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POSReady 2009 updates ported to Windows XP SP3 ENU

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Posted (edited)

@ all

The following updates are available since today:

WindowsXP-KB3087985-x86-XXX.exe		08/18/2015 (mshtml.dll / Not Cumulative!)
IE7-WindowsXP-KB3087985-x86-XXX.exe	08/18/2015 (mshtml.dll / Not Cumulative!)
IE8-WindowsXP-KB3087985-x86-XXX.exe	08/18/2015 (mshtml.dll / Not Cumulative!)

     WindowsXP-KB3077715-x86-XXX.exe                        08/18/2015    (Cumulative Timezone Update)

     (is no longer offered, apparently was the update withdrawn / 09/07/2015)

@ glnz

According to my list, I miss the following updates for the .NET Framework:


.NET Framework 3.5 sp1 (incl. Version 2.0 sp2 + 3.0 sp2):
NDP35SP1-KB2836940-x86.exe 06/11/2013 replaced KB2695869
NDP20SP2-KB2972214-x86.exe 09/08/2014 replaced KB2898856 KB2833940
NDP30SP2-KB2973115-x86.exe 09/08/2014 replaced KB2756918
NDP20SP2-KB2978124-x86.exe 11/11/2014 replaced KB2932079
NDP20SP2-KB3037577-x86.exe 04/13/2015 replaced KB2901111
NDP30SP2-KB3072308-x86.exe 08/10/2015 replaced KB3048073 (thanks to Bersaglio) 

.NET Framework 4.0:
NDP40-KB2656368-v2-x86.exe 06/12/2012
NDP40-KB2979575-v2-x86.exe 10/14/2014
NDP40-KB2972106-x86.exe    10/14/2014 replaced KB2633870
NDP40-KB2978125-x86.exe    11/11/2014 replaced KB2931365
NDP40-KB3037578-x86.exe    04/13/2015 replaced KB2901110
NDP40-KB3072309-x86.exe    08/10/2015 replaced KB3048074

.NET Framework 1.1 sp1:
Unofficial Updates from Windows Server 2003 for .NET Framework 1.1 sp1:
NDP1.1sp1-XP-KB2972207-x86-XXX.exe  09/09/2014
NDP1.1sp1-XP-KB2978114-x86-XXX.exe  11/11/2014
NDP1.1sp1-XP-KB3037572-x86-XXX.exe  04/13/2015
NDP1.1sp1-XP-KB3023211-x86-XXX.exe  05/12/2015



Edited by heinoganda


Received two updates this morning........Internet Explorer 8 security update and update to Windows related to daylight savings time.   Both installed and system functioning normally.


@ Bersaglio


Thank you for the info, I changed the list. Would be nice if you could find out a little earlier or can you give me a one source for these links?




So... .NET 4.0 and .NET 3.0SP2... I went looking for and foun a new Silverlight (v. 5.1.40728.0), too!
The Security Update for Microsoft Silverlight (KB3080333) (also part of MS15-080) is available.


But do take care! To remember us of the new times at MS, unwanted things will be pushed on you!!!

Make sure to unselect "Make BING my search engine"  :puke:  and "Make MSN my homepage,"  :puke:  before installing.

The previous installers didn't offer either.

Posted (edited)

Received two updates this morning........Internet Explorer 8 security update and update to Windows related to daylight savings time.   Both installed and system functioning normally.

Same in my case.




Is there a list of .net updates after IV 2014? Think I've seen it :crazy: 

Thought I won't be needing this, and yet I do... and strolling thru all the posts might take a time...

Edited by Mcinwwl
Posted (edited)
WindowsXP-KB3078601-x86-XXX.exe		08/18/2015 (Cumulative Timezone Update)


This is not a TZ update.

It updates:


The last TZ update is still the KB3062741 hotfix. Perhaps you meant KB3077715.

Edited by tomasz86
Posted (edited)

@ tomasz86
Thanks for the note, as has probably crept an error sheer KB's, have corrected the list.

@ Mcinwwl
List of updates for .NET Framework on Windows XP after April 2014


.NET Framework 1.1 sp1 x86 (Unofficial Updates from Windows Server 2003)

NDP1.1sp1-XP-KB2972207-x86-XXX.exe             09/09/2014

NDP1.1sp1-XP-KB2978114-x86-XXX.exe             11/11/2014

NDP1.1sp1-XP-KB3037572-x86-XXX.exe             04/13/2015

NDP1.1sp1-XP-KB3023211-x86-XXX.exe             05/12/2015

.NET Framework 3.5 sp1                                                                         replaced

NDP30SP2-KB2973115-x86.exe                         09/08/2014 (3)       KB2756918

NDP20SP2-KB2894843-x86.exe                         12/10/2013 / 09/09/2014 (1)      KB2656352

NDP20SP2-KB2979574-v2-x86.exe                   10/14/2014
NDP20SP2-KB2972105-x86.exe                         10/14/2014             KB2633880

NDP20SP2-KB3037577-x86.exe                         04/13/2015             KB2901111

NDP20SP2-KB3035488-x86.exe                         05/11/2015

NDP20SP2-KB3023220-x86.exe                         05/12/2015             KB2789643 KB2656369

NDP30SP2-KB3072308-x86.exe                         08/10/2015 (2)       KB3048073

NDP20SP2-KB3074546-x86.exe                         09/04/2015             KB2656369

NDP20SP2-KB3123055-x86.exe                         07/11/2016
NDP20SP2-KB3127223-x86.exe                         07/11/2016

NDP20SP2-KB3217127-x86.exe                         03/16/2017             KB3163248

NDP20SP2-KB4020517-x86.exe                         05/01/2017             KB4014580

NDP20SP2-KB4014585-x86.exe                         05/05/2017             KB3142027 KB3135986 KB2972214
NDP30SP2-KB4017101-x86.exe                         05/05/2017             KB3188734

NDP20SP2-KB4040968-x86.exe                         10/05/2017             KB2978124

.NET Framework 4.0                                                                                replaced

NDP40-KB2938780-x86.exe                               05/12/2014             (not of interest for XP)

NDP40-KB2972215-x86.exe                               09/08/2014             KB2898855 KB2835393
NDP40-KB2894842-v2-x86.exe                         09/09/2014

NDP40-KB3037578-x86.exe                               04/13/2015             KB2901110

NDP40-KB3023221-x86.exe                               05/12/2015             KB2789642

NDP40-KB3098778-x86.exe                                 11/05/2015             KB2901110
NDP40-KB3097994-x86.exe                                 11/05/2015             KB2979575

NDP40-KB3127225-x86.exe                                 07/11/2016
NDP40-KB3122653-x86.exe                                 07/11/2016
NDP40-KB3163249-x86.exe                                 07/11/2016

NDP40-KB4020510-x86.exe                                 05/01/2017             KB4014570

NDP40-KB4014605-x86.exe                                 05/05/2017             KB4012355 KB3142029 KB3135993 KB3032662

NDP40-KB4021915-x86.exe                                 06/10/2017

NDP40-KB4040962-x86.exe                                 10/05/2017             KB2978125


(1) KB2894843 rereleased to offer the provision of security updates
     on Microsoft Update, in addition to the update available only

    via the Download Center!

(2) KB3072308 Download link replaced for newer version of this update!
      (Thanks to eGo®Z)

(3) Before installing NDP30SP2-KB2973115-x86.exe, first install NDP30SP2-KB4017101-x86.exe!
      (Thanks to Dave-H)


@ dencorso
Silverlight extract with conventional packer, then extract "silverlight.7z". When first installed first "silverlight.msi" run and then "Silverlight.msp". Run For Update Only "Silverlight.msp". Since you need no longer worry about any annoying changes that no one needs!


Edited by heinoganda
Update the .NET Framework list

Dave-H - Have you installed KB3087985 and KB3077715?  You OK out there?  Getting worried pal.


Yes, both installed with no apparent problems.

The latter is only a new version of tzchange.exe (now 5.1.2600.6861) to update daylight saving time start and end dates which have changed in some countries.


Posted (edited)

a batch scripting question for management of POSReady updates for XP users


The MS catalog site gives us a list of "XP Embedded" update files. (BTW, I learned today that a search on "POSReady" and on "XP Embedded" return different file sets. The former returns only system updates, the latter returns system update as well as the .NET updates and some hardware files.


The problem is, neither list gives us a MSxx-xxx to track the issue, or a KBnum for when a prior patch is being superceded.


I was wondering if there would be a way to write a batch that could help us doign that ... Basically, put all the system-only patches (type-1) in a directory, have the batch extract the updates, read the patch inf, and echo >> the isntall data to a comma-delimited database (or other delimiter). Each file (mostly dll) would be associated with an update KBnum, and have its dll version number, file size, file date. Roll through the patches in the dir, then save the database and delete the extractions. Users could feed the delimited data into a spreadsheet, sort on dll name and then version number, and from the highest version for each dll, generate a list of hot patches, and of patches which are superceded, because the dlls or whatever have higher version numbers. I'm sure it's probably more complicated, but that might be a start, since as it is now, MS gives us nothing to go by ... Could save all of us a lot of time .. I don't know how the .NETs could be tracked, so we rely on each other I guess ...


just wondering out loud ...

Edited by Molecule
Posted (edited)

@ Molecule
for example "NDP40-KB3072309-x86.exe" search KB Article (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3072309)
then you'll find on this page

Update replacement information
This update replaces previously released update 3048074.

A complete list (.NET Framework 3.5 sp1 & 4) could look like this:


Update                                     Date               Replaced Update/s                                                                                   

NDP20SP2-KB958481-x86.exe                   12/17/2008
NDP20SP2-KB976569-x86.exe                   02/22/2010
NDP20SP2-KB2604092-x86.exe                 05/08/2012             (KB2633880 > KB2539631 > KB2478658) + KB2572073 + KB2518864
NDP20SP2-KB2729450-x86.exe                 11/13/2012             (KB2633880 > KB2539631 > KB2478658) + KB2572073
NDP20SP2-KB2742596-x86.exe                 01/08/2013             KB2686828 + (KB2656369-v2 > KB2656369) + (KB2633880 > KB2539631 > KB2478658) + KB979909
NDP20SP2-KB2836941-v2-x86.exe            08/13/2013             KB2836941
NDP20SP2-KB2844285-v2-x86.exe            08/13/2013             KB2844285
NDP20SP2-KB2894843-x86.exe                 12/10/2013             KB2656352 > KB2418241
NDP20SP2-KB2979574-v2-x86.exe            10/14/2014
NDP20SP2-KB3037577-x86.exe                 04/13/2015             KB2901111 > KB2656352 > KB2418241
NDP20SP2-KB3023220-x86.exe                 05/12/2015             (KB2789643 > KB2686828) + (KB2656369-v2 > KB2656369)
NDP20SP2-KB3074546-x86.exe                 09/04/2015             KB2656369
NDP20SP2-KB3123055-x86.exe                 07/11/2016

NDP20SP2-KB3127223-x86.exe                 07/11/2016
NDP20SP2-KB3217127-x86.exe                 03/16/2017             KB3163248
NDP20SP2-KB4020517-x86.exe                 05/01/2017             KB4014580
NDP20SP2-KB4014585-x86.exe                 05/05/2017             (KB3142027 > KB2972105 > KB2633880 > KB2539631 > KB2478658) + (KB3135986 > KB3035488 > KB2863239 > KB2804577 > KB979909) + (KB2972214 > KB2898856 + KB2833940 > KB2572073
NDP20SP2-KB4040968-x86.exe                 10/05/2017             KB2978124 > KB2932079

NDP30SP2-KB958483-x86.exe                   12/17/2008
NDP30SP2-KB976570-x86.exe                   02/22/2010
NDP30SP2-KB977354-v2-x86.exe              06/21/2010
NDP30SP2-KB982524-x86.exe                   06/21/2010
NDP30SP2-KB2973115-x86.exe                 09/08/2014             KB2756918 > KB976769
NDP30SP2-KB3072308-x86.exe                 08/10/2015             KB3048073-v2 > (((KB2832411 > KB2656407) + KB2604110) + KB2861189)
NDP30SP2-KB4017101-x86.exe                 05/05/2017             KB3188734 > KB3142046

NDP35SP1-KB958484-x86.exe                   12/17/2008
NDP35SP1-KB963707-x86.exe                   05/06/2009
NDP35SP1-KB982306-x86.exe                   05/07/2010             KB976126
NDP35SP1-KB2604111-x86.exe                 05/08/2012
NDP35SP1-KB2736416-x86.exe                 01/08/2013
NDP35SP1-KB2836940-x86.exe                 06/11/2013             KB2695869
NDP35SP1-KB2840629-x86.exe                 07/09/2013
NDP35SP1-KB2861697-x86.exe                 10/04/2013             KB2657424 > KB2416473

NDP40-KB2468871-v2-x86.exe                 06/08/2011              KB2183292 + KB2413613 + KB2298853 + KB2461678 + KB2484841
NDP40-KB2487367-x86.exe                      08/05/2011
NDP40-KB2533523-x86.exe                      08/08/2011 (1)         KB2509818 + KB2545756 + KB2315412 + KB2260913 + KB2467309 + KB2511058 + KB2538717 + KB2346777
NDP40-KB2600217-x86.exe                      02/13/2012              KB2628838 + KB2600088
NDP40-KB2600211-x86-x64.exe                03/04/2012 (1) (2)   (KB2544514 > KB2478063) + KB2605597 + KB2645081 + KB2645084
NDP40-KB2604121-x86.exe                      05/08/2012              (KB2633870 > KB2539636 > KB2478663) + KB2572078 + KB2518870
NDP40-KB2729449-x86.exe                      11/13/2012              (KB2633870 > KB2539636 > KB2478663) + KB2572078
NDP40-KB2737019-x86.exe                      11/13/2012              KB2656405
NDP40-KB2736428-x86.exe                       01/08/2013
NDP40-KB2742595-x86.exe                       01/08/2013              KB2686827 + KB2656368 + (KB2633870 > KB2539636 > KB2478663) + KB2160841
NDP40-KB2840628-v2-x86.exe                  08/13/2013              KB2840628 > KB2656405
NDP40-KB2858302-v2-x86.exe                  10/04/2013              KB2804576 + (KB2656351 > KB2416472)
NDP40-KB2861188-x86.exe                       10/04/2013              KB2832407 > KB2656405
NDP40-KB2836939-v3-x86.exe                  10/08/2013              KB2836939 > KB2682543
NDP40-KB2972215-x86.exe                       09/08/2014              KB2898855-v2 + (KB2835393 > KB2572078)
NDP40-KB2894842-v2-x86.exe                  09/09/2014              (KB2894842 > KB2901110) + (KB2656351 > KB2416472)
NDP40-KB3037578-x86.exe                       04/13/2015              KB2901110-v2
NDP40-KB3023221-x86.exe                       05/12/2015              KB2789642 > KB2686827
NDP40-KB3074547-x86.exe                       09/04/2015              KB2656368
NDP40-KB3098778-x86.exe                       11/05/2015              KB2901110
NDP40-KB3097994-x86.exe                       11/05/2015              KB2979575

NDP40-KB3127225-x86.exe                       07/11/2016
NDP40-KB3122653-x86.exe                       07/11/2016
NDP40-KB3163249-x86.exe                       07/11/2016
NDP40-KB4020510-x86.exe                       05/01/2017              KB4014570
NDP40-KB4014605-x86.exe                       05.05.2017              (KB4012355 > KB3189017) + (KB3142029 > KB2972106 > KB2633870 > KB2539636 > KB2478663) + (KB3135993 > KB3099866 > KB3072309 > KB3048074 > KB2656405) + (KB3032662 > KB2804576)
NDP40-KB4021915-x86.exe                       06/10/2017
NDP40-KB4040962-x86.exe                       10/05/2017             KB2978125 > KB2931365

(1) KB2533523 + KB2600211    replace      NDP40-KB2446708-x86.exe        04/05/2011
(2) Runtime Update 4.0.3


Edited by heinoganda
Update the .NET Framework list

a batch scripting question for management of POSReady updates for XP users


The MS catalog site gives us a list of "XP Embedded" update files. (BTW, I learned today that a search on "POSReady" and on "XP Embedded" return different file sets. The former returns only system updates, the latter returns system update as well as the .NET updates and some hardware files.


The problem is, neither list gives us a MSxx-xxx to track the issue, or a KBnum for when a prior patch is being superceded.


I was wondering if there would be a way to write a batch that could help us doign that


This isn't needed. MS does (somewhat - sometimes there are errors) give the bulletin number and supercedence info. Do the search, then simply click on any of those results. The popup window has 4 tabs. The Overview tab will have the "MSRC Number" (at least if there is one) and the Package Details tab will have the replacement info (if any).


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