated in this gem of dystopian sci-fi:



Speech monitoring brought to you, courtesy of Skype. Everything you say goes into our cloud servers and is subject to the Microsoft Services Agreement...


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If you use a jeweler's loupe on the Services agreement you can just make this out:


Section 142.3, Expectations

If you choose to partner with Microsoft, ALWAYS understand that the least part of our business is more important than your entire business.  Now get the f*** over it.


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can't find decent article about this JULinux, and I'm not gonna watch 55 minutes of pimple guy blabering showing nothing...
is there any info on which distro is this based ?
btw that skin they show in screenies SUCKS !

AFAIK Zorin OS (linux) was closest to Win UI

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