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IPB Update July 2013 (to version 3.4.5) - BUGS Only

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Hmmm. Well... Good try, xper... But, sorry, no cigar, as the saying goes (I can't help but wonder where anyone would still be able to smoke a cigar in real life, nowadays...)...
Now member ハイドン has had his username changed to "katakana"... when it really meant "Hydn". So, no, I think conversion just "sanitized" the "impossible" names (i. e.: those contining # < > and things like Japanese characters)...

In any case, can you give "katakana" back his username in Japanese characters? In case the database refuses that, then I think the username should be made "Hydn", which is what that meant, anyway. TIA.


How do you change to mobile view? "Change theme" is missing from the bottom left of the forum pages.



I get desktop version in IE 11 on Windows Phone 8.1.


My user agent is:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows Phone 8.1; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 520) like Gecko
Posted (edited)

So mobile view is automatic, based on user agent? Thanks.

It seems to be so.

I think it would be much better to have it based on screen size / browser window size, or at least to make it possible to manually switch to mobile view when needed. The user agent based method is definitely imperfect now :(

Edited by tomasz86

I thought it used to be more than that, but in any case now it appears to be 0 nested quotes. :(


Cheers and Regards


I seem to recall an exchange at some point in the same thread that @Tripredacus quoted, where @CharlotteTheHarlot and I went back and forth embedding quotes within quotes to "test" ;) how far one could go doing that. IIRC we went several layers deep and stopped before reaching whatever the limit might have been. :)


But definitely the limit is now 0, as @bphlpt points out. This hampers discussion, as the context of what one's commenting on is lost. It's an issue especially in active threads where there is more than one theme or topic going on concurrently.



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