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  1. Recently I got a 16TB WD Gold and an enclousure from a 18TB drive,bcoz my spare one from a 14TB did not worked somehow and I confirm that it works.Fired the WD Formatter and 16TB partition is there,now we're at max :) Sry the screenshot is in CZ, lang but you can figure it out I guess.
  2. Finally managed that.What a obstruction. Disable the pagefile completely on all drives reboot Then I was able to delete the old one on C: directly in windows in TCMD define the new one on E: reboot again and there it is....finally on my ramdrive.....
  3. After a while I came back to play it again, since I had a idea to use the non allocated memory as a ramdisk and put the pagefile there. However I can't still move the damn pagefile, it still looks that it's stuck on C: and on auto. If I list what WMIC see it's stiil on C: wmic pagefile list /format:list AllocatedBaseSize=3029 CurrentUsage=331 Description=C:\pagefile.sys InstallDate=20230305102952.562500+060 Name=C:\pagefile.sys PeakUsage=369 Status= TempPageFile= wmic pagefileset list /format:list Description='pagefile.sys' @ E:\ InitialSize=2 MaximumSize=4597 Name=E:\pagefile.sys SettingID=pagefile.sys @ E: This setting is also visible in registry.I have tried to boot from miniXP, deleteted manually the pagefile, but after reboot, it's still creating it on C: Im starting to get insane
  4. I have the diskmod files stored in my archive aswell, however originally written for Win7 32bit, did somebody tested it succesfully on WinXP 32bit?
  5. In my Lenovo W500 I have spare miniPCIex slot, which is normally used to the extra Wifi module or TurboCache memory module, however it's not a regular miniPCIex where you can plug mSATA,, it has a different pinout, where it also has USB2.0 lines. So I get a miniPCIex card with 2 uSD slots which has a onboard ALCOR bridge chip.I had to patch the BIOS for whitelisting..Normally when it get's detected, installed, it's a regular removable USB,to make a fixed drive out of it I have used a Hitachi driver. Now it behaves like a disk ,altough you can remove it via systray like example my USB3.0/mSATA disks,that I use.Probably that you can still remove it, XP refuse to create a pagefile there.
  6. There are issues with certain drivers/programs that prone unstable as experienced, so not going that way atm.
  7. The drive is on D: , where I want to put the pagefile.In reality it's a miniPCI to uSD which I have converted to fixed drive.Could be, that the drivers are not loaded fast enough, so it sticks to C:
  8. I have 8 GB of RAM, however less than half is available to XP since is 32bit as usual.I would let the pagefile small as possible atleast for creatng the dumps. My case is whatever change I made to my settings it looks like it's stuck on automatic.
  9. I have made a smaller one on C: and a bigger one on D:, but no effect after reboot.I'll try to boot to miniXP, delete it manually and restart, how it will be created again.
  10. Hi, I recently added a second drive to move the pagefile there,however every setting that I try, the pagefile remains on C: , even if I change the pagefile size on C:, after reboot the size remain the same. When I check the registry settings, there it's set how it suppose to be, but seems Windows is doing whatever it wants. Did somebody experienced something similar?
  11. BTW had you the luck to try a bigger HDD than 14TB with the WD Formatter? Im thinking now to get a 16TB WD drive...hope it will work.
  12. I have myself never tried the max 2TB FAT32 limit on my Win98SE, only 500GB, so hard to say what could be a difference compared to Win98SE. Sadly RLoew won't tell us more.
  13. I figured it out.Two packages are only needed, the wmfdist11.exe and wmpappcompat.exe from the WMP11 installer.Then just update the driver and works as expected.
  14. Over the years I found some time to dig in my tuned Win95OSR2.1 system and due to some programs want to update the two mentioned DLL's.I have digged a IE5.5 installer, where I found Advapi32.dll version 4.71.0118.0 and Comctl32.dll version 5.81 (5.50.4807.2300) Does somebody recall please, if there was any newer version of these DLL's? If not, were they also availabe as a standalone update or they just came only with IE5.5? Wasn't there any resource leak with this Comctl32 version? I had also a version 5.00.0910.1306 in my archive which said to have no resource leak with the classic shell,but dunno with this one.
  15. Thanks. I have tried the MTP Device Driver cab file before, extracted and when I wanted to update the driver it didn't finished because something was missing in the inf as the error message said. When I check the driver details with my phone attached, I see two drivers used. WPDUSB.SYS and WUDFRD.SYS. the WPDUSB.SYS is version 5.2.5721.5145 (WMP_11.061018-2006) which looks definitely from the WMP11 package and the WUDFRD.SYS version is 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255).
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