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Start Is Back - 2.1 release


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Just purchased it and got the activation code. $3 for 2 PC license is a steal for original menu code compared to Start8 which is a clone and $5 per license. Hope you continue to fix bugs and that it continues to work (it will of course as long as MS doesn't update their code). thumbup.gif I never thought I would buy this. Classic Shell is my baby but this is like Start menu insurance. :)

Edited by xpclient
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Just purchased it and got the activation code. $3 for 2 PC license is a steal for original menu code compared to Start8 which is a clone and $5 per license. Hope you continue to fix bugs and that it continues to work (it will of course as long as MS doesn't update their code). thumbup.gif I never thought I would buy this. Classic Shell is my baby but this is like Start menu insurance. :)

$3 2 licences is not that expensive, much cheaper than Start8. Send 1 to July Green, right?

Yes, it seems pining folders is missing.

Yes, not only folders, but other shortcut types as well, such as control panels, etc. Funny thing is, I had a "Program and Features" link from my Windows 7 install, that remained in StartIsBack, but it is impossible to readd it if I remove it or have to reinstall Windows.

Hi guys, a issue here.

In the original start menu at Win Vista / 7, I was able to put shortcuts of folders on it, but with Start Is Back 1.0 not anymore.

It's a bug or a feature missing?

Thanks in advance!

It is EXTREMELY simple to pin ANY item you want,

1. Pin any shortcut like "notepad"

2. Right-click that pinned item > Properties > Shortcut > Target, just change your target path.


Control Panel path: control.exe

Recycle bin: explorer.exe shell:RecycleBinFolder

Windows update: explorer.exe shell:::{36eef7db-88ad-4e81-ad49-0e313f0c35f8}

Mouse Properties: rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,,0


To change the shortcut icon see%SystemRoot%\system32\imageres.dll.

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I finally installed this. Very nice. The reg tweaks [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer]

"AddSearchInternetLinkInStartMenu"=dword:00000001 and [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\SearchPlatform\Preferences]

"EnableSearchingSlowLibrariesInStartMenu"=dword:00000001 also work. :thumbup LOL and how nice it is to have Alt+F4 'close' the Start screen.

Edited by xpclient
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Hi Tihiy can you add the possibility of choose to display at the startup the "start screen" or "desktop"? please I prefer to display before the Start screen!


I don‘t think it's necessary

I think it is anything so hard to implement, I love the start menu but I do not want get boot directly to desktop.

is possible have it Tihiy? I could send you a big donation!

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Just a question I had, will you some time include the ability for the software to update itself to a newer version? Or the ability to check for updates?

1.0 already checks for new versions and will show a notice in the configurator if new version is available.
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Just a question I had, will you some time include the ability for the software to update itself to a newer version? Or the ability to check for updates?

1.0 already checks for new versions and will show a notice in the configurator if new version is available.

Is there any chance that in the next version we can add our own custom User Picture frame, the default one is very ugly in the explorer.exe and with no way to change that at the moment it really sucks, I noticed that with Start8 they added there own custom frame for the user picture, I would like to make this Windows 8 start menu with a nice matching windows 8 style user picture frame, if you can help with that at all it would be great mate, even if it was a separate app to StartIsBack

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My point was before I got shouted at was , why not stick with Windows 7 instead of hacking Windows 8 to make it look like 7?

In the purpose of keeping this thread-hijacking to a minimum I'm gonna ignore all of the rest and focus only on this.

Because like I told you in the post directly above yours, Windows 8 introduces a pretty big number of improvements "under the hood". To put it as simply as possible, Windows 8 is faster than 7, more stable than 7 and supports technologies that, in the last 3 years have become the new standards in computing, out of the box.

To set up Windows 7 on my PC I needed an hour for the installation of Windows and drivers alone, then another hour or two for the necessary tweaking. For Windows 8 I LITERALLY went for a drink of water and when I got back my PC was already in the log-on screen waiting to create a new user account, after which everything *just worked*.

It indeed is your prerogative to think that the only choices are between an older and slower OS versus an OS that looks like it was designed by a 3-year old, however the rest of us here actually do know better.

So, as it is clear that we can only agree to disagree, I would respectfully ask you to stop spamming a thread that is supposed to be about a specific piece of software whose sole purpose is to restore functionality that you appear to have no use for.

Thank you.

To be fair and to balance this out, windows 7 is the same for me all devices work out of the box.

However the difference is for me windows 7 needs minimal work to get the GUI to my liking, windows 8 needs a 3rd party app such as start is back as well as other tweaks to get it to run as well as windows 7, and even then there is a lack of aero, lost functions which i think cant be patched back in and bits of metro in desktop windows, eg. try loading a file extension that has no app, you get what looks like a beta metro window. Over 30 functions have been removed from windows 7 to windows 8, the start menu is just the most publicised one.

I am also curious what new SSD features windows 8 has over windows 7, leaner faster? very generic terms. On all physical machiones and VM's I have tested on windows 7 is faster. except in certian optimised situations win8 can boot very fast other then that it looks weaker to me no performance. I certianly have not found anything thats made me drop windows 7 to upgrade. hyper-v stuff looks 'interesting' but thats about it.

If windows 8 is ready to use out of the box, why are you on this thread? if you using this app then windows 8 isnt ready for you to use out of the box.

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