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Everything posted by tain

  1. With what browser? Have you tried clearing cookies and cache?
  2. Offering to be the new maintainer is a good way to get people's attention
  3. Most routers have a "DMZ" feature. Any host with an IP address in the DMZ range is exposed to the internet.
  4. You mean like the in-line asm I mentioned? Thought there is no API interface there that I know about.
  5. asm that invokes OS APIs? asm inherently invokes cpu opcodes so I'm not quite sure how that would work. Sounds neat, though.
  6. Maybe just try C for a while? It is probably the lowest-level of the major languages currently in use. And you can always fall back to in-line asm if you get uncomfortable.
  7. I checked again but still don't get those particular ads. The ad server is likely targeting the ads to each visitor based on their browsing history or referrer.
  8. We let the domain expire so now it is parked with ads. I saw nothing but computer ads.
  9. Possible, but up to tommyp. You could try archive.org...
  10. We decided to let the domain expire.
  11. I'm going to bookmark that post because it is one of the extreme few in which cluberti is wrong. That guy is super-sharp and nearly always right. But not this time; gotcha now, sucka! I hosted the site for a long time and FDV helped with hosting, too. I think we'd both still be willing to host, so that wasn't the issue. tommyp has stated his reasoning and he was being truthful. I'm also one of those precious few that donated. I'll take this chance to remind people that it is a good idea to donate to MSFN as I've done several times. You don't want MSFN to go away like HFSLIP did, do you? I guarantee you that xper could use the help and that this isn't a profit-generating venture for him. So, cluberti...about that wager you mentioned
  12. It was possible. Now you'd need to PM tommyp to see about that.
  13. I'd say that is "sorta scripted" since there is no easy way to export the "script" to other users/machines. Unless it is in a reg key that can be exported and then called?
  14. Archive.org has a bit of it, but not much: http://web.archive.org/web/20080822051837/hfslip.org/ Although a crafty person might be able to feed it the iframe URLs of the individual pieces. I doubt if the maintainers would want me to distribute backups of the site, though.
  15. I'm heading to Black Hat this year...maybe we can have enough MSFNers for an MSFN meet-up?
  16. I've been hearing good things about Comodo products lately so I drove past there web site to look in the windows. One product that interested me was Comodo System Cleaner. It has two features in particular that tweak my geekbone: portable and has a command line interface. But I found the documentation for the CLI to be lacking and almost no interest in the product on their forums or elsewhere on the net. Is there some reason that people don't use this? http://system-cleaner.comodo.com/
  17. I'm sad to see this project reach the end. Too bad I didn't review the latest update to the site before uploading tommyp's update, maybe I could have argued about it Speaking of the site...what should it be now? Anything? Something?
  18. I've thoroughly enjoyed HFSLIP and felt motivated enough to donate a few times. For those who donated, is there still an avenue for obtaining the last release and potentially even support? (I'm mostly playing devil's advocate here; sorry if it causes too much trouble.)
  19. Lots of searching is hard on the server/database. Requiring people to register focuses that a bit...and of course there is still the Google search.
  20. I saw the topic and went into spam-attack mode
  21. tain

    FDV fileset for XP

    I had the same issue but haven't tried it with FDV's latest files. I'm sure FDV is correct here
  22. Does this help you? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28nominal%29
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