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Everything posted by Goodmaneuver

  1. Ktree9 Jan 2013 if that the latest does not include functions of those shown in the other image for DirectX 11 which D2D1 is used in programs mentioned in other posts. Blackwingcat's Msvcrt wrapper (includes _ftol2_sse) does not need to be used, it depends on what files are chosen but BWC's wrapper was shown in 6 posts up. It works if not used to extreme as a replacement for Msvcrt - the memory manager has trouble. The DownlevelLCIDToLocaleName is equivalent to LCIDToLocaleName for instance, so redirecting LCIDToLocaleName to DownlevelLCIDToLocaleName should work. Please consider.
  2. Nlsdl has the missing kernel Dwrite functions. I have read somewhere in MSFN that may have helped to redirect functions to other modules using KEX stubs and core.ini is there instructions?
  3. I do not know but other sites like AOL Yahoo or ESPN New York Times FOXSports they all work with CometBird 9. One thing is the sites are split up into many different sites (possibly ads or other 3rd party sites) where as yours does not appear to do this. Perhaps the data load in one big package is too much, that is, does your site load progressively or in one hit? HTTP:// makes no difference. Also one game site on the CometBird Google home page that displays white; if transversing back with the back return one page button on the navigation tool bar; the page displays for a fraction of a second? This might be because of my FireFox 31 User Agent. No tested it is not the UA. (www.y8.com) I personally like the old style of page where sites had separate packages and background colors could match your system colors. Use old user agent for this on MSN, I have enabled the use of system colors in grepref. There is some attempt with this with modern browsers with the dark theme. Most of the time we are stuck with bright white to backgrounding on more complete page downloads but Bruninho your site is not white of course.
  4. @FantasyAcquiesce: >>what version of KMP Player works on Windows 9x? I have referenced this too many times though https://msfn.org/board/topic/153566-windows-98-as-high-quality-video-player/?do=findComment&comment=1160640 and here https://msfn.org/board/topic/178000-h265-playback-on-win-98-with-vlc-or-mplayerc/?do=findComment&comment=1157157
  5. There is also more pins on the P4 which meant better grounding and more options with the design. The Pentium 4 had more success with the AGP and video cards but P4 needs much more cooling as it uses more power. I did not mean to post this separately.
  6. The Pentium 3 has 8 cycles per instruct where as the Pentium 4 has 21. This meant that the P3 could out bench the P4 at the same clock frequency in certain instructions. The P3 is 32 bit where the P4 is 64 bit. The P3 went to 1.4GHz where the P4 started at 1.3GHz and went to 3.8GHz but if we stick to socket 478 of which we should for the comparison went to 3.4GHz or so but needed a board to run at 1000Mhz FSB for better compatibility. (Not as many around but if getting a new socket 478 board try and get at least 800MHz FSB.)
  7. >>if I can get everything working on the PC What is not working? I like a standard ATX sized board over that of a mini as if the heatsink is upsized on the gaphics then it does not cover all of the PCI slots.
  8. I do not not agree with a lot of what you said ZaPbUzZ. P4 has my vote over P3, we are only talking P4 socket 478 I believe. Nothing wrong with AMD but like everything undamaged hardware is not easy to find. Just because some manufacturers included a ISA slot, it did not interfere with PCI bus speed, the ISA if not divided properly from the PCI will be twice as fast as it should be though, and therefore very hard to get compatibility. If there is a wider spacing between the two types of slots then it is usually done correctly.The board I mentioned was quality with the BIOS update, it got a nVidia AGP card working better after a while. Early PCIEX boards with analogue sound AC97 are usually not a problem with drivers.
  9. Once you have LAV filters installed it should work in WMP or MPC 4.9 or KMP or ZoomPlayer any except those that use their own plugins like VLC. Make sure it works with WMP. Then disable the internal filters of MPC-HC of AVI, MP4, etcetera as I said in the other topic. It is not a major fault, starting again will still require the same approach. Everyone can have their own ideas but I have no KnownDlls in KernelEX folder except UNIcows. KernelEx auxiliary dlls were placed in the system folder. This build I am posting now has KernelEx installed in the system folder. KernelEx is always loaded with every program except Kernel32.dll which I have disabled.
  10. Try another burner like Cheetah or Alcohol but they were not free. These both work but there might be other burners that do too. Image Burn and CDburnerXP stopped working. I used them years ago but when I went to use them 2017 they did not work. There are others out there that I am not sure of like early version of PowerISO. Be aware Cheetah never returned email.
  11. It really makes a difference to use Pncrt as Msvcrt in the CometBird folder so I have made Msvcp60 use Msvcr70 then when a media player is called to open there is no problem with Msvcp60. Msscript.ocx can have an affect on the web page layout slightly. Siria: I appreciate your work and it would be great if you shared your YouTube downloader script when ready. Bruninho: CometBird 9 says transferring data continuously from your website. Turning of JavaScript did not change anything.
  12. I realize you had not zoomed the pages but if the web page is only partially displayed then that would be useless unless the page could be zoomed out to see the rest of the web page. For SeaMonkey 2.32 if the profile browser cache was deleted on exit instead of all the profile being deleted would that work? I think as I said those sites like Veoh need FF45 technology for instance. I will try disabling Javascript and try your website later.
  13. @Bruninho: You have a good point about this. It is surprising how Netscape performs but can the page be zoomed out or is it just cut away. Did you try the Veoh or DailyMotion sites with the comparison as this might be the future for sites that are updated? I think MSN has at least 4 levels of browser compatibility. IE6 style, FireFox 16 style, FireFox 31 and FireFox 49 style (as examples only). Web pages displayed differently in the past with different browsers, as long as they were fully functional and displayed what was supposed to then that was OK. There is something about certain sites like yours that is intriguing. It is to remember though SeaMonkey 2.32 is the latest browser technology in the test, FF35, next was K-Meleon 75, FF31.
  14. There is no encryption method problem with DailyMotion or Veoh the pages download fully. If you try them with SM 2.32 they will look the same as Mozilla 9. If you use a user agent of FireFox 45 in Mozilla 9 then YouTube will send back the shorthand version of data and the page will render like DailyMotion or Veoh. There should not be a TLS error with MSFN nor Vogans but Vogans used PHP which is a bit different though is said to be easier to learn/program. No PHP embedded in HTML is popular. Python is said to be easier to learn/program. If not setup properly Vogans can throw an error in Opera 12.02. My Opera actually throws a error message accusing kernl386.exe but I do not think that would be the problem. It works OK in Mozilla 9. If there is an encryption problem including wrong version of TLS there would be no handshaking, no displaying of page but there would be an encryption error message. If the browser does not know TLS 1.3 then more than likely there would be no talk of it in the message. 2K had service packs which updated the kernel and many other modules. It is not like 98/ME. The servers had a fairly easy conversion of HTML5 to HTML4 for older browsers, (things may have progressed beyond this though now) if there is a way to display websites like Veoh for example with an older browser then that would be great.
  15. @Bruninho: SM 2.49.5 will have the later HTML support and YouTube will send the info for the later HTML style. CSS3 is not a problem as it has been around for a long time. See DailyMotion or Veoh.com does not work as it it sending the later HTML info. I do not worry about accessing all sites that much if you want you could use a proxy. Often they are not using high encryption but are using TLS3. @Loblo: I wanted to confirm as Siria thought you might be using IPS - Theme. There is no need to change to IPS but if you enter your MSFN profile right down the bottom there is Theme with a down arrow. Click on the arrow - default or IPS. If you can use FireFox to post then you are doing real good in that regard as well. @cc333: Transparency effects work in browser pages and games it's just ME/98 has not got the transparency bit function in GDI32.
  16. >>I know this AMD CPU is pricey, but do you have any experience of the Super Socket 7? Yes had experience - what CPU is pricey? There is sometimes an advantage with this board technology but the AMD CPUs have to remain cool as they will error if allow to warm up too much. System will stop. They had various designs and it really depends on what motherboard you are interested in. I would not step back to DOS7.1 with WinME despite what others may think, read the previous post in Is ME really that bad? the one above and below mine. DOS 8 is designed to be faster and is designed for WinME. Why not try your current Pentium 4 system even with XP and see what runs and what does not run. Your CPU you have installed may not need any up dating. Device manager should say what speed it is operating at.
  17. @Bruninho: SeaMonkey 2.32 was released in 2015 Mozilla 35. It will not connect to the new HTML version in YouTube but try DailyMotion or Veoh for rendering. Make sure YouTube plays on later OS. If browser is set to use a player to open when a video is selected than this will work so long as the site has no embedded player, just have to search for some. Many sites use the YouTube embedded player. Your uploaded fonts are version 5.12.1 I tried it and it is not compatible with the new HTML standard and therefore not much better than CometBird 9 or Opera 12.02 and not as good without JS. @Loblo: You still have the thick blue bars between the MSFN posts don't you? You do not use IPS - Theme and have no width issue?
  18. The FontAwesome I downloaded and converted was 5.13.0 dated 20/03/2020. It could be the latest? Opera had the shareaholic gliphs prior to recent FontAwesome install. I did notice I have more gliphs working in YouTube now in the peoples comments. Other sites have the FaceBook and Pinterest etcetera symbols but MSFN home is a good test for the Marlett replacement in Opera and button gliphs.
  19. Sometimes there is instability still associated near the graphics card if using older games then this instability seems to be enhanced. I would persist with your 7600GT if heatsinking is good on the GPU. I have upped the GPU heatsink size of my 7900 and put stick on heatsinks on the GRAM. There is a whistle if listening carefully under different CPU loads. (instability) and this really went whistling when I tried a 1989 game. Things are improving as I mentioned but the card has some way to go though. I recently turned KEX off on DSound.dll. Moderner games are worth trying to exercise the card or even videos or DVDs. The monitor not working could be the resolution change but often it is the video not getting through to the output properly. The monitor can be checked if working at the resolution of Duke Nukum 1 and you probably know that it is OK from other cards. >>Just tried putting in a Radeon X550. First thing that I noticed was that DOS type screen are razor sharp compared the the Nvidia! >>CMD runs without glitches, Duke 1 open normally right away. Duke 3D has no issues either. Restart in MS-DOS Mode works. Yes the analogue output was better with ATI later cards and they will work on older games better. The nVidia Quadro FX boards had a better video analogue output but the 7600 should be pretty good - try 1920 x 1080 or 1600 x 1050.
  20. I looked hard into the link you gave for GitHub about FontAwesome but could not find any downloads, I am not a member. I have converted them to TTF from another website download but I am not sure if they are going to be the same as the ones you are talking about. When viewing MSFN home page the shareaholic buttons and inspecting the element or page source it uses version 5.9 of FontAwesome. There seems provision for TTF by the look but it did not allocate the gliphs. It might be because I have not got version 5.9 files. I have Opera allocating some gliphs of shareaholic buttons but they are not the same as Win10 Opera. This issue is not as serious as the font selection for text using Marlett which is fixed by disenabling WebFonts in Opera 12.02. Mozilla 9 will run with JS fully enabled. I have increased the size of JS cache and the way it is handled, more zoom range selections, all types of stuff in the grepref on page 8. If it is JS trouble then Mozilla 9 will give message that this script is taking too long to respond or something like it and then asks do you want to stop it and whether to make it permanent. I did not opt for permanency unless it was proven to be trouble consistently after reboot etcetera. I only did this once if I remember properly and years ago before the grepref mods. Mainly I just said no to stopping script and it ended up parsing it. I do not have that trouble anymore. Later Mozilla does not have this feature of stopping script or warning about being too slow. I have gone a bit overboard on disabling ciphers pref("security.ssl3.rsa_seed_sha", true); This one is considered safe I believe where as my upload will have it false. Fixed. One website that went to the new standards is DailyMotion several years ago and did not provide older HTML support. I have got the speed of CometBird 9 working well and does not have any stalling but not all web pages render properly.
  21. Radeon 9700 is not bad a choice but second hand is very difficult to get a good one. The problem was the heatsinking was not enough. It is better I think to buy from a good shop but pricing may be high now. Show me the link perhaps. If you read some other post of mine I have only a one good 9500. The 9500 stood a better chance of survival. If they work but have been getting too hot, if left sitting for years they tend to artifact if working at all and the artifacting can/probably be the motherboard suffering. ME/98 has plug and play driver install were as the earlier DOS everything had to be manually installed but I am not experienced with this. WinME is DOS 8 where as Win95/98 is DOS 7. DOS 8 is faster. I suppose DOS in Win9x could be considered the 16 bit part. Perhaps read https://msfn.org/board/topic/177150-is-me-really-that-bad/?do=findComment&comment=1157694
  22. Although OTF and WOFF2 can be converted to TTF but how to make them usable substitutes.
  23. Wine is for Linex isn't it? I use WinME on a real machine. I quote this from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/SVG_fonts "SVG Fonts are currently supported only in Safari and Android Browser. Internet Explorer hasn't considered implementing this, the functionality has been removed from Chrome 38 (and Opera 25) and Firefox has postponed its implementation indefinitely to concentrate on WOFF. Other tools however like the Adobe SVG Viewer plugin, Batik and parts of Inkscape support SVG font embedding."
  24. >>but with a few adaptations, they work on Mozilla browsers too >>It worked on 3.6, at least. Mozilla has a select button font problem (or I have not the fonts used installed) but disabling downloadable fonts did not work. Perhaps the TLS 1.0 could not talk to the server to download the fonts with FF 3.6? Can you show the improvement, explain the improvement or name the web site that the fonts worked.
  25. If the CPU is 32 bit x86, AMD seems a good choice back in the day as WinME is 16 bit and at that time AMD seemed to be the one it was tuned for. With progressive Windows operating systems they seemed to cycle between favoring Intel and AMD. Most processors are 64 bit, x64 and your Pentium 4 will be. Just look them up in CPUworld.com. It will not matter which one you choose because of the 64 bit processor technology and only a single core will be used. The exception I have quoted PhotoWorxx only works with Intel processors and it is the single core CPU frequency that has the most effect. But look up the bench comparisons on CPUworld. I do not recommend Geforce 6200 but if you intend to use the PCI bus then 6200 is about the best that drivers are available for. I think the graphics manufacturers were promoting the PCIEX bus. Later on, the best PCI graphics card that I encountered was a HD5450 2048MB. If you intend to use AGP then I would read this https://msfn.org/board/topic/175188-ati-widescreen-support-for-win9x/?do=findComment&comment=1157246 I can not make up your mind what to do, it is your choice.
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