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HFCleanup For XP SP3


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Why do you, submix8c, insist I put all my questions into one thread when they are distinct questions that are independent from each other???

I mean, wanting cleanup files is completely different from multibooting which is completely different from wanting to create an "SP4" of XP. It would be stupid and ineffective, in my opinion, to ask all those questions in one thread - and also very confusing for people reading and responding to it.


So I will keep them separated, unless of course instructed to do otherwise by an admin.

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Why do you, submix8c, insist I put all my questions into one thread when they are distinct questions that are independent from each other???

I mean, wanting cleanup files is completely different from multibooting which is completely different from wanting to create an "SP4" of XP. It would be stupid and ineffective, in my opinion, to ask all those questions in one thread - and also very confusing for people reading and responding to it.


So I will keep them separated, unless of course instructed to do otherwise by an admin.



...and ONCE AGAIN, to keep things together -



I also posted a -potential- answer to this in that Topic.



From that topic -

HERE is the answer to HFCLEANUP (AFAICT) -


So, what's your problem?


And I did NOT EVEN say "merge" - Different problems, same subject. ;)


If you don't want my help, just say so, OK?

Edited by submix8c
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Why do you, submix8c, insist I put all my questions into one thread when they are distinct questions that are independent from each other???

I mean, wanting cleanup files is completely different from multibooting which is completely different from wanting to create an "SP4" of XP. It would be stupid and ineffective, in my opinion, to ask all those questions in one thread - and also very confusing for people reading and responding to it.


So I will keep them separated, unless of course instructed to do otherwise by an admin.

Maybe I can try translating submix8c post in the way I understood it. :unsure:


Dear JayMan,

possibly you might have overseen how in the other unrelated thread:


I posted here:


a number of links that I believe can be useful when using HFSLIP.

Among them, a couple may also actually represent an answer to this topic question.

For completeness, since though the topic is different it is also connected to HFSLIP, I am posting a link to that thread, instead of reposting here that same piece of info (keeping things together), as besides you, other members that land here from a search might find useful the whole set of links I posted, instead of just the one related to this topic:

HERE is the answer to HFCLEANUP (AFAICT) -


Be aware that the link appears to be temporarily down(?). http://hfslip.altervista.org/






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Thanks for the translation. lol

I was clearly not understanding submix8c.


I ended up finding on my drive a bunch of HFCLEANUP files I had downloaded awhile back called:








They used to be on FDV's site (http://web.archive.org/web/20071212020917/http://www.vorck.com/hfexpert.html).

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Those are REALLY old!!! Try this (right there, considering I gave the link to the NEW MSFN Topic "thingy") -


The MSFN Topic (again...) -



HTH (and do pay attention to using the "new" stuff and totally IGNORE the "old" stuff)


edit - and check this out. A link or two on the left DO give links to many "defunct" stuff (particularly the OLD HFSLIP website).


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