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Everything posted by MCT

  1. Dude, why do u do that! u start a new topic just cuz someone hasnt posted a solution within a day or 2 of your posting just redo your cd
  2. make sure u put it on c:\windows\fonts then open the control panel > fonts & it will auto register your new font
  3. just use the switchless installers available here on the forum
  4. .net what? .net framework ? visual studio .net ? u need 2 be more clear
  5. i doubt it, when u uninstalled it, did u completely remove it? meaning.. make sure most registry keys in registry r deleted make sure u removed directories in program files & application data (check every user)
  6. IMO, its 2 dark, maybe something lighter, but if its your first , welldone
  7. this way u cant come back & say "it trashed my operating system, i lost valuable files" u read & agreed 2 the terms & conditions
  8. nice guide.. 5/5 EDIT: not trying 2 hijack the thread, but could someone send me there nve (original, not shrinked) seems i get a bad download or something from nero, cuz everytime i run the program it crashes after installing it, it only happens with EDIT: nvm
  9. it *shouldnt* but try it anyways
  10. mutahir theres alot of sites that have toolbars , such as.. http://deviantart.com http://playboyskins.desktopninja.com/home.htm < its not porn many others, just google "Yz Toolbar"
  11. its an overall good product, but i prefer to do alot of modding myself, so i rarely use this.. but its my first choice for a tweaking program
  12. oh THATS what they mean, for external 1 internal learn something new everyday
  13. i dont know what kix files are.. but u could do this easily with if exist via batch file, or u can do if statements in autoit
  14. no, thats a known bug, the ie icon disappeared i was going threw windir & removing folders i didnt think i needed, but i had made a batch file to remove wbem, which i didnt think i needed, but i did, everything is ok now that i deleted that line in my batch file, i thought maybe u done the same thing
  15. just use a reg file, makes things alot easier
  16. http://www.3dspotlight.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=368
  17. i had this problem too, its not nlites fault, u deleted the folder wbem , reinstall windows but leave this folder
  18. i still want 2 allow her 2 browse the internet & talk on msn msgr, but thats it , i will keep looking how can i disable the save to disk thing?
  19. just do it like any other way if exist c:\filename.txt set usb=c:\ do the same for all drives just have filename.txt on your usb drive
  20. 1) to remove that, open resource hacker goto browselc.DL_ or .dll depending where u get it from & browse the menu tree, i believe the 1 u want is 263, but u will see it ive seen this b4, but cant remember where, some1 will let u know tho
  21. if u goto cmd & type ver u will probly get 2600 if its slipstreamed (which is original xp) u can check file versions tho
  22. ya, thanks pit, i ended up finding it on iexbeta not long after i posted that jeez, this saves me hrs of time lol, took me ALONG time 2 get my current explorer looking like that, without using any other tools but now that ive found this, i think ill stick with it since it makes things 10x easier lol
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