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Everything posted by tain

  1. :thumbup
  2. xper was the main guy for that. We've brought in other news posters over time. Are you interested in helping?
  3. Perhaps you mean to post an introduction in the intro forum? Vista Business, huh?
  4. Nevermind. Both are *nix so generally follow standards. Just had to figure out where to find and transfer the .vcf files. Silly tain!
  5. I'm a phone noob. Need to migrate from my Meego-based Nokia N9 to a Google Nexus 4 running Android. What is the easiest way to migrate my contacts over to the new phone?
  6. You don't have problems with any other sites? You've tried the usual clearing of cache/cookies?
  7. You'll find various guides around to show you how to do this "safely" but honestly your best bet is to offload the data and rebuild.
  8. I think you are basically asking for RewriteEngine which is not always available. But give it a try in your environment. http://www.htaccess-guide.com/preventing-requests-with-invalid-characters/
  9. tain


    Well if you just maintained a list of download links instead of providing direct downloads...
  10. tain

    FDV's website

    I have faith in Fred.
  11. Mission accomplished!
  12. Here we come to save the day!
  13. It looks alright to me...
  14. tain

    Hi All

  15. Make a video of yourself doing whatever this dance is so we can all judge it
  16. Welcome!
  17. Something does seem to be funky but if you've gotten your config to a state that works then you are probably best served taking the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" route even if the configuration is less than ideal. So let's see if you're the type of person that lets those extra NICs eat away at you until you get so annoyed that you blast an entire weekend reconfiguring your network
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