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Everything posted by UCyborg

  1. I'm sorry, I didn't see this before. Which one of them? all of them? I have them all working in sp52 for a year at least, some much more. github-wc-polyfill for one. Maybe I read you wrong, I interpreted it as you got Serpent 52 addons working in Mypal 68. I tried Skype, spoofing newer Firefox 96 got it to detect microphone, doesn't detect speakers/headphones though.
  2. Yup, even on a browser with ANGLE, you can't get all WebGL features due to D3D9 limitations. Does the second one do anything if the first one is false? I have better stability with multi-process mode, leaving YouTube in the background tends to freeze and crash the entire browser then. Oh well, OpenGL as it is now is quite something, can have smooth HTML5 video (no frame drops with 1920x1080 @ 60 FPS VP9 codec). Issues I noticed: window contents shifted up, the same issue also have effect on various modal dialogs, the auto-scrolling icon disappearing and rendering popup dialogs by clicking buttons of various extensions is glitchy, blinky, reminds of z-fighting issues in some games, browser doesn't survive going to standby mode, when I get out, its window stops refreshing. I have a feeling OpenGL won't fare as it does now in potential future versions based on later Firefox versions due to their overhauling of compositing components. Some people are talking of BSODs related to Mypal, I got zero those, though I did max the RAM to about 3,9 GB out of 4 GB available, about 460 MB of data ended up in the page file. feodor2 also mentioned his XP glitching when using Minimize memory usage button on about:memory page, doesn't happen here neither. I do however use the ultimate version of XP, aka Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, coupled with stable drivers.
  3. How? I just get an error about extension being corrupted. userChromeJS doesn't work neither.
  4. I vote for fixing UI issues with OpenGL first. Direct3D is just retarded on Windows XP. With OpenGL, I can have browser windows on any monitor without lag even if that monitor isn't "primary" (unlike the behavior with D3D, it's a general issue/limitation that isn't application specific). And in New Moon / Serpent, enabling OpenGL pref just crashes it, though this the case also in upstream versions. FWIW, OpenGL working right cross-monitor might as well be NVIDIA workaround for XP (no experience with ATI cards in that regard), but if it works, it works. WebGL performance could also be improved, I only saw it work right in some old K-Meleon (Goanna based) build from 2020, which was broken later to be as p*** poor as in New Moon / Serpent...at least KM was still like that in 2021 last time I checked...of course these issues are XP only, same XP centric browsers performance is OK on NT 6.x+.
  5. Either way, If I understand this correctly, it's all about the fonts. Natively, Windows 8.1 is supposed to be the minimum for colored font support, hence black & white appearance on older OS. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/directwrite/color-fonts https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66867069/emoji-display-black-and-white-windows7-chrome-edge
  6. Or just memory corruption due to something not being done right, no way Firefox 68 uses instructions my Phenom II doesn't support. Funny, I get these popups of Windows Error Reporting about browser crashing or Application Error, but if I ignore them, I can keep browsing.
  7. At least there's font.name-list.emoji pref specifying which fonts to use. Guess what, I copied seguiemj.ttf from Win11 ISO->sources->install.wim->1->Windows->Fonts to my XP's C:\Windows\Fonts and now have most emojis in black & white on getemoji.com front page on XP on 360Chrome. They do.
  8. Must be some logic in Mozilla browsers mapping those codes to symbols in those fonts. Can't really install the font system wide to to have it automagically work with Chromium.
  9. Mozilla tends to handle more things on its own rather than depending on OS or its resources. I've seen emoji issues in Chromium browsers on Windows 7, but not on 10.
  10. No, I haven't until now...the one example seems to modify already retrieved content while you're looking for a redirect. Both HTTP header and content modifications are more straightforward with Proxomitron. At least it has some documentation. Another problem is that Babel targets Node.js environment and some code you get in the web hosted version won't work in the browser (unless there are magic switches in targets box that i'm unaware of). So you'd probably have to setup Babel locally along with anything else that might be required and maybe then you could compile something that could be fed to the browser.
  11. You mean besides mainstream browsers most people use? roytam1's Serpent and New Moon, feodor2's Mypal 68 as well. They may come from user generated content, eg. the posts on the following subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/lifeisagift/ How 'bout a full emoji library: https://getemoji.com/
  12. It seemed to work, though it showed browser unsupported banner then.
  13. I read somewhere regarding designing a website that as a business you can't afford to have a website that's not accessible from mobile devices. There are still CSS tweaks. It's what most of the internet want you to believe. Yet, we have people here running XP and such browsers and they didn't get robbed because of it. Admittedly, I've also logged into my bank a few times in modern times on XP (2020+). About banks, can someone enlighten me on why, when you have user + pass and a certificate, why replace the certificate with a smartphone app or Windows 10+ app? Why is this "better" and "more secure"? Why though? Support for newer web bells and whistles is worse than in forks.
  14. amwater.com...now that's one odd website. I don't think the issue is that the code can't execute due to trying to using unsupported features without checking for them, it gives the impression that it's just bugged somehow or rather gracefully degrades to non-functioning. Seriously, how can you mess up the ability to open login form so badly? Obviously transpiler is useless in this case since it will just regenerate the same code using different syntax while not altering the logic. So you'd have to debug it. Debugger in old school Mozilla browsers seems kinda poor, do older incompatible Chromium browsers have at least de-minification function for JS files and ability to snoop events (keyboard, mouse etc.)? It'd be a place to start I guess. I've made a small contribution to palefill, the script fixes for Stack Exchange websites and Reddit. Stack Exchange actually has over 170 websites. Assuming they all use that single problematic JS file, they should all be better now. And Reddit (redesigned one), while working now at first glance, makes my poorer Mozilla browsers unusable after opening the debugger while on it. Maybe if I took 64-bit browser, bought more RAM and waited for a while, loading would have made it to the end. Still, getting from browser just gobbling up RAM no stop after invalid regexp group error to comment pages normally loading is quite a step forward.
  15. Added customElements to YouTube and now have live previews (animated thumbnails) in search results on Pale Moon. Also spoofing user agent as Firefox 96. I haven't determined the oldest version they pick to use customElements. Did they remove them on the related / suggested videos on the right side? Never mind, depends on the video. One thing about Babel, you may want to pay attention to source type setting. "Script" is probably correct for most (all?) of the time. For one thing, "Module", where the name implies special kind of JS file, it also always adds "use strict;". The code you're pasting from random scripts may use features of the language that "use strict;" prevents from working. Edit: got stackoverflow.com's full-anon.en.js also transpiled. Again, no account to login, but the site seems to work correctly at the first glance.
  16. Just how I go about life in general. What little social life I had died shortly after getting employed. I expect nothing...but a lot of emails and phone calls. How do people end up together anyway? It doesn't make sense to me. My parents don't belong together...at all...yet here I am. Gee, thanks mom and dad for bringing me into this mess.
  17. Yeah, no way the menu actually needs that much. Or does it? Hm, there is actual index-docs.js on MS server without that seemingly random prefix in its name. Wonder how it's different from prefixed version. Error about undefined customElements in the browser console. About the other two, I noticed JS file with deprecation in its name that checked for JS features to determine whether it should show the unsupported banner. I've yet to try copying stuff from palefill's polyfills.js to chromefill's polyfill.js. They're implemented differently, so straight copy-paste won't work, will need slight adjustment at least if we even dare to hope it works. palefill also pulls Shadow DOM from another file online when that is requested. Syntax error in the browser console coming from that file.
  18. I left them at default. They're like a wall of Chinese text to me.
  19. Heh, this is really fitting: Source: https://bitcheese.net/web_browsers_must_die
  20. docs.microsoft.com with functional index menu on the left and no browser unsupported banner. Styling remains a bit off though. Tricks: palefill with the following rule added to lib/main.js: { selector: ["docs.microsoft.com"], fix: ["std-customElements", "std-PerformanceObserver", "std-queueMicrotask"] } Downloaded the problematic https://docs.microsoft.com/_themes/docs.theme/master/en-us/_themes/scripts/d48a1159.index-docs.js, copied its content into Babel to cleanse it of incompatible JS syntax. Saved the output into new index-docs.js and put it somewhere under html folder of Proxomitron Reborn proxy and added the following rule to its default.cfg under HTTP Headers section: In = FALSE Out = TRUE Key = "URL: Microsoft Docs (Out)" Match = "https://docs.microsoft.com/_themes/docs.theme/master/en-us/_themes/scripts/*.index-docs.js" Replace = "$RDIR(http://local.ptron/microsoft_docs/js/index-docs.js)" Read local.ptron as the root of its html folder. This takes a bit of learning how to setup Proxomitron... Also no idea what's with that random string in docs JS file name (does it change name periodically?) and whether just matching whatever there is correct, the file you put through Babel once will get outdated sooner or later anyway, so then something breaks or something is even missing and you don't even know it!
  21. palefill was mentioned a while back. It's an extension based on the one fixing GitHub for Pale Moon and similar browsers (GitHub/GitLab Web Components Polyfill) and it operates on the rules that specify a website and fixes that should be applied to it. Fixes are currently hardcoded, but modifying extension shouldn't be difficult, at least for the purpose of experimenting with rules; have a copy of the XPI file, 7-Zip (or whatever you like for ZIPs) and a text editor and you can add rules in lib/main.js under const _definitions, then install modified XPI over the old one. Pixiv has been recently added by the author. Fixes are listed in the big switch statement in the evaluateFix function in the previously mentioned main.js file.
  22. Pixiv presumably wants customElements in most places. LinkedIn seems to only complain about missing PerformanceObserver when randomly clicking around. It blanks on you even on latest New Moon? Console (press F12) usually prints out an error. I don't have an account on either site.
  23. @TrevMUN What browser and which version are you trying to access those sites with? Don't forget that I'm no JavaScript wizard, my JavaScript portfolio is very small. But who knows, maybe someone else comes along who may give a hint. I have the impression polyfilling gets complicated since that extension - github-wc-polyfill - is tackling GitHub specifically. I mean if it was as simple as how it's in the script we've mentioned before, someone would've already done it, huh?
  24. @vinifera was quoting my remark regarding XP, and I was quoting @cc333's remark about XP. Maybe it was only you, @NotHereToPlayGames, who was lead down the rabbit hole. Of course, such threads tend to bring reminiscence about good 'ol times.
  25. Polyfilling is just plugging in new JavaScript functionality at runtime not supported by the browser's engine, so your usage of "polyfill" in that sentence is kinda off. But I know what you meant. Specifics are tricky, an example is @InterLinked's chromefill extension for Chromium browsers (https://github.com/InterLinked1/chromefill). You basically write new functions and make them available in a way JS interperter encounters them before site's code that tries to call them. Due to the nature of this particular extension, it can be easily implemented as the user script. They're more universal and advanced users tend to already have an user script manager extension such as GreaseMonkey or TamperMonkey. You take the content of polyfills.js and add the metadata block like the one below at the top. There are additional options that are supported by user script managers, their docs are your friend, but these should be sufficient for now. // ==UserScript== // @name chromefill // @namespace http://yourwebsiteorjustuniquestringyouwilluseforyourscripts.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description Automatically injects polyfills for older browsers into webpages // @author Your name // @match *://*/* // @run-at document-start // @grant none // ==/UserScript== Use the option to create a new user script in your user script manager and paste everything into the editor window and save. Set it ro run before other scripts you may have do. InterLinked's polyfills script was tested on Pale Moon 28.9.3 with GreaseMonkey for Pale Moon 3.31.4 and SRWare Iron 70 with TamperMonkey 4.15 on stackoverflow.com - not the best example since the site has other issues with old browsers, but the script seems to execute correctly, message about missing globalThis is gone. I don't know any other site to test. For usage with TamperMonkey, in its settings, Advanced mode should be set under Config mode and then Inject Mode set to Instant. Regarding limitations, you can't eg. make Firefox support Web Serial API with Polyfills since this requires new low-level code interacting with COM ports. Polyfills also don't cover new JavaScript language syntax, eg. the famous nullish coalescing operator or optional chaining operator.
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