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Everything posted by Geej

  1. 2 programs versions update: 1) USBDeview v1.25 to 1.29 2) USB Drive Letter Manager V4.2.3 to V4.2.4
  2. Try setting your cursor into your one of your fav theme file and use that theme file as the default. (b'cause your theme file will contains all your nice cursors, wallpaper, sound scheme etc)
  3. Geej

    XP Issue

    Can also try create a new user account and see if u can get normal desktop. If can, just del your existing user account and use this new account. So u do not have to install all application, maybe re-conguration some application setting only.
  4. Is your CD-disc bootable in the first place? U can check that using magicISO. If magiciso does not detect this disc as bootable, it will not be bootable. http://www.magiciso.com/MagicISO_Full.jpg (see status at top-left side, "Bootable / Non-bootable") when u insert your disc after launching MagicISO Alternatively, place other bootable CD that u know of and try to boot from your CD drive. If it works, that means your XP installer is not bootable (corrupted) Good luck
  5. Assumption : copy1.cmd is on your CD root and Drive E is your optical drive, the full path to your .doc on your CD is E:\autoplay\docs\myfiles\files.doc and u want to copy all .doc to C:\ cd autoplay\docs\myfiles copy /Y *.doc C:\ The first command will navigate to the AutoPlay\Docs\Myfiles folder, then The 2nd command will copy all .doc to C:\ U can also replace 2nd command as copy /Y *.doc "%systemdrive%\" To made things clearer, so your code can also be cd autoplay\docs\myfiles copy /Y *.doc "%systemdrive%\" U mention "also the %systemdrive% could be other then C:/' which means u can only specific absolute drive letter if u wish to copy to D: , E: etc (other than %systemdrive%, which is usually C:) *cd in my 1st command means change directory (DOS command). It is not a folder named CD (just to make it clearer) If it is not correct assumption, then probably 1st command will be cd cd\autoplay\docs\myfiles Otherwise pls provide the full path to your .doc , including optical drive letter so that I can provide the correct command. I hope u understand that to suggest a proper code that works for you, u need to be very specific in stating your full path that is on your CD. Hope that helps.
  6. Assuming copy1.cmd (avoid copy.cmd as it is similiar to cmd internal command copy) is at root CD and myfiles folder is only 1 level deep, then try something like this within copy1.cmd cd myfiles copy /Y *.doc C:\ What this means is that copy1.cmd is lauch from root of CD, it will navigate 1 level folder to myfiles folder. Copy all of .doc files to C:\. I'm using absolute path, rather than relative one. Feel free to change to relative path if u have to.
  7. Sorry to hear that. I don't use nlite, so not familiar with oem folder structure. I can't really help. Just curious why firefox need to run via cmdlines.txt. Have u try running via svcpack. Unfortunately, I only know how to make it run via svcpack.inf in silent exe form. (not thru your batch script) Hopefully, some nlite user can advice
  8. Q1: (force delete a file, assuming it is not locked by any process) General synatx is del /F /Q yourfile.txt The above syntax assuming you are deleting in current directory. If your .cmd file is not in current directory and it is in different path, just provide the full path to delete the file, maybe like this del /F /Q "%systemdrive%\myfiles\yourfile.txt" See del /? for help in cmdbox Q2: Copy files Syntax md "%systemdrive%\myfiles" <----assuming systemdrive is C:\ copy /Y *.* "%systemdrive%\myfiles" <--- assuming u call the cmd file in <CDdrive>\myfiles directory Open cmdbox, see copy /? and set (view environment variable) for more details NOTE: if u want to copy files & subdir in myfiles folder, use xcopy See xcopy /? for syntax Command-line reference A-Z
  9. Try removing the quotes around Productkey (not ProductID). Check out here for syntax [userData] ProductID="remove....lol" to [userData] ProductKey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Firefox installer uses the -ms switch (Not /S switch). Should look something like this:- Start /wait "%systemdrive%\applications\firefox.exe" -ms or try ready-made one Just my observation, not verified.
  10. My calc plus (1.0) comes from Kel's UberPacK v13.8.4.
  11. Nope, works fine on my XPSP3 using XP theme (not classic style). Tested with my Windows Embedded, Window 7 & Metallic shades
  12. Yes U can. Runs in alphabetical order. A better option is to place an index number in front of the file name. eg. 001program1.exe 002program2.exe This way, 002program2.exe will run only after 001program1.exe is installed. (Note: ensure filename must not have space)
  13. Geej

    HFSLIP and IE8

    I tried HFslip 1.7.8 with IE8 beta 2 in VM, surprising it works (also integrating with SP3 & WMP11). Don't know whether it can work on live install. After getting to user desktop, MS update says I'm missing KB960714. I've just begining to experiment this IE8 beta2. If u r interest to try, u have to repack IE8 beta 2 into silent exe and run from HFSVCPACK. (Do not have to include IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe) Altrenatively, u can also experiment using HFAAO with switch IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe /quiet /update-no /norestart
  14. In xplorer2, just type %userprofile%\desktop in the address bar (w/o launching the DOS box, F10). It will bring u to your own desktop folder
  15. How to gain access to the System Volume Information folder
  16. Try shimgvw.dll (in system32 folder)
  17. Thanks for sharing. Nice. (I'm using animated blue aurora)
  18. Just to set thing straight again for my post #5, Dec 08 KB955839 still put my timezone to Kabul. Well I realised I put KB955839 in wrong folder. When put in correct folder, it works correctly. (I'm using HFSlip). Sorry about that.
  19. Thanks for the explanation, it is useful in understanding Autoit better. Like the code in the last codebox of your post (that solve this problem of mine): Case Else _DisplayHELP() EndSwitch Else _DisplayHELP() Thanks again & have a happy new year.
  20. Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Video tutorial for tutorial 2 Tutorial 4: Autoit Tutorial 5: Inf. Look under Important topics Hope that helps
  21. From your HFSlip log, these (a quick look) might be problems contributing failed intergration: WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe (Main SP3 file 316.4 MB) is missing in your logfile WindowsXP-KB922120-v5-x86-ENU.exe-> sp2 only (try to exclude SP2-only hotfix) WindowsXP-KB952206-x86-FRA.exe -> U use French version to intergrate? Not sure that will work or might cause problem WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB917275-Client-ENU-x86.exe -> SP2 only (try to exclude SP2-only hotfix) WindowsSearch-KB940157-XP-x86-enu.exe --> Take a look here Windows Defenders For the rest, suggest u go to HFslip forum and see whether other members can advice. Frankly, I don't see why u need to manually integrate them as sometime manually intergrate so many hotfixs may yield unexpected results. HFSLIP is meant to address all these potential issues. Another important thing: Use only clean source. == added== WindowsXP-KB922120-v5-x86-ENU.exe is for Sp2. If u slipstream Sp3 (KB936929), I think u do not need KB922120, assuming it has been fix with Sp3. Like I said, those hotfixes that are meant for SP2 should be avoid first since these are expected to resolve in SP3. Then see how it goes...
  22. U did not attach HFSLIP.LOG for review, so unable to see what went wrong. Anyway,have u place all these programs/hot fix as recommended in HFSLIP? If u are using HFSlip & still face problem, may I suggest u post your problem in HFSlip forum.
  23. I want to thanks MHz for the great example using Switch...Case...EndSwitch & using Command Line Parameters in CDROM script. It actually inspires me to write my own version of ejecting/closing the DVDtray. My idea is to place the menu only on My Computer -> Context menu -> Open ($Driveletter) & Eject ($driveletter) I'm stuck in getting it to display the helpfile when double click the complied exe (DVDTray.exe) w/o any parameters. (I understand help file is display via cmdline using DVDtray /?) Also I base the drive letter thru 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup', 'Installation Sources' as I think it represent the actual drive letter since it is use for Xp setup installation, not virtual drive letter. (I only have I drive). Or is there a better regkey to read off the drive letter? Advice appreciated. #NoTrayIcon $DVDLetter = StringMid(RegRead ('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup', 'Installation Sources'),1,2) $ValidiateDriveLetter=StringRegExp ($DVDLetter,"([A-Z]:)",0);0 = Returns 1 (matched) or 0 (no match) If $ValidiateDriveLetter=0 then;code 0 means invalid drive letter Msgbox (48,"Invalid Drive letter, Exit !",$DVDLetter) Exit endif If $CMDLINE[0] then Switch $CMDLINE[1] Case 'help', '/?', '-?', '/help' Call ("_DisplayHELP") Case 'open' ToolTip ( "Ejecting "&$DVDLetter&" tray...", @DesktopWidth/2 , @DesktopHeight/2 , "DVDTray" , 0,1 ) CDTray($DVDLetter, 'open') Case 'close' ToolTip ( "Closing "&$DVDLetter&" tray...", @DesktopWidth/2 , @DesktopHeight/2 , "DVDTray" , 0,1 ) CDTray($DVDLetter, 'closed') EndSwitch Endif Func _DisplayHELP() $GetOSVer=@OSVersion If $GetOSVer =StringCompare ($GetOSVer,"WIN_VISTA",1) then $OSmsgText="Computer" If $GetOSVer =StringCompare ($GetOSVer,"WIN_2000",1) then $OSmsgText="My Computer" If $GetOSVer =StringCompare ($GetOSVer,"WIN_XP",1) then $OSmsgText="My Computer" MsgBox(0x40000, Default, 'DVDTray Cmd Syntax are:' & @CRLF & _ 'Open ('&$DVDLetter &')'& @CRLF & _ 'Close ('&$DVDLetter&')' &@CRLF&@CRLF & _ '*() Drive letter is automatically assigned.'&@CRLF & _ 'It will not take another drive letter'&@CRLF & _ 'such as DVDTray open J:'& @CRLF&@CRLF & _ 'Menu appears in Context Menu of '&$OSmsgText&@CRLF&@CRLF & _ 'This program can be uninstall in Add/Remove Programs -->DVDTray'); show help & info EndFunc ==Edit== Sorry. My actual drive is $DVDLetter = StringMid(RegRead ('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup', 'Installation Sources'),1,2) Post the wrong drive as it was just to test my script. I have amended in the codebox to reflect this change but not in the attachment. There are 3 files that I built, 1) Installer, 2)DVDtray & 3)uninstaller I just post the DVDTray.au3 code part as I'm loss how to get it display the help info by doubling clicking DVDtray.exe
  24. Try item 394: Remove/Restore Network Icon - System Tray or see post 20 whether this can help. or U can also check your registry key whether the key setting actual stick after change. In a test Xp m/c, my LAN is [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\{4F452355-4358-4011-957F-524C952167EE}\Connection] "PnpInstanceID"="PCI\\VEN_14E4&DEV_167A&SUBSYS_3029103C&REV_02\\4&39BFA70D&0&0030" "MediaSubType"=dword:00000001 "Name"="Local Area Connection" "ShowIcon"=dword:00000000 "IpCheckingEnabled"=dword:00000000 (Do a text search within the registry: Local Area Connection) Check ShowIcon & IpCheckingEnabled actually stay at dword value : dword:00000000 (ie disabled after reboot) I think u need administrative right to keep the setting as is is in HKLM, assuming u made changes as limited user. I see 99% tray info icon. Possible this program is causing normal logic operation. (U can try uninstall first and see whether network icon still shows) Hope that helps
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