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Everything posted by TranceEnergy

  1. This kind of s*** nuhi gets is so undeserved. You havent paid nuhi for anything afaik, but you pay norton for software which is commonly looked at as bloatmetohellandbeyond-ware. Jaclaz, that's not unreasonable, that would be logical.
  2. The absolutely first thing i would try would be to make the same windows cd AGAIN, but dont remove ANYTHING, now unless you didnt add any new drivers or such to it, u can make it very fast just use standard windows install media. Then extract driver.cab and or sp2.cab or sp3 if u have that, i dont know what u have so.. Then try to see if u can find the files from there. I believe you can copy modem files back in, these are named mdm* , there's a whole bunch of them.
  3. As always, just about anything can be tweaked manually, here's myplacesbar.reg from my unattended setup. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ComDlg32] "NoBackButton"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ComDlg32\Placesbar] "Place0"=dword:00000000 "Place1"=dword:00000011 "Place2"=dword:00000012 "Place3"=dword:00000005 "Place4"="c:\\exampletest" place 0 is desktop, place 1 is my computer, 2 is network places 3 is my documents and 4 is a hardpath as you can see.
  4. I for one can honestly say i have no idea what microxp exactly is and have not used it nor seen the software myself. I thought it was a chinese update pack or something.
  5. I dont want to add to the confusion, but just saying that there does exist an intel itanium version of xp x64, which is, *AFAIK* not the same version, prolly different kernel and stuff?, as the "xp x64" as i normally refer to and use. I have no knowledge on the intel itanium or whatever, so walking blind there.
  6. Here's my pov of it. There is no single golden thumb rule for this. There would have at least be several variables to that. Take into consideration that files are compressed with nlite. The ratio of which files are compressed varies, ergo making it even that tad more difficult to put an accurate expected size of the actual installed windows size, let alone the compressed files of the iso alone. Ponch, atm i have 4gb memory installed here, i have additional 4+another 8gb set available, but keeping at 4gb for maximum speed. Therefore the default pagefile thinks it needs to be set at around 1.5GB or more i guess. Well i just disable and delete the pagefile and have done so for years. Its working great without it.
  7. Absolutely not. I thought a bit how to write it, but i can at least say it's all in the magnetic field =) I'm confident you will find answears and ways if you really want to. Rest assured, it's not the easiest feat, therefore leaving it "impossible" is fine by me. It's not for the faint of heart.
  8. jaclaz: In a previous job of mine i worked with restoring data and also destroying. Very fun job actually. The people i worked for had over 30 years experience in the field. I trust that of their word experience far more then anything else i read on the occasional website/forum. And also because i am capable of recovering harddrive even after zeroing it out. How? Well i¨d have to kill you if i told you =)
  9. I'm currently checking into whats left over that nlite doesnt remove. Source xp x64 sp2, and i find things like dhcpssvc.dll, dhcpsnap.dll (dhcp server/snapin managment), and stuff like plotter.dll, plotui.dll which must be like ancient files. I also dont think changer.sys (hardware capability of automatically changing removable media i guess), is a very commonly actually used. Also dvdplay.exe only starts windows media player 11, i dont need another exe to start the actual program. In addition to this i would also like to request to be able to keep general printer driver, such as is in vlite program. Currently i remove all drivers now and set this in keep files: locale.gpd p6disp.gpd p6font.gpd pcl4res.dll pcl5eres.dll pcl5ures.dll pclxl.dll pclxl.gpd pjl.gpd stddtype.gdl stdnames.gpd stdschem.gdl stdschmx.gdl ttfsub.gpd unidrv.dll unidrv.hlp unidrvui.dll unires.dll pjlmon.dll Which allows me to install my usb printer (which sucks btw). Also i think its kind of retarded that .mht file support is lost because one decide to delete outlook express, when the two does not have anything directly to do with each other. So i also add msoert2.dll to keep files, i havent tested with removal of OE yet (i wrote a batch instead), but hopefully it works. That is that "Keep Files" overrule component selections of removal. More over on ancient files, pentnt.exe (Pentium Floating Point Divide Error Utility 5.2.3790.0 ) isnt really needed unless well, one have a pentium cpu. Never had one so i cant tell anyway. Also a bit of a funny one is wowexec.exe , now afaik this is 16bit emulation, no it aint the x32 wow. x64 doesnt support 16bit in the first place. One can run some installers written in 16bit but really 64bit os, well, i dont see much use for it. More on 16bit, im not sure if winspool.exe is needed (Windows 16-bit WOW Psuedo Printer Driver (loaded as WINSPOOL.DRV), winspool.drv is a file of its own so dont be fooled by the description. I was mentioning this back in may with more files, all of which i have tested to remove, but i didnt get a reply on the subject. http://www.msfn.org/board/removed-nlite-aftera-t118258.html
  10. How effective wiping is depends much on the program and method used. I wouldnt trust any form of wiping 100% regardless. Normally wiping just a single pass is useless. Also wiping with single symbols cant either be recommended. Better to just insert a whole lot of random bytes, making recovery a headache for anyone wanting to recover your data, say for whatever reason you dont want them to.
  11. Try to make a slipstreamed xp x64 with SP2 integrated. Also take a look at 5eraph's update pack, or the complete list that i maintain for xp x64 sp2 for any kb that might help you. Please note you need to have Service pack 2 for Xp x64 installed. I have heard many complaints on the 137gb limit, but not that a harddrive shows only 10 percent of its true capacity. A 320gb should show around 300gb inside windows.
  12. Removing components is useless to a certain point, as in components that cant otherwise be disabled or such easily, then it's possibly the only way. Luckily i haven't met anything that can't be disabled yet. Which is nice. What really matters concerning boot time and such is apart from hardware, size of registry, inf files and language files, especially nls files, and most importantly, drivers. There's a whole pile of s*** that can be removed and or disabled even after you have removed everything with nlite.
  13. you have posted in the x64 xp sub-forum. How often that can happen? I'd say first check statistics, but real world. 3 out of the last 10 motherboards i have had have had some problems. Then again, this all becomes relatively problematic to consider. I overclock/mod firmware/bios, tweak anything and everything out of my setup, so i say it's pretty good that 70% lasts. I reckon if it was any normal user 100% of those would be just fine. If i were you i'd look up information concerning running windows with ECC. You also should be able to disable it i think, but really i cant tell. Havent used ECC memory since the 80's. Literally.
  14. Are you trying to make a multi boot dvd?
  15. Look for something like tooltip in system tray visible tweak or fix. I personally dont have this problem, i dont know what exactly fixes it, but i did go through a lot of settings to set gui the way i liked it.
  16. John, please review http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...st&p=783433 , as i already asked about why he did this. Personally i just do an all in. I install both x86 and x64 of 2005 and 2008. The installation issues with the msdia80.dll i think it was i also have previously discussed. I just add a few commands to move it to correct location and register it from there.
  17. This isn't going to sound logical, but then again its windows. The reason as far as i see it , why dependency between shellhwdetection and windows image acquisition exists, is to have a message sent through any scanning apps that scanning is started. You know sort of like shellhwdetection acting as a messenger. To be short. There's very few dependencies that can't be deleted and things will still work. I'd leave things like ipv6 and other network things well alone though. GrofLuigi : Just add this to your unattended installation to automate it : reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stisvc /v DependOnService /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d RpcSs /f This will force overwrite the key, should work just fine.
  18. you are doing something wrong would be most likely of those two choices. If you enable unattended and or tweaks with nlite, both of those files is needed for windows installation.
  19. I also have a usb floppy drive around somewhere. I once tried to copy files from the floppy for a raid controller, but i had to fiddle around with some bios settings first before it would work. Meaning before i had fixed the bios settings, it would just refuse to copy from the drive. I also think it crashed if not bios settings were correct.
  20. You need to extract the relevant kbd???.dll files, greek lating is kbdgkl.dll, then you need the *.nls files for that. Which a bit of text searching would quickly narrow it down for you. If you're lazy, just extract every file and copy everything back in, then delete as you see fit later on. The registry information you can extract from a nlite source, just do it over again, and export the registry information, and re import that on the eee pc. In theory, it might work, if it really does i have no idea.
  21. I have found that the thing with icon sizes and such is just a total biatch. Because there's so many variables to concern yourself with. It is also dependent whether or not one uses classic or new start menu style and also what font size and what fonts being used also. Then these things vary dependeing on what one's preference may be. The quick solution is best to use a theme, however, not even that will cover all bases. And with a multi user computer, the scenario naturally rises in magnitude. also one needs to take into consideration if one uses different hardware profiles, which i've seen is popular in some communities. The good solution then naturally requires a bit more work.One needs a import of [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams] and its sub folders [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] for login screen messages etc [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UnreadMail] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList] for accounts visible on login and so forth. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ComDlg32] for nobackbutton tweak, and places tweaks. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main] for setting cleartype there and much more. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Appearance\Schemes] for adding or deleting classic themes etc. And that's just a few of the entries one needs to handle and configure if one really want to have the exact same look all over the place. One also needs to look into the s-18 s-19 s-20 user accounts to do this perfect, either delete or add etc, and of course default user for setting the standards. So as one can see, i think, getting all these small things look good, it's going to require quite a lot of effort. The good thing about that, is that if one does it right the first time around, one only import that work during windows install, and it gets set to perfection everytime, just the way you want things to be.
  22. I totally missed that. Then again, i've never heard of that software.
  23. I remember this was also true half a year ago. Pity for vista users it aint fixed yet then. Perhaps it's localized files or something it removes, which vlite can't do anything about or such. Not that i know that. Or it may be the files would have been removed after your next reboot if you just installed, or after a scheduled task or who knows..
  24. Exactly. Some hw support can be removed for some hardware, but for other hardware it can be needed. So then the whole install fails. It's not funny after installing windows that you found out you don't have sound support by your soundcard, coz you removed it. One would think people would realize that computers are different, but this kind of questions keeps popping up no matter what.
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