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Everything posted by UCyborg

  1. YouTube strikes me as rather conservative. Still works in Internet Explorer 11, last major update of that browser was in 2014. Of course, the interface is pretty sluggish with that browser. GPU doesn't matter on Chrome on XP as GPU acceleration is not implemented via APIs XP supports. From V11 to V13, it gets progressively slower. Same goes for the upstream Chromium they're based on. Haven't tried 13.5 though. Chrome's software presentation of frames is very slow, the bigger the surface the videos covers, the slower it gets. So even at the same resolution selected in YouTube's interface, there's big difference in running it in a small window vs full screen, particularly if screen is high resolution. MyPal 68 is much better at handling video, got smooth 720p @ 60 FPS playback without frame drops (VP9 codec) without GPU acceleration. So even if it works for someone well somehow on Chrome, more CPU time is spent presenting frames than would be needed if it was better optimized. Of course, if you don't mind the little inconvenience and lack of all YouTube features in one place (the browser), throwing a YouTube link to dedicated media player should be the most efficient as far as efficient hardware resource utilization is concerned.
  2. I have Firefox 52.9 configured very much like Serpent and guess what, this issue does not occur there with same uBlock Origin and settings. Also spoofing the same user agent as on Serpent (Firefox 71) to get modern layout, though Firefox 52.9 does not support WebP images so GOOOOOGLE is missing on the bottom of the page above the links to navigate to next pages. Might be an issue upstream since it happens on official Pale Moon. Or maybe an odd extension issue, who knows. But what kind of issue since there's no error? You can right-click the result link, copy link, paste and go and that also doesn't redirect back to Google, just normally clicking it does. Edit: No problem in SeaMonkey neither (non-UXP one I mean, never tried UXP one).
  3. Right, I actually wanted to write removing extensions doesn't work properly, but forgot. Since you already wrote about it, I may add references to the add-on may also remain in prefs.js, extension-preferences.json and extension-settings.json (maybe it only really remains in ONE of the latter two files, not sure), plus there's also extension's storage folder under storage\default\moz-extension+++*. No idea how to identify the correct folder, it may be guessed by other extensions' accessed/modified date of files in their respective subfolder...
  4. I don't think it's weird. Insightful might be the term.
  5. I hear ya. I'm even starting to get used to the new right click menu and using the icons for cut, copy, paste, etc. I forgot to write then, here I meant the new useful stuff, eg. the updated console host or new notification system (both were in Win10), not the nonsensical moving of old things around.
  6. uBlock Origin 1.42.4 seems to work fine here as well (XP x64). I noticed Firefox add-ons site doesn't let you find add-ons which current version is no longer compatible with the browser you're using unless you spoof the user agent with the newer version or access the particular add-on page directly (eg. via search engine), where there's a link to access the older versions of the add-on.
  7. I wasn't implying that what I said is an issue per se. My mind tends to wander and wonder about the possibilities out there I might be missing out on.
  8. HTML5 capable browsers naturally don't process embedded Flash elements inside a video tag, even if the video in that tag fails to play. For CloudTube, a script like below takes the embedded Flash element, removes video element and puts embedded Flash element in its place. There's no error checking, if layout is changed in a specific way, it'll break. // ==UserScript== // @name CloudTube - force Flash Player // @namespace https://github.com/UCyborg // @version 1.0 // @description Removes video element from CloudTube to allow HTML5 capable browser to pickup on embedded Flash video player. // @author UCyborg // @match https://tube.cadence.moe/watch?v=* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; (function() { // quality selector isn't programmed to have an effect on Flash player document.getElementById("quality-select").disabled = true; const f = document.getElementById("f4Player"); document.getElementById("video").remove(); document.getElementsByClassName("video-container").item(0).appendChild(f); })(); I don't remember ever checking GPU stats when Flash was still used on YouTube. Were videos actually decoded on the GPU then if supported by the host environment? I've read someone here saying they were. They seem to be always decoded on the CPU in the Flash player here. This seems to be because f4Player is coded to only use flash.media.Video class while HW accelerated decoding is provided by flash.media.StageVideo class. Also 60 FPS playback might have worked under specific circumstances. I found a hint that it supposedly worked in Flash version 11.5, but not 12.0. Either way, thanks for pointing out CloudTube, @cmccaff1. This alternative frontend is actually usable for watching videos in the browser on slower computers. Even if you have decent, but not too recent computer and want to watch higher definition / frame rate videos, Invidious insists on using AV1 codec. Poorer browsers may still be able to handle the YouTube's interface, but older CPUs will choke on AV1 codec even in the dedicated media players.
  9. Yup, we might even had ended up with higher quality software in that case. They also say striving for cross-platform compatibility improves code quality. Regarding performance, they say horse power is cheap while the effort to optimize for older hardware is not. So there are motherboards out there with relatively decent quartz crystals? Mine accmulates about 1 second per day lag. It was a cheaper model though. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't focus as much on those even on high end motherboards since who doesn't regularly sync time over NTP anyway. Windows 10 even does it daily out-of-the-box. I've set my car's clock about a minute forward from then current time about 2 years ago, I wasn't targetting exact minute, so not sure how much forward it was, just in case, and the clock forward is still better in the sense you can't be late if you orient from such clock (excluding the possibilities of extraordinary events). It's still about 50 seconds forward. Of course, my car does not and cannot go online to sync clock.
  10. Interesting, I was never that social, at least not in real life. Your experience is quite a turn. I felt lost in groups in particular, there was always talk about random things I know nothing about. Plus not much in this world seems interesting, so good luck finding common ground. OK, I'm going to stop here for now as I'm not sure what to say next. The time it takes me to compose certain posts...phew!
  11. Anyone knows anything about the glitch with uBlock Origin on Google search redirecting back to Google search when using JavaScript master switch? Have the following rules in uBlock along with a fresh browser profile so something else doesn't change the behavior: no-scripting: * true no-scripting: google.com false Perform a search on Google and try to open anything it finds, you will be redirected back to Google unless the target site also has no-scripting rule set to false. So JavsScript combination - Google yes, target site no doesn't work as expected. Any way to make it work like it's supposed to? No issue with recent non-legacy uBlock Origin version on other browsers.
  12. Seems the forum was recently updated. I don't remember the extra whitespace between member information and post content in people's posts. Is this just how the default theme that comes with the software is now or are there settings on the server side? Either way, I prefer the old look, I find the extra whitespace screaming "Hey, look at me!". The old look can be achieved by applying the following CSS: .ipsComment_author { margin: unset !important; } Or you could do: .ipsComment_author { margin: 0 10px 0 0 !important; } I find this prettier, considering the space on the left. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so YMMV.
  13. It's an extroverted world out there. Or so it seems. More often than ever, I keep hearing how socializing is important health-wise, especially for older people.
  14. Are there other types of SSD where performance doesn't decrease over time?
  15. They are standard. Unicode is a standard. https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode14.0.0/ https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html
  16. Works, has country flags (Segoe UI Emoji only has few proper flags), but much less readable than Segoe UI Emoji.
  17. Wait, should've read the documentation better...I didn't even put the parameters correctly...why the heck it didn't crash anyway in the console...now I got UD2 on another site...
  18. It's only meant to bypass crash invoked by debug code, that UD2 instruction, though it will also ignore other/different occurences of illegal instruction exception if they occur, in which case it'll crash due to that code not doing what it was supposed to do, you can't really tell it more precisely what kind of illegal instructions to ignore. Amazon works fine here though...at least clicking around without an account...
  19. Compatibility Administrator from Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit may be used to setup the database to apply compatibility shim IgnoreException to bypass illegal instruction exception until the stable version is released. Easiest way to see if it works is opening incompatible website, then opening/closing the console. Usually if the error is shown, it "crashes" then at some point, definitely by the time you close it, if not sooner.
  20. Quite a step up from prices we pay. The cheapest at our ISP (we've had cable - DOCSIS to be exact since the beginning) is 42€ (57,28 canadian dollars) for 200 Mbps DL / 20 Mbps UL, the same line covers the TV and telephone as well. We started with 2 Mbps / 384 Kbps back in 2004 or so, which was gradually upgraded over the years. Back then, telephone was on a separate line (non-cable), another provider. Interesting, didn't know such driver exists for Windows 98. I posted the INF from Vista, usable on XP as it is: https://msfn.org/board/topic/178016-android-rndis-driver It picks up the device by the compatible, universal ID. I wonder how many users do these things manually. Network Manager sets it up automagically.
  21. Internet told me some dark truths I'd never be aware of otherwise. Perhaps I'd be happier if I remained ignorant. I don't mind it, I keep it enabled for known sites to not have degraded the experience. But for random sites where I just want to read something and it works without, great, less work for the browser. Either way, I don't think it's going anywhere. The software I support for the living, at least the client side, is full blown JavaScript, nothing works without it, the server side is C#. The previous iteration, which was a desktop app (web part was an optional addon), was written in Delphi. And that was PITA to support, I got employed there in its last year of support, saw everything from glitches due to corrupted database, glitches due to degrading hardware which the software (RS-485 sequential communication - when one device goes bad, you have a problem communicating with all of them), slowest and apparently messed up Windows XP machines etc. They told me JS was the easiest and fastest way to get things done on the browser side. Two funny things I heard from the two developers, one said we should use the smallest libraries possible, the other said we should use the biggest ones to make use of available resources. I'm not sure if he was being sarcastic or not. He also said let the client do some work, why should server handle everything. BTW, since you still keep XP / 9x around, presumably you have Linux configured to interpret CMOS clock as local time? Some time ago, I switched my Windows installs to interpret it as universal time, which IMHO is the only sane configuration and how Linuxes and other OS handle it by default. XP doesn't cooperate though, the times goes back one or two hours - actual CMOS time (depending whether we're in DST or not) after 1h of uptime and on resuming from standby. Still, at least the hardware clock is left alone with that setting and it works OK for that 1h. I boot into XP occassionally as a sort of trip back through time. It'd be nice if someone looked into universal time issue, but it seems there's more interest in getting unsupported hardware / software working, something I'm not really interested in doing. I bet UTC issue is much less hopeless than new hardware / software. When this hardware goes, it goes, no more XP on bare metal I guess.
  22. The question is whether these things work on Firefox 68. Skype disables voice functionality entirely for that version of Firefox. Truthfully, that version is pretty dated; no support for newer regex expression additions, limited Intl.NumberFormat, no ResizeObserver, no support for nullish coalescing and optional chanining operators
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