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Everything posted by nuhi

  1. Your choice if you want to update boot.wim environment. It's being used only during Windows install, first portion when booting. If using at home, I don't think there can be any tricky situation. If capturing WIM images from that boot, then at least update servicing stack (since 2009 latest ones it means cumulative update as well). Driver integration is another story, make sure to add them to boot as well, if Storage or USB drivers. Rufus and Win7 boot requirements belong on Rufus forum - but first make sure the correct drivers are integrated, that link you provided has plenty of info. Maybe they also know about that exact error code situation.
  2. Hi Wolfe, thanks for the feedback. It is true that Win7 as a host does not allow HyperV feature configuration, it requires a missing API from it. Containers uses HyperV so thus the error. Will also lock that, only locked HyperV in the UI when Win7+Win10 is detected. Let me know if I missed anything, it should work with the HyperV (and thus dependent Containers) feature state intact.
  3. OK, but I'm a bit confused, do you have any issues with this tool? All I read is that you saw a few people reporting other problems with their scripts so you didn't even try yours. Or if you did try, then please let me know how to confirm if that script worked or not. In my reply above is how to integrate it. Thanks.
  4. Hi, the link is incorrect (seems to have been pasted as the short version). Either way for scripts, they go to the Post-setup page. On the Support page you can see two links for that topic.
  5. Hi, when it comes to virtual machines, they usually randomize the network adapter MAC address, so make sure to set that at static. Best is to reuse the same VM, just reformat it when needed. Let me know if you have any issues, best is to contact me over the email about this topic. Thanks.
  6. nuhi


    jaclaz, the point was that open-sourceness allows for outside contributions and thus fragmenting the vision, pulling to the side if you get a nice contribution of code that works. Even if that hypothetical dream team's branch of code ignores all else and continues working on its own; still, to the public, there would be fragmentation. For example what influenced me was the Media Player Classic HC and BE editions. Always used HC, then after it began branching BE, I liked some added features in it, but HC was more stable at the timespan I tried both so I was forced to wish for BE and continue using HC. Someone might merge them from time to time, BE even split its most interesting video output layer as a plugin for HC, but bug-fixes and all the potential mess is unavoidable, all delayed going from branch to a branch. Similar happened to the Android and all the HTC/Samsung garbage on top, delaying the important OS upgrades. At least now Google is banking on it and charging premium for Pixel's "get updates fast, straight from us". I still like Samsung's Edge more as a device, and now I'm fragmented once more what to use, merging would be best . But Cyanogen Mod, aka Lineage OS will now get less love, and it doesn't support newest hardware perfectly. Anyway, it was just my opinion and I said "in general", there are always exceptions. I ain't expert in open source, I was just asked why not go that route from my limited view of it.
  7. nuhi


    muck, I do appreciate the feedback, but I don't see the solution for that amount of paranoia and idealism, it's simply not practical. Since I have extra energy and this topic is interesting, let me dig myself in a hole (from your perspective) some more So as far as I have gathered, correct me if I'm wrong: you use only open source software that you review (or wait enough time for others to review) and compile yourself on each update? And we concluded that even open source is not safe. Not to mention that majority of Windows users will use pre-compiled binaries, even there anything can be injected regardless of open-sourceness. Some open source software also has autoupdate - do I even need to comment on that? It is my personal opinion that you are in the vast minority. As jaclaz said, this tool is not for you, I believe you can find a ton of scripts that do similar work to some extent. Why I don't go open source? Because a tool called RT7lite stole everything from my previous tool and bloated it up so it looks to noobs even better (was semi-open source, .NET C#). So I decided to at least make it a bit more difficult for those kinds of scum. Granted over the years they collapsed under the maintenance weight and gave up, but I have no time for that kind of turmoil, nor I want to upgrade competition for free. Also I don't see open source breathing quality, quite the opposite. It is my personal experience that closed-source is generally better. Could be due to open-source vision fragmentation, lack of unique management, more funding on the opposite side, whatever it is, it's not as obvious a choice as you present it.
  8. nuhi


    muck, that argument, as flawed as it is, can be said for the majority of commercial software available. You can always compare what this tool does to the system by looking at the image files and registry before and after the modifications. There are tools for that. Also there is sfc /scannow to confirm that kept files are in their original form. Let's compare it to some popular closed-source commercial application, let's say an antivirus which constantly scans all you do, how is that so trusted by millions of people every day? And regarding opensource having any guarantee, do you remember the TrueCrypt fiasco? It was (is?) open source disk encryption tool, then after a few years it turned out it had a backdoor so they gave up on it. If you find something suspicious feel free to ask, I didn't build that trust since 2004 by spreading malware.
  9. Please next time try 1.2 final next week and let me know how it goes, I didn't experience such issues. Thanks.
  10. Cloves, ok, let me know if such confusion happens again, to find out why. Can't wait to add ISO reading support so users don't have to copy the content manually.
  11. Simply loading does not change it. You can also unload it and don't tick save changes, nothing will be done to the image. I mentioned unloading because when the image is loaded it is also mounted, that is just an NTFS virtual representation of the image content inside a mount directory. To release the hold on the loaded image you need to unload it fully, not just close the tool. When you normally apply some action and keep ticked save changes in the toolbar, the unloading with unmounting + saving changes is done automatically. Some fun fact: You can load the image, integrate drivers, but not save changes in the Apply page while doing so. Then reload the mounted (blue icon) image, continue work in a second session. Then if you change your mind, you can unload without saving changes, and image will again be like the original, regardless that the integration was done to the mounted directory.
  12. Hi Cloves, here is well explained driver integration, main key is to integrate USB3 drivers to the boot.wim (2nd image, with the "setup" in the title) itself, not just install.wim. Both is necessary, install.wim is in effect after setup. You can check if the driver is there in Components - search box in the toolbar. Original ISO, as it the one that you loaded and integrated driver into? There is no read-only, copy to temporary dir and edit option, it actually edits what you load on the Source page. Let me know if you need more info or I misunderstood you, thanks.
  13. Hi Tseng, ok, will look, but to reduce guessing I have a few short questions: - which Windows version? - in case it was Win10, did you remove just Firewall or including its service as well? - online (C:\Windows) or offline (from image) removal? - Preset attached or sent on email would be best Thanks.
  14. Oh, thank you, appreciated.
  15. Hi Tseng, as it was always stated on the Shop page (below the list), and discussed on this forum when the tool was being launched, the license has in it a year of new features since the first activation. The point was to allow premium fixes and upgrades to continue, not doing the subscription-only updates. The difference in this model is that you can keep on using the latest versions always. The renewal price is 50% of the license price for another year. I did extend that initial year somewhat, mainly due to the fact it was just a beta for some time, so that initial users are rewarded longer. So starting with v1.2, the date, which is set to minimum before v1.2 release, in July 2016 (tool was released September 2014), the new premium features take into account if the subscription is expired or not. All the features that were claimed during your year (+ the initial boost), will always be unlocked, fixed and upgraded for free. As long as the tool supports that Windows version for which feature was made. You can see this better explained on the Shop page. The whole point of course is that I can continue working on this full-time, it's a niche market and regardless there is tons of work on it constantly with new Windows updates. Let me know if you have comments or questions, thanks. Thanks, Dino
  16. Hi Tseng, there is no difference from updating driver manually with Search within Device Manager.
  17. Thanks g-force, good luck.
  18. Hi Tseng, It would be #2 in most cases. It is never #1. However sometimes it ignores the new driver, probably when the built-in one is newer. In which case you can remove the built-in one and force the integrated one. Here is a good guide on driver integration.
  19. Thanks for the heads up, will check it and if you see any issues don't hesitate to report.
  20. Hi Xenithar, unfortunately all 4 need to be updated if you need them all. For now it is not known how to update all at once, so I'll be adding an automation feature which goes through each edition and updates using the same update list. Post-setup execution is needed to be set only once, true. Ei.cfg is auto-corrected by the tool on the selected edition, or simply remove it if you need all 4 to prompt, as you indicated. Thanks.
  21. nuhi

    some feedback

    Hi vinifera, thanks for the feedback. - I am not a fan of presets, there is no one preset for all, it would be called full windows. Tool has Components - Compatibility options, which is like a feature protection preset. - ISO reading, yes, true, that one is on todo for a long time now, you may not believe it but I maybe got a complaint once before. Will push it up. - if post-setup failed, it could mean the one item on the top did then it pulled all below. I am interested in your preset, feel free to send it to my email or attach here (but then remove cdkey or passwords from the XML) - will check libraries - ISO is bootable
  22. Thanks for the info guys.
  23. Correct, the explanation is in the top yellow info bar for the blue ones, and on the right of the component in the Extra Info for the locked ones.
  24. Hi R4D3, hey, thanks for the feedback, sorry about the delay (notification got lost). I do agree with you that for the mass adoption I would need to make it even easier. Thing is obviously Microsoft, and me as well, do not think component removal is for the masses. What does it help me if I make it one-click, increase sales, then in a month or two start spending days answering questions which component is missing for a certain feature or an app. Please don't take the following as insulting, I am just trying to answer directly, no time for sugar coating . So for now it's for people who know what they want to remove as they were tweaking it before (I do this since 2004). The rule goes, if you don't know that component, keep it. The goal does not have to be to reach minimum size, but to remove what annoys you or spends your time disabling on each reinstall. Also there is Google, NTLite is not a Windows documentation. Btw I posted in my blog explaining how you can easily return Win10 components, it should allow for more relaxed removals and the ability to install Cumulative updates if Windows Update fails. That said, I am thinking about those wizards, it's just I have much more important things to do for the hardcore users first, they deserve it because of the support I was shown.
  25. Thanks Photek, I did add the DisableWindowsConsumerFeatures setting when Store is removed. Will be adding much more tweaks soon, finally got to it, these included.
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