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Posted (edited)

Media Player Classic (beta) - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=205650

VLC 0.9.0 (nightly) - http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/win32/latest/ (funny that this version works in my language, 0.8.6c not. Btw, you need copy unicows.dll to VLC directory)

PC Wizard 2008.1.81 - excellent freeware diagnostic and benchmarking tool - http://www.cpuid.com/pcwizard.php

Java Runtime Environment Version 5.0 Update 14 - http://www.java.com/en/download/windows98m...st=www.java.com

Edited by rainyd


Does anyone know what the last definitions update was that supported FAT for McAfee VirusScan Corporate 4.5.1 SP1? As it is no longer supported, or should that be the last scan engine to support FAT.

Does anyone know what the last definitions update was that supported FAT for McAfee VirusScan Corporate 4.5.1 SP1? As it is no longer supported, or should that be the last scan engine to support FAT.

AFAIK, the current definitions and engine work in 98SE, although McAfee say it is 'unsupported' in 98SE...

I've used engine 5100 okay even 'unsupported' since all 5000 series engines are 'unsupported' in 98SE. Not sure about 5200 working though... Have not tested it...

If you have MDGx's 98SE2ME or Tihiy's RP installed then you will probably have problems with 4.5.1 SP1 since it does not work correctly in Windows Me and the two mentioned custom packs update enough of 98SE with Me files to be a problem with 4.5.1 SP1...


A few more items for the list.

Command line checksum utility MD5 and SHA1. Free. Windows-KB841290-x86-ENU.exe

Microsoft claims that Win 2000 or newer is required, but the utility works fine with 98 in a DOS window.

System Scheduler-popup reminder ONGD, free and pay versions. Far superior to the built in Windows scheduler. http://www.splinterware.com/products/wincron.htm

Multiple Clipboard Utility 9 separate clipboards. Free. Also works on Win 2K.


Launchkey Command line tool to launch an application and send it keypresses. Useful to run from batch files or from other applications. Free.


File Sharing Shareaza, ONGD, free Open Source. Multiple Network Program.


Host Intrusion Protection System (HIPS) System Safety Monitor. ONGD free. http://syssafety.com/

Registry Protection TestRun by BB. Free. His site is down, expired. Copy of page from Archive.org. Download link not working. I've uploaded it to Rapidshare. IMO, this is too useful to let it just disappear.

Website Copier-Offline Browser WinHTTrack. ONGD, free. http://www.httrack.com/

MP3 Splitter Free. http://www.megax.it/mp3split/index.htm

Flash/Tutorial maker Wink. ONGD. Free. http://www.debugmode.com/wink/

File/Partition Encryption Scramdisk 3.01r3c Free, Last. http://www.samsimpson.com/cryptography/scramdisk/

Animated GIF maker UnFREEz 2.1 Free. http://www.whitsoftdev.com/unfreez/

Time Sync AnalogX Atomic TimeSync. Free. http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/network/ats.htm

CD\DVD BurnAtOnce. Free. Last? For data, music, ISO. http://www.burnatonce.net/

Script Protection Script Sentry. Free.

At Jasons Toolbox.

System Lockdown Utility System Lock 1.2.1. Free.


Let me know if any of the links don't work.



ONGD - FREE - SymmTime (Time synchronization and multiple timezones display)

*Note: the application is advertised as only working on NT4/2000/2003/XP, however I have it up and running without a glitch on my Win98SE. Please keep in mind though, that my system is manually upgraded and running on KernelEx (0.3.2a at the moment of posting).

Anyone able to test it on a vanilla Win98SE, please do and report the result. Unfortunately, currently I do not have this possibility.

ONGD - FREE - GOM player (Media player - can play SWF, FLV and other files, with its own codecs)

Posted (edited)

Some more stuff:

Office Programs

LAST - FREE - Microsoft Office Converter Pack 97-2003 --- http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en

LAST - FREE - Microsoft Word 97 Viewer (97-2003) --- http://downloads.pcworld.com/pub/new/busin...s/wd97vwr32.exe

LAST - FREE - Microsoft Excel 97 Viewer (97-2003) --- http://downloads.pcworld.com/pub/new/busin...es/xlviewer.exe

LAST - FREE - Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Viewer (97-2003) --- http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en

LAST - FREE - Microsoft Visio 2002 Viewer (5-2002) --- http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en

CD/DVD Authoring Programs

ONGD - FREE - DVDFab HD Decrypter --- http://www.dvdfab.com/free.htm

Webcam Drivers

ONGD - FREE - Sonix SN9C105 PC Camera Controller (Webcam) Driver (5.21.2000) --- http://www.sonix.com.tw/sonix/product.do?p=SN9C105

Scanner Drivers

LAST - FREE - Mustek 1200 UB Plus Scanner Driver 2.0 --- http://www.mustek.com.tw/apprg/showdriveri...Plus&LSID=1

EDIT: More added

Edited by RetroOS
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Office Programs

LAST - FREE - Microsoft Office Converter Pack 97-2003 --- http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en

LAST - FREE - Microsoft Word 97 Viewer (97-2003) --- http://downloads.pcworld.com/pub/new/busin...s/wd97vwr32.exe

LAST - FREE - Microsoft Excel 97 Viewer (97-2003) --- http://downloads.pcworld.com/pub/new/busin...es/xlviewer.exe

LAST - FREE - Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Viewer (97-2003) --- http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en

LAST - FREE - Microsoft Visio 2002 Viewer (5-2002) --- http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en

Hi galahs, looks like the above additions did not copy correctly into your master list...

The web links are messed up...

Happy New Year! :)

UPDATE: New Stuff

Genealogy - new section

ONGD - FREE - Legacy 6.0 Standard Edition --- http://www.legacyfamilytree.com/DownloadLegacy.asp

ONGD - $$$$ - Legacy 6.0 Deluxe Edition --- http://www.legacyfamilytreestore.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=1


LAST - $$$$ - Family Tree Maker 2006 16.0.350.0 --- http://past.familytreemaker.com/FTM16.aspx

From Others to Genealogy - new section


LAST - FREE - Atomic Clock Sync (no longer updated or posted) --- http://www.worldtimeserver.com

ONGD - FREE - Neutron (7KB Atomic Time Synchronisation) --- http://keir.net/neutron.html

LAST - FREE - AnalogX Atomic TimeSync 1.03 --- http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/network/ats.htm

ONGD - $$$$ - AtomTime Pro v3.1d --- http://www.atomtime.com

From Others to Time Synchronisation - new section

Move (also updated):

LAST - $$$$ - ABBYY FineReader 7.0 - http://finereader.abbyy.com/

From Others to Optical Character Recognition (OCR) - new section

Windows 9x Rocks on in 2008! :w00t:

Edited by RetroOS

to add to the list:

DeepBurner - A great FREE full featured CD/DVD/ISO burner . Works great with WIN98se

also get DeepRipper Both are FREE. They have a pay version, which is the same software

with a manual & support 'thrown in' ;)http://www.deepburner.com/

Burrrn - a great small footprint CD burner FREE very reliable

a sh1tload of codecs comes standard with it - http://www.burrrn.net/?page_id=4

Packed Bitstream Remover 1.1 - A GUI for Moitah’s command line version of MPEG4 Modifier


Clickster - a wonder music finder program. No Sharing, very safe - FREE (notp2p)


KeepVid, see a video you want on the internet? In one click you can capture it

FREE ,and keep it. There's a good FLV file player at the same site http://keepvid.com/

Easy Duplicate Finder - Search for true duplicates (files with same contents)

Powerful search engine with fast files check - SAFE FREE


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