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WinXP: Creating an SP4


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Now that WinXP is EOS, it makes sense to create an "SP4 CD".


My question is: What update files should I include? I have read a lot of posts on this forum discussing various update files not working and such. So what update files should I include in my "final WinXP CD".


Also I want to use FDV's file set to remove IE. From what I read from him its best to not slipstream IE8, but rather just keep IE6, and slipstream the update files for IE6.


Any help and guidance would be apprediated.


Thanks in advance.

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Slisptream using -latest- nLite and this -

Totally up-to-date, excluding Add-Ons (e.g. MP11, dotNET, etc). It is the Critical Updates (which on Windows Update) includes IE8 (as a Critical).



I have no clue where you got the info you provided in your post. Please provide Links in the future so we can confirm next time.


Thank you and HTH


edit - FDV Fileset references?


(appears to "assume" using HFSLIP...)

Here is the FDV (aka vorck) link (last updated January 30, 2010) -


...and I see you have these Topics as well -




HERE is the answer to HFCLEANUP (AFAICT) -


Be aware that the link appears to be temporarily down(?). http://hfslip.altervista.org/


!!NOTE!!! In your TXTSETUP/LAYOUT topic (link above) I indicated also Google Search for RyanVM and Wincert for some Update Packs and Add-Ons.


edit2 - You are revisiting an old topic that you started -



edit3 - used Google to find some links

fdv "ie8" site:msfn.org
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I had tried using the files provided by the xdot.tk site. The app they provide to download all the files is freaking awesome.


However the problem I am having is that if I put them all in my HF folder, it causes a failed installation.

In this failed installation after going through the text setup sucessfully, when it tries going into the gui setup it kicks up a quick error message about the drive and reboots. It does this loop until I stop it. This put me in a wild goose chase trying to slipstream SATA drivers - as I finally discovered that if I remove all the files from the HF folder that I am able to create sucessfull installs.


So instead of creating potentially 140+ set installs trying to find the offending file, I was hoping someone here could guide me as to which updates are absolutly needed so I can try that collection first to see if I can get a functional install.

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I have a question in regards to the xdot.tk site. One of the first critial updates listed on mimo's old page (thank you wayback machine) was WindowsXP-KB941569-x86-ENU.EXE. xdot.tk's page doesn't have it - nor does it even mention it as obsolete. So what's the story on that?

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I said


Slipstream using -latest- nLite and this -

I said nothing about HFSLIP. The problem lies in the fact that MANY of the files are GENERATED CAB files and do NOT work inside the "HF folder" nor will with SWFLASH. Those items are SPECIFICALLY for use with nLite. The UDC webpage would have mentioned HFSLIP otherwise, now wouldn't it have? ;)


I will check on (e.g.) KB941569 - but be aware that UDC came WELL AFTER the "mimo's old page" and -X- project (UDC) came WELL AFTER SP3 was out and so may NOT show -all- Obsolete items, since WU wouldn't have given them at that time.

edit -

WMASF.DLL is -NEWER- in SP3 so is IRRELEVANT (SP3 supersedes it)

WMVCORE.DLL - NEWER- in KB978695 so it's been SUPERSEDED by it

IOW, KB941569 HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED and should NOT be installed!



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I can't seem to get to the HFSLIP site again today.


Unable to connect
          Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at hfslip.altervista.org.
  The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
  If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
  If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
    that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.



The best I've gotten is this


or this



Nonetheless, I have MANUALLY checked, and as I indicated above, those TWO files will be replaced anyhow by SP3+KB978695 regardless. (THAT not is NOT in HFSLIP Changelog).

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FWIW, I just got to http://hfslip.altervista.org/ with no problem.  (Apparently last updated 2014-03-05.)


NOTE:  Explorer09 has posted the essential necessary updates to Mim0's list here - http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/140336-the-file-checker-hfslipfc-for-hfslip/page-63#entry1077494


Cheers and Regards

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Yeah, I seen that (Explorer09).

Nope, still can't get the link to pull up (ATM). I even started a VM XP and used IE8. Same problem. :( A thought - maybe AT&T is buggering me on that? See Post #1531 - http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/140336-the-file-checker-hfslipfc-for-hfslip/page-62


edit -ummm. NOPE! Also used OpenDNS -and- cleared DNSCache -and- did a "ping" on it - gave back the IP ( -but- the "ping" fails (timeout)! This -


consistently says it's "up", but... :crazy:

Timeout is EXACTLY what I get in FF -and- IE8. :unsure:

Guess I have to face it, there are "random" up and downs. :(


edit2 (sigh...) guess I can try OpenDNS IP's on the Router instead. FYI, my NIC originally indicated DNS of the 2Wire Router. I "appear" to be going through Ameritech (AT&T) just "past" my own External IP since "tracert" gives the same horse-piles...

...AAAAND - did all the correct steps for the Router - HL Domain Name (altervista.org) fails, but EN. and IT. work fine. So does this -


It is DEFINITELY the Website that fails. ;)

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Hi all, I had some problems with my hosting provider Sunday night. I had to move my site last night and haven't set it all back up again. So if you're trying to read pages or download files they won't be there for a night or two. Sorry for any disruption caused.


BTW the advice not to upgrade to IE8 is because IE8 has extra files in its install. When an upgrade is performed on an existing install, there are no issues, but using HFSLIP plus my fileset plus IE8 results in problems due to TXTSETUP and IE.INF because they were never structured to handle the extra IE8 files. HFSLIP may report a success but the install might not work since the problem is that some of these extra files might get copied fine but they don't get registered as they should. As a result you run the risk of booting up for the first time and seeing no explorer. At one point I was working on separating IE.INF into IE6.INF and IE8.INF but never finished the work.

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Thanks for all the replies.


Just in case it wasn't clear by this being posted in a HFSLIP forum, my question is in context of using HFSLIP.


I was hoping someone had an updated list, as of the EOL of WinXP, of all the updates for WinXP for HFSLIP.

After looking at the links given I notice a lot of differences in the lists, plus a lot of "this update supersedes that update" (causing one to have to do a game of connect the dots to figure out which update file to use). And since a lot of the info is old (many of the pages can only be read via the Wayback Machine) its had to trust them.


So I would love a singular current list of all the current updates for WinXP to create what one could call "SP4" - but not an actual service pack of course - which can be slipstreamed via HFSLIP.


So far the http://xdot.tk/ site seems the most promising - I just got to figure out what to adjust for not updating IE or WMP - and of course, as suggested, downloading from MS the files that the xdot.tk program converts into cabs. I just want to make sure I got things correct.


I STRONGLY believe that MS should have released a final SP for their OSes on the date of its EOL. So they should have released a SP5 for Win2K and a SP4 for WinXP.

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Also, one problem with the xdot site is that it lists all the updates as "High Priority". It would be nice to have them listed as "Critical", "Important", "Optional", etc.

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So I would love a singular current list of all the current updates for WinXP to create what one could call "SP4" - but not an actual service pack of course - which can be slipstreamed via HFSLIP.


I STRONGLY believe that MS should have released a final SP for their OSes on the date of its EOL. So they should have released a SP5 for Win2K and a SP4 for WinXP.


Which was the reason I suggested checking out this:


Also, FYI there is an XP SP4 project in progress, though it is not in its final form quite yet.


since, once completed, you will be able to add SP4 the same way you currently add SP3 with HFSLIP.  Even though, as I noted above, it seems that there will continue to be more unofficial updates for XP for quite some time.  But since you are using FDV's fileset, I guess that SP4, as it is currently implemented, includes features that you don't wish to use.  Whether harkaz, or anyone else. will eventually make a different version of SP4 that would be more appropriate for you remains to be seen.  So I agree that the list at http://xdot.tk/ seems the most promising for your needs at this time.

Cheers and Regards

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