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Windows 10 - Deeper Impressions


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Windows 10 gets one last, desperate nagware update

"... this is an update to the previous full-screen nagware update. Now you get a countdown clock (the exclamation point is free) and a yellow exclamation point in the system tray, just in case you haven’t noticed the unusual Windows icon that’s been yammering for attention and trying to stealth-upgrade your system for the past 12 months ..."


"... What’s disturbing about all this is that Microsoft can’t seem to stop. It’s like watching a meth-addicted rat punching levers in a Skinner box, except in this case the rat only gets its fix if it hits another download milestone. Someone, somewhere, only gets to eat today if Microsoft manages to convince another 5,000 people to install Windows 10 ..."

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Of course it's for the hundreds of millions of people who don't know yet that they can get an upgrade to Windows 10 for free!

Stupid, basic observation, but am I the only one to imagine that if Microsoft had implemented one or two "killer features" in the Win 10 14400 release that it would have gotten a LOT more folks to upgrade than this nagware BS?

I mean, a few things for the high-end users...  Stuff like an iteration to the various controls (e.g., Device Manager) that would bring more actual functionality (or even restore some that was lost) to we geeks.  It's like the stupid jocks running Microsoft can't acknowledge that geeks could have even one iota of power or influence...


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I had to replace the motherboard on my laptop, Tuesday I think. The replacement part is second hand.

The system fired up, and it for all intents looked to be fixed. Enter the random and sudden black screens that started to occur, could run for any amount of time. Seemed to crash worst when closing the browser.... but this is just an observation.  It had been some time since I last used the laptop, so I casually checked to check it was activated- since I was seriously considering securing my free Win10 key for this machine... it had been a preview machine, but not since about build 9860. Thats' when they broke audio.

It showed it was still activated, and still begging for updates- but they've been off for a long time.

During one of the random crashes, I was presented with a 'missing operating system' prompt. I tried a few tricks to recover the boot, but it wasn't in the mood- and neither was I.  A fresh installation sounded like a good idea, this machine is at risk of theft since I use it out and about & in the car, so I keep it almost empty.

Here's the kicker- I have a boxed retail Windows 8.0 disc and key. Its no longer accepted. I am blocked!.. I phoned M$ support, and they repeated that fact.

They tell me the key has been abused, and has been used- according to their records, 31 times!!!!! Interestingly, I have only ever used this key on the one machine. Perhaps more than once, but only the one computer except for the recent motherboard swap. He even acknowledged this appeared to be true. (The telemetry must work well then  :P )

I am told the solution is to buy a new key, they offered to sell me one for $40. I declined, telling them to sort it out on their end... its a legit key and I'm sick of buying them.

The same number tried to call back this morning.. both times the call dropped out before anyone spoke.  (I gave my number since they offered to call if the connection was bad.. and it was bad, so they rang back).. I have a case number too.

So be warey I guess of trying to activate an earlier Windows.. it could backfire on account of YOUR key being 'abused',but regardless of explanation.. the M$ gods won't let me use it.

Thanks M$. (Oh, and just for giggles, I cut a Windows 10586 dvd and installed it to the laptop... and audio is still not working out of the box... the old vista drivers don't help either)

So I have two useless versions of Windows... one can no longer activate, but operates my hardware perfectly. The newest one is still incompatible, and also can't activate.

I'll have to run the thing on something to confirm the crashes are cured.. the replacement mainboard has a warranty, finding the cause is the game. Software or Hardware.

Minor edit.. the replacement board seems to be flakey... bummer. It'll crash running anything. WinPE (Macrium), Win10, and a recovered image of 8.0 (which was imaged whilst activated.. and even without/denied an internet connection- insists it isn't activated anymore either! Wow, just wow.


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Key wording in the latest communication from Microsoft, being received in eMail by many people:


The updates to the Microsoft Services Agreement will take effect on Septe‍mber 15, 20‍16. If you continue to use our products and services on or after Septem‍ber 15, 20‍16, you are agreeing to the updated Microsoft Services Agreement.

Wait, what?

Doesn't "agreement" in the very definition of the word imply, well, that both parties actually agree?

What's the alternative?  If you don't happen to agree, you can't continue to use any Microsoft product for which you've PURCHASED a license, past September 15?

Did someone just change the way the business world works?



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51 minutes ago, NoelC said:

Key wording in the latest communication from Microsoft, being received in eMail by many people:

I haven't received this email (yet). Did they provide a link to the new MSA language, or at least a rundown of what's changed?

If I had paid $$ for a Windows license (assuming that this will be affecting Windows) and then they changed the terms, I would be really p*ssed and demand my money back, as those were not the terms under which I consented to the agreement and chose to give them my money.


P.S. Nice picture, BTW. Very fitting expression! :)

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1 hour ago, ralcool said:

So I have two useless versions of Windows... one can no longer activate, but operates my hardware perfectly. The newest one is still incompatible, and also can't activate.

What a nightmare. Keep us posted.


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9 hours ago, rn10950 said:

I'm pretty sure everyone that's still on Windows 7 or 8.1 is aware of the Windows 10 "upgrade" by this point, they just choose not to install it.

Yeah, at this point the nagware serves purely as a way to increase the cost to the user of staying on an earlier version of Windows. Which may be part of the plan.


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11 hours ago, NoelC said:

Stupid, basic observation, but am I the only one to imagine that if Microsoft had implemented one or two "killer features" in the Win 10 14400 release that it would have gotten a LOT more folks to upgrade than this nagware BS?

Seems to me they would have gotten a lot more upgrades (and a lot less heat) if they had even retained the features they already had in Windows 7 but then added to these the things that are actually new in Windows 10. Sure, add a listing for the Windows Store in the (real) Start Menu. Offer flat, opaque windows as an alternative to Aero Glass, not as the only built-in choice. DirectX 12, go for it -- but why do you need to remove Windows Media Center and dismember Control Panel?


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so far i've had excellent compatibility with 10 regarding late 90s games that normally require patching and modding with windows 7. games like fallout 1 and 2 or diablo 1 and 2 all working out of the box, or even need for speed 3 which does require patching for anything after 98. it seems to take up less ram than 7 and even run a little bit faster.

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On lunedì 11 luglio 2016 at 11:54 PM, dencorso said:

Man, you get the trophy...  1st.gif That's a helluva obscure linux distribution you've came out with! :D

Naaah, you cannot seriously assign a trophy to the winner without a contest before.

My submission, just in case ;):


(the YouTube video had 188 views till now)



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