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Just a backup in case the main list I constantly edit becomes corrupt. :thumbup

Last Version of Software to Support Windows 98 Second Edition

Updated: 27 October 2007

Media Players + Encoders + Codecs

Apple QuickTime 6.5.2 - - - http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/qui...forwindows.html

DivX Codec v5.2.1 - - - http://www.free-codecs.com/DivX_Free_download.htm

Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 - - - http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/b...299/MPSetup.exe

Nullsoft Winamp 5.35 (CD support lost in 5.35) - - - http://download.nullsoft.com/winamp/client...music-7plus.exe

Quicktime Alternative 1.54 - - - http://oldapps.com/download.php?oldappsid=...ktimealt154.exe

RealPlayer 10.5 - - - http://www.real.com

foobar2000 v0.8.3 - - - http://oldapps.com/foobar2000.php

Intervideo WinDVD 6 ( (now Corel) - last - http://www.corel.com%2Fservlet%2FSatellite...2F1181657926954

CyberLink PowerDVD 6 - last - http://www.cyberlink.com/multi/products/main_1_ENU.html

GoldWave 4.26* - ( not supported but 5.22 works) - http://www.goldwave.com/

Reality Synthesiser 1997 - http://www.seersystems.com/archive/1997.shtml

Internet Browsers

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 - - - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en

Internet Plugins + Utilities

Java Runtime Environment Version 5.0 Update 13* - - - ( works) - - - http://java.com

Skype 1.4.x* - - - free - (Newer versions work without Video. tested and verified!) - - - http://www.skype.com/

Instant Messaging

Microsoft MSN Messenger 7.0.0820 - - - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en

FTP Clients

Leech FTP 1.3 - - - Free - - - http://www.download.com/3000-2356-10122208.html

WSFTP Limited Edition 5.08 - - - Free - - - http://www.oldversion.com/program.php?n=wsftp


ZoneAlarm 6.1.744.001 - - - http://www.oldversion.com/download.php?idl...db078ffd60a98b0

Virus & Spyware Scanners

McAfee VirusScan Corporate 4.5.1 SP1 (2005 Build - 4.5.1306.0) - last - available from McAfee with subscription

Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition - last - available from Symantec with subscription

Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE Personal 1.06r1 - last - free - http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Popu...-Personal.shtml (not posted at Lavasoft anymore)

Symantec LiveUpdate - free - ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_...3.0/lusetup.exe

Symantec Event Library - free - ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_...t11/sevinst.exe

Norton AntiVirus 2005 - last - http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_sw/105-6...tiVirus+2005%22

McAfee VirusScan 2006 10.0 - last - http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_sw/105-6...rusScan+2006%22

Web Design Packages

Adobe (Macromedia) Flash MX 2004

Adobe (Macromedia) Dreamweaver MX 2004

Graphical Design

Adobe (Macromedia) Fireworks MX2004

Adobe Photoshop Elements 2

Adobe Photoshop 7.0

Adobe Illustrator 10

PDF Utilities

Adobe Reader 6.06 - - - http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

Adobe Acrobat Standard 6.0 ( - last - http://www.adobe.com/


Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0

Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2 - free - http://www.msfn.org/board/ipb_seo.php?url=...isplayLang%3Den

Microsoft Orca 2.0.3790.0 - last - free -

Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows - last ANSI version - free - extract tMSI, edit with Orca, remove LaunchCondition -


Windows Utlilies

Cacheman 5.50 - - - http://www.outertech.com

Diskeeper 10

Microsoft TweakUI 1.33 - - - http://www.download.com/3000-2341-2830963.html

RegCleaner - - - free - - - http://majorgeeks.com/download460.html

CD/DVD Authoring Programs

Nero Burning ROM 7.2.7

Compression + Archival + Backup Utilities

WinZip 10* - - - (WinZip 11.1 works) - - - http://www.winzip.com

Stomp Backup MyPC 5.0 ( - last

Office Programs

Microsoft Office XP

Windows Components

Microsoft DirectX 9.0c - December 2006 - - - http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/c...2006_redist.exe

Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0 - - - http://download.microsoft.com/download/Win...US/InstMsiA.exe

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - - - http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/6...5a/dotnetfx.exe

Microsoft IntelliPoint 4.12 (4.10.851.0) - last - free - http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/8...12EngALLMsi.exe

Microsoft IntelliType 2.22 (2.20.448.0) - last - free - http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/1...22EngALLMsi.exe

Video Drivers

nVidia Official Video Drivers 81.98 - last - free - http://www.nvidia.com/object/win9x_81.98.html

nVidia Unofficial Video Drivers 82.69 - last - free - http://www.mdgx.com/files/NV8269.EXE

AMD ATI Video Drivers 6.2 - last - free - http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/98me/radeonaiw-98me.html

Rivatuner RC15 - (Version 2 works but is no longer supported) - http://www.guru3d.com/rivatuner/

Network Adapter Drivers

Intel PRO Series Network Drivers - 10.3 (without PROSet II) - last - free - http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Des...SE〈=eng

Intel PRO Series Network Drivers - 10.1 (with PROSet II) - last - free - http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Des...SE〈=eng

Virtual Machines

Connectix Virtual PC 5.1 ( - last - Connectix bought by MS...


Atomic Clock Sync - last - no longer updated or posted at http://www.worldtimeserver.com/

Family Tree Maker 2006 16.0.350.0 - last - http://past.familytreemaker.com/FTM16.aspx

SmithMicro HotFax MessageCenter 5.0.1 - last - http://www.smithmicro.com%2Fdefault.tpl%3F...HMCWA0SESMS1250

SmithMicro CheckIt Diagnostics - last - http://www.smithmicro.com%2Fdefault.tpl%3F...6sku%3DCKDWINEE

CAD + CAM + Design & Drafting Software

UGS Solid Edge 10.8 - - - http://www.solid-edge.com

3D Home Architect 7.0 - - - (Cadsoft Envisioneer

McNeel Rhino 3.0 (NURBS Modelling) - - - http://www.rhino3d.com/

3D Studio Max 5 (Not all features are supported)

AutoDesk AutoCad 2002 - - - http://www.autodesk.com


EA Sports Fifa 2005 - - - http://www.easports.com

Torino 2006 - - - http://2ksports.com/games/torino2006/

*Newer versions not officially supported but may work.

Programs Still Supporting Windows 98 Second Edition

Last Updated: 31 October 2007

Media Players + Creators + Codecs

Media Player Classic - - - http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Media_Player_Classic.htm

Xnview - - - http://www.xnview.com/

Xmplayer- - - http://www.un4seen.com/

Gomplayer - - - http://www.gomplayer.com/main.html

ffdshow - - - http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdshow

VideoLAN VLC Player 0.8.6c - current - not 0.9.0 beta - free - http://www.videolan.org/vlc/

AC3Filter 1.46 - current - free - http://ac3filter.net/

Audacity - - - http://audacity.sourceforge.net

VirtualDub - - - http://www.virtualdub.org

Internet Browsers

Mozilla Firefox 2 - - - http://www.mozilla.com

Opera 9 - - - http://www.opera.com

Maxthon 1.6/2.0 - - - http://www.maxthon.com

Internet Plugins

Adobe Flash Player - current - free - http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer

Adobe Shockwave Player - - - http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/?promoid=BIOY

Email Clients

Mozilla Thunderbird 2 - - - http://www.mozilla.com

Instant Messaging

Miranda IM - - - http://www.miranda-im.org

PDF Utilities

Foxit PDF Reader - - - http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php

Graphic Design

IrfanView - - - http://www.irfanview.com


Virus + Spyware Scanner

AVGFree - - - http://free.grisoft.com

Spybot Search & Destroy - - - free - http://www.safer-networking.org/

avast! 4 Home (4.7.1043) - - - current - free for home use - http://www.avast.com/

Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic - - - http://www.download.com/Avira-AntiVir-Pers...ml?tag=lst-0-10

Sophos Security Suite SBE 2.5 - current - http://www.sophos.com/products/small-busin...security-suite/

Sophos Computer Security SBE 2.5 - current - http://www.sophos.com/products/small-busin...puter-security/

Sophos Anti-Virus SBE 2.5 - current - http://www.sophos.com/products/small-busin...hos-anti-virus/

Windows Utilities

Process Explorer 11.03 - free - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysintern...ssexplorer.mspx

AutoRuns for Windows v8.73 - free - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysintern...s/Autoruns.mspx

RegMon for Windows v7.04 - free - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysintern...ads/Regmon.mspx

FileMon for Windows v7.04 - free - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysintern...ds/Filemon.mspx

Notepad Replacements

TheGun - - - free - - - http://www.movsd.com/thegun.htm

MetaPad - - - free - - - http://www.liquidninja.com/metapad

Notepad2 - - - free - - - http://notepad2.com

Notepad++ - - - free - - - http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm

EditPad Lite - - - free - - - http://www.editpadpro.com/editpadlite.html

Programmer's File Editor 1.01 - - - free - - - http://www.lancs.ac.uk/staff/steveb/cpaap/pfe/default.htm

Office Programs

Open Office - - - http://www.openoffice.org

Compression + Archival Utilities

WinRAR - - - http://www.rarsoft.com

7zip - - - http://www.7-zip.org

ConeXware PowerArchiver 2007 10.20 - current - http://www.powerarchiver.com/

CD & DVD Authoring

Deepburner - - - http://www.deepburner.com/

File Sharing

BitTorrent 6.0 - current - free - http://www.bittorrent.com/

File Recovery

Convar PC Inspector File Recovery 4.0 - current - free - http://www.pcinspector.de/

Convar PC Inspector Smart Recovery 4.50.0001 - current - free - http://www.pcinspector.de/


SIW - - - http://www.gtopala.com/

ActiveState ActivePerl - current - free - http://www.activestate.com/Products/activeperl/

ABBYY FineReader - newer works?

AtomTime Pro v3.1d - current - http://www.atomtime.com/

Family Tree Maker 2006 16.0.350.0 - last - http://past.familytreemaker.com/FTM16.aspx

Kensington MouseWorks Software Version 6.11 - Info: http://us.kensington.com/html/1466.html#mw611

Download: http://ftp.kensington.com/PC/Input/mouseworks611.exe

Calendar 2000 http://www.gregorybraun.com/Calendar.html

CrystalCPUID http://crystalmark.info/?lang=en

cpu-z http://www.cpuid.com

Network Drivers

Realtek Network Drivers - 6.73 - current - free - http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downlo...p;GetDown=false

# Support ending soon!

Posted (edited)
The last QuickTime Alternative to support 95 / 98 / SE / ME was 1.56,

available here: http://www.codecpackguide.com/quicktimealt.htm

direct link: http://codecpack.nl/quicktimealt156.exe

:hello: BTW, does anyone have any info on Real Alternative? If so, please, do tell us! :hello:

Text added 4th November 2007 - 04:22 PM:

In view of the next post, let me just say: Thanks a lot, Philco! You rock! :thumbup

Edited by dencorso
Just a backup in case the main list I constantly edit becomes corrupt. :thumbup

Hey galahs, why don't you just keep your edit text in two local text files and update those.

Just edit your first two posts and copy all text to the local file.

Then you can edit it offline and just copy and paste it into the edit windows!

Might be worth a go... :P


Yeah not a bad idea.

I'm actually going to modify the lists completely so I thought I'd do an online backup before the major change.


Dunno if I'll find the time to add useful apps to the list, however I'd like to mention that there are certain applications that do not work (at all, or work with limitations/errors/crashes/etc.) on a vanilla Win98SE, but they do work after system upgrades, provided by (un)official patches/packages; most important of them being KernelEx, which for example, allows me to run KMPlayer (which would otherwise throw a C++ error message box) and allows the use of Media library in QMP beta119.

Considering this, it may be a good idea to compile a list of applications and their versions that would run on such a fully patched system, together with the required upgrades for each of them. That would be hard work, I know, but it has already been requested so many times in the KernelEx thread and I thought it might be the right time to start building such information now.

OK, to contribute a little to this thread, I'll add a few apps that I use and think are noteworthy:

- ONGD - SHAR - Total Commander --> http://www.ghisler.com

- ONGD - FREE - SlimBrowser --> http://www.flashpeak.com/sbrowser/

- LAST - FREE - JWPce 1.50 --> http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~grosenth/jwpce.html

- ONGD - FREE/$$$$ - BSPlayer 2.x (Pro) --> http://www.bsplayer.com/en/bs.player/home/


To save confusion, a list of software that works after installing the KernelEX upgrade should be listed on the first page of the KernelEX thread.


I wasn't only referring to KernelEx, but to other system upgrades, such as RichEdit, gdi.exe/gdi32.dll, user.exe/user32.dll, msvcp71.dll/msvcr71.dll (VC2003 runtime), msvcp80.dll/msvcr80.dll (VC2005 runtime that needs installation; doesn't work by only copying those 2 dlls to the %system% folder) and similar. Heck, some applications may not work (correctly) even if gdiplus.dll is missing. Not to mention others that depend on unicows.dll...


Now that's what I call a readable list! :thumbup

I really like your rearrangement!

There are a few errors or changes needed in the list (in red bold italics) though...

I've changed some of the URLs (that I posted earlier) for some $$$$ software since they are not really applicable to that version...

(I've trimmed the lines to reduce space so don't copy the whole line. Just make the edits I've highlighted)

Media Players + Encoders + Codecs

LAST - FREE - Apple QuickTime 6.5.2 Player

LAST - $$$$ - CyberLink PowerDVD 6 --- http://www.cyberlink.com/

LAST - SHAR - GoldWave 4.26

LAST - FREE - Skype 1.4.x* ( works without Video) - - - "http://www.skype.com <<Glitch in URL

Virus & Spyware Scanners

LAST - $$$$ - Norton AntiVirus 2005 - - - http://www.symantec.com/

LAST - $$$$ - McAfee VirusScan 2006 10.0 - - - http://www.mcafee.com/

ONGD - $$$$ - Sophos Security Suite SBE 2.5

ONGD - $$$$ - Sophos Computer Security SBE 2.5

ONGD - $$$$ - Sophos Anti-Virus SBE 2.5

Compression + Archival + Backup Utilities

LAST - $$$$ - Stomp Backup MyPC 5.0 (

ONGD - SHAR - ConeXware PowerArchiver 2007 10.20


LAST - $$$$ - Atomic Clock Sync - last - no longer updated or posted at http://www.gtopala.com

^^Big Glitch above here! (five lines are merged into the URL!!!) :wacko:

Looks like the above should be (with some edits):

LAST - FREE - Atomic Clock Sync - last - no longer updated or posted at http://www.worldtimeserver.com/

LAST - $$$$ - Family Tree Maker 2006 16.0.350.0 - - - http://past.familytreemaker.com/FTM16.aspx

LAST - $$$$ - SmithMicro HotFax MessageCenter 5.0.1 - - - http://www.smithmicro.com/

LAST - $$$$ - SmithMicro CheckIt Diagnostics - - - http://www.smithmicro.com/

ONGD - FREE - SIW - - - http://www.gtopala.com/


ONGD - $$$$ - ABBYY FineReader - newer works?

ONGD - $$$$ - AtomTime Pro v3.1d - - - http://www.atomtime.com

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