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Found 19 results

  1. Keeping a computer with an unsupported OS is not an easy task, as many apps start abandoning the OS, removing the releases from download repositories and so on. An these is even more critical when the OS is 32bits. For example Firefox w7 and 32b : v115. What is the last version of following apps that supports win7 32 or 64b? whatsapp : Ms. Office : libreoffice : other...
  2. So my laptop has 7 and server 2016 dual booted, and I booted to the 2016 install, and appearantly the October 2nd build switched to Chromium 126, which means no more updates for stock 7 and 8.x, but at least Valve is not actively forcing the update on people's machines if they are running 7 or 8.x, as far as I know.
  3. Hey all. Anyone ever got to use PyTorch 2.1 or above on Windows 7? Is it incompatible or is it just me? Version 2.0.1 and older worked, but I can't have version 2.1 or above working. It can't start because there are missing dependencies for c10_cuda.dll. According to Dependency Walker these missing dependencies were "API-MS-WIN..." dlls and functions missing from system dlls. I somehow got to fix the missing "API-MS-WIN..." dlls problem, but some functions are still missing from system dlls, for example "ResolveDelayLoadedAPI" is missing from kernel32.dll. Some people say that Dependency Walker should not be trusted though because it sometimes reports false positives instead of the real problem, so I am not even sure that these missing functions are really the problem. I've been trying for over a month. I installed all visual studio runtimes. I installed updates. I installed VxKex but I don't think it can help in this case. I installed nt61 updated kernel too. Nothing worked. I asked about it on PyTorch's forum. One of their devs told me that the only thing they changed was switching from VS2017 to VS2019 builds. I did install visual studio runtimes 2019 though. Can someone please help? Anybody ever tried? Any idea? ( As for why I need PyTorch 2.1, that is because I need to use the new version of Layer Diffuse, which only works with the new version of SD Forge, which needs PyTorch version 2.1 minimum. )
  4. Hello, I want to revive the Get Windows 10 App and make it functional again on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. I am not able to retrieve the GWX files such as the DownloadSwap folder that includes all the necessary files for GWX to work. (Uploading them to this forum would be helpful, even uploading the entire directory of GWX with the required files would be too.) If anyone is able to help me out with the project on getting the Get Windows 10 App working again, please feel free to do so in this forum. Note: This is a public project and anyone can participate.
  5. After updating the game on December 19th 2022 this issue started occurring. When starting the game normally, it instantly crashes with the error message "EasyAntiCheat has stopped working" The game doesnt start at all, not even the loading screen. When starting the game from steam and selecting "Start MCC (No EasyAntiCheat)" the game works perfectly fine. Event viewer shows the following: Faulting application name: mcclauncher.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62161bfa Faulting module name: mcclauncher.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62161bfa Exception code: 0x40000015 Fault offset: 0x0002297b Faulting process id: 0x1728 Faulting application start time: 0x01d922a7fafee587 Faulting application path: H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Halo The Master Chief Collection\mcclauncher.exe Faulting module path: H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Halo The Master Chief Collection\mcclauncher.exe Report Id: 38d96dd7-8e9b-11ed-a9a6-e848499c0603 .net and Visual C++ are fully updated. Game file integrity check (Steam) and OS system file integrity check (sfc /scannow) all passed multiple times. Game was reinstalled multiple times already and its always up to date EasyAntiCheat was also reinstalled manually multiple times, it still didnt work please help
  6. I would like to know which cumulative update package to install after Windows Seven SP1 on a new installation. A 2016 package is mentioned here Windows 7 convenience rollup package https://answers.microsoft.com/es-es/windows/forum/all/cómo-instalar-las-últimas/5dcb4c51-ca8d-4e64-9a17-8af9afc16ca4 I see that there are also subsequent monthly updates. Are these monthly updates cumulative? How are monthly releases different from "security only" releases? Supposedly the free support ended on January 14, 2020 but I see that the last free package is from October 13, 2020 this is correct? https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/topic/13-de-octubre-de-2020-kb4580345-informe-mensual-2c204946-73d5-b596-ad70-d37507395dac After the end of free support there is ESU extended support. On this Dell page they put some requirements. Among these is the monthly package October 8, 2019. Isn't a later one useful? I don't know if there is a post that summarizes all this... Thank you.
  7. Hi, the Weather Meter gadget (from addgadgets.com) does not work. Never, ever. I just downloaded the latest version (from 9 YEARS AGO! WOW, time flies), then I extracted the archive (zip) and installed the gadget. Then, after that, instead of giving the same thing from the screenshots, it just said No connection. What happened to that gadget? It was never updated since 2013. I checked the code, there was nothing useful, just a bunch of useless files. Then I found a Twitter post from 14 march 2015, then I came to the logan's reply from December 20, 2016 and it said weathertemperature.com, which is no longer available and is for sale. And it said to replace with Foreca, which is a dead link BTW or MSN Weather. Or even better, AccuWeather or weather.com (The Weather Channel). How can I do that to fix this problem? Give me ideas and please help me. Thank you, I miss this gadget. Here are some images with the gadget. And this error of the gadget. See you later, bye bye.
  8. Like in the previous post about Weather Meter not working anymore (finally an answer about the script for Weather Meter), the Stock Meter gadget (from the same addgadgets.com website), also does not work, just like the Weather Meter one. But this time, this was using data from the old Yahoo Finance, which that, the website was updated to not make it work anymore. Never ever. Like, forever. Go check that out (archived): https://web.archive.org/web/20181104211143/https://forums.yahoo.net/t5/Yahoo-Finance-help/http-download-finance-yahoo-com-d-quotes-csv-s-GOOG-amp-f/td-p/387096 Then after that, I installed it. And what a surprise, error. This time, nothing happened. Yet. Just like the Weather Meter one. I am absolutely p***ed about that. After that, I found gadget.js inside the gadget's files, and I found Yahoo Finance in there. NGL (not gonna lie). To be honest, this gadget must be fixed as well, to be replaced the old Yahoo Finance with Google Finance (from Google Sheets). Has anybody gotten a fix for this? Seriously, I'm getting on my nerves now. Please give me a fix, to make it work in 2023 and beyond. This however, was never updated since 2015. 7-8 years passed. Until then, stay tuned for updates. Goodbye and have a nice day/night. Here are some images with this gadget, and the error from the gadget itself. This is what I got (image 2, error) This is how it's supposed to be (image 1)
  9. I have an "Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller" ethernet in my PC when i install the driver, my pc show the error when install that driver i have a solution in google, but it's only can 1 times. how to fix that problem
  10. I want to install Windows 7 on my laptop, but when I go to install it, the mouse doesn't work, and when I get to the "where do you want to install" screen, I get a "Missing driver" error. hardware specs: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU 6405U @ 2.40GHz 4GB ram Intel UHD graphics 128GB NVMe SSD
  11. VQ7zk$kzr
  12. I'm trying to run scrcpy on windows 7 and it's giving the error "The program can't start because api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-1.dll is missing..." does anyone out there have this dll, or know how to solve this problem
  13. It's The best of both worlds. We could have the full feel of windows XP but still be compatible with new drivers and programs. I've asked before on different places but they've just said it was impossible, which I highly doubt. looking at explorer.exe with depends.exe, the only thing that fails it from laucnhing without compatibility mode on windows 7 1701 is shunimpl.dll. For explanation on shunimpl go here: https://www.geoffchappell.com/studies/windows/ie/browseui/index.htm Basically shlwapi and other things forward old calls to shunimpl, but shunimpl doesn't actually do anything but fail it, causing explorer to instantly fail. The only thing compatibility mode does is make it so it doesn't auto crash. I was able to get XP's explorer partly working without compatibility mode by taking a random dll like browseui and renaming it shunimpl.dll and putting it in system32. Since shell32 and others already dll proxy to shunimpl, I believe you could easily point it to an older DLL and gain all those missing functions, but that's above me. The next thing is the registry. I was able to make a winpe with win7pe builder and have the shell registry be that of livexp's explorer script one. It installed and ran but for some reason explorer.exe doesn't work on the winpe one even though it does on the normal 7 build which used the same iso. I've also tried putting explorer.exe in system32 of xp's and using explorer.exe.local and had slight success when running it in depends.exe. I believe if someone was to do this properly they'd need windows server core since it has no full shell to being with but idk. I haven't tested on windows 10 yet but iirc explorer.exe also worked on it but broken still with compatibility mode. These are all my findings. I just really want someone with better knowledge than me to work on this, it would be a dream come true for all the XP fans. btw no I don't accept any of the fake crap like reactos or classicshell. What I want is a true experience, with the full classic file explorer n all. If anyone decides to work on this, use x64 xp or server instead of 32 bit.
  14. Hey guys, is there a way to get the Windows 7 Touch Pack running on a single-touch device (Samsung Q1U)? https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=17368 It refuses to install with a message telling me it requires a touch screen with at least 2 points input and thus it aborts. Unpacking the EXE with 7zip: bunch of files (where to put?) Using Orca from MSI-Win10SDK: Can't open the file Any idea? Undocumented switch or something like that?
  15. Reports I saw on the internet so far: 1 reported getting that error message or a similar error message on an X58 platform! Another reported the same or similar error message with an Athlon II! And now a report from one with an Ivy Bridge! This thread is related to this thread:
  16. First of all : I don't speak english really,so don't judge please.Also i'm not some computer freak, i just like playing games, so anything you'll say to me , will be new to me. So i lately 1-2 weeks ago downloaded some high tech virus, messed everything up and added new windows.(3-4 days ago) after installation i cleaned corrupted files,corrupted registry,missing registry files,auto updates drivers to its latest,downloaded amd manager that checks my drivers automatacly so i wouldnt have to worry(still manually checked it)ran malwarebytes,searched for rootkits,ran the adw program (forgot the full name)checked my whole system for any strange viruses ect...ran system stability diagnostic,performance...i put my power plan to high performance and changed the low %s to 100% under the advanced settings(you'll know what i mean) Overall : ran any missing files,ran all the virus scans, corrupting ect, diagnostics .... Here are the latencymon results : https://gyazo.com/e8c3d5e4e9973c425955ef54acf9cdee https://gyazo.com/b4a85875b7a662f391411bae155ff5db https://gyazo.com/9c66d37259a38a486ca77d12f09b7fa8 https://gyazo.com/851bcfb83061ede177b866dc382793c6 Some told me to disable few stuff in device manager, and i did: https://gyazo.com/9897ac2d71b6e0cfca13e10a91071893 - audio is actually disabled. https://gyazo.com/13839570d73ae7494d3f1a99a599fec0 - i disabled the network adapter before, it didnt fix any results. System information: https://gyazo.com/efc9ada6e24d11eaad8273e1220ad804 https://gyazo.com/0fa042649193a798832ef1d6101fd2b2 https://gyazo.com/11b8c5f59e2add55715e60dba1a5419b https://gyazo.com/d1968c9b85824d3aab0b7e9c7e1b70d1- Mhm?? https://gyazo.com/cc17e0ca325a400740620d16fa90744b - jesus Extra stuff: CONCLUSION _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your system appears to be having trouble handling real-time audio and other tasks. You are likely to experience buffer underruns appearing as drop outs, clicks or pops. One or more DPC routines that belong to a driver running in your system appear to be executing for too long. At least one detected problem appears to be network related. In case you are using a WLAN adapter, try disabling it to get better results. One problem may be related to power management, disable CPU throttling settings in Control Panel and BIOS setup. Check for BIOS updates. LatencyMon has been analyzing your system for 0:24:47 (h:mm:ss) on all processors. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM INFORMATION _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Computer name: EMMESSIIRUULIB OS version: Windows 7 Service Pack 1, 6.1, build: 7601 (x64) Hardware: MS-7599, MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD, 770-C45 (MS-7599) CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 250 Processor Logical processors: 2 Processor groups: 1 RAM: 8191 MB total _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CPU SPEED _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reported CPU speed: 3007 MHz Measured CPU speed: 23 MHz (approx.) Note: reported execution times may be calculated based on a fixed reported CPU speed. Disable variable speed settings like Intel Speed Step and AMD Cool N Quiet in the BIOS setup for more accurate results. WARNING: the CPU speed that was measured is only a fraction of the CPU speed reported. Your CPUs may be throttled back due to variable speed settings and thermal issues. It is suggested that you run a utility which reports your actual CPU frequency and temperature. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEASURED INTERRUPT TO USER PROCESS LATENCIES _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The interrupt to process latency reflects the measured interval that a usermode process needed to respond to a hardware request from the moment the interrupt service routine started execution. This includes the scheduling and execution of a DPC routine, the signaling of an event and the waking up of a usermode thread from an idle wait state in response to that event. Highest measured interrupt to process latency (µs): 26411,736687 Average measured interrupt to process latency (µs): 6,140720 Highest measured interrupt to DPC latency (µs): 197,022247 Average measured interrupt to DPC latency (µs): 1,798805 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REPORTED ISRs _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Interrupt service routines are routines installed by the OS and device drivers that execute in response to a hardware interrupt signal. Highest ISR routine execution time (µs): 278,894247 Driver with highest ISR routine execution time: ataport.SYS - ATAPI Driver Extension, Microsoft Corporation Highest reported total ISR routine time (%): 0,240994 Driver with highest ISR total time: ataport.SYS - ATAPI Driver Extension, Microsoft Corporation Total time spent in ISRs (%) 0,384893 ISR count (execution time <250 µs): 2942189 ISR count (execution time 250-500 µs): 0 ISR count (execution time 500-999 µs): 1 ISR count (execution time 1000-1999 µs): 0 ISR count (execution time 2000-3999 µs): 0 ISR count (execution time >=4000 µs): 0 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REPORTED DPCs _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DPC routines are part of the interrupt servicing dispatch mechanism and disable the possibility for a process to utilize the CPU while it is interrupted until the DPC has finished execution. Highest DPC routine execution time (µs): 2460,615896 Driver with highest DPC routine execution time: ndis.sys - NDIS 6.20 driver, Microsoft Corporation Highest reported total DPC routine time (%): 0,656432 Driver with highest DPC total execution time: ataport.SYS - ATAPI Driver Extension, Microsoft Corporation Total time spent in DPCs (%) 1,398451 DPC count (execution time <250 µs): 8156976 DPC count (execution time 250-500 µs): 0 DPC count (execution time 500-999 µs): 5 DPC count (execution time 1000-1999 µs): 0 DPC count (execution time 2000-3999 µs): 1 DPC count (execution time >=4000 µs): 0 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REPORTED HARD PAGEFAULTS _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hard pagefaults are events that get triggered by making use of virtual memory that is not resident in RAM but backed by a memory mapped file on disk. The process of resolving the hard pagefault requires reading in the memory from disk while the process is interrupted and blocked from execution. NOTE: some processes were hit by hard pagefaults. If these were programs producing audio, they are likely to interrupt the audio stream resulting in dropouts, clicks and pops. Check the Processes tab to see which programs were hit. Process with highest pagefault count: chrome.exe Total number of hard pagefaults 2181 Hard pagefault count of hardest hit process: 809 Highest hard pagefault resolution time (µs): 2075435,103758 Total time spent in hard pagefaults (%): 0,501189 Number of processes hit: 21 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PER CPU DATA _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CPU 0 Interrupt cycle time (s): 27,916466 CPU 0 ISR highest execution time (µs): 45,427669 CPU 0 ISR total execution time (s): 2,948664 CPU 0 ISR count: 1532221 CPU 0 DPC highest execution time (µs): 2460,615896 CPU 0 DPC total execution time (s): 14,33020 CPU 0 DPC count: 6646898 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CPU 1 Interrupt cycle time (s): 48,517449 CPU 1 ISR highest execution time (µs): 278,894247 CPU 1 ISR total execution time (s): 8,500579 CPU 1 ISR count: 1409969 CPU 1 DPC highest execution time (µs): 362,371467 CPU 1 DPC total execution time (s): 27,268938 CPU 1 DPC count: 1510084 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ More stuff: https://gyazo.com/dac4c51cf392b8cd5c17d7a68ea5206d https://gyazo.com/d34178efc1ef6b0e31e2229a1e3dcfa2 https://gyazo.com/d3b9ae1e47a567efc9817d121c3ac0fd - think i didnt add this WARNING: I don't know how i got to it, i don't know if it's bad, but when i manualy tried to locate some game to some custom disk :https://gyazo.com/a89db587f64f66ada3bbbd59c3c794c5 i saw some extra driver called something like: %xcxxcyrt%%%x i don't know if it had any memory. WINDOWS TASK MANAGER: https://gyazo.com/825c25e6ef4b17321c35ed433d1e6e13 https://gyazo.com/a8e50713cb5a80c984a4846c1c08dbac https://gyazo.com/940bbacc14efa544ea9b830f7b995095 https://gyazo.com/fe4a28c25ea05ee58ce8509d4bece2e6 https://gyazo.com/2cd45b7cc9895610cf997fb8102d3030 https://gyazo.com/d64c5f85e3a9e6dde46d2af50b0b1683 https://gyazo.com/e75cc94365f092e00e3cfb6a3843e9e5 https://gyazo.com/72f4117d40554bfef8e9095becef2d88 Resource monitor: https://gyazo.com/1b4c1de03f3fcacb212fb1dc55e67b8f https://gyazo.com/fc1aecda581faee3db004e9d5a457689 https://gyazo.com/2d09ab194712eae4e55fb3c85a5b852e https://gyazo.com/4042fbbb637150d8b14f2836ac81abde Event viewer: https://gyazo.com/eb83009748e8fabb057c4fe005ec6398 https://gyazo.com/07d5ee064a5d93a8cde908079ae899c5 https://gyazo.com/76d03742f65eb0e4c0d62df816892995 https://gyazo.com/c0fb2836f6f2502c3ebbab373c60fbe0 https://gyazo.com/637157f244e9ed54d7589c35ed74f1f3 System: https://gyazo.com/7a20789b203c458d5ec090fa7fa4ed45 Email me:deepweeber123@gmail.com if you can also Yes the email is bad, i made it for multiaccounting in "Trove" and path of exile. I make ones i can easily remember, no judge.
  17. Hello, I'd like to create an unattended Win7 installation with the latest KB patches and some custom settings&tweaks (expecially the Usb3.0 patcher). I'm quite confused, however, about the current available programs. - 7Customizer and RT Se7en Lite seem dead. - the new nLite (still beta) will costs 45$ even for home users!? - maybe there's a Win Toolkit 2 program (download?) with a limited (how?) free version. - other alternatives? - Windows Updates Downloader has stopped updating its lists in 2015\03. - I could start from it anyway, but I don't know if it's good for Win7 Pro and if it excludes any bad update (eg: Win10, telemetry) - other alternatives? Can you help me, please?
  18. Hello, I'm struggling to get a reliable 7 hotfix list. I have read that McRip and Solor's lists were the way to go (before the servers went down), although I doubt that since I've seen glimpses of them including fix-it low priority hotfixes as well. I'm leaning more towards a list like -X-'s with Windows XP, only critical hotfixes included. For now I have stumped over these 2 not too lengthy lists, the issue is that they differ on a bunch of hotfixes (I have excluded here NET hotfixes). Shared Hotfixes: Windows6.1-KB2479943-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2491683-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2506212-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2509553-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2511455-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2536275-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2544893-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2560656-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2564958-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2570947-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2579686-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2584146-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2585542-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2619339-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2620704-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2621440-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2631813-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2653956-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2654428-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2655992-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2676562-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2685939-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2690533-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2691442-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2698365-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2712808-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2727528-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2743555-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2757638-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2758857-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2770660-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2785220-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2807986-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2813347-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2813430-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2834886-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2835364-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2839894-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2840149-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2845187-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2847311-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2847927-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2849470-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2855844-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2862330-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2862335-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2862966-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2864058-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2864202-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2868038-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2868623-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2872339-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2876284-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2884256-x64.msu ONLY WindowsPatchLoader's Alphawaves: Windows6.1-KB2032276-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2124261-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2207559-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2271195-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2281679-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2294255-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2296011-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2305420-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2347290-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2378111-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2387149-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2393802-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2419640-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2423089-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2425227-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2442962-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2483614-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2518295-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2525835-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2532531-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2533552-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2535512-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2546250-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2552343-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2571621-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2604114-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2637518-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2643719-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2647170-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2656355-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2656410-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2706045-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2716513-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2719033-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2729451-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2736418-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2742598-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2756920-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2765809-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2772930-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2789644-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2790978-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2853587-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2861855-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2862152-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2868626-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2868725-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2868846-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2875783-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2876331-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2888505-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB2900986-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB972270-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB974431-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB974571-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB975467-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB975560-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB976002-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB977074-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB977894-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB978542-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB979309-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB979482-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB979687-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB979688-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB980408-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB982132-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB982665-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB982666-x64.cabWindows6.1-KB982799-x64.cab ONLY WUD's steven4554: IE10-Windows6.1-KB2879017-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2476490-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2503658-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2524375-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2525694-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2536276-v2-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2556532-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2618451-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2620712-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2644615-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2645640-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2667402-v2-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2705219-v2-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2719985-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2769369-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2790113-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2835361-x64.msuWindows6.1-KB2883150-x64.msuI also wonder why now all language hotfixes are the same hotfix. Is there an analog way of downloading language specific hotfixes in Win7 like in XP?
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