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Multiboot CD?


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When HFSLIP is running it asks if this is going to be a multiboot CD, and if so what is the folder name. The resulting product is the same regardless what I select. I searched the SOURCESS folder for anything that had the folder name I chose in it, and nothing came up.


So what does this option do exactly? And how does it help in making a multiboot CD?


Thanks in advance.

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To keep things together -



I haven't used HFSLIp for a while, but one may -assume- that the Method complies with the STANDARD method of creating a MultiBoot Install. Look that up for more info...


Side note - It involves modifying a couple of critical files, AFAIKR.

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I hope someone could explain this feature.

For my Win2k I have been sucessful for many years making a multiboot with just modifying in a hex editor the SETUPLDR.BIN and BOOT.BIN by modifying the "I386" with any other 4 charactor folder name.


With XP, however, the text setup portion works perfectly, but sadly during the gui setup it constatnly asks me for the location of the source, with it assuming the folder is called I386.

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I hope someone could explain this feature.

For my Win2k I have been sucessful for many years making a multiboot with just modifying in a hex editor the SETUPLDR.BIN and BOOT.BIN by modifying the "I386" with any other 4 charactor folder name.


With XP, however, the text setup portion works perfectly, but sadly during the gui setup it constatnly asks me for the location of the source, with it assuming the folder is called I386.

Well, with all due respect :), it's not like "news" or "a new frontier" or "a still unresolved mistery", the Gosh and Flyakite guides are on MSFN since the dawn of time (almost).





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Ok, after reading those pages in regards to XP it looks that the "SetupSourcePath" in the txtsetup.sif just needs to be modifed.


So that brings me back to my original question: what the heck is the MBOOTPATH variable for in HFSLIP? The description of it sounds like it would modify the txtsetup.sif in the way I just mentioned above - but it doesn't.


After scanning the HFSLIP file I see that the only thing that is done with the variable is that it is written to the HFSLIP.LOG file! So where there plans to actually do something with it, but it never got done?

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The closest I could find to that is in a Google Cache (ATM) -


when you're intending to
I can't really tell you beyond that.


Your assumption is incorrect. For a Multiboot CD (multiple versions of XP) you need several more files Hex-Edited. AND a fron-end to allow selecting any given one. These are called AIO's (ICYMI) containing (e.g.) BOTH (or more) XP Home -and- XP Pro. IOW, you have misunderstood what MultiBoot means.


I -could- assume that means one -may- be intending to put an XP Install on a CD along -with- (e.g.) some Utilities (booting to e.g. MemTest Image).


Unless you can tell us -which- "thing" you want to do with that "extra" I'm afraid there can be no help. :(


AHA! Here is a screen shot - Yep, it's that "AIO" thingy...


Now look back at the links jaclaz gave. :yes:

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The MBOOTPATH does not contribute to forming the HFSLIP and HFSLIPSVC variables anymore:

Or maybe the above mod introduced a form of "regression bug" for multiboot CD's, if this is the case, try the version immediately before that mod. :unsure:

It's a lot of time I don't use HFSLIP and possibly I never used it in/for a multibootCD, but maybe you are expecting by the MBOOTPATH something different from what was in the intention of the Author:
(and that the new code has now made "automatic")

If you check this (german, but google translate is not that bad) guide:
you will see how you slipstream each source and then copy the SOURCESS folder AS the \I386\ in the various DVD folder structure.

Maybe you were expecting HFSLIP to do that for you?


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Thank you for all the replies. I appreicate the time and effort!


In HFSLIP is says:

ECHO If you are making a multiboot CD, what folder/pathname will this OS reside in
ECHO on your new CD?
ECHO The format to enter is: ^<subfolder^>\
ECHO Example: Pro\
ECHO Note: You must type in the \ at the end if you enter a multiboot path.
ECHO If you are not going to make a multiboot CD, simply press Enter to bypass the
ECHO multiboot installation CD mode.
ECHO It is not possible to use the new source made by HFSLIP both in the context
ECHO of a CD with a single OS and in the context of a multiboot CD.  It's either
ECHO one or the other.


However the code does nothing with this variable:

IF DEFINED MBOOTPATH GOTO :DELCATS (which it goes to anyways)


SET /P MBOOTPATH= (this is where it gets user input)


IF NOT DEFINED MBOOTPATH SET MBOOTPATH=Default (gives it a value if it doesn't have one already)


ECHO>>HFSLIP.LOG CD Install Path - %MBOOTPATH%&ECHO/>>HFSLIP.LOG (inserts the value to the LOG file)



And that is it!!


So I expected it to modify the files so that it installs from an alternative folder than ROOT:\I386

It should at least, in my opinion, modify the SetupSOurcePath value in TXTSETUP.SIF


I think I am just going to add code to my copy of the script to give it this functionality.


I am using CDRPACK v1.3 by Bart Lagerweij to create my multiboot ISO, as I have for many years.


I don't make an ISO with HFSLIP, I just take the I386 folder in the SOURCESS folder and put it in my folder that's CDPACK is using to build my ISO. Of cource hex editing the .BIN files as needed.

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Well, it -appears- that the Variable is INITIALLY placed in "HFTOOLS\HFANSWER.INI", so it -appears- that since you didn't use that in your Run, then the Variable is NOT set -and- it uses "Default".


See? -IF- it Exists -THEN- each-and-ever-Variable that it -FINDS- will be Set. Guess you should find a good set of instructions on that FileName...


STILL can't access the Website http://hfslip.altervista.org BUT here is that GoogleCache I had given in you other thread (AFAICR) -


HERE is another Cache page from the AlterVista -


(notice I searched on "hfanswer.zip")

HERE is the HFANSWER "defaults" File


Again, you will HAVE to dig a little, since I can't seem to access AlterVista site. If YOU can, have a look around. The answers are all there.


edit - Try this -


-this- appears to be the LAST "good" one :unsure: -





GIANT EDIT - I suppose that you should ALSO read the NEXT post. ;)

...and AAARGGG! Google Translate gives FITS so I used (ugh) Bing Translate for the German Link given (above). It says EXACTLY what is indicated - MAKE A SLIP PASS FOR EACH one-by-one, then create a NEW place to MAKE that CD according to instructions.

Edited by submix8c
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If you read the reply I posted above, the MBOOTPATH was used to create a valid HFSLIP.CMD (and setting the HFSLIP and HFSLIPSVC variables) but relatively recently Acheron re-wrote that part of script:


so that valid values are generated independently from the MBOOTPATH.


But since the beginning the HFSLIP is for SLIPstreaming, not for making a multiboot CD, if you prefer the MBOOTPATH was a way to prepare a slipstreamed source suitable to be later processed following one of the mentioned guides without further editing.



  • Several original sources+Gosh's or Fliakite's guide=Multiboot CD or AIO with original files
  • Several original sources, each slipstreamed with HFSLIP +Gosh's or Fliakite's guide=Multiboot CD or AIO with HFSLIPped files

Both guides use AFAICR, a pre-expanded $WIN_NT$.~BT for booting (which goes in the ROOT of the CD renamed to a 4 letter name that is hexedited into SETUPLDR.BIN and a "normal" \I386\ subdir, only, instead of this \I386\ being in ROOT, it is placed in the path to which SetupSourcePath is edited in txtsetup.inf).


I seem to remember how CDRPACK by Bart was also not aimed to make AIO's with various versions of NT systems (but I may well be wrong).




PS: Yes, now I remember, at the time I used Wincdman:



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I want to thank everyone for their involvement with this thread.


Well I ended up modifying the hfslip script file to add the functionality that I want. The hardest part was figuring out how to modify the TXTSETUP.SIF file.


Now I'm trying to figure out how to modify the SETUPLDR.BIN which is a quite bit more tricky. lol

I'm trying to stick with CMD native commands without having to resort to using an .exe file to add to the HFTOOLS directory.

If anyone has any suggestions on doing such would be greatly appreciated.

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Now I'm trying to figure out how to modify the SETUPLDR.BIN which is a quite bit more tricky. lol

I'm trying to stick with CMD native commands without having to resort to using an .exe file to add to the HFTOOLS directory.

If anyone has any suggestions on doing such would be greatly appreciated.

There is no way (with native commands) to modify a binary file if not using DEBUG.

Something that I would not advise to my worst enemy. :w00t:




Since you will be doing a multiboot CD/DVD, IF I would decide to not use one of the many suitable command line third party tools I personally would use grub4dos as bootmanager and use it also to patch SETUPLDR.BIN, but it would add yet another layer of complexity (if the complexity of the *whatever* you are putting together would not have been enough :unsure:).

Or go back to the tradition and use BCDW, that if I recall correctly has a specific function for patching the setupldr.bin on-the-fly.



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edit - forgot to mention that it's used in -X- UDC script (xdot.tk) and it's downloaded with WGET and extracted using 7ZIP for use. Bear that in mind if you intend to "redistribute" your modified HFSLIP script. Of course, even that should be (maybe) disallowed unless explicit permission is given (unsure of whether there's any issues with that).

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Pshhh... HFSLIP is 3d Party too. :yes: AND also requires using 3d party tools in many cases.




(ref HFTOOLS...)


Forgot all about "gsar" and as for the "other", you -may- need to use exact offsets for XVI32 ("freeware") as well. :unsure:


THX for the "other" HexEditor link.

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