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UCyborg last won the day on April 20 2023

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  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/1990jvf/new_teams_client_on_windows_10_ltsc/ On Win10 2004+, it should install without jumping through most below hoops. For older versions such as popular 1809, I'm summarizing the relevant post: Install the latest Windows-Updates (2024-01). Install Edge WebView2 Runtime (or Edge itself, which contains WebView2): https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2?form=MA13LH Allow msix sideloading (run Command Prompt as administrator): reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Appx /v AllowAllTrustedApps /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f Enabling “Developer Mode” manually or via Group Policy should also work. Download Teams MSIX: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/new-teams-bulk-install-client#option-1b-download-and-install-new-teams-using-an-offline-installer Install MSTeams via MSIX (run PowerShell as administrator): Add-AppProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath "$PSScriptRoot\MSTeams-x64.msix" -SkipLicense It may work with older builds of Win10 1809 as well. Regarding Edge and Edge WebView2, it's probably the best to have both formally installed for best compatibility with stuff requiring WebView2. When both are correctly installed, there's technically just one copy of files for specific Edge version on disk, they're hardlinked together. I had Developer Mode enabled from before, so 3rd step was skipped. I wonder what it would say otherwise. In the last step, I just specified absolute path to where .msix file was downloaded, which was in Downloads folder.
  2. The text for that website on search engines such as Bing, DuckDuckGo and Yahoo appears to be in Chinese. Google has it updated to currently used English. 99% of users won't have problems with their computers rendering such texts. Support for Chinese, Korean and Japanese was optional in Windows XP, but could be installed by ticking a single checkbox. These render out-of-the-box in subsequent versions. Cyrillic fonts are available out-of-the-box on XP (and in subsequent versions). Certain alternative operating systems may still require user to do some extra installation steps for certain texts to be correctly rendered.
  3. I only visited videocardz.com on 32-bit Serpent 52 on XP x64 back when it was first mentioned for the short time, couldn't make it crash. Same today on Win10 on 64-bit Pale Moon, except this time I opened 28 tabs instead of just checking few articles in a single tab. Though uBO blocks scripts from everywhere except videocardz.com, disqus.com and disquscdn.com. Can't say I ever had to look into GroupOrderList and driver services' tags. BTW, about that Kingston's RAM stick of mine, it's probably fine, seems to be just Memtest86+ 5.01 glitching out. I probably ran it in single thread mode for the first time when I got the stick while I enabled multi threading for recent run, to give CPU more work. Read that mode was still buggy in that version. Repeated testing (2 passes) with latest and greatest x64 version of Memtest86+ 7.00, no errors. It looks like existing tests are more thorough compared to the old version. It's not the most optimal match for the other two Mushkins, I missed the train when DDR2 was still in common use and I usually don't buy used stuff, just skeptical about it in general.
  4. Aye, those components don't have to be compatible with other components from different builds. Though Windows 8.x is unusually buggy in some places in my experience, couple of years ago when I still used it, I could use Win10's (one of then actual builds) quartz.dll on Win8.1, that fixed otherwise broken quick preview functionality of QTTabBar when it came to certain audio and video files.
  5. Looks like it won't be necessary for now. What about 63/37 variant? Some swear by it.
  6. Yeah, can't say I noticed any. BTW, I missed some when counting for first time, there's 31 T-on-top-shaped ones and 11 ones with s red stripe, and possibly 6 smaller ones and 8 even smaller ones. I didn't get around to blowing dust out for at least 2 years now, so finally did it, seems stable now, even with 7% overclock, CPU heats to 50 °C now rather than 54 °C when under heavy load. There was a lot of dust in a quite massive heatsink of Akasa AK-968, the aftermarket CPU cooler I have. That Kingston's RAM stick still doesn't work correctly, one of the tests just make everything freeze, so stuck with 4 GB of RAM again. If it was at least DDR3...oh well, I'm used to it, but those extra 2 GB could really make a big difference in general.
  7. Yeah, I suspect it's capacitors too, they look fine, but as far as I know, as they age, capacitance goes down and equivalent series resistance goes up. I'm shocked by the sheer number of them, there's more than 26 of them on the board! 26 with familiar top with a T shape, then at least 6 with a red stripe on top and possibly few much smaller ones (assuming I didn't confuse them with something else). With my poor (de)soldering skills and tools, I'm not confident about touching this board right now. I guess the heat could be a smaller factor, it's pretty hot these days and the room it's in is about 27 °C. Blowing the dust off harder accessible spots is still on my TODO.
  8. Just as I embraced browsing with a 64-bit Pale Moon on this trusty old desktop, the aging hardware has started to fail. Two days ago, I scheduled a shutdown and went to sleep, when I woke up it was still running, completely unresponsive, screens in standby. After I reset it, I noticed Windows bugchecked with DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE in amdppm.sys. Not much is written about this driver, the file description just says Processor Device Driver, internet suggests it does power management for the CPU among other things. A day later I have a browser open and a video playing in PotPlayer and all of the sudden, video starts to lag and computer gradually become unresponsive, to the point nothing responds anymore, almost totally frozen picture, just the mouse pointer still moves. Another reset, run MemTest86+ 5.01 and it hangs 5 minutes into the test, just the plus in MemTest86+ text is still blinking, but everything else, including Time, stops. I noticed it stopped in 4-6 GB range, where the cheap new-old Kingston 2 GB I got half-year ago or so is. Remove the Kingston and run it again, this time I get error spam few minutes into testing. Go to BIOS and reset CPU Overclocking from Overclocking Profile, where 7% was set below, to Auto (it was providing slight frequencies' boost, 0,2 GHz for the CPU and slightly higher other clocks; RAM, FSB...), run the test again, it seems stable. Then I reinstall the Kingston and again, hangs 5 minutes into test. So I'm back from 6 GB of RAM to 4 GB. And I suppose it's only a matter of time before factory frequencies become unstable. The 7% overclock configuration has been stable for 15 years!
  9. There's KolibriOS. But if Windows was made like this, surely something else would suffer.
  10. For use with PotPlayer: https://github.com/Alexey71/PotPlayer-SponsorBlock - Modified version of the default PotPlayer YouTube extension that adds SponsorBlock support. I've been occasionally using old Mozilla extension Ant Video Downloader, with its YouTube module slightly modified to work with changes implemented in recent times, yesterday it still mostly worked, sometimes getting title of the video wrong because requests for video can go out before title of the page is updated. Today it no longer works, seems URL parameters used to recognize characteristics of stream are gone.
  11. Win95 did much less under the hood. Not really fair to compare Win11 to an OS from almost 30 years ago that had to fit in 4 MB of RAM.
  12. You can always go with standard Google Chrome with auto-update, then it will just work.
  13. Decompilers won't give you the comments or meaningful variable names. Then there's the structure of the code tree and how code is split up. Certain optimizations can also change code in some ways, so again, you're getting back something different than what was originally written by the programmer.
  14. Still no news about new version with working GPU rendering on XP, including WebGL? We're past mid-June.
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