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Everything posted by TranceEnergy

  1. I think MNeMic is referring to the installation billboards? You can set that in options to have black screen or what its called.
  2. KB938464 and KB951759 for windows xp x64bit also fail integration. Using the /integration with the kb itself works, or as kurt says manual install. I can verify Kurt Aust's last post.
  3. Sorry, but that's just how it is. Still your answear is but a google away, so i figure if you really going to do it youll find it out anyway. Afaik it says so on the lisence agreement, or on the about page on nlite's homepage.
  4. Well considering i have absolutely no idea what kind of file that is, still try and make a shortcut to it and add the argument /? to hopefully see possible installation options. Like myoffice2007.exe /s . Then just run it from guirunonce or other ways. This is all very well documenteded already like unattended msfn etc.
  5. As i already said indirectly kb901105 is superceeded by service pack 2 for xp x64. I havent md5 checked it, but it looks like same version. kb901105 is a sp1 kb.
  6. Well actually i do. Problem is you ain't allowed to use nlite in a corporate enviroment.
  7. Why is setting that option thro group or local not an option for you? I dont see why not, its not like you can avoid local policies anyway. Short of removing 3 billion tons of functionality from the os.
  8. Unless the password is encoded, you are giving it away anyway, suffice they look into the cd manually. Which is doable im sure, encoding it i mean, if not even by default. Also this has nothing to do with Nlite, nor does it tell what os this is for, vista or xp etc.
  9. So MS is giving Office 2007 away?
  10. mine uses 67mb UNCompressed.. Just deleted files not needed for my os.
  11. Dont worry about it, you aint missing anything. Even if you have removed all drivers with nlite, not hardware support but drivers, you will still get that missing. I dont recall the details, but i think this was/is just a "bug". I have both realtek hdmi audio codec as well as drivers for my asus x2 sound card installed. As far as i can recall, the MS UAA it was also present with service pack 2 itself. Now it shows up for me on windows update, it does not however show up on device manager. I'm sure 5eraph or someone has created a registry fix for this. It's just a visible annyoance imho. To my knowledge.
  12. Thanks for the quick reply. Well okay then it wasnt "just me". btw i had a real install earlier today with your settings for java RE. I had to change it to /qn /norestart, which i will try in next real install.
  13. I'm sure it's been said, but can you give a quick why the WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB956391-x64-ENU kb is installed at runonce? I just integrated it with nlite and it popped up on windows update, which was kind of unexpected, but it might be an error on my part in changing my unattended setup files. edit: Just installed it manually and it disappeared from WU, as should be. I think i changed Windows updates order to integrate with nlite, might have done something to the detection of it or such. Alien42: i didnt have it disabled, but ill give it another shot soon enough.
  14. That coughed (wordplay lol) my attention. Updated my ryanvm list accordingly. Here's to getting rid of the flu. Cheers =) Alien42: I will look into it, i think i might have it disabled, i usually disable anything i can inside bios. Ontopic, it's a great day for a reinstall New Java RE is out Java SE Runtime Environment 6u10 New flash 10 player http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/do...=ShockwaveFlash New ati display drivers are out, new spybot update, and i found many x64 updates. This install is going to be the best one yet. =)
  15. Well I select server 2003. And it says im trying to load x64 operating system on a 32bit cpu. So obviously "dat ain't right".
  16. Okay kind of late reply, but first i tried it and it wouldnt even install. I now got the VirtualBox-2.0.2-36488-Win_amd64.msi installed. However, i can't see the x64 alternative. Not of any windows version. I'll look around, but i find it weird that i couldnt see the option immidiately.
  17. Removing joystick support is it. You need the cpl.
  18. How do you expect anyone to know what programs you have running in the background? Why can't you just write it yourself?
  19. The last one should work? One of the other 2 must be? Nlite saves automatically last session ini's if that helps. It would be easier if you could just come up with the right last session ini, and not alternatives, to what end i have no clue.
  20. Just download the self extracting archive and copy over the files. You may or may not delete the files already in nlite directory except presets, is a good idea. I've never used the installer, no need to have the uninstaller etc bloat my system.
  21. I think the key here is knowing when do you do what in what order. Because if sfc is enabled, it must certainly not will allow you to overwrite itself, i would assume. So i dont know what order your did things in, but i know i have successfully enabled sfc again after having it patched etc with nlite. However im quite happy with it disabled. I'm confident you will find a way.
  22. What windows is that? Details folks. Chuck Norris doesnt work here xD
  23. As i recall nlite sets some hex code that is applied to sfc_os.dll, i think you could find that from the nlite.inf or such. However, reverting sfc patch is easy. you need to revert f.ex [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "SfcDisable"=dword:ffffff9d perhaps one could simple delete that value. Sfc_os.dll in itself, just extract the file from your windows source. It's not been modified since sp2 (x64 xp), so no trouble there. Then perhaps you need to run sfc /revert or something as i was also thinking about. This all should be fairly easy. I dont do WPI though, i much like true unattended.
  24. Why not just create a separate partition for the boot loader? If done correctly, you wont ever have any multi booting issues ever again.
  25. This isn't a bad idea. You could have sfc disabled during windows installation then in nlite's guirunonce you could re-enable it by setting sfc enabled. Saving time on installation and possible sfc interrupts. I seem to recall that it is a good idea to also do a sfc /revert or something. I would google re enabling of sfc and see what that came up with. Personally i just permanently disable it and forget about it.
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