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Everything posted by Dixel

  1. Well , I tried foam pillows and didn't like them at all. I'm glad your matress is much , much better ! I don't watch TV at all too . But something ugly is happening right now , I can feel it.
  2. jaclaz, I like when you're being pedantic (which is quite frequently , lol) . Thank you for noticing this typo , the post has been edited . And I like when you're being sarcastic (which is quite frequently too) , have a nice day !
  3. The upper one lost not only fonts , but the picture also. The lower one is from another page opened in another tab.
  4. For some reason the uploaded attachments won't show , trying again.
  5. Disappearing fonts/images bug , started recently with any of the 13th versions , don't know about 12. , v.12 simply can't work at most of the websites I use. Looks like the page suspends itself after some time (short time , I must say) . But why ?
  6. UPDATE 1.01 + 1.02 1 - Slight adjustments , reduced the tool size (better compression) . UPDATED the build number to 1.01.37091 2 - Added various Android models (per request from a well known MSFN patron). 3 - Added iPhone Instagram App , it may be useful for DAVE. 4 - UPDATED the build number to 1.02.38052 5 - Added Android Instagram App , also may be useful for DAVE.
  7. 1 - Thank you. 2 - I actually hate this colour , I bought it with this colour , I'm going to repaint it to the famous feldgrau someday. But thank you ! 3 - Yes , all Italian . 4 - Thank you . 5 - Thank you . 6 - Thank you .
  8. ??? You just wrote it yourself. You can replace "the" with "its" . Youtube is hiding the dislike count from its videos. Censorship or your benefit? (spoiler: it's the first one). The dislike count is something that was implemented by youtube for the videos on their website (not just some abstract videos).
  9. I think no , everything goes in one direction : monopolies . P.S. Will you please add the article the to the title ? Thank you ! Youtube is hiding the dislike count from the videos. Censorship or your benefit? (spoiler: it's the first one) https://preply.com/en/blog/8-rules-for-using-the-article-the-in-english/
  10. I have a multi-monitor setup (58 inches Philips TV via HDMI ver. 1.4 plus 24 inches Siemens monitor) and 13.5 doesn't lock up for me. Even though the HDMI cable is approx. 10 meters long !
  11. These days they fingerprint by the vendor tag and clienthints (this nasty thing still works, even if you disabled java) , so you will most likely just fool yourself . I mean, they will know you real vendor and they will get hints, but won't be able to show you the results of the test because you disabled the java script . I think I explained this to user arcticfroxie (or what his name currently is). I even took a screnshot . There was a debate where he insisted to disable javascript but still was detected by the HTML5 test website , while I wasn't. Later Tripredacus also wrote that he just couldn't see the results , while still being fingerprinted . This all could be foound on this website.
  12. jaclaz, it's simple : 1 - To bring more shame on the "developers" . You see , I don't have an education in this area , it's just my one of my hobbies ... but they , they studied for decades , lol. 2 - Holland , I'm just proud of my country , I think you too like to insert references to Italian culture . I still want to read more of your posts , just need to find time. 3 - Third person , it's the news style title , like in the papers . Sorry for the short reply , I could've answered much more , but I'm afraid it will just bring more questions.
  13. Yeah , I'm somewhat disoriented too , but we need to hold on ! This damn new "normality", when it's getting heavier and heavier to live ,like we lived before, is starting to get on my nerves , and I'm a very calm person . Was going to put a like on your post .... but it would be weird to like your current condition , wouldn't it ? I'm with you , man .
  14. Even I can feel tired , lol . Pretty busy days , besides everyone needs my help . My new girlfriend (which I was looking for almost a year) didn't live up to my expectations , time spent in vain. I shall sleep for several days and ressurect my super energies. Got dozens of notifications for this one day , I'll try to answer to everyone , just need to rest . On a bright note , I'm single again and that means more time for myself , computers and MSFN , of course !
  15. Friend , don't waste your time on obsolete junk , couple of months ahead and v13. will start to show it's old age too. It can't even properly do java at github and "modern" websites , as of now . Don't forget we're at Chrome 98 already ! At the insane rate they "update" (read bloat) websites we won't be able to browse web soon . I looked into v21 for you , no way it will run on XP64 , it's just too much to modify ! One would need to edit the code and remove certain portion sof it. You can't simply cheat with the replaced APIs anymore. Besides , it's a huge telemetry bloated mess. Well, let's say we start to mod it , but it will be obsolete by the time we finish because I'll be pretty busy in the next year.
  16. @XPerceniol, 3GB is obviously not enough for the "modern" web. MSFN is getting heavier and heavier each day for me too , I also noticed lags when typing in reply windows or creating new topics . All those flags you're trying to add are already included in my version , this one also , of course ! They are just inside , the "ini" file is inside , so you can't see it . Did you try MSFN with my version ? Don't forget to start it from the red "O" icon.
  17. Good idea , I added TOR capabilities to my Firfeox starter , so it could be used by simple folks (just with a button click), I was following your advice . The link is above.
  18. Yep , thought so , but honestly I think it has nothing to do with our pretty similar quad CPUs , I'll try to test with a Pentium for that exact socket , which I recently bought for 5 euros , lol. I will test with the same amount of RAM (DDR3 16GB).
  19. https://msfn.org/board/topic/183169-an-ex-dj-from-holland-hacked-mozillafirefox-code-and-wrote-a-tool-to-mock-this-pitiful-browser/
  20. Pretty much what the title says ! I had written a complicated tool to forbid Firefox doing it's nasty things , what things ? Read more here : https://msfn.org/board/topic/183138-mozilla-and-firefox-has-turned-into-evil-and-lie-to-their-userbase-leave-it-and-go-for-alternatives/?do=findComment&comment=1207584 I did this a long time ago , but I was lazy/busy to create this topic , I don't like to type , I could be lazy to reply , etc. I do not like to talk/text much, in general. I prefer to create something useful , like this miracle. I used brutal techniques from the 90's, early 2000's . I did NOT hack or modify any of the Firefox browser files , so I'm not in violation of the forum rules . The tool works by intercepting and/or redirecting , blocking the telemetry/pings/requests , certain APIs , etc. No Mozilla files were modified and this programme works with a wide range of FF versions ! The Mozilla code is rather primitive , reminded me of some japanese software. One example of how it works . 1- Firefox wants to generate my unique hardware ID and then send it to the Mozilla servers , thus creating a unique user ID (guinea pig's tag). I say : "screw you , sore losers , I do not allow you to make the hardware ID", so the tool intercepts and blocks it immediately ! (How ? It's a secret , I'm sure the FF staff will read it , try patching it , and I don't have time to redo the tool). It works on the fly , it forbids the browser to chew up your RAM with a ton of unneeded processes (Optimize browser button). Main languages : British English . Dutch is there , but not activated for now , I'm sure our Dutch folks won't have any problems with English. Also, I added translations for some Western European Languages like Spanish . And several Eastern European : Bulgarian , Czech , Polish , Lithuanian , Ukranian , I just figured users from these countries could have problems understanding English , while the Dutch , Germans and French most likely won't , so no German , French or Italian. Perhaps I will add more in the future . I do not promise anything ! Most of the "hacking" (reducing the junk which is 100% not needed at all) is being done without the user interaction , I left only some of the functions that could be changed , in case you would want to be fingerprinted voluntarily , lol. To change the UA , you would need to restart the browser , though. This tool is so powerful , it literally mocks everything these dilettantes had been doing all those years to track you ... I'm still not sure If I was right to post this , perhaps I need to delete this. It's based on my previous tool for Chromium browsers , so may have some of the code leftovers . I shared the early alpha release for chrome 360 (without the UI) with some members . But now it's almost obsolete due the newer functions, also I created a cool interface , like this one . It gives you total control over your browser. I'm scared to share it in the open , but I still want this to be MSFN exclusive , so I may share it with the certain top members (moderators) and [probably] @win32. You ask why ? Imagine this tool in the wrong hands , coppers , FF "team" . This tool needs to be used by good people only , who care about their privacy . You gotta understand , I can't see who's hiding behind his nickname , it's nothing personal ! Yet again , I shall share it , but with extreme caution. No AV reacted to this tool during the testing. Fully supports AERO theme , can be seen on the screenshots below :
  21. Geez , coders these days .... a couple gigs of super fast DDR3 RAM just to read some text !
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