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PuntoMX 34 (35 for 2009 ;))

Martin L

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Happy birthday m8, take a computer :angel beer or two from me! And i hope you may have many more years in good health!
Hartelijk bedankt Martin L, also for the puntoMX.net name parking. I will sure have some although I feel strange after one beer already :D.
Feliz cumpleaños
Gracias ricktendo64, haber que este año va estar mejor que el año pasado (and that wasn´t bad year) :).
Con una caguama en una mano y el ratón en la otra… que cumplas muchos más!

A beer on a hand & mouse on the other one. Could be called "party online"

Una caguama si me gusta, haber como me siento después :), gracias Maxfutur. By the way, for the people who do not know it, a “caguama” is a large bottle of beer, 2 liters.
Happy birthday, old man
Dude, you're old... er... I mean Happy Birthday!
Ow you two! I´m not old just was born a while ago; forever young in mind ;).
Happy Birthday buddy!!! Hope you have a good one!!!
I´m feeling happy thank you Zxian, still no party but let´s see if there is some “thing “ (read some one) waiting for me when I come home!
Happy birthday again
Same as last year ;), thank you Tarun.

Happy Birthday


How did you guess what I just ordered? Thank you Mark.
happy birthday
Thank you ripken204, always good to have the younger people around so I can feel, ahum, not that long time ago born (Just 34!)

Now it´s time to get the piñata out of the closed (and the women of course!) WHOHOOoooOO!.

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