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Posts posted by AstroSkipper

  1. 15 hours ago, DrunkenTanker said:

    Yep. Works. But header (where user information) GUI is broken. All header elements in top-left corner. Mypal 29.

    And the results are shown correctly. Tested in New Moon and Serpent, latest releases. :)

  2. On 7/22/2022 at 2:24 PM, Ben Markson said:

    FWIW... palefill-1.17.xpi fixes original FF52 but it doesn't fix Serpent v52.9.0 (2022-07-15) (32-bit)

    From Serpent:

    11:46:10.968 window.controllers is deprecated. Do not use it for UA detection.  gui
    11:46:11.696 Shell timeout  main.b3a5f442b60154dd25de.js:15:534011
    11:46:12.531 WARNING: Unhandled promise rejection. Reason: TypeError: o.setQuery is not a function unhandledrejection { target: Window ? gui, isTrusted: false, srcElement: Window ? gui, currentTarget: Window ? gui, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: true, defaultPrevented: false, composed: false, timeStamp: 2898, cancelBubble: false }  gui:35:156
    11:46:12.537 WARNING: Unhandled promise rejection. Reason: TypeError: o.setQuery is not a function unhandledrejection { target: Window ? gui, isTrusted: false, srcElement: Window ? gui, currentTarget: Window ? gui, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: true, defaultPrevented: false, composed: false, timeStamp: 2898, cancelBubble: false }  gui:35:230
    11:46:12.541 TypeError: [Unknown global error]: "o.setQuery is not a function"   main.b3a5f442b60154dd25de.js:15:534011
    Stack trace:
    11:46:12.988 App did not load (Unsupported app)  gui:35:169
    11:46:12.989 Error: Unsupported app   main.b3a5f442b60154dd25de.js:15:534011
    Stack trace:
    11:46:12.999 Error:   core-js.743054a088626b13bb851b7d26724fb5.js:7:25457


    Hi @Ben Markson! Although there is a small glitch in the left corner above, VirusTotal still works properly in Serpent v52.9.0 (2022-07-15) (32-bit) if updating palefill to version 1.17. A file can be uploaded, the service checks the hash, and the results are shown correctly. Same in New Moon 28.10.6a1, latest build from 2022-07-15. :yes: Therefore, I can't confirm your statement. :no:

    Cheers, AstroSkipper ordi1fun.gif

  3. On 7/22/2022 at 12:15 AM, AstroSkipper said:

    Yeah, that's what I said. If you try this batch to launch the proxy, you'll observe the issue mentioned before:

    @ECHO ON
    TITLE Start ProxHTTPSProxy
    CALL A.bat
    START /WAIT "ProxHTTPSProxy 1.5" "ProxHTTPSProxy.EXE"
    CALL B.bat

    Use dummy code for the batch files A.bat and B.bat. Or replace them by echo messages! Now, you'll definitely observe the bug i.e. the misbehaviour of this command. :)

    Hi @George King! Here now is the code of a batch with the command start /wait, which works as it should:

    @echo on
    echo Notepad will be executed
    start "Notepad" /wait notepad.exe
    echo Notepad has been executed and closed

    You see the command start /wait works with some programs, and with others, it doesn't. That is the epitome of a bug! :yes: In the case of starting ProxyMII, the command start /wait fails completely as it is described in Microsoft's documentation. :(

    Kindest regards, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

  4. 2 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

    Again, just seeking information for others, not myself. I know its hard to find good sliced bread, but even good break crumbs would be a start, yet even those crumbs can lead back to somebody. I do worry about people that seeking even just a little privacy (so to speak, of course)

    Use a trusted VPN provider with a no log policy! The Tor Network is well-known and actually great, but if a node is a server of the government or a criminal, then the user may get into real trouble. In principle, anyone can participate in the Tor Network. Nothing for me! :no: 

    AstroSkipper bybye.gif

  5. 3 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

    Thank you for the quick reply, that was very helpful. I think people have to use caution online. Just the way it is, but glad and grateful for this advice. I don't use these extensions myself, but I'm in a different place in life and situation.

    Just to clarify it! I do not use extensions but a trusted VPN service to establish secure and anonymous connections.
    The installation in Windows is very simple.

  6. 57 minutes ago, jaclaz said:

    I had a look, and can confirm that nircmd has a provision to act when a process is closed (waitprocess).

    Of course it needs to be tested specifically if it causes too much CPU usage and if it works in this case.

    nircmd also has a "start hidden" command (exec or exec2 /hide) so it could be used instead of cmdow.


    Thanks for your reply! I know nircmd very well, and I used in the past, too. But cmdow is really great. A lot of parameters! I use it when windows have to be controlled in a batch in different ways. :thumbup

    AstroSkipper :)

  7. 1 hour ago, XPerceniol said:

    Sorry for choosing this thread, but it came up on a sear here and it seemed to be the right place to ask, as I myself, don't actually know the answers and these programs seems complicated even to me. Apologies if this was the wrong thread to ask; again, not for me I'm inquiring but I care and would never knowingly lead anybody astray.

    This thread is the right one. Don't worry! It's about anonymity, VPN and browser extensions promising safety. :yes:

  8. 37 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

    I'm just wanting to be able to give better advice because in some places in the world, such things could cost them their lives as some rights we enjoy here are still criminal.

    The only things I can recommend is what I see here, and it would seem people have to pay, but how to pay without giving out real name?

    Hi @XPerceniol! I used to be sceptical about payments and anonymity, too. But in the meanwhile I don't see any problems if the vendor can be trusted. And that's the problem. At the end you have to trust the vendor of a VPN service, otherwise you won't be happy at all. What I did is to buy a time-limited for one (or more) year(s) or a lifetime license of a VPN service at StackSocial. They have less expensive offers. When you buy a license there, you get a code which must be redeemed with the corresponding provider. The seller and the VPN provider are independent of each other. Thus, the VPN provider only knows what you have booked. But in the end, it's all a question of trust. And there is no such thing as one hundred percent security. trust-me.gif

  9. 29 minutes ago, maile3241 said:

    Hello all,

    I haven't been here for a while. Is there already an exe version of the proxy? I can't test it because I don't have python.

    Hi @maile3241!Welcome back! Currently I am working intensely on a new release of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu. All serious problems have been solved so far. A lot of adjustment due to implementation of new features! Frankly, a lot of work, but it is fun. The original release of @cmalex's ProxyMII works as it is. You do not have to install Python. The archive contains all necessary files. Here is the post with a download link of the most recent version: 

    And here is my short tutorial:

    Have a lot of fun! :)

    Cheers, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

  10. On 7/13/2022 at 1:16 PM, AstroSkipper said:

    VirusTotal's new interface fails again. :realmad: A file can be uploaded, the service seems to check the hash, but this checking is never coming to an end. No hash of the file is shown. :no: Tested in New Moon 28.10.6a1, latest build from 2022-07-06 with installed palefill 1.16.  I already reported it in the issues of palefill on GitHub.

    Good news! VirusTotal works again by updating palefill to version 1.17:thumbup Tested in New Moon 28.10.6a1, latest build from 2022-07-15. Thanks to martok on GitHub! goodjob.gif

    Cheers, AstroSkipper ende.gif

  11. 13 hours ago, George King said:

    @AstroSkipper I saw that in past. It was not bug in start /wait, but it was caused by used workaround in called app by using some kind of "SendKeys" commands. 

    Of course, when you need to wait until is finished, another crazy workaround is possible.


    start /wait "XX" cmd /c start mypapp.exe


    And it can be also launched using invisible.vbs. Yes, it's crazy, but doable, until problematic code in called app is fixed :)


    And yes, there could be like another 1000 different reasons why you see it as "bug" :)

    Yeah, that's what I said. If you try this batch to launch the proxy, you'll observe the issue mentioned before:

    @ECHO ON
    TITLE Start ProxHTTPSProxy
    CALL A.bat
    START /WAIT "ProxHTTPSProxy 1.5" "ProxHTTPSProxy.EXE"
    CALL B.bat

    Use dummy code for the batch files A.bat and B.bat. Or replace them by echo messages! Now, you'll definitely observe the bug i.e. the misbehaviour of this command. :)

  12. 16 minutes ago, George King said:

    @AstroSkipper Can you explain me more bug you are talking about?

    Of course! In the case of @cmalex's PROXYMII the command start /wait doesn't work as it should do. It leads to an interruption of the batch with output ^C and a question to abort or to continue if the proxy's status window was closed manually. In a test batch I created it worked with the program notepad. You see in some cases it works, in others it doesn't! @cmalex already knew that there is a bug in this command. And I stated it a few posts before, too. :yes:

  13. 4 hours ago, George King said:

    @AstroSkipper It's not buggy you need to add Window Title. Example of correct order. You find like 10.000 lines of code in XP2ESD, you can take many code examples there :)

    start /wait "SDI" "%~dp0SDIO.exe" 

    Hi @George King! Thanks for your reply! The command start /wait is definitely buggy, confirmed several times. I tried it in my first version of my batch, and it doesn't work as described by Microsoft. Therefore, your statement is not correct. Due to a bug in the command start /wait it works in some cases, and in others it doesn't. It depends on the program you want to launch with this command. Due to a tip from @cmalex  about the correct use I was able to get rid of the bug. But once again, in some cases it may work. In my case,  unfortunately, it fails. In the case of cmdow, I have had no problems so far. I love it. amoureuxcoeur.gif It has a lot of interesting parameters. Here is a link: https://ritchielawrence.github.io/cmdow/#usage  The tool is virus-free and certainly cannot be blamed for false alarms. But, I'll test your Invisible.vbs as an alternative, too. In any cases, thanks for your efforts! I do appreciate that! :yes:

    Cheers, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

  14. Hi to all! Just a short update! Due to a tip from @cmalex about the correct use of the command START /WAIT I was able to solve my problem completely. Microsoft's documentation is flawed and misleading. :realmad: I was very close to the solution, but I couldn't find the correct syntax of the command START /WAIT. This command is buggy, and its documentation, too. I wasted a lot of time in trying all combinations of this START /WAIT command. Thanks for that bug, Microsoft! pcwut.gif  Anyway,  I modified the code of my batch file, and it works perfectly. ssupercool2.gif No further need of a loop! No unnecessary background activity! Exact what I wanted to achieve! :cheerleader: Therefore, no further solutions are necessary, the problem is solved. o-k.gif  And once again, many thanks to @cmalex! :thumbup You are an excellent programmer as far as I can tell! :yes:

    Cheers, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

  15. Hi @cmalex! Here is the code of my batch to show you my implementation of the functionality described above:

    TITLE Start ProxHTTPSProxy
    cmdow "Start ProxHTTPSProxy" /HID
    START /MIN "Activate Proxy" ActivateProxy.bat
    START "ProxHTTPSProxyMII v1.5" ProxHTTPSProxy.exe
    CD PopMenu
    tasklist | find /i "python37" >NUL 2>&1
    ) ELSE (
      sleep 10
    START /MIN "Deactivate Proxy" DeactivateProxy.bat

    As you can see, the activation and deactivation are done by the batch files ActivateProxy.bat and DeactivateProxy.bat. After hiding the program's window, my file activates the LAN settings, starts the proxy, performs a loop checking whether python37 is running or not, and deactivates the LAN settings on the proxy's exit. The file sleep.exe is an alternative to timeout.exe, which is not compatible with Windows XP, to perform a delay. I decided to use the program tasklist.exe inside the loop because it has an ERRRORLEVEL output I needed. If all this is done by using a higher programming language such as Python, it will presumably lead to less processor load and less background activity. If you want to take a look into my files, let me know! BTW, any improvements or optimizations of my code are welcome, of course! :yes: 

    Cheers, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

    PS: Although I had my doubts, such functionality can actually be realised with pure batch programming. q.e.d.

  16. 4 hours ago, cmalex said:
    22 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

    What kind of ways do exist to start an executable in a batch file, and, after closing it manually, to perform the next tasks in this batch?

    I find something. It must call "on_exit" function then window closed. I'll try to integrate it.

    import win32api
    import time
    def on_exit(signal_type):
       print('caught signal:', str(signal_type))
       for i in range(1,5):
         print (6-i)
    win32api.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(on_exit, True)

    Hi @cmalex. Thanks for your reply! What functionality exactly do you want to integrate? You know I do not have any skills in the programming language Python. I am just a batch programmer If at all. As far as I can see, the code you posted is a loop in python. You try to catch the event of ProxHTTPSProxy's exit. Is that right? Anyway, it would be great if you integrated the functionality of activating the proxy's LAN settings on its start and deactivating on its exit. upp.gif I already did that by creating a batch, compiled to an exe file, providing such functionality. But the background activity still bothers me. A more elegant solution is welcome at any time, of course! :yes: 

    Cheers, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

  17. 3 hours ago, InterLinked said:

    All right, Support ended up telling me to post over on the community forum as well.

    If you're upset about GitHub breaking on Windows XP or older browsers in general, you can do your part very easily now - take 2 seconds to head over to the page and provide a +1 and thumbs up.


    We need all the support we can get to move GitHub towards the right solution here!

    I performed a +1 and a thunbs up to support your call. I personally hate all unnecessary changes breaking websites which worked in the past. Just to be a bit "modern"! snegatif.gif

  18. 6 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

    I programmed a loop checking wether the proxy is running or not in a simple batch.  When the proxy is closed manually, my batch goes on and deactivates the proxy's settings as it should be. :cheerleader: Actually, I should be very happy, but the processor load on the one hand and the intense background activity on the other still bother me. nonono.gif Have to think about that in general, and of course, about possibilities of optimization! idee.gif

    Hi to all! :hello: I optimized my batch file to reduce CPU load. After a lot of tests and adjusting the code, I compiled my bat file to an exe. The processor load is now ok i.e. normal. The background activity is less than before, but frankly, it still bothers me. It would  be great if some more ideas or suggestions were offered to solve the problem described in my previous posts. Perhaps, there are also other solutions than a loop. Anyway, I was able to create an exe file with the functionality of @heinoganda's ProxHTTPSProxy_PSwitch.exe. :cheerleader: It was not as easy as it might seem. Honestly, I am not such an elegant programmer, and the file ProxHTTPSProxy_PSwitch.exe I like more, but my file definitely works, and that's most important. I love simple and functional solutions. At the moment, though, I don't know wether I'll end up using it in my PopMenu. It's a decision about whether you like something or not. grattermenton.gif

    Cheers, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

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