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Everything posted by tain

  1. Could one of these devices be overheating? Blow the dust out of all the vents, get them off the carpet if that is where they sit, and ensure they are getting some decent airflow.
  2. So both of those boxes multi-boot all of the listed OS's? Are you using (ie, do you prefer) simple sharing or advanced sharing? Are you comfortable with the idea of disabling all security within your LAN?
  3. Anyone had luck with videos from nfl.com?
  4. @Ponch: that particular video is blocked in the USA but I was able to download other videos from that site with JDownloader. Just copy the URL and it parses out the download fine.
  5. I see a previous suggestion of using alternate file managers but I'll also add that xplorer2 has this behavior as a toggle-able feature. http://www.zabkat.com/
  6. Your DNS situation is interesting but shouldn't impact the ability for two machines on the same subnet to be able to ping each other. Will they both reply to pings from the host machine (not VM)?
  7. Maybe you'd be interested in WDS? https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Wireless_distribution_system
  8. Here is a tool that lets you view this in effect and make changes: Known Folders Browser 1.0 (for Vista and Beyond) http://weblogs.asp.net/kennykerr/archive/2006/11/02/Known-Folders-Browser-1.0-_2800_for-Vista-and-Beyond_2900_.aspx
  9. Welcome!
  10. No worries. We know that you're expert at this stuff so it seemed that this was either a really odd problem or just a one-off anomaly.
  11. I love these projects
  12. Can you provide a screenshot?
  13. Thanks!
  14. tain


    Yeah, right! As soon as MSFN starts paying overtime
  15. Congrats on a great and useful project, guys
  16. tain


    Trip is faster than me so he seems to greet everyone these days but I'll take the opportunity to welcome you, too
  17. Perhaps this will suit you? http://lifehacker.com/5898632/netspeedmonitor-keeps-your-network-activity-in-the-taskbar-shows-you-bandwidth-reports-on-demand
  18. Here's a guide for it. http://www.howtogeek.com/111162/use-classic-shell-to-get-a-classic-start-menu-explorer-toolbar-in-windows-8/
  19. Depends on what they will be doing on the server. Other things to consider: 1. Backup power. 2. Backup data. 3. Bandwidth requirements.
  20. You made these?
  21. You sound like our kind of person
  22. Also try hitting F12 at boot for a device selection menu. Some Lenovos have that enabled by default, others there is an option for it in the BIOS.
  23. Well it depends on the context but generally speaking that is the syntax that an application needs to properly parse the input.
  24. Nice IRC intro
  25. Please show us the output of "ipconfig /all" as you may have a bad gateway address but that is rather rare. Have you tried changing from DHCP to static? Is there an IP address collision?
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