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Name a SIGNIFICANT/MAJOR enhancement/improvement/solid addition to Windows after Windows 8.1.
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@mina7601Oh yes I like those 2 improvements very much. The pink around the text cursor indicator and being able to enlarge the cursor. They even ship some SVG mouse cursors by default. But the icon/bitmap-based get pixelated when enlarged to even 2x.
I will forever miss the Bill Gates' Microsoft and the personal computing decade from 1995-2005. Those were happier times for Windows users.
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Yeah, I sort of miss logging on to dial-up and hearing ... You've Got Mail
Back when I tried Mint with Xfce, this was as close to Windows as I could get it. But not a single desktop environment with folders as cascading menus+search, and a case sensitive file system were deal-breakers that made me switch back to Windows.
Linux is so much more than just the GUI. That was one of my frustrations as well. I didn't like the case sensitive file system, I didn't mind the terminal too much but I'm used being able to download an executable and it launches an install wizard but you don't get a lot of that in Linux. I mean most of the time there's some sort of set up procedure but I don't want to go through terminal or software center to do it. I want to double click on the file to get it going. I also don't like how the desktop works. I haven't found how to create effective shortcuts. I think that's what it was, I can't remember. It was something to do with when you'd put something on the desktop that it didn't always show up on the actual desktop and that was annoying. Q4OS was the one closest to Windows I've ever tried and it's pretty good for what it is, I haven't tried the newer versions so I can't say what it's like now but the pre version 3 releases are pretty good. But even that was a bit too different in order for me to use full time. I have no qualms with open or shared source and understand that Linux is a totally different beast from Windows, but I feel as if Linux is still more of an internet browsing OS that can run open source software, but it's not for those who need to run specific applications. Advanced networking is also a nightmare. I have my own Windows Domain on my network with custom group policies in effect. But I couldn't even get Fedora on the domain where I could log in even after following a bunch of walkthroughs online. So for what it's worth...Linux isn't bad, but it's just not for me full time.
Do MSFNers use Windows 10 with updates enabled?
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I use a Group Policy to delay updates for some period of time. I forget what it is. It's somewhere between 7 days and 6 months. I also have it notify me to install updates, but do nothing else, so I manually choose when to install updates.
Most of the time, I use Windows 7, and I have updates disabled since there's no point. Every now and then, I'll manually patch it with the latest updates. No point in having the update service running just for that.
Honestly, IMO, frequent security updates are the least of anyone's worries with Windows 10. Easily configurable with a GPO. There are far bigger fish to fry with that terrible OS.
I do, because I'm scared of missing out on security updates. But it's really irritating. It's only been 5 months since I last re-installed Windows 10, and update failure has already happened 3 times!
I use a batch script combined with a scheduled task to change the "active hours" every 17 hours when Windows is running, so that it's always active hours, to prevent Windows from auto-restarting due to the update.
I miss those days when the tech industry had quality control, the user had more control of things, and everything was well-designed, well-tested, stable and bug-free. And there were actual improvements without horrible regressions, without the "modern" redesigns i.e. skins with reduced functionality.
I think MSFN is the only forum left where Microsoft fanboys don't attack critics who want to improve Windows quality.
I am so sick of Windows TEN (Terrorist EditioN)
If tech MNCs got rich when their users were fully informed, now they've unlimited scope to get richer as ignorant people are in the majority!
Windows 10 is the most painful, most unpleasant, disturbing, upsetting, substance-lacking release of Windows ever.
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One more thing: power supply
Older pc = around 300w
Newer pc= above 550w
And those who play games can find plenty of games that will work on some older PC. Besides games are not required - they are foolishness from which you have NO GAIN, ONLY BILLS.
Newer PC uses at least 550watt, that's almost double. For what? For features that are never required but exist and therefore we "must" use them... That's an idea, not reality, that's what they MAKE you THINK, not what they make you DO. Be careful what you think, it influences what you do. The only thing living people MUST do is die. They don't have to walk, they don't have to work, they don't have to be educated, there's a ton of stuff people don't have to, so you don't have to care about every crap Microsoft releases.
I am not part of the rat race. I strongly oppose "upgrading" for the sake of it.
I evaluate every release extremely thoroughly and I am happily running Windows XP - the last OS where everything from previous releases for the most part was included without any major break in compatibility. In fact I inspect features and the value of "upgrading" so thoroughly that I wrote: and worked with Ivo Beltchev to create Classic Shell.
On my laptop, I run Windows 8.1 because it has:
- TRIM for the PCIe M.2 SSD that's on the laptop (Windows 7 only supports SATA TRIM)
- Windows 8.1 works with well the "PreferExternalManifest" Registry setting which I need to set to fix the DPI scaling of certain apps on that high resolution, high DPI display. (More details here: On Windows 7, it breaks the Network icon.
- The DPI scaling engine in Windows 8.1 loads earlier at startup to scale everything correctly whereas on Windows 7 it doesn't scale apps that run at startup
- The awfulness of the Windows 8 UI and regressions and lack of customizability can be fixed by using third party apps like Classic Shell, 7+ Taskbar Tweaker, OldNewExplorer, FileSearchEX, Everything Search, Media Player Classic Home Cinema, PerigeeCopy, VistaSwitcher and putting back Gadgets, classic games and the old superior Task Manager.
- Much improved DISM and cleanup of superseded updates
I am only evaluating Windows 10. I have NO intention of moving to it for the next 100 years. It is the worst piece of garbage to ever ship from Redmond. -
So unfortunate how the laptop/ultrabook industry perverted and completely messed up touchpads.
Top programs to fix Modern Windows (all free): 1. Classic Shell 2. 7+ Taskbar Tweaker 3. VistaSwitcher 4. Everything Search 5. Classic Task Manager 6.Gadgets 7. PerigeeCopy 8. Media Player Classic Home Cinema
Created a Start Menu comparison table:
SSD means saying goodbye to Windows XP & Vista. On just 1 PC that is
My beloved XP can get XP POS patches
)) Suck it NT6 fanboys. Please wait while your computer installs updates and forcibly auto-arranges your files.
Well by no means am I going to stop running XP. It's just that I'll have to be careful now to secure it properly because MS morons never fixed Vista/7/8.
Am I alone and crazy in thinking that Microsoft peaked in 2001 and now their best times are behind them?
Grandmasoft has "simplified" the Steam version of Age of Empires II HD too. It lacks AI personalities and multiplayer gaming options.
If hell really exists, do you think Ballmer, Sinofsky & Julie Green will go there?
Besides Start Menu and Aero Glass, what do you miss in the crappy Windows 8 over Windows 7?
What will happen to us poor Windows power users if its future is going to be "simplified"? Forced to move to Linux?
Does anyone notice that with Windows 8, the fanboys loving it are also getting dumber and attacking anyone who tries to be objectively critical?
I'm thinking since it sort of emulates a tablet and since mobile devices are all the rage these days, some people go nuts over it. I personally love the good old fashion Windows before all this eye candy crap and bloated system files took over. So what if the windows have cute little animations or looks pretty? If it doesn't do the job it is suppose to or gets in the way of getting real stuff done, is it really worth it?