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Get WAIK Tools w/o downloading the huge ISO's


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One easy WIM to get to is the boot.wim on the Windows Setup DVD. But you still can't add any WinPE packages and if you keep adding things for JFX's tool to get, you might as well just download the entire thing! :rolleyes:

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Yes it's just luck that the tools are in the first MB's of neutral.cab

Get more stuff from the PETools folder would easily go up to 700+ MB download and won't make much sense.

With the web-setup of the adk things will get better.


Edited by JFX
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With the web-setup of the adk things will get better.

It certainly is a neat idea, but in practice I've found it doesn't always work for some reason and it times out connecting to the MS DL site. Which is fine since I did have the ISO somewhere already. :rolleyes:

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As often happens, OT :ph34r: but not much ;).



This articles explains a technique for accessing files stored inside a zip file without downloading the whole zip archive. It can be used to access parts of a big ZIP archive, or to download only specific parts of an archive. It works with OpenOffice documents too.

The standard approach of serving parts of an archive file through a Web Server is using a script on the server side, with the fact that the single parts are sent uncompressed; this solution is totally client side and uses the Range header of the HTTP protocol to retrieve specific parts of a ZIP archive.


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  • 3 months later...

Apologies for this dumb question.

I'm trying to use 7Customer (which requires ImageX, Oscdimg and Dism).

I used GetWaikTools to download the Win7 WAIK files and I can see ImageX and Oscdimg, but I cannot find Dism anywhere. Is GetWaikTools meant to obtain Dism as well?

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Is GetWaikTools meant to obtain Dism as well?


Dism is part of windows since win7. So there is no need to download it.

- open the install.wim file with 7zip or mount it with imagex

- copy the \Windows\System32\Dism folder to C:\Dism

- copy the following files form \Windows\System32\ inside C:\Dism, dism.exe, (dismapi.dll) and wdscore.exe

- copy the mui files (Dism.exe.mui, DismApi.dll.mui) from \Windows\System32\??-?? to C:\Dism\??-??

Edited by JFX
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