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Get WAIK Tools w/o downloading the huge ISO's

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Thanks a lot for your hard work! GetWAIKTools sure rocks, and you do, too! :thumbup

Sorry to say v 1.5 has a bug, but it seems to be minor. See the attachment, a figure is worth 1000 words. :)



GWT version 1.5 released!

- added windows 8.1 Preview files

Just for the record, the x86 builds of the two files listed below run OK on Win XP SP3 (being thus the most up-to-date versions of those apps to do so):

bootsect.exe -- version: 6.3.9431.0 having 119,912 bytes; MD-5: EB9398CD972316ECC278D6DD367F42E2

oscdimg.exe -- version: having 135,272 bytes; MD-5: 23F4002FEB768A48C725FB7D79959721

Later edit: However, one needs GWT v. 1.5.0 (which is not anymore the latest) to get the above files.


  • 1 month later...

Thanks, JFX, you rock! :thumbup

Just for the record, the x86 build of oscdimg.exe (new compilation but same version as before) still runs OK on Win XP SP3 (being thus the most up-to-date version of it to do so):

oscdimg.exe -- version: having 135,272 bytes; MD-5: 0D82B993BEA949906A3589DB5CB0B9B1

OTOH, the new x86 build of bootsect.exe (version: 6.3.9600.16384 having 100,968 bytes; MD-5: 0D3C65224934D71BD02D03F1251C6E10) requires at least Vista to run, so the last version to support Win XP SP3 remains 6.3.9431.0, from the Win 8.1 Preview.


GWT version 1.5.1 released!

- added windows 8.1 RTM files

Thanks, but having a spot of trouble with me webby clicky thing and I get this error. Is the file small enough to attach here ?

Microsoft services are designed for you, but maybe not for your browser

Thanks, but having a spot of trouble with me webby clicky thing and I get this error. Is the file small enough to attach here ?

Microsoft services are designed for you, but maybe not for your browser

Added attachment on first post.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

I'm Downloading Waik_4_1 Folder (8.1)

How to Work This for Create WinPe!?

Edited by magsood


I'm Downloading Waik_4_1 Folder (8.1)

How to Work This for Create WinPe!?

That's VERY off-topic.

This topic is SPECIFICALLY about getting WAIK tools WITHOUT downloading the full ISO and NOT "how to make a WinPE". ;)

Please make another Topic or do a Search in the appropriate Sub-Forum. :yes:

Thank you.


@JFX: Wondferful the tool. Thank you very much.

As you know, Windows 8.1 Update is released. I think, also WAIK tools is updates.
I detected direct link from the "0" XML file inside of adksetup.exe in http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39982
I hope, this links be helpful.

WADK for Windows 8.1 Update
Version 8.100.26629; Last-Modified: 21 Feb 2014

@ilkertezcan, yes the tools are updated with the Windows Deployment Tools-x86_en-us.msp patch

But I'm not sure if it useful to add the download, cause the only changes are for the new WimBoot feature.

And deploying a wimboot image would still not be possible using the new tools.

So the only reason for bigger download would be the Wimboot optimization (recompression) of an wim image.

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