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Posted (edited)

WHOW - cool!!

Reading about new fixes (RC5/6) with some surprising positive side effects *grin* Am on RC4 yet, guess I'll jump directly to RC6 soon :-)

And discovering the wiki, just great! I'm always lost when searching something specific in this giant thread here, and the wiki will be very helpful. Kinda glad. Also like the really nice, friendly-looking and professional layout by the way.

Also very glad that my favorite browser, K-Meleon, basically still works with KernelEx, in version1.6beta (gecko engine 1.9.x like Firefox 3.x), although with a few more bugs, but so far can live with it ;-)

Great job, guys, THANK YOU! :-))

Edited by siria


In case it's relevant, I recently installed VLC 1.03 under KernelEx RC5 and it all worked fine in Default and W2K compatibility modes. However, in XP compatibility mode, VLC 1.03 crashes.


Posted (edited)
# KernelEx should now work better with Windows 95 shell

What does it mean that it works with Windows 95 shell?

Edited by Bracamonte
What does it mean that it works with Windows 95 shell?
You should test. But theoretically, it should work. And thus make SH95UPD a bit obsolete.

Next release is final and delayed because we don't have time. RC6.rar is close to final. You can post it probably; i can't because xeno would punch me.


hi all, but no one tried to installation webmoney

remember installed, all starts, but my account was can not wrote about the unknown error

choice functions other operating system did not help

program in general ceased to run - ошибка security (it is not surprising))

Posted (edited)
  On 12/22/2010 at 8:24 PM, Tihiy said:

Next release is final and delayed ... RC6.rar is close to final.

Hi Tihiy, Xeno86,

sorry to annoy,

but could you have a look into the soft I have posted in post #1067 Autorun Eater, if it's possible to make it work.

Thanks in advance. :)


Edited by CharlesF

Wish to report that LibreOffice 3.3 RC2 does not work

Default compatibility: Fatal error - "The application cannot be started. A general error occurred while accessing your central configuration"

Win2000 compatibility: soffice.exe loaded forever and never showed up

XP SP2 compatibility: Invalid page error in VCLMI.DLL

Shall try again when LibreOffice 3.3 Final comes out


KernelEx v4.5 Final

Release announcement

The wait is finally over. KernelEx 4.5 has now gone final, which means this is the new stable release.

Because of the stability fixes it is a recommended update for 4.5 beta and RC users.

Check out our new Wiki. The wiki, and in particular its compatibility database requires your help to grow into something bigger and more useful. After free registration anyone can add new entries, but new users will be required to enter captcha code on every edit, to reduce spam problem.

What's new:

  • Reworked installer (should be more compatible with kernel32 updates)
  • New welcome screen
  • Fixed stability of extended TLS code
  • Fixed hang issues with printers
  • Added Windows Installer compatibility database for MSI files patching

Apps fixed / now working:

  • Fixed: Foxit Reader 3.1 drag-and-drop crash
  • Fixed: Qt 4.6+ hotkey issues
  • Fixed: Opera 11 'about:' pages
  • Fixed: Firefox displaying file save dialog twice
  • Fixed: caret not showing on some configurations (Opera)
  • Now working: Google Earth 5.2 (6.0 beta experimentally)

This release includes new feature to ease installation of MSI format packages that contain a check for Windows NT system.

This feature uses a database which means it won't magically work for all MSI files at once, it rather needs adding an entry for each and every MSI file.

Currently the database includes entries for Microsoft Word Viewer 2003, Microsoft Excel Viewer 2003, Microsoft Office 2007 File Format Converters, Google Earth 5.1, 5.2 and Adobe Reader 7.0 (all english versions only!).

KernelEx home page: http://kernelex.sourceforge.net/

KernelEx Wiki: http://kernelex.sourceforge.net/wiki/

Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kernelex/files/

Posted (edited)
  On 12/30/2010 at 1:42 AM, Xeno86 said:

KernelEx v4.5 Final

Release announcement

I have updated KernelEx-4.0-Final2 to KernelEx-4.5 Final

and now i can't see the compatibilty tab

on shortcuts and .exe Files


After uninstall and reboot Kernelex has been installed successfully

Edited by Darkstar
Posted (edited)

Xeno, Tihiy, congratulations for a new (stable) version and nice gift for us before end of year! :D

Btw, versions of Flash Player and Foxit Reader mentioned in KernelEx Wiki compatibility database are older than those which I'm using: Flash Player and Foxit Reader 4.3.0 (build 1110).

Edited by rainyd

Sorry but I must report problem with installation of new KEx: when I've tried to do that, I've got message:

"Error: Failed to open backup file C:\Windows\Sysbckup\Kernel32.dll.

Possible causes: previous version not uninstalled correctly or file has been deleted.

Restore C:\Windows\System\Kernel32.dll manually from install media".

It doesn't matter if I have previous version of KEx installed or not.

  On 12/30/2010 at 12:58 PM, schwups said:

I've got the same message. After restoring kernel32.dll the setup runs.

In my case installation was stopped (cancelled).

When I've uploaded kernel32.dll to Sysbckup directory, I've got message:

"Error: subsystem_check: pattern not found".

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