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IPB Update July 2013 (to version 3.4.5) - BUGS Only

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Posted (edited)

5eraph (post #187) asks;
How do you change to mobile view? "Change theme" is missing from the

bottom left of the forum pages.
jumper theorizes;
So mobile view is automatic, based on user agent?

Could be any one, or a combination of:
Possibly whether the MSFN server has a record of whether a user has

ever viewed the forum using a 'User Agent' that requires mobile view (?),

possibly whether the software (located on the server) recognizes a particular

'User Agent' as one that requires the user be given the choice to view in

mobile mode ("Change Theme") or should automatically be served in mobile

mode (?), possibly whether the user has an msfn cookie on their internet

device that tells the server to serve a page that includes the option on that

page to view in mobile mode ("Change Theme")(?), possibly whether the user

has their ad-blocking/or hosts file set to block  http://ajax.googleapis.com (?),

possibly other things...

Now to specifics.
@5eraph, try deleting any cookie that you may have previously got from msfn
(e.g. in Firefox 28, Tools-Options-Privacy-Remove individual Cookies).
THEN go to msfn OR Refresh the msfn page you are viewing, and see if "Change
Theme" has appeared in the bottom left of the page. If it is seen, and if nothing

happens when you click on it (except the page merely appears to jump up to

the top of the page) then try ensuring that nothing is blocking access to URL;


(such as ad-blocking software/plug-ins or hosts file)

then Refresh the msfn page you are viewing.
If "Change Theme" is still not seen, then try closing all msfn pages, then delete

any msfn cookies, then go to this URL; http://www.botsvsbrowsers.com/SimulateUserAgent.asp
and input a User Agent of, oh, say;
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows Phone 8.1; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 520) like Gecko
Request Type: GET
Width 480 Height 800
URL; http://www.msfn.org/board/
Click 'Send Request' and fill in the required characters in the seen verification box,
then click "Submit Query".
After the msfn page appears in the box, sign-in as per normal, then see if "Change
Theme" has appeared at the bottom of that page. Click it, then click "IP.Board
Mobile", and before you leave the msfn pages, click "Full Version" at the page
Now whenever you visit msfn, you should (hopefully always) see the choice of
"Change Theme" on an msfn page.

@tomasz86 try the above - but be aware, if you can't actually see the bottom of
your visited webpages (per your screenshot in post #188), well, this seems to
be a known fault with Windows Phone 8 on Nokia Lumia... at present;

Edited by buyerninety


I seem to recall an exchange at some point in the same thread that @Tripredacus quoted, where @CharlotteTheHarlot and I went back and forth embedding quotes within quotes to "test" ;) how far one could go doing that. IIRC we went several layers deep and stopped before reaching whatever the limit might have been. :)


But definitely the limit is now 0, as @bphlpt points out. This hampers discussion, as the context of what one's commenting on is lost. It's an issue especially in active threads where there is more than one theme or topic going on concurrently.



Ok, ok folks :-)



I seem to recall an exchange at some point in the same thread that @Tripredacus quoted, where @CharlotteTheHarlot and I went back and forth embedding quotes within quotes to "test" ;) how far one could go doing that. IIRC we went several layers deep and stopped before reaching whatever the limit might have been. :)


But definitely the limit is now 0, as @bphlpt points out. This hampers discussion, as the context of what one's commenting on is lost. It's an issue especially in active threads where there is more than one theme or topic going on concurrently.



Ok, ok folks :-)






I seem to recall an exchange at some point in the same thread that @Tripredacus quoted, where @CharlotteTheHarlot and I went back and forth embedding quotes within quotes to "test" ;) how far one could go doing that. IIRC we went several layers deep and stopped before reaching whatever the limit might have been. :)


But definitely the limit is now 0, as @bphlpt points out. This hampers discussion, as the context of what one's commenting on is lost. It's an issue especially in active threads where there is more than one theme or topic going on concurrently.



Ok, ok folks :-)




Change Theme? Left bottom of the forums.


Thanks xper, but I tried to quote your post above and got the error

An error occurred
You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text

So what is the limit and is the limit different based on admin versus regular user? And why would it load all the quote blocks with the quote button and then not allow them to be posted?
Cheers and Regards


Thanks xper, but I tried to quote your post above and got the error


An error occurred

You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text

So what is the limit and is the limit different based on admin versus regular user? And why would it load all the quote blocks with the quote button and then not allow them to be posted?


Cheers and Regards

Limit is set to 3 embedded quotes. I don't think it's good idea to set limit to high because some browsers may crash.



Thanks xper, but I tried to quote your post above and got the error


An error occurred

You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text

So what is the limit and is the limit different based on admin versus regular user? And why would it load all the quote blocks with the quote button and then not allow them to be posted?


Cheers and Regards

Limit is set to 3 embedded quotes. I don't think it's good idea to set limit to high because some browsers may crash.


OK, limit is now set to 10 emb. quotes.




Thanks xper, but I tried to quote your post above and got the error


An error occurred

You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text

So what is the limit and is the limit different based on admin versus regular user? And why would it load all the quote blocks with the quote button and then not allow them to be posted?


Cheers and Regards

Limit is set to 3 embedded quotes. I don't think it's good idea to set limit to high because some browsers may crash.


OK, limit is now set to 10 emb. quotes.




Thanks xper!


Cheers and Regards


buyerninety, on 07 May 2014 - 01:41 AM, said:@tomasz86 try the above - but be aware, if you can't actually see the bottom of

your visited webpages (per your screenshot in post #188), well, this seems to

be a known fault with Windows Phone 8 on Nokia Lumia... at present;


Thanks a lot :thumbup I actually can see the bottom of webpages (maybe they fixed it in IE 11 on Windows Phone 8.1?) but haven't noticed the "Change Theme" button before.

Now I'm at least able to manually switch to the mobile view.


All Aok then - I should note that the 'Change Theme' text and link doesn't

always appear for everyone - for instance, I can't recall when I have ever

had it appear on msfn webpages that the msfn server has served to me,

until I carried out some of the actions in my last post, when thereafter it

magically started appearing.


"...but haven't noticed the "Change Theme" button before."

Mmm, do you think it would be better worded as ' Mobile/Full View ' ?


The mobile view was surprizing, in that it was somewhat difficult to easily

navigate in the members control panel (and subheadings therein), due to

the absence of hard links on the mobile view webpages.

It could be figured out with a little perserverance - but I fear some members

may become exasperated too quickly ( xper may need to look at remedying

this...if say, they couldn't get into their notification preferences easily.)


Still not getting notifications of new thread posts via e-mail.

Wonder if Verizon ever got back to us.



I didn't hear back from Verizon. My advice? Change your mail add. for msfn or make new one.

Posted (edited)

JorgeA, perhaps try posting in Verizon forums if that's possible, (as mentioned

in post #174), for Verizon to whitelist msfn's IP address, , as

SORBS still has that IP address blacklisted (http://www.sorbs.net/lookup.shtml),

and suggest to Verizon forum moderators that if Verizon uses the SORBS email

blocklist, that Verizon should STOP using SORBS as one of the input sources

for Verizons' email spam blocklist.

Edited by buyerninety
  • 4 weeks later...

Good idea, buyerninety. I'll go there and make that suggestion.


Help from Verizon forum mods or employees is historically slow, late, and sporadic, but it's worth a shot anyway.



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