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Windows 10 - Deeper Impressions


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12 hours ago, Tripredacus said:

It will be a sad day when all the advertisement links work, but the ones attached to Windows Updates and Event Viewer are still generic or a 404.

Wait a minute -- do you mean to say that Windows Updates (presumably the UI for them) and Event Viewer may be getting ads?? :blink:


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11 hours ago, JorgeA said:

Wait a minute -- do you mean to say that Windows Updates (presumably the UI for them) and Event Viewer may be getting ads?? :blink:


No. I'm saying that those links do not work or don't have anything useful on them if they do work.

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I'm saying that those links do not work or don't have anything useful on them if they do work.

Edit:  Are you meaning that the "More Info" links for events or updates don't provide useful info?

I agree - the links for events have been useless Since Win 8 or maybe a little earlier.  I've complained to just about everyone I could think of about that, and no one thinks it's important to document events any more.  It's a clear sign that Microsoft has stopped taking the use of Windows for genuine, important computing seriously any more.

Windows Updates links usually work, but Microsoft has stopped documenting what they do in any reasonable form, so they mostly are boilerplate that says "Resolves issues in Windows".  Again, it says they don't care enough to document what the issues are.  Apparently Marketing noticed and decided to take advantage of the fact, because they decided to co-opt Windows Update to deliver junk.

Even today, even after seeing and getting to know both Windows 8 and 10 intimately, it's still hard to believe Microsoft has decided to throw away their dominance in the OS field.


Edited by NoelC
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1 hour ago, Tripredacus said:

No. I'm saying that those links do not work or don't have anything useful on them if they do work.

Stupid board software. Were we still on the previous version, the full context of the conversation would be easily and immediately understood. As it is, we have to jump back and forth and in the process lose the thread (so to speak).

Lacking that useful embedded-quotes feature, let's see if we can sort this out. You'd commented on an article that I'd linked to about more advertising creeping into Windows. Since the context was about ads showing up in Windows, I asked if what you meant was that ads might now be making their way into Windows Updates and Event Viewer. (NoelC had the right follow-up question in the original version of his post just above.)

So, just to make sure -- by "those links," you mean not ads in WU and EV, but the standard sort of stuff that we've been seeing there since Vista and Win7, is that right?

I can't say for Event Viewer because I only go in there occasionally, but for KB pages linked to WU, it's totally the case that the quality of the information has dropped dramatically. Been complaining about it to Microsoft in the KB pages' feedback section for a couple of years now. For all the good that's done. :)


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4 hours ago, JorgeA said:

Stupid board software. Were we still on the previous version, the full context of the conversation would be easily and immediately understood. As it is, we have to jump back and forth and in the process lose the thread (so to speak).

Oh that was a setting (nested quote support) that was changed abit ago, but it seems maybe an update changed it. I will check on it again later.

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17 minutes ago, Tripredacus said:

Oh that was a setting (nested quote support) that was changed abit ago, but it seems maybe an update changed it. I will check on it again later.

Great, thanks! :thumbup


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Here are a few of the many words that that image is worth ;) :

Turns out there was no real last-minute rush to upgrade to Windows 10 for free


July was the last month of Windows 10 being available for free, and that coupled with Microsoft's final aggressive push should have resulted in the operating system being installed on a lot more devices.

NetMarketShare has updated its usage share figures for July and while Windows 10's growth in that month is decent, it's not much different from what we've seen in previous months, which is a little surprising.

In July, Windows 10 grew from 19.14 percent to 21.13 percent, gaining 1.99 percentage points. In comparison, the OS gained 1.71 percentage points in June, and 2.09 percentage points in May.

Now that the GWX campaign is (supposedly) over, it will be interesting, going forward to see what the "natural" rate of Win10 growth is.


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Another is that the full 2% growth of 10 came from 7 (if one rounds correctly, not failing to notice that less than 1% values in such a statistic are less than its probable uncertainity, and thus not significant). So it may come mostly from forced upgrades, some of which may be reversed in the near future... :dubbio:

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Microsoft rewards Windows Insiders with exclusive wallpapers, reveals more stats as well

Among those stats, this one stood out for me:


Microsoft has also stated that Insiders spent a total of 443 million hours on Windows 10. Keeping in mind that there are roughly 7 million Insiders, this can be calculated to almost 63 hours utilized by each user on average. Additionally, the company also announced that the Program is now available in 30 languages.

This is strange. I wonder (and the Neowin piece doesn't specify) over what period of time those 443 million hours were spent on Win10. "63 hours by each user"? Heck, I spend that -- and more -- at my Vista machine in a single week.


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Well, an unfixed 1997 (yes that is last century) re-known bug is still affecting newish Windows (IE, EDGE, a number of MS apps and even Chrome in some instances).

The issue - traditionally - was not really-really an issue, but with Live Accounts things change.




But - don't worry - the good MS guys are hard at work on those newish t-shirts and on making the life of a driver developer impossible or nearly impossible:



Edited by jaclaz
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