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Everything posted by D.Draker

  1. Thank you , noted ! I tried to add many lists to UBO , but it's all the same. I'm just really puzzled why it's happening at MSFN only ? When I type a message at my e-mail provider , it doesn't log me ! Only here , at MSFN . Anyone ? Any ideas ? @NotHereToPlayGames , could you try to test it with your e-mail provider ? Thanks
  2. After this wonderful browser I'll never touch anything related to Firefox !
  3. I think you replied to the wrong person , I was not bothering you with this stupid connection . I don't care about it because I blocked two millions of Google IP. On the contrary , I was showing signs of my appreciation.
  4. Orwellian type surveilance . BTW , MSFN did another update recently ! Again ! See the pic .
  5. Why ? I do not experience any unusual behaviour or crashes , nothing out of the ordinary and MEGA works fine for me , just checked . Perhaps the other user has too low RAM ? Anyways , I do not notice increased RAM usage , all is fine . Many thanks !
  6. I'm not convinced ! Real time logging is just the new lows . How far will they go ? Why would the need it ? It's not twitter ruled by the Indians . You do understand that it logs even deleted words ? Real-time.
  7. It's available here , I think you would need to create an account for this . I don't want to be blamed for sharing something which was not made by me , sorry. I got it ages ago... There are at least two very good themes, the one with the field gray background is the best . https://www.deviantart.com/dynacord
  8. That's right , he added them in advance , to prevent from appearing in the future . They may or may not be created (depends on your browsing habbits and behaviour).
  9. This is very disturbing ... Don't mind my dark theme in the notepad . Got a good Vista aero theme from a kind MSFN member .
  10. Jeez !! Just checked , it does the same for me !!! Keylogger in the browser !! Does it have something to do with MSFN ? Remember we both found NSFN tracking scripts ? BTW , I started to notice slowness when I type in the reply box . (keylogging, definitely !) Perhaps we need to ask the moderators , no ?
  11. I think something's really wrong with your setup and choice of flags, settings (maybe even extensions?) . I don't observe such kind of behaviour in mine , no logged posts there ! I think you need to check.
  12. I'm very touched you think of me , but honestly , don't bother and please don't waste your time . I have it already . I don't even remember where I got it . Some of the members gave it to me ? But it's working very good. So your powers could be saved for something more important like telemetry and speed. Thanks.
  13. If you want my opinion , I think we need to maintain this browser mostly for ourselves , this closed community of people who care about real privacy . Why ? Not because I don't give a damn about the others , no . It's just because no one really cares . I don't know anyone who uses something home made or even a bit edited . Here [in my city] everyone "upgraded" to the newest systems ages ago and no one cares . There are only a few of us , really.
  14. I posted a link to a specific comment with proof . Do you have proof ? I do not need to read that whole topic , I simply do not agree with the topic's OP , but I agree with the comment [made by another member] . Thanks but no thanks , I'm not going to use any of the firefox based browsers , BTW , this topic is about 360 Extreme explorer. Why would you write your forefox suggestions here ?
  15. This kind of behaviour is present in any Chrome based browser and no one gives a d@mn. Any browser or OS these days is a huge keylogger , like Windows 7 , 8 , 10 , 11. I deleted (blocked) Web Data file in the default folder , forgot to say . It logs the websites I visit . What other files/folders can we safely block ?
  16. Actually, they are old (the folders) , says ver. 28 . I don't use any translation in Chrome , yet it is still there. "Aside from the main HTTP cache, Chrome also use other folders which can take extra space": Application Cache - HTML5 Application Cache GPUCache - GPU shader cache IndexedDB - HTML5 Indexed Database Media Cache - Multimedia-optimized cache (audio and video clips) Local Storage / Session Storage - Web storage cache PnaclTranslationCache - Portable Native Client Translation Cache https://itectec.com/superuser/google-chrome-why-doesnt-chrome-respect-the-diskcachesize-policy/
  17. No , I used a clean profile , so no leftovers . This is happening on all of the 13 versions I tried. I think I need to be clear , I don't use 11 or 12 since they are too old for my needs . For example, my gym website and other shopping sites do not work . So you can safely assume all of my replies are regarding 13 and 13.5. I would gladly use lighter browsers , but alas ...
  18. This is sponsored by Russia to scare us so we will stop usung nuclear energy and buy from them . It's that simple. Look at the countries that got rid of their nuclear power , they are all depend on russia's supplies (Germany , etc). What next ? Right , energy crisis and super high prices, like this year . What next ? Anything , inluding war . I'm glad France still has plenty of nuclear power left . Even though I agree it's not 100% safe and scary , it's not scarier than to be russia's pet . Don't forget , France is the World's super power . Vive la France ! About the toxic waste , read articles , they are sent to russia , ha ha .
  19. I' sorry for the late reply , got busy . It's in the main folder User Data , right beside the Default. Also, other folders there : FontLookupTableCache , PnaclTranslationCache (what is this ?) , ShaderCache. Do you have them too and , most importantly , do we need them , thanks & sorry again.
  20. Yeah, but our gov. thinks it's OK to fill our country with these savages .
  21. Yes we can , because they aren't related to cookies, logins , last opened tabs or anything useful . It's pure telemetry . I see no reason to clear on exit , it's still on your hard drive and can be restored [which is actually PROVEN many times , you can search for artilcles yourself . For example , this is "normal" behaviour for Opera , it restores all manual changes to the browser profile and keeping them encrypted]. You need to prevent them from being created . If you don't want to , it's your choice , but please stop saying like I'm a lunatic without electricity in my house . I'm very polite with you and I hope you will be too. Suggesting someone could have paranoid tendencies here is a huge insult . Found new tracking folder "temp" , located in data. It collects and stores images I've been saving to my HDD . If I block it , nothing bad happens , I'm still able to save images , like before. If you think it's paranoia again , please leave your opinion to yourself , k ?
  22. “No matter how paranoid you are... ...what they’re actually doing... worse than you can possibly imagine.” - Ralph J. Gleason
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