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Everything posted by nuhi

  1. Heh if this topic had title avoid Vista I would understand to some extent but XP...hehe it's with us for so long now, isn't it too late to avoid. Btw max nlitement for xp is 86MB ISO, 200MB installed, while 2k is 66/170.
  2. nLite only enables for nvidia multiselection, I guess it should have it enabled for all, done for next.
  3. What is this!? Instead of contacting me when some driver doesn't work you promote some other tool on nLite forum. What a nerve. If someone is willing to test this Intel driver with upcoming nlite send me a PM.
  4. Why don't you try first. I think that nlite Remove box will do nicely. Use virtual machines of course.
  5. ntprint.cat is removed with Printer Support, spx.cat shoudln't be removed if you want clean setuperr.log...or even installation...can't comment on that, haven't tried it in a long time. If you want you can make CAT list of unneeded files after SFC has been disabled and I'll be happy to automatically remove them (if one uses components page). But what about people who enable SFC after install ... hmm maybe to forget this idea?
  6. Open it with nlite, go to the components page, select all, save your preset and then look in it, it will have all languages listed, no need to configure anything.
  7. eggster2002, oh someone could have notified me Let me know if you need any questions or requests for a functionality. Don't forget the newly introduced line "forcelang=English" Meaning fill out the forcelang line with a string which nlite has detected in the language upon source scan so that you force user to use that pack only on specific Windows language version...leave empty if it's universal like apps.
  8. For nlite just click on the Build Date column header and it will sort from top to bottom (oldest-newest) as recommended. Be sure to try Direct Integration, if some hotfix is reported as not supported just click yes for normal.
  9. nuhi


    Some good facts here...got to think about it.
  10. sflesch, from scratch. And some reported that networked install will still have some issues with sysprep. I tested the reseal without problem.
  11. Are you telling me that F10 doesn't work with nlite or I just need to warn? (btw this is unattended thing, not my 'fault' or something but i do agree that warning is a good idea)
  12. I don't have time to read carefully but here goes something important: Never keep nlite running in background while upgrading your source because nlite keeps some important files in memory for fast access and on apply it overwrites them with modified versions...meaning if you kept it at apply and did something you'll make hell. Just turn it off until you think on using it in one go.
  13. So basically you keep nlite open in the background while upgrading? I don't understand
  14. xenz, true, it's all the signature thing. Million times I said to try winnt thing but never got to it since I have no floppy drive...gonna make some bootable cd with floppy emulated, I promise
  15. userus, and you find that weird? You see update packs have some files which nlite updates but if you overwrite with update pack after nlite done it job once there will be a problem.
  16. When you get a popup do you have a nlited cd in the drive ?
  17. I think this says all: before: nLite RC6 with 2.0.2 updatepack - ok now: nLite RC6 with 2.0.2 updatepack - bad Meaning it's either something new you did or your hardware. Check the integrated drivers or hotfixes if any.
  18. First try it with 2.0.3 on CLEAN English Windows then report with preset used if error remained.
  19. Yes, you are lucky this component is very small. Just extract shimgvw.dl_ to system32 and register it. "regsvr32 shimgvw.dll"
  20. Yes that is 'normal' when you remove image viewing engine. I think it's in the description. Still works for bmp, just not jpg. Install some image viewer and use it to convert to bmp. For example in ACDsee right click on image and click Set As Wallpaper.
  21. After 2 days of debugging only this I managed to fix it. And to regain credibility you must know that this wasn't my mistake, it is due to new intl.inf and signature issue (when you edit the file). To test, if you don't believe me, try to just open intl.inf, edit one line, add space or something, save it and you will have this issue without any nlitement. Fixed in next version, thank you all and sorry for problems caused by this issue.
  22. It is taken from nlite so yeah, it works. I'm not sure in that one byte thing but in the whole story, yeah. First one who found it was Timo for nLite.
  23. nuhi


    bump heh...yeah, c'mon! Gonna check it soon. It is confirmed many times.
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