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Everything posted by NotHereToPlayGames

  1. Technically, the DirectWrite setting should only come into play if you use the same exact profile on Win7 or higher (unsure on Vista). This setting should not have any effect in XP.
  2. I disable DirectWrite (default is enabled). I have not experimented with FontCache scaling and still have it set to default - have you experimented with FontCache scaling?
  3. Here's a good guide on what fonts are safe to remove in XP - https://forums.techguy.org/threads/which-fonts-can-i-remove.211371/
  4. "Libre Franklin" (the font used on Digital Spy) and "Franklin Gothic" (default font installed with XP) are not the same thing. "Libre Franklin" is an 'interpretation and expansion of the classic Franklin Gothic typeface'. I guarantee you that 100% of the time that you encounter a problematic font (which, yes, does happen more in Chromium browsers than in Mozilla browsers), it's because that font does NOT EXIST in your Windows \ Fonts directory. Rather, that font is being "fetched" (from gstatic.com in the case of Digital Spy) by the web browser and used only for the web page being rendered (it is not being "installed" into Windows \ Fonts directory).
  5. Cool. I used to go the route of emailing the web master on web sites that worked perfectly in one browser but looked terrible in another browser. I stopped doing that because I got sick and tired of the "answer" ALWAYS being "switch to Firefox". Rates right up there with "use Linux" as far as a totally USELESS "answer".
  6. Thanks. That's exactly how I install extensions (as I use the "ungoogled" version). Guess I assumed that most people were already doing it that route.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring Generally speaking -- new = bloat, old = efficient But "to each their own". "Mileage may vary." Don't get me wrong, that does not mean that I don't look for "security issues" in older extensions. It's VERY SAD that "computer users" these days think they are going to get hit with a "security issue" unless they bend over backwards and "update" every THIRTY MINUTES. And these folks get very "cranky" at "minute 29" then 'all is good' when that timer resets and they are at "minute 0". But anywhoo...
  8. Updated download for v13.0 and v13.5 in first post. edit - hard-coding out some default search engines (which do not appear unless you use your own "Web Data" [this file contains profile settings, not telemetry, so should not be deleted as a means towards preventing telemetry] file or your file somehow becomes corrupted [or you deleted it thinking it contained telemetry]) is still in-process and did not make it into this update.
  9. According to @VistaLover the answer is "no". I've never tried because I hate auto-updates. For reference, here is VistaLover's post -- https://msfn.org/board/topic/182304-extreme-explorer-360-chromium-78-86-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=1166078
  10. The "ungoogled" versions definitely do not auto-update. I'm not sure on the "regular" versions. I personally hate auto-update so I've never "tried" to automatically update any of my extensions. I also personally prefer to use older versions of most of my extensions. Probably should say all because I don't even look for manual updates after I create my profile.
  11. I guess that kinda doesn't surprise me. Somewhere WAAYYY back then, I stopped using Chromium and migrated to official Pale Moon (then to New Moon, then to Mypal) because I'm an XP-user. And nothing ticks me off more than a program's GUI that does NOT have XP-style title bar and min/max/restore/close icons. Seems minor, I know, but it's actually kind of a big deal to me
  12. Fair enough. It was an honest mistake, I care ZERO about this and didn't take the time to "quote" word for word, letter for letter. Because, no offense, NOBODY CARES. There is no "prize" being handed out for "winning" this MEANINGLESS conversation. I yield the floor for you to have the last word, I spend too much time on the forum as-is without this thread, you can have it
  13. Agreed. This whole 'incident' was a "nothing" (less than nothing!) in my book. But I did find some mole hills for you.
  14. It's "over and done with" as far as I'm concerned. I've moved on, I wasn't offended at the time nor now. Certainly wasn't worth my time to scroll back a page or two for an "exact" quote, lol. I feel like this thread should be "locked", everybody has said their piece and I don't see the need to prolong the discussion. "Over and done with." Moving on.
  15. I've used the word much differently so I personally did not feel attacked. If you look at my history of using that word, never once have I ever directed it at anyone specifically. In one instance, I referred to MYSELF as a "geeky dude". In the other instances, they were of "generalities", not "at" anyone in particular. I do think it is very different to start a sentence off with "Dude, did you even read" because in this context, "dude" and "you" is specifically being directed at "one person". I would have felt under attack if I felt that sentence was directed "at me". All in CONTEXT and CONTEXT doesn't always come across in WRITTEN FORM.
  16. For those that prefer the Tampermonkey route, I no longer use this and prefer to block fonts by default with NoScript then use a "Clean Font Families" Tampermonkey script for the very few fonts that NoScript cannot block because they're not sourced externally. I don't recall where this originally came from and I know I've edited it since then, but this is the script I used to use to replace problematic fonts -
  17. Yep, we got it figured out. As for your learning curve, I only use five extensions and three of them can fix Digital Spy fonts all by itself. 1) Easiest -- NoScript -- block fonts on gstatic.com 2) Medium difficulty -- Stylus -- unset body font-family 3) Hardest -- Tampermonkey -- replace "libre franklin" font-family with any font of your preference
  18. It's been years since I've used it but I do seem to recall that I had to create the folder, that it did not exist by default. I cannot say if this will work though, it was pre-v49 that I've used it. I quickly turned into a Stylem/Stylus "junkie" and can't live without it.
  19. In past versions of Chromium, I used this folder ~/.config/chromium/Default/User StyleSheets/Custom.css the same as {Profile}\Chrome\userContent.css file in Firefox. But I have not personally tried that in 360Chrome.
  20. Which extensions are you using? Perhaps we can find a fix using only those extensions. edit - and which 360Chrome version is your preference?
  21. @UCyborg Agreed. It certainly affects v11 more than other versions. Another test site presented very early in the thread is https://off-guardian.org/2021/09/22/30-facts-you-need-to-know-your-covid-cribsheet/ However, most of us (including me) that use v11 as our default-for-everything-browser have extremely valid reasons for using v11 over v13. Font issues that are easily fixable on three web sites out of the three thousand web sites that I have visited so far this year alone isn't going to be even a thumbtack let alone a nail in v11's coffin
  22. Best route is via Stylus and a style sheet with something like "body {font-family: unset !important;" and that basically is the equivalent of unchecking the box in the Inspector.
  23. This computer has an Nvidia GeForce GT 635. But I've witnessed that font-blur crap on hundreds of computers. The factory floor has 350+ computers, they all do that font-blur crap!
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