and sometimes it's just the cop. I have been pulled over several times. I have gotten one speeding ticket (legit but it was a trap), one warning and let go the rest of the time. Worst case for me without the ticket was passing through a very small town at about 2:00 a.m. I was doing 80-90 mph in a 35 zone. In the back of my mind, something said that there was a cop car. Soooooooooo, I slowed down and pulled into a derelict gas station and waited. I followed the same procedures here as gamehead did. In the rearview mirror, I saw the leaves on the trees pulse with light as the cop approached around a corner and suddenly I saw his headlights and then they quickly pointed towards the ground as he stood on his brakes. He pulled up behind me, got out, walked up to my car and asked me 'Why did you stop?' and I replied 'I knew you were coming'. He then asked me if I was going to speed again and I said 'No'. He let me go. I honestly think that he never had a chance to get a radar gun on me and he never had the chance to get behind me to clock my speed. Stopping first saved my butt. Mark